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(by yeas and nays,) 199; passed, (by yeas and nays,) 203; motion to reconsider, 209;
laid on table, 214.

House of Representatives, Order concerning Committee of Conference with, laid over, 12;
adopted, 15; Committee, 16, 17; Report of accepted, 25.

House of Representatives, Orders concerning, 30, (Document No. 3,) 39, 42, 45, 55, 79,
149; Report inexpedient on, 241, (Document No. 119.)

House of Representatives, Committee on, 28.

House of Representatives, Resolve on mode of submitting question of representation to
people, 208, (Document No. 108); Committee of the Whole discharged from consid-
eration of, 316; assigned, 316; laid on table, 345, 349; motion to close debate on, 349;
amended, (by yeas and nays,) 350; ordered to second reading, 354; motion to amend
rejected, 354; passed, 354.

House of Representatives, Petitions concerning, 151, 209, 217.

House of Representatives, Resolves concerning, 34, 61, (Document No. 14,) 69; (Docu-
ment, No. 18,) 84, (Document No. 29,) 98, (Document No. 36,) 118, 138, (Docu-
ment No. 42,) 126, (Document No. 49,) 127, (Document No. 51,) 128, (Document
No. 50,) 138, (Document No. 59,) 148, (Documents Nos. 65, 66, 68, 69,) 149, (Docu-
ments Nos. 70, 71,) 150, 151, (Documents Nos. 73, 74,) 165, (Document No. 91.)
House of Representatives, Table concerning, 154, (Document 84.)

House of Representatives, Quorum in, Resolve concerning, considered in Committee of the
Whole, 227; laid on table, 227; Committee discharged, 227; amended and ordered to
a second reading, 290; passed, 293.

House of Representatives, Order to notify Speaker of, 18.

Howe, Solomon, Petition of, 54.

HOYT, HENRY K., Motion, 238; Leave of Absence, 148, 349; Petitions, 82, 129.
HUBBARD, WILLIAM J., Motions, 19, 24, 333.

Hunt, Harriet K., Petition of, 44; Report concerning, 190, (Document No. 105); consid-
ered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 209, 214, 232.

HUNTINGTON, CHARLES P., Motions, 158, 162, 258, 318, 319, 321, 325, 359; Re-
port, 152; Resolves, 148.

HUNTINGTON, GEORGE H., Leave of Absence, 315.

HURLBUT, MOSES C., Motion, 127, 149.

HYDE, BENJAMIN D., Motion, 241.

IDE, ABIJAH M., Order, 48. 49.

Imprisonment for Debt, Order concerning, 31, 97; Petition concerning, 35; Resolve con-
cerning ordered to second reading, (by yeas and nays,) 306; motion to lay on table
rejected, 318; amended, 318; passed, 319; motion to reconsider, 321, 355; motion to
reconsider laid on the table, 355.

Ingersoll, C. J. J., Petition of, 196.

Insolvency, Commissioners of, Resolve of Committee concerning, 87, (Document, No. 30.)
[See Secretary.]

Jackson, Francis, et al., Petition of, 35.

JAMES, WILLIAM, Motions, 113, 198; Report, 167.

JENKINS, JOHN, Motion, 326; Resolves, 325, 326; rejected, (by yeas and nays,) 329, 332.
JENKS, SAMUEL H., Motion, 362; Resolve, 138.

Johnson, N. T., et al., Petition of, 129.

Journal. [See Convention.]

Judges, Commissions of, Resolve concerning, 293; second reading, 299; amended, 303;
passed, 304.

Judges, Order concerning list of, 147; List of, 187, (Document, No. 101.)
Judges, Tenure of, Resolve of Committee on Bill of Rights concerning, 208, (Document

No. 107); considered in Committee of the Whole, 302; second reading, 308; passed, 317.

Judges of Probate, Order concerning, 36. [See Secretary.]

Judiciary, Committee on, 29; authorized to sit, &c., 303; Orders concerning, 36, 39, 42, 45,
56, 78; Resolves concerning, 135, (Document No. 57,) 140, 141; Report and Resolves
of Committee on, 85, (Document No. 28); considered in Committee of the Whole,
214; reported from Committee of the Whole, 214; amended, 215; motion to amend
amendment, 215; postponed, 215; considered, 218; motion to postpone rejected, 219;
motion to postpone, 219; motion to close debate, 219; considered, 219; motion to
reconsider vote on closing debate rejected, 220; amendment rejected, (by yeas and
nays,) 220; amended, 223; motions to amend rejected, 220; amendment of Commit-
tee of the Whole rejected, (by yeas and nays,) 224; second reading, 227; considered,
251; motion to amend, (Document No. 120,) 251, 252; motion to close debate on,
252, 254; amendment rejected, (by yeas and nays,) 254; amended, 258; amendment
rejected, 258; amended, 259; amendment rejected, 259; motion to reconsider rejected,
(by yeas and nays,) 259; amended, 263; amendment reconsidered and rejected, 263;
amendment rejected, 263; amended, (by yeas and nays,) 264; passed, (by yeas and
nays,) 267, 268.

