45 "Perdye, then is it fitt for me," said he, "That am, I weene, most wretched man alive; Burning in flames, yet no flames can I see, And, dying dayly, dayly yet revive: O Atin, helpe to me last death to give!" The Varlet at his plaint was grieved so sore, That his deepe-wounded hart in two did rive; And, his owne health remembring now no more, Did follow that ensample which he blam'd afore. 46 Into the lake he lept his lord to ayd, (So love the dread of daunger doth despise,) And, of him catching hold, him strongly stayd From drowning; but more happy he then1 wise Of that seas nature did him not avise 2: The waves thereof so slow and sluggish were, Engrost with mud which did them fowle agrise,* That every weighty thing they did upbeare, Ne ought mote ever sinck downe to the bottom there. 47 Whiles thus they strugled in that ydle wave, By fortune came, ledd with the troublous sowne: 1 Then, than. 2 Avise, bethink himself. 3 Engrost, made thick. 4 Agrise, (here) add to the ter ror they inspired. 5. Sowne, sound. Where drenched deepe he fownd in that dull ford The carefull1 servaunt stryving with his raging lord. 48 Him Atin, spying, knew right well of yore, 2 Yet sithens helpe, he saw, he needed more Then pitty, he in hast approched to the shore; 49 And cald, "Pyrochles, what is this I see? What hellish fury hath at earst thee hent? Furious ever I thee knew to bee, Yet never in this straunge astonishment.5" "These flames, these flames," he cryde, "do me torment!" "What flames," quoth he, "when I thee present see In daunger rather to be drent then brent"?" "Harrow! the flames which me consume," said hee, "Ne can be quencht, within my secret bowelles bee. 1 Carefull, distressed. 2 Sithens, since. 3 At earst, suddenly. 4 Hent, seized. 5 Astonishment, perturbation. 6 Drent then brent, drowned than burnt Harrow, help. XLVIII. 2.-0 Archimage.] Archimago's last appearance was in Canto III. Stanza 19. He had then left Braggadochio to procure for him the sword of Prince Arthur; and in the eighth canto 50 "That cursed man, that cruel feend of hell, 51 Which whenas Archimago heard, his griefe Which doen, he balmes and herbes thereto applyde, 1 Bedight, treated, served. 2 Felly, cruelly. 8 Priefe, examination. 4 Qualifyde, eased, assuaged. 5 Would have algates dyde, wished by all means to die. of this present book (Stanza 20) we are informed that the sword he now has in his hand was Prince Arthur's; but we are nowhere told how he contrived to get it into his possession. H. APPENDIX. VARIATIONS FROM THE FIRST EDITION, 1590. THE "faults escaped in the print," noted on the last page of the first edition of the first three books of the Faerie Queene, have of course been corrected without remark. The same is true in all cases of those trivial misprints about which there could be no question. O. denotes the original editions. Page 9, 1. 17, vi. Ephes., O. v. Ephes. "13, st. 4, v. 1, faire, O. fare. 14, v. 1, reedes, O. reede. แ 15, v. 5, deserte, O. desertes. "25, son. 2, v. 6, soverains, O. soverain. "32, st. 4, v. 5, my, O. mine. แ 60, st. 17, v. 9, die (ed. 1609), O. dies. 66 96, st. 27, v. 3, coffers, O. coffets. "108, st. 7, v. 9, helmets hewen deepe (2d ed.), O. hewen hel mets deepe. "139, st. 39, v. 7, quoth he (2d ed.), O. qd. she. 152, st. 22, v. 9, sight (supplied from 2d ed.), O. omitted. "155, st. 32, v. 8, whose (ed. 1609), O. her. "164, st. 1, v. 6, through, O. thorough. "172, st. 24, v. 6, his (ed. 1609), O. her. "195, st. 33, v. 3, ypight (2d ed.), O. yplight. "198, st. 42, v. 7, holds, O. hold. "199, st. 46, v. 7 falsed O. falsest. |