For on a sandie hill, that still did flitt • Arrived there, they passed in forth right; By them they passe, all gazing on them round, Such endlesse richesse, and so sumpteous shew: Of lords and ladies stood on every side, Which, with their presence fayre, the place much beautifide. 8 High above all a cloth of state was spred, And a rich throne, as bright as sunny day; 1 Hight, intrusted. Dight, furnished. 8 Presence, reception-room. P.. On which there sate, most brave embellished A mayden Queene that shone as Titans ray, To dim the brightnesse of her glorious throne, 9 Exceeding shone, like Phœbus fayrest childe, 10 So proud she shyned in her princely state, 11 Of griesly Pluto she the daughter was, 1 Assay, attempt. 2 Welkin, heavenly. 3 Fayne, gladly. Yet did she thinke her pearelesse worth to pas1 That parentage, with pride so did she swell; And thundring Iove, that high in heaven doth dwell For to the highest she did still aspyre; 12 And proud Lucifera men did her call, That made her selfe a queene, and crownd to be; Yet rightfull kingdome she had none at all, Ne heritage of native soveraintie; But did usurpe with wrong and tyrannie Upon the scepter, which she now did hold: Ne ruld her realme with lawes, but pollicie, And strong advizement of six wisards old, That with their counsels bad her kingdome did uphold. 13 Soone as the Elfin Knight in presence came, Made rowme, and passage for them did prepaire : 14 With loftie eyes, halfe loth to looke so lowe, She thancked them in her disdainefull wise; Ne other grace vouchsafed them to showe Of princesse worthy; scarse them bad arise. Her lordes and ladies all this while devise Themselves to setten forth to straungers sight: Some frounce their curled heare in courtly guise ; Some prancke their ruffes; and others trimly dight Their gay attyre: each others greater pride does spight. 15 Goodly they all that Knight doe entertayne, 16 Suddein upriseth from her stately place The roiall Dame, and for her coche doth call: All hurtlen forth; and she, with princely pace, As faire Aurora, in her purple pall, Out of the east the dawning day doth call, So forth she comes; her brightnes brode doth blaze. The heapes of people, thronging in the hall, Doe ride each other, upon her to gaze: Her glorious glitterand light doth all mens eies amaze. 1 Frounce, frizzle. 2 Prancke, make a display of. 3 Dight, adjust. 4 Whylome, formerly. 5 Hurtlen, rush. XIV. 9.- Each others greater pride does spight.] Each one is annoyed by the greater attractions of another. H. 17 So forth she comes, and to her coche does clyme Adorned all with gold and girlonds gay, That seemd as fresh as Flora in her prime; way, Drawne of fayre pecocks, that excell in pride, And full of Argus eyes their tayles dispredden wide. 18 But this was drawne of six unequall beasts, With like conditions to their kindes applyde: 19 And in his hand his portesse3 still he bare, That much was worne, but therein little redd; For of devotion he had little care, Still drownd in sleepe and most of his dates dedd: Scarse could he once uphold his heavie hedd, 1 Chayre, chariot. 2 Amis, robe. 8 Portesse, breviary. XVIII. 2. - Six sage counsellours.] Pride is one of the seven deadly sins, and her six counsellors are the other six.-4. The beasts were under the domination of some passion analogous to the vice of the rider. C. |