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tent, 520, Infantile Remittent,
524, Irritative, 523, Fever
caused by Irritation of Nerves,
II., 471, Worm Fever, 382,
Typhus, 536, Causes, 539.
Fevers of Irregular Reaction, 534,
from Functional Derangement,
531, from Congestion, 510,
522, Remittent, 516, of Inflam-
mation, 531, Inflammatory,531,
Synocha, 531, Scarlet, 590,
Sequelæ,600, Lung, 803, Brain,
(Encephalitis,) 695, Miliary,
615, Puerperal, 891, Treat
ment, 892, Effects of taking
Food in Fever, 245.
Fibrin Converted into Sugar, II.,


Fibrous Tumor of the Bladder, II.,
803, of Bones, II., 830.

Fibrous and Muscular System, Dis-
eases of, 11., 156, Inflammation
of, II., 156.

Fifth Pair of Nerves, II., 484, II.,


Fig warts, II., 326.

Figure and Attitude, 168.
Filiaria, Guinea Worm, II., 825, II.,

Fisheries, Leprosy increasing near, II.,


Fistula Lachrymalis, II., 146, in
Perineo, II., 808, of the Urethra,
II., 380, Salivary, 250.

Flannel Clothing, 197.

Flatulency, 266, Pain caused by, 299.
Flatulent Colic, 358.

Flesh brush, 11., 652.

Flexible Tube, Use of, 881, 914, in Ob-

struction of the Bowels, 344.

Flexibility of Bones, 11, 833.

Flexure of the Limb in Aneurism,

II., 343.

Fluids, Loss of, II, 195, Changes of,
180, Changes of by Irritation
of Nerves, II., 472.

Fluor-albus, II., 695, II., 632.
Fluoric acid, 393.

Fætid Odor of the Mouth, 249, of
the Ears, 725, 729.

Follicles in Dysentery, 900.
Follicular Enteritis, 883, Patholov,
883, Rreatment, 884.

Fomites, 588.

Food, Quantity necessary to suppen
Life, 222, Purity of, 285, Vai
II., 182, Stimulating, 189, D
gestibility of, 209, in Scurvy,
II., 337.

Foreign Bodies in the Ear, 725, in
the Eye, I., 149, in the Larye
431, Diagnosis, 432, Treatment

Fourcroy, Case of, II., 392.
Fowler's Solution, 445.
Fox-Fire, 11., 624.

Fractures, Lower jaw, 246.
Fragility of Bones, Syphilitic,


Frambasia, I., 878.
Frasera, in Stomatitis, 742.
Freezing, 659, Treatment, 660.
Fright, Effects of, 11, 430.
Frogs, Parasites on, 11., 860.
Frost-Bites, 659, Treatment, 660,
Fumigations, IL, 878.
Fungi, Cryptogamic, as a Cause of
Fevers, 570, 571, on the Skin.
II., 860.

Fungous Disease of the Joints, □
174, of the Membrani Tym-
pani, 727, 728, Medullar, п

Fungus Hæmatodes, II., 284, 11.298,
II., 867, Treatment, II., 144.
Fungus, 243, Tumor of the Antrum,
of the Eye, IL, 142, Treatment,

Fungus Cerebri, 690.
Furunculus, (Carbuncle,) 669, 633.


Gait, Tottering, 661.

Galactorrhæa, I., 718, Secale, П


Galen, 45.

Gall, Dr., Case of, II. 391.

Gall-bladder, Rupture of, 893.
Galloping Consumption, II., 245, IL,
728, Inflammation of, 928.
Gall-stone, 407,Sympathetic Effects of

Galvanism, 228, in Neuralgia, II., 493,
Asphyxia,11,623, Experiments,
II., 623, in Palsy, 11., 671, in
Diabetes, II., 813.

Ganglion, 11, 897, Semilunar, I., 573.

[blocks in formation]

Gastric and Hepatic Disease, 272.
Gastric Colic, II., 519, Gastric Irrita-
tion, II., 529.

Gastric Derangement, 311.
Gastric Fluid, 215, 281, Effects of

after Death, 868, Causes of De-
ficient Secretion, 279, Increased
by Irritation of the Brain, 870,
Excess of, 871, Diminished
Power of, 872.

Gastric Disorders from Pththisis,
307, Gall-stones, 407,


of the Liver, 407, Disease of
the Brain, 308, Disease of the
Uterus, 308, in Nervous Fe-
males, 308, in Young Children,

Gastric Remittent Fever, 519, Ulcer,
Gastrodynia, 289, Neuralgic, II., 519.
Gastritis, from Boiling Water, 856,
Acute, 852, Chronic, 860, from
Alcohol, 861, from Indigesti-
ble Food, 857, Melted Lead,

Gastro-malacia, 867, Treatment, 868.
Gastro-enteritis, 876.
Gastrotomy, in obstruction of the
Bowels, 340.
Gelatinaform Cancer, 283.
Gelseminum in Fever, 532, in Gan-
grenopsis, II., 356, in Gout, II.,

General Diagnosis, 166.
General Principles of Medical Sci-

ence, 65.

