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AN ACT in Relation to School District No. 35, in Kent County.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:


SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this act it shall be the duty of Thomas Camper, one of the School Committee of said District No. 35, in Kent County, to call a meeting of the school voters in said District, upon the usual Meeting of notice; the time for said meeting shall be designated in the voters. notices to be posted by said Camper. The school voters present shall have all the powers and privileges as the school Their powvoters in any School District in the State at any annual stated meeting. At said meeting the payment of a school tax for any year prior thereto shall not be requisite or quali- Right to fication for a voter. Any male person twenty-one years of age and upwards, residing in said District, shall be entitled to vote at said meeting.



Repair of

SECTION 2. That of the money levied and raised in said School District No. 35, for general school purposes for the buildings. year 1887, seventy-five dollars may be used for the purpose of repairing school building in said District.

Passed at Dover, April 15, 1887.


Committee authorized



AN ACT for the relief of the Commissioners of School District No. 51,
Sussex County.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives to borrow of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

inoney for new school house.

SECTION I. That the School Committee of the said District be authorized to apply money in hand for the purpose of paying for a new school-house in said District. Passed at Dover, April 15, 1887.

Certain real estate transferred to

trict No. 44,




AN ACT transferring the farm of Augustin A. Chapman from School
District No. 42, New Castle County, to School District No. 44, in said

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

SECTION I. That the farm now belonging to Augustin A. Chapman, situated in School District No. 42 in New School Dis Castle County, shall hereafter be and form a part of School New Castle District No. 44, in New Castle County aforesaid, and all and every the persons residing on the said land and farm herein. mentioned, all the advantages and privilege, and that the said Augustin A. Chapman and the person or persons hereafter owning said land and farm, or living on the same, shall all duties be subject to all the duties and liabilities of taxables of said and liabili- School District No. 44. And further that they are hereby relieved and discharged from the same in said School District No. 42, in New Castle County aforesaid. This act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act.

Subject to

ties of taxables of district.

Passed at Dover, April 18, 1887.




A SUPPLEMENT to the act entitled "An act to authorize the School Committee of School District No. 96, in Kent County, to sell its school property, purchase other property and borrow money."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:


and execute

SECTION 1. That the bond or bonds, and mortgage or Majority of mortgages, provided for in the act entitled "An act to autho-School rize the School Committee of School District No. 96, in may make Kent County, to sell its property, purchase other property and bonds. borrow money," passed at Dover during the present session of the General Assembly, may be made and executed by a majority of the School Committee in said School District. Passed at Dover, April 18, 1887.



AN ACT in relation to School District No. 173, in Sussex County.

Be it enacted by the Senate aud House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:



thorized to

SECTION I. That there shall be hereafter annually levied School and collected by taxation in School District No. 173, in of District Sussex County, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars in- No, 173. stead of seventy-five dollars, as now by law required, and the County, auSchool Commissioners of said School District No. 173 are levy and hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect the said .. sum of one hundred and fifty dollars in the same manner as the said sum of seventy-five dollars has heretofore been levied and collected.

Passed at Dover, April 19, 1887.



Certain real estate



AN ACT to transfer the house and farm of George J. Derrickson from
School District No. 28 to 181, in Baltimore Hundred, Sussex County.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

SECTION I. That the farm, and buildings thereupon, of transferred George J. Derrickson, now situated in School District No. 28, to district in Baltimore Hundred, Sussex County, be and are hereby Sussex transferred to School District No. 181, in said hundred and county.

No. 181,


Passed at Dover, April 19, 1887.

School Commissioners of

tricts Nos.




AN ACT in relation to United School Districts Nos. 32 and 108, in Sussex


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

SECTION 1. That there shall be hereafter annually levied and collected by taxation in United School Districts Nos. 32 United Dis- and 108, in Sussex County, the sum of not less than two 32 and 108, hundred dollars instead of one hundred and fifty dollars as County, au- now by law required, and the School Commissioners of said thorized to United School Districts, Nos. 32 and 108, are hereby authorcolicet $200. ized and empowered to levy and collect the said sum of two hundred dollars in the same manner as the said sum of one hundred and fifty dollars has heretofore been levied and collected.

levy and

Passed at Dover, April 19, 1887.




AN ACT to transfer the farm of Oliver J. Lafferty from School District
No. 97 to School District No. 9, in Kent County.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

SECTION 1. That the farm of Oliver J. Lafferty, situated in School District No. 97, in Kent County, be the same is hereby transferred to School District No. said county, and shall hereafter constitute a part of the School District No. 9.


now Certain real and ferred to in District No. said County.

estate trans

9, in Kent

Property to

SECTION 2. That from and after the passage of this act, the aforesaid farm of Oliver J. Lafferty shall be subject to assessment for school purposes in said School District No. 9, be assessed and shall be relieved and discharged from assessment in said in aid disSchool District No. 97, in Kent County. Passed at Dover, April 19, 1887.




AN ACT authorizing the Commissioners of School District No. 44, of New
Castle County, to borrow money to build a new school-house.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

sioners of

44, New

SECTION 1. That the School Commissioners of School School District No. 44, in New Castle*, or their successors in office, Commisbe and they are hereby authorized, directed and empowered District No. to borrow upon such terms and conditions as in their discre- Castle tion they may think best, the sum of one thousand dollars for thorized to the purpose of erecting and furnishing a school-house for said borrow district, and to secure the payment of the same with interest in annual instalments of one hundred dollars each.

*So enrolled.

County, au-


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