Jury, Rights of, Order concerning, 42; Resolve of Committee concerning, 238, (Docu-
ment No. 115); considered in Committee of the Whole, 302; Committee of the
Whole discharged from consideration of, 308; considered, 311; second reading, (by
yeas and nays,) 312; motion to amend, 321; motion to lay on the table rejected, (by
yeas and nays,) 322; amended and passed, 325.
Justices of the Peace, Committee on, 301; Orders concerning, 59, 72, 87; Resolves con-
cerning 251, (Document No. 121,) 301; Report of Committee concerning, recommit-
ted, 87; Resolve of Committee concerning, 192 (Document No. 104); considered in
Committee of the Whole, 294, 295, 299; motion to close debate on, 299; amended,
300, 301; motion to amend rejected, 301; committed to special committee, 301; com-
mittee on, 301; Resolves of Committee on, 302, (Document No. 126); amended, 304;
amendment rejected, 304; second reading, 304; motion to amend rejected, 305; passed,
305; motion to reconsider rejected, 306.

KELLOGG, GILES C., Motions, 94, 124, 362; Order, 42.

KELLOGG, MARTIN R., Leave of Absence, 136, 292.

KEYES, EDWARD L., Motions, 4, 5, 8, 25, 30, 83, 131, 154, 165, 267, 272, 301, 318;
Order, 130; Petitions, 35, 61, 95; Protest, 361; Reports, 153, 154.

Killam, Robert L., et al., Petition of, 95.

KINGMAN, JOSEPH, Motions, 89, 119, 124, 131, 188, 218, 333; Order, 101.

KINSMAN, HENRY W., Motion, 130; Order, 16.

Kline, Mark, et al., Petition of, 44.

KNIGHT, HIRAM, Order, 58.

KNIGHT, JOSEPH, Leave of Absence, 100; Motions, 149, 196.

KNOWLTON, CHARLES L., Credentials of, 66; Leave of Absence, 349.

KNOWLTON, J. S. C., Memorial, 8; Motions, 16, 70, 71, 148, 232, 233, 251, 254;
Reports, 150, 215, 239; Resolves, 251, 253, 254, 264.

LADD, JOHN S., Order, 16; Motion, 34.

Lamson, Silas, et al., Petition of, 129.

Law Library, Boston Social, Invitation from, and thanks to, 12.

Law, Martial, Resolve of Committee concerning, 238, (Document No. 115); considered in
Committee of the Whole, 302; second reading, 311; laid on table, 315; motion to
take from table rejected, 359.

Law, Remedy in, Report inexpedient on Order concerning, 153, (Document No. 85); con-
sidered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 167.

Laws, Codification of, Report inexpedient on Order concerning, 153, (Document No. 85) ;
considered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 167.

Laws, Suspension of, Order concerning, 42.
Lawrence, Edwin, Memorial of, 13.

Leave of Absence, Committee on, 31, 40.

Leave of Absence granted, 80, 99, 100, 112, 136, 148, 187, 195, 251, 288, 292, 299, 315,
344, 349.

Le Barnes, J. W., Memorial of, 35.

Legislature, Order concerning compensation of, 32, 38, 69; Length of session of, 32, 38;
Appointment of members of to office, 32; Motion to instruct Committee to report on, 359;
laid on the table, 359; Mode of electing officers of, 44; Petitions to, 43; Report inexpe-
dient on, 82; considered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 96; Quorum of, 33;
Resolve concerning, 196; Purchase of books by, 66, 67; Report inexpedient on, 89,
(Document No. 32); considered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 102; Order
concerning vacancies in, 48. [See General Court.]

Legislative Acts, Order concerning title of, &c., 33; Order concerning requisite vote for
passage of, 38; Report inexpedient on, considered in Committee of the Whole, and
accepted, 102, (Document No. 34); Reference of to the people, 44; Report inexpedient
on, considered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 166, (Document No. 82);
three-fifths vote for, 48; Report inexpedient concerning origin of, 83, (Document No.
21); considered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 96.
LELAND, ALDEN, Motions, 31, 192, 301; Orders, 40, 45.
Libel, Order concerning, 38.

