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§ 18. Election districts in towns including cities. If a town shall include a city, or portion of a city, only such election districts as are wholly outside of the city shall be deemed election districts of the town, except for the purposes of town meetings.

§ 19. Transmission of election laws to clerks and election officers.-The secretary of state shall, at least sixty days before the first general election held after this chapter takes effect, transmit to the county clerk of each county a sufficient number of copies of this chapter, as amended at the time of the preparation thereof, to furnish one such copy to the county clerk, and one to each town, village and city clerk and to each inspector of election in such county. He shall annually, within sixty days before each general election thereafter, transmit a like number of copies of the statutes amending or repealing any portion of this chapter, and of such other statutes relating to elections passed during each next preceding year, or such new compilations made by him of the statutes relating to elections, as he shall deem advisable, to the county clerk of each county.

The county clerk of each county shall forthwith transmit one of each such copies to each such officer in such county. Each copy so received by each such officer shall belong to the office of the person receiving it. Every incumbent of the office shall preserve such copy during his term of office, and upon the expiration of his term, deliver it to his successor.



Sec. 30. Disqualification of voters.

31. Meetings of inspectors for registry.

32. The register of voters.

33. Certificates to lists; copies; custody thereof.

34. Delivery of previous poll-lists and registers to inspectors.

SEC. 35. Challenges to applicants for registry.

36. Addition and cancellation of names on register list.
37. Registry of challenges.

38. Registry as a condition of voting.

39. Clerks.

40. Delivery of blank registry books to election officers.
41. Meetings for registry on Saturday half-holidays.

§ 30. Disqualification of voters.-No person convicted of bribery, or of an infamous crime punishable by imprisonment in a state prison, shall vote at an election or town meeting, unless sentenced upon such conviction to a reformatory, or unless he shall have been pardoned before or after the expiration of his term of imprisonment, and restored by the pardon to all the rights of a citizen.

R. S., 410, L. 1842, ch. 130, tit. 1, § 3.

Id., 432, L. 1847, ch. 240, § 15.

Penal Code, § 711.

§ 31. Meetings of inspectors for registry. The inspectors of election for each election district in a city, except New York and Brooklyn, shall hold four meetings for the registry of the voters thereof, at the place designated therefor, before each general election and before each annual election for city officers, on the fifth, fourth, third and second Saturdays before the election, to be known respectively, as the first, second, third and fourth meetings for registry.

The inspectors of election for each election district, elsewhere than in a city, shall hold two meetings for the registry of the voters thereof, at the place designated therefor, before each general election, on the third and second Saturdays before election, to be known respectively, as the first and second meetings for registry. Each meeting shall begin at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and continue until nine o'clock in the evening, with not more than two intermissions of one hour each.

L. 1890, ch. 321, § 2.

L. 1891, ch. 336, § 1

§ 32. The register of voters.-The inspectors of each election district shall prepare at such meetings a list of the names and residences of persons qualified to vote in such district at such election, which, when finally completed, shall be the register of the voters of the district for such election. Such lists shall be arranged in three columns. In the first column shall be placed the surnames of such persons in the alphabetical order of the first letter thereof; in the second column the Christian names of such persons respectively; in the third column the residences of such persons respectively, by street and number, if any, and otherwise a brief description of the locality thereof. At each meeting except the last, a space shall be left after each set of surnames commencing with the same letter, sufficient for the addition thereto at subsequent meetings, of surnames commencing with the same letter. Before any such surnames added at any such subsequent meeting, there shall be written, "Added at second meeting," or, "Added at third meeting," or, "Added at fourth meeting,” as the case may be. In cities the names of such persons. only, as personally appear before the inspectors and are qualified voters, shall be placed on such list at a meeting for registry for a general election, or an annual city election of city officers.

At the first meeting in a city for registry for a special election, the inspectors shall place upon such list the names of all persons qualified to vote at such election in such district which appear upon the register of voters for the last preceding general election in such election district, except the names of such voters as are proven to the satisfaction of the inspectors to have ceased to be voters of such district since their names were placed on such register; and shall at the first and second meetings for such special election, place upon such list the names of all persons so qualified, who shall personally appear before the board at either such meeting; but no new

names, not on such register shall be placed on such list, except of persons who so personally appear.

The inspectors shall, at their first meeting for registry in an election district elsewhere than in a city, place upon such list the names of all persons appearing on the poll-list of the next preceding general election in such district, except the names of such voters as are proven to the satisfaction of such inspectors to have ceased to be voters since such general election; the names of all other persons known or proven to the satisfaction of the inspectors to be so qualified; and the names of all persons so qualified who personally appear before the inspectors and request to have their names placed thereon. At their second and final meeting for registry, the names of such persons only as personally appear and are qualified shall be placed on the list.

Elsewhere than in cities the register of voters for a special election shall be the register of voters of the then last preceding general election in the district.

A person is a qualified voter in any election district for the purpose of having his name placed on such list, if he is at the time qualified to vote at the election for which such registry is made, or may become so qualified on or before the day upon which such election is to be held. L. 1890, ch. 321, §§ 4, 5, 20.

§ 33. Certificates to lists; copies; custody thereof.-At the close of each meeting for the registry of voters in a city, except New York and Brooklyn, for a general election, or for an annual city election for city officers, the inspectors shall append to the list of voters their. certificate to the effect that such list as it then is, is a true and correct list of all persons qualified to vote at such election in such district, who have personally appeared before the board and have requested to have their names placed thereon.

At the close of each meeting for the registry of voters elsewhere than in a city for a general election, or in a city for a special election, the inspectors shall append to such list, as it then is, a cer

tificate to the effect that such list as it then is, is a true and correct list of all persons qualified to vote at the next election in such district whose names the board is required by law to place thereon.

Each such list so certified, shall remain in the custody of the chairman of the inspectors, until the close of the polls on election day. At each meeting of the inspectors for registry, or during the next following secular day, the inspectors shall make three certified copies of such list and certificate, one of which shall forthwith be conspicuously posted in the place where such meeting shall have been held, and one shall be retained by each of the other twe inspectors, until the close of the polls of such next election. Such list and registry of voters, and the certified copies thereof, shall at all reasonable hours be accessible to the public for examination or for making copies thereof.

L. 1890, ch. 321, §§ 6, 13.

§ 34. Delivery of previous poll-lists and registers to inspectors. Each clerk with whom the poll-list of the last preceding general election in any election district elsewhere than in a city, shall have been filed, shall cause one of such poll-lists to be delivered to the board of inspectors of such district at the opening of its first meeting for registry for any election; and any such clerk within a city, except New York and Brooklyn, shall cause the register of voters on file in his office to be delivered to the board of inspectors of each election district in such city at the opening of its first meeting for registry for a special election.

If a new election district shall have been formed in a town since such general election, the clerk of such town shall, before the first meeting for registry thereafter in such new election district, make a certified copy of each poll-list for such general election of each election district out of which such new district shall have been formed, and shall cause such certified copies to be deliv

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