Thereto she learned was in Magicke leare, And, as she passed through th' unruly preace 40 41 Of people thronging thicke her to behold, That thorough rude confusion of the rout, Some fearing shriekt, some being harmed hould, Some laught for sport, some did for wonder shout, And some, that would seeme wise, their wonder turnd to dout. In her right hand a rod of peace shee bore, The which was with Nepenthe to the brim upfild. Devized by the Gods for to asswage 42 43 Such famous men, such worthies of the earth, 44 As Jove will have advaunced to the skie, Before that they in blisse amongst the Gods were plaste. Much more of price, and of more gratious powre, 45 As last arriving by the listes side, 46 Shee with her rod did softly smite the raile, And pacing fairely forth did bid all haile They lightly her requit, (for small delight 47 Which when she saw, downe on the bloudy plaine Her selfe she threw, and teares gan shed amaine; Amongst her teares immixing prayers meeke, And with her prayers reasons, to restraine From blouddy strife; and blessed peace to seeke, By all that unto them was deare, did them beseeke. But when as all might nought with them prevaile, 48 Shee smote them lightly with her powrefull wand: Then suddenly, as if their hearts did faile, Their wrathfull blades downe fell out of their hand, And they, like men astonisht, still did stand. Thus whilest their minds were doubtfully distraught, And mighty spirites bound with mightier band, Her golden cup to them for drinke she raught, Whereof, full glad for thirst, ech drunk an harty draught. Of which so soone as they once tasted had, Wonder it is that sudden change to see : For passing joy, which so great marvaile brings, They all gan shout aloud, that all the heaven rings. All which when gentle Canacee beheld, In hast she from her lofty chaire descended, 49 The trumpets sounded, and they all arose, Thence to depart with glee and gladsome chere. Those warlike champions both together chose Homeward to march, themselves there to repose; And wise Cambina, taking by her side Faire Canacee as fresh as morning rose, Unto her Coch remounting, home did ride, Admir'd of all the people and much glorifide. 50 51 Where making joyous feast theire daies they spent 52 That since their days such lovers were not found elswere. CANTO IV. Satyrane makes a Turneyment T often fals, (as here it earst befell) I That mortall foes doe turne to faithfull frends, And friends profest are chaungd to foemen fell: The cause of both of both their minds depends, And th' end of both likewise of both their ends; For enmitie, that of no ill proceeds But of occasion, with th' occasion ends, 2 And friendship, which a faint affection breeds Without regard of good, dyes like ill grounded seeds. That well (me seemes) appeares by that of late Twixt Cambell and Sir Triamond befell; As als by this; that now a new debate Stird up twixt Blandamour and Paridell, The which by course befals me here to tell : Who, having those two other Knights espide Marching afore, as ye remember well, Sent forth their Squire to have them both descride, And eke those masked Ladies riding them beside. Who backe returning told, as he had seene, 3 That they were doughtie knights of dreaded name, And those two Ladies their two loves unseene; And therefore wisht them without blot or blame To let them passe at will, for dread of shame. But Blandamour full of vainglorious spright, And rather stird by his discordfull Dame, Upon them gladly would have prov'd his might, But that he yet was sore of his late lucklesse fight. |