Liberty, Order concerning security of, 38.

Lieutenant-Governor, Committee on, 28; Orders concerning, 61, 73; Resolves from Com-
mittee on, reported, 49, (Document No. 9); considered in Committee of the Whole,
and reported back with amendments, 77; recommitted to Committee of the Whole; 78;
considered in Committee of the Whole, 85, 86, 88, 89; Order to close debate on, 94;
considered in Committee of the Whole, 94; reported back and laid on table, 94; amend-
ed, 94; second reading, 95; laid on table, 96; taken from table, 138; passed, 289.
LIVERMORE, ISAAC, Communication, 17; Motions, 13, 25, 31, 37, 152, 158, 159, 273,
306, 360, 362, 422; Order, 344; Reports, 87, 122, 237, 361.

LORD, OTIS P., Explanation, 252; Motions, 100, 191, 195, 245, 246, 267, 299, 301, 302,
318, 319, 321, 332, 333, 335, 340, 341, 343, 344, 359, 360, 363, 364; Report, 166.
LOTHROP, SAMUEL K., Motions, 24, 196, 273, 355; Orders, 55, 73; Prayer, 3, 423.
Lowell Institute, Recommendation to procure Hall of, 10, 11; Order for Committee to
procure, laid over, 11; laid on table, 15; rejected, 18.

MARBLE, WILLIAM P., Leave of Absence, 349.

MARCY, LABAN, Leave of Absence, 349.

MARVIN, ABIJAH P., Motions, 214, 232; Orders, 44, 78.

MASON, CHARLES, Motions, 371, 374; Order, 44.

McIntosh, M., Petition of, 44.

MEADER, REUBEN, Leave of Absence, 288.

Mesne Process, Order concerning, 32; Resolve, 153, (Document No. 76); considered in
Committee of the Whole, and ordered to second reading, 187; passed, 193.
Messenger. [See Convention.]

Militia, Committee on, 28; Resolves of Committee concerning, 125, (Document No. 47);
considered in Committee of the Whole, 136, 137; amended and ordered to a second
reading, 138; substitute offered, 140, (Document No. 58,) and rejected, 142; amended
and passed, 143; Petition for modification of laws concerning, 82; Report concerning,
90; Report inexpedient, considered in Committee of the Whole, 141; laid on table, 142.
Militia, Governor's Command of, Order, 79; Report inexpedient, 125, (Document No.
43); considered in Committee of the Whole, 136, 137; Committee of the Whole dis-
charged, 145; recommitted, 145; Resolve concerning, 145; Report on, 156, (Document
No. 88); considered in Committee of the Whole and passed, 167.

MILLER, SETH, JR., Motions, 85, 88, 318.

MIXTER, SAMUEL, Order, 303, 311.

Money Bills, Order concerning, 45.

MOREY, GEORGE, Communication from, 12.

MORSS JOSEPH B., Order, 48.

MORTON, ELBRIDGE G., Motions, 11, 159; Orders, 7, 17, 24; Report, 102.

MORTON, MARCUS, Motions, 123, 124, 175, 215, 219, 220, 303, 316, 350, 358, 363,
371; Reports, 13, 57, 60, 85, 153, 232, 335; Resolves, 82, 156, 157, 179, 180, 208,
210, 344, 349.

MORTON, MARCUS, JR., Motions, 125, 139, 218, 259, 300, 301, 308; Orders, 45, 131;
Reports, 294, 299.

MORTON, WILLIAM S., Motions, 24, 85, 94, 127, 191, 318; Orders, 36, 87.

Murphy, Charles A., Resolve for payment of, 290.

Murphy, David, Resolve for payment of, 290.

NAYSON, JONATHAN, Memorial, 13; Motions, 4, 47, 62, 86, 215; Reports, 135, 154,

Nell, William C., Protest of, 361, 422.

Newspapers. [See Convention.]

Newton, Edward A., Petition of, 140.

NORTON, ALFRED, Leave of Absence, 251.

NOYES, DANIEL, Motions, 17, 18, 60.

Oaths, Committee on, 29; Orders concerning, 59, 97; Resolve inexpedient on, 153, (Docu-
ment No. 76); considered in Committee of the Whole, 189; motion to amend rejected,
189; second reading, 189; passed, 193; Resolves from Committee on, 66, (Document
No. 16); considered in Committee of the Whole, 78, 79; second reading, 79; passed,
81; Resolve of Committee concerning, 153, (Document No. 76); considered in Com-
mittee of the Whole, 189; amended and second reading, 189; passed, 193.
Office, Retirement from, Order concerning, 113; Report inexpedient on, 151, (Document
No. 87); considered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 167.

