Bold Britomart, as she had late forecast,1 Nether of ydle showes nor of false charmes aghast. 30 So soone as she was entred, rownd about And her small waste girt rownd with yron bands Unto a brasen pillour, by the which she stands. 31 And, her before, the vile Enchaunter sate, Yet thousand charmes could not her stedfast hart re move. 32 Soone as that Virgin Knight he saw in place, His wicked bookes in hast he overthrew, Not caring his long labours to deface; 1 Forecast, previously purposed. 2 All and some, one and all. 8 I. e which ill agreed with her. 4 Prove, try. XXXII. 3.- Not caring, &c.] Not caring whether he defaced his long labors or not. H. And, fiercely running to that lady trew, But the stout Damzell, to him leaping light, 33 From her, to whom his fury first he ment, 34 So mightily she smote him, that to ground He fell halfe dead; next stroke him should have slaine, Had not the Lady, which by him stood bound, 8 Dernly unto her called to abstaine From doing him to dy; for else her paine Should be remédilesse; sith none but hee Which wrought it could the same recure againe. Therewith she stayd her hand, loth stayd to bee; For life she him envýde, and long'd revenge to see : 93 And to him said: "Thou wicked man, whose meed For so huge mischiefe and vile villany 1 Rushly, quickly. 2 Wrest, turn aside. 8 Dernly, secretly; in a low voice. Is death, or if that ought doe death exceed; Be sure that nought may save thee from to dy But if that thou this Dame doe presently Restore unto her health and former state; This doe, and live; els dye undoubtedly." He, glad of life, that lookt for death but late, Did yield himselfe right willing to prolong his date: 36 And, rising up, gan streight to over-looke Those cursed leaves, his charmes back to reverse. Full dreadfull thinges out of that balefull booke He red, and measur'd many a sad verse, That horrour gan the Virgins hart to perse, And her faire locks up stared stiffe on end, Hearing him those same bloody lynes reherse; And, all the while he red, she did extend Her sword high over him, if ought he did offend. 87 Anon she gan perceive the house to quake, And all the dores to rattle round about; Yet all that did not her dismaied make, Nor slack her threatfull hand for daungers dout,1 But still with stedfast eye and courage stout Abode, to weet what end would come of all : At last that mightie chaine, which round about Her tender waste was wound, adowne gan fall, And that great brasen pillour broke in peeces small. 38 The cruell steele, which thrild her dying hart, Fell softly forth, as of his owne accord ; And the wyde wound, which lately did dispart 1 Dout, apprehension. 2 Thrild, pierced. Her bleeding brest and riven bowels gor'd, As she were never hurt, was soone restor’d: 39 Before faire Britomart she fell prostrate, 40 But Britomart, uprearing her from grownd, 1 Notifyde, proclaimed. 2 Teene, sorrow. 8 Make, mate. XXXIX. 9.- And goodly well adraunce, &c.] And properly extol the qualities that have been so well tried. H. 41 She much was cheard to heare him mentiond, 42 Returning back, those goodly rowmes, which erst She saw so rich and royally arayd, Now vanisht utterly and cleane subverst She found, and all their glory quite decayd, That sight of such a chaunge her much dismayd. Thenceforth descending to that perlous porch, Those dreadfull flames she also found delayd1 And quenched quite, like a consumed torch, That erst all entrers wont so cruelly to scorch. 43 More easie issew now then entrance late Seeing his worke now wasted, deepe engrieved was. 1 Delayd, abated. XLI. 7.- Two superfluous syllables have crept in here, probably through the carelessness of the printer. |