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Still fled he forward, looking backward still;
Ne stayd his flight nor fearefull agony,
Till that he came unto a rocky hill
Over the sea suspended dreadfully,
That living creature it would terrify
To looke adowne, or upward to the hight:
From thence he threw him selfe dispiteously,
All desperate of his fore-damned spright,
That seemd no help for him was left in living sight.

But through long anguish and selfe-murdring thought,
He was so wasted and forpined quight,

That all his substance was consum'd to nought,
And nothing left but like an aery Spright,
That on the rockes he fell so flit and light,
That he thereby receiv'd no hurt at all;
But chaunced on a craggy cliff to light,

Whence he with crooked clawes so long did crall, That at the last he found a cave with entrance small.

Into the same he creepes, and thenceforth there 58
Resolv'd to build his balefull mansion

In drery darkenes and continuall feare
Of that rocks fall, which ever and anon
Threates with huge ruine him to fall upon,
That he dare never sleepe, but that one eye
he keepes for that occasion;

Still ope

Ne ever rests he in tranquillity,

The roring billowes beat his bowre so boystrously.

Ne ever is he wont on ought to feed

But todes and frogs, his pasture poysonous,
Which in his cold complexion doe breed
A filthy blood, or humour rancorous,
Matter of doubt and dread suspitious,

That doth with curelesse care consume the hart,
Corrupts the stomacke with gall vitious,

Croscuts the liver with internall smart,


And doth transfixe the soule with deathes eternall dart.

Yet can he never dye, but dying lives,


And doth himselfe with sorrow new sustaine, That death and life attonce unto him gives, And painefull pleasure turnes to pleasing paine. There dwels he ever, miserable swaine, Hatefull both to him selfe and every wight; Where he, through privy griefe and horrour vaine, Is woxen so deform'd, that he has quight Forgot he was a man, and Gelosy is hight.



Britomart chaceth Ollyphant;
findes Scudamour distrest:
Assayes the house of Busyrane,
where loves spoyles are exprest.

HATEFULL hellish Snake! what furie furst
Brought thee from balefull house of Pro-

Where in her bosome she thee long had nurst,
And fostred up with bitter milke of tine,
Fowle Gealosy! that turnest love divine
To joylesse dread, and mak’st the loving hart
With hatefull thoughts to languish and to pine,
And feed it selfe with selfe-consuming smart?
Of all the passions in the mind thou vilest art!
O! let him far be banished away,

And in his stead let Love for ever dwell;
Sweete Love, that doth his golden wings embay
In blessed Nectar and pure Pleasures well,
Untroubled of vile feare or bitter fell.

And ye, faire Ladies, that your kingdomes make
In th' harts of men, them governe wisely well,
And of faire Britomart ensample take,
That was as trew in love as Turtle to her make.
Who with Sir Satyrane, as earst ye red,

Forth ryding from Malbeccoes hostlesse hous,
Far off aspyde a young man, the which fled
From an huge Geaunt, that with hideous
And hatefull outrage long him chaced thus;
It was that Ollyphant, the brother deare
Of that Argante vile and vitious,


From whom the Squyre of Dames was reft whylere; This all as bad as she, and worse, if worse ought were.

For as the sister did in feminine

And filthy lust exceede all woman kinde,
So he surpassed his sex masculine
In beastly use all that I ever finde:
Whom when as Britomart beheld behinde
The fearefull boy so greedily poursew,
She was emmoved in her noble minde
T'employ her puissaunce to his reskew,

And pricked fiercely forward where she did him vew.

Ne was Sir Satyrane her far behinde,

But with like fiercenesse did ensew the chace. Whom when the Gyaunt saw, he soone resinde His former suit, and from them fled apace: They after both, and boldly bad him bace, And each did strive the other to outgoe; But he them both outran a wondrous space, For he was long, and swift as any Roe, And now made better speed t' escape his feared foe.

It was not Satyrane, whom he did feare,

But Britomart the flowre of chastity;

For he the powre of chaste hands might not beare,
But alwayes did their dread encounter fly:
And now so fast his feet he did apply,
That he has gotten to a forrest neare,
Where he is shrowded in security.

The wood they enter, and search everie where;
They searched diversely, so both divided were.

Fayre Britomart so long him followed,

That she at last came to a fountaine sheare, By which there lay a knight all wallowed Upon the grassy ground, and by him neare His haberjeon, his helmet, and his speare: A little of his shield was rudely throwne, On which the winged boy in colours cleare Depeincted was, full easie to be knowne, And he thereby, where ever it in field was showne.



His face upon the grownd did groveling ly,
As if he had beene slombring in the shade;
That the brave Mayd would not for courtesy
Out of his quiet slomber him abrade,
Nor seeme too suddeinly him to invade.

Still as she stood, she heard with grievous throb
Him grone, as if his hart were peeces made,
And with most painefull pangs to sigh and sob,
That pitty did the Virgins hart of patience rob.
At last forth breaking into bitter plaintes

He sayd; "O soverayne Lord! that sit'st on hye
And raingst in blis emongst thy blessed Saintes,
How suffrest thou such shamefull cruelty
So long unwreaked of thine enimy ?

Or hast thou, Lord, of good mens cause no heed?
Or doth thy justice sleepe and silent ly?



What booteth then the good and righteous deed, If goodnesse find no grace, nor righteousnes no meed?

"If good find grace, and righteousnes reward,
Why then is Amoret in caytive band,
Sith that more bounteous creature never far'd
On foot upon the face of living land?
Or if that hevenly justice may withstand
The wrongfull outrage of unrighteous men,
Why then is Busirane with wicked hand
Suffred, these seven monethes day, in secret den
My Lady and my love so cruelly to pen!

"My Lady and my love is cruelly pend

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In dolefull darkenes from the vew of day,
Whilest deadly torments doe her chast brest rend,
And the sharpe steele doth rive her hart in tway,
All for she Scudamore will not denay.

Yet thou, vile man, vile Scudamore, art sound,
Ne canst her ayde, ne canst her foe dismay;
Unworthy wretch to tread upon the ground,
For whom so faire a Lady feeles so sore a wound!"

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