Officers, Removal of, Resolve of Committee concerning, 192, (Document No. 104.) [See
Justices of the Peace.]

Offices, Incompatibility of, Resolve of Committee concerning, 153, (Document No. 76);
considered in Committee of the Whole, amended, 189; second reading, 189; amended
and passed, 193.

Offices, Vacancies in, Resolves concerning, 192, (Document No. 104.)

Olcott, James S., Petition of, 54.

OLIVER, HENRY K., Explanation, 361; Motions, 72, 112, 113, 117, 189, 227, 240, 344,
363, 374; Reports, 125, 129, 138, 191.

Osgood, Mary, Petition of, 98.

Page, Thaddeus, Resolve for payment of, 290.

PAIGE, JAMES W., Motion, 422.

Pardoning Power, Order concerning, 86; Report inexpedient on, 125, (Document No. 44);
considered in Committee of the Whole, 135, 136; accepted, 136.

Pardons, Order concerning, 130; List of, 187, (Document No. 103.)

PARKER, JOEL, Motions, 25, 50, 219, 316, 370; Report, 188; Resolve, 293.

Parker, Leonard M., Memorial of, 8, 10; Report concerning, 129, (Document No. 53.)
Parkhurst, Henry M., Resolve for payment of, 119.

PARSONS, SAMUEL C., Motions, 208, 215.

Pay Roll, Committee on, 31, 40; Orders concerning, 239, 241; Reports of Committee on,
361, 421.

PENNIMAN, JOHN, Petition, 82.

People, Rights of, Resolve of Committee concerning, 208, (Document No. 107); consid-
ered in Committee of the Whole, 302; ordered to a second reading, 308; amended and
rejected, 318.

PERKINS, DANIEL A., Motions, 214, 355.

PHELPS, CHARLES, Motions, 123; Order, 86.

Phelps, Charles, et al., Petition of, 70.

Phillips, Wendell, et al., Petitions of, 61, 124; Report concerning, 190, (Document, No.
105); considered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 209; motion to reconsider,
214; laid on the table, 232.

PHINNEY, SILVANUS B., Motions, 88, 107, 111, 113, 128, 179, 187, 267.

PLUNKETT, WILLIAM C., Motions, 296, 311, 354, 362.

Plurality. [See Elections.]

Police, Order concerning, 126; Report on, 138, (Document No. 60); considered in Commit-
tee of the Whole and accepted, 152.

Police Courts, Order concerning Justices and Clerks of, 147.

Poll Tax. [See Voters.]

Poole, Alexis, Resolve for payment of, 290.

Population, Orders concerning, 31, 83, 85; Statements concerning, 65, (Document No. 15,)

68, (Document No. 17.)

POWERS, PETER, Order, 78.

Prayer, Order concerning, 3.

President. [See Convention.]

Price, Abby H., Petition of, 156.

Printing. [See Convention.]

Prison Inspector, Order concerning, 72; Report on, 87, (Document No. 30.) [See Sec-

Privileges, Special, Order concerning, 59; Report inexpedient on, 89, (Document No. 35);
considered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 101.

Probate, Judges of, Resolve of Committee on, 87, (Document No. 30); passed, 119. [See

Probate, Registers of, Resolve of Committee on, 87, (Document No. 30.) [See Secretary.]
Prosecution, Unjust, Order concerning compensation for, 49, 101; Report inexpedient on,
153, (Document No. 80); considered in Committee of the Whole and accepted, 166.
Public Lands. [See Common Schools.]

PUTNAM, JOHN A., Motion, 130.

Quorum. [See Convention.]

Railroad Corporations, Resolve concerning, 213, (Document No. 111); Committee on,
232; Resolve, 237, (Document No. 114); laid on the table, 315.

Randall, Harriet L., Petition of, 35.

RANTOUL, ROBERT, Convention called to Order by, 3; Motion, 253; Order, 30.
REED, SAMPSON, Leave of Absence, 80.

Registry of Voters, Resolve concerning, 111; Report of Committee on, 137, (Document
No. 56); considered in Committee of the Whole, 152; second reading, 152; passed,


Religious Test, Petitions concerning, 35, 44, 54, 70, 117, 137; Resolve of Committee con-
cerning, 238, (Document No. 115); considered in Committee of the Whole, 302, 308;
rejected, (by yeas and nays,) 309.

Reports. [See Convention.]

Revision, Committee on, 138, 143, 253; Report of, 361; Resolves by, 378, 379; passed,


RICE, DAVID, Order, 38.

Rights of Women, Petitions concerning, 86, 95; Order concerning, 87.

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