So forth they rode, he feining seemely merth, And shee coy lookes: so dainty, they say, maketh derth. 28 Long time they thus together traveiled; 29 But this good Knight, soone as he them can spie, For the coole shade him thither hastly got: For golden Phoebus, now ymounted hie, There they alight, in hope themselves to hide From the fierce heat, and rest their weary limbs a tide.1 8 30 Faire-seemely pleasaunce 2 each to other makes, 1 Tide, while. 4 2 Pleasaunce, pleasure. 8 Purposes, discourses XXVII. 9.- Dainty maketh derth.] "Niceness makes an arti ficial scarcity, without necessity. The affected shyness of the lady was the only obstacle to familiarity." NARES. To be the fairest wight, that lived yit; Which to expresse, he bends his gentle wit; He pluckt a bough; out of whose rifte there came Smal drops of gory bloud, that trickled down the same. 31 Therewith a piteous yelling voice was heard, O too deare love, love bought with death too deare!" At last whenas the dreadfull passion Was overpast, and manhood well awake; Yet musing at the straunge occasion, And doubting much his sence, he thus bespake: "What voice of damned ghost from Limbo Lake, Or guilefull spright wandring in empty aire, (Both which fraile men doe oftentimes mistake,) Sends to my doubtful eares these speaches rare,* And ruefull plants,5 me bidding guiltlesse blood to spare?" 33 Then groning deep: "Nor damned ghost," quoth he, "Nor guileful sprite, to thee these words doth speake; But once a man, Fradubio, now a tree; And scorching sunne does dry my secret vaines; For though a tree I seme, yet cold and heat me paines." 34 "Say on, Fradubio, then, or man or tree," That many errant knights hath broght to wretched nesse. 85 "In prime of youthly yeares, when corage hott 1 Plast, placed. XXXIII. 3.- Fradubio.] Fradubio is the Doubter. XXXIV. 8.- Duessa.] Duessa (double-faced) is the true name of the woman attending the Knight under the assumed name of Fidessa. That had a like faire lady by his syde; Lyke a faire lady, but did fowle Duessa hyde; 36 "Whose forged1 beauty he did take in hand I in defence of mine did likewise stand, In which his harder fortune was to fall Did yield her comely person to be at my call. 37 "So doubly lov'd of ladies unlike faire, Both seemde to win, and both seemde won to bee : So hard the discord was to be agreede. Fralissa was as faire as faire mote bee, And ever false Duessa seemde as faire as shee. 38 "The wicked Witch, now seeing all this while 1 Forged, false. 2 Take in hand, maintain. 8 Dye, lot. 4 Whether, which of the two. XXXVII. 8. — Fralissa,] i. e. fragile, or frail. H. A foggy mist that overcast the day, And with foule ugly forme did her disgrace: place.1 39" Then cride she out, Fye, fye, deformed wight, Whose borrowed beautie now appeareth plaine To have before bewitched all mens sight: O leave her soone, or let her soone be slaine!' Her loathly visage viewing with disdaine, Eftsoones I thought her such as she me told, And would have kild her; but with faigned paine The false Witch did my wrathfull hand withhold: So left her, where she now is turnd to treën mould. 40 "Thensforth I tooke Duessa for my dame, Bathing her selfe in origane and thyme: A filthy foule old woman I did vew, That ever to have toucht her I did deadly rew. 1 In place, that was present. 2 Unweeting, unknowing. XXXVIII. 5. A foggy mist.] 8 Origane, wild marjoram. Here the effects of calumny in blasting a fair reputation are expressed. H. XL. 4.- Everie Prime.] Prime here means spring. It was believed that witches were obliged to do penance at certain seasons in their proper shape. |