Generic Symptoms, 905.
Genius Erratic, 11, 390.

George IV., Case of, II., 165.

[blocks in formation]

Complications of (Kidney), II., 50.

Gouty Kidney, 11., 51.

Granulation of Wounds, 643.

Diseased, II, 181.

Granulated Lids, 11., 103.

Granular Degeneration of the Kid-
neys, II., 21.

Granular Phthisis, 11., 256,
Graphites, in Constipation, 331.
Hæmorrhoids, 396.

in Ophthalmia, II, 95.

Scrofulous do., 11., 154.

in Amenorrhoea, 11., 680, Dys-
menorrhoea, 11., 685.

in Rickets, II., 836.

in Eruptions, 11., 885.

Gravel, 11., 770.

Gray Substance of the Hemisphe es

II., 407.

Green, Objects Look, 411.
Complexion, 411.

Greeks, 37.

Green Sickness, 411. 5.

Grief, Effects of, (Heart), 842, II., 427.
Griping in the Bowels, 311.
Guinea-worm, 11., 825, 11., 886.
Groups of Symptoms Connected by
Pathological Relations, 158.
Gum-boil,, 240.

Gums, Lancing, 280.
Gustatory Nerve, 11., 736.

Gutta Serena, See Amaurosis, 11., 120.
Diarrhoea, 351.

Hæmatoid Cancer, IL, 284.
Hematuria in Pulmonary Edema,

785, Nephritis, II, 69, Treat-
ment, 11., 70, Syphilis, 11., 325,
Following Scarlet Fever, 600.
Hæmatemesis, 413, Mucous Mem-

brane, 413, Diagnosis, 413,
Causes, 415, Congestion of the
Stomach, 415, Strangulation,
415, Epilepsy, 415, Organic
Disease of the Liver, 415, Of
the Heart, 415, Amenorrhoea,
416, Treatment, 416.
Hæmoptoe, sce Hamoptysis, 797.
Hamoptysis, 797, Treatment, 799,

Prognosis, 413, Causes, 414.
Hæmorrhage, II., 195, Canses, II., 197,

Treatment, II., 196, Division of
Hæmorrhages, II., 195, Trauma-
tic do., IL, 195. 196, From the
Bowels, 392, Bleeding Piles,
392, do. Lungs, 797, 11, 231,
Diagnosis, 798, Treatment, 799,
Stomach, 413. 866, Kidneys, in
Edema of the Lungs, 785,
Urethra, II., 803, 11., 69, Uterus,
II., 689, In Syphilitic Subjects,
II., 325, From the Teeth, 237,
Nose, 430.
Hemorrhage from Exhalation, II., 197,
In Phthisis, II, 255, Sponta-
neous, 11., 197, Symptoms caus-
ed by, 11, 198, Convulsions by,
II., 527.
Hæmorrhoids, 390, Structure of the

Rectum, 390, 1st, Hæmorrhoi-

dal Diathesis, 391, Case by Dr.
Escallier, 391, 2d, Piles, 392,
Bleeding do., 392, Case by Sir
B. Brodie, 393, Hæmorrhoidal

Tumor, 393, Causes, 394, Trest
ment, 395, Sulph., Nax, 39%
Aloes, 328, Hamamelis,397.800
Hahnemann, II. 719, His Publications

57, Discovery of the Principled
Homœopathy, 54, The Great
Law of Cure, 55, His Treat
ment of Insanity, 56, IL, 421.
422, II, 424, Of Cholera, 58,
His Death and Character, 59
60, His Theory of Medicine, 60,
His Preparation of Medicines,


Hair, Diseases of, II, 858, IL, 893,
Gray, II., 898.

Hair-Worm, Filiaria, 11., 886.
Hallucinations, 11., 446.
Hamamelis, In Hæmoptysis, 800, In
Circocele, 801, Varicocele, 801,
Milk Leg, 801, Purpura bem,
801, In Phthisis, u, 255, L
Hæmorrhoids, 397, 800. Vari-
cose Veins, 801, II, 344.
Hanging, Death from, II., 616.
Hard Skin, IL, 901.

Hardness of Hearing, see 727. 731.
Harvey, The Circulation of the Blood,

48. 457.

Head, Symptoms of, see Brain, 781,
Enlarged in Children, see Hydro-
cephalus, 719, and Rachitis, II. 893.
Head-ache, Sick, 11., 495, 11., 506, From

Dyspepsia, &c., 11., 506. 507,
Vol. I. p. 270, Threatened Apo-
plexy, 11, 507, Rheumatic-ca
tarrhal, 507, From Constips
tion, I., 508, Gastric Irritation,
11., 529.

Head, Injuries of, II., 409.
Health and Disease, 36.
Hearth of Armies, 483.
Hearing, Hardness of, See Diseases of
the Ears, 725, Sensitiveness,
Humming in the Ears, 725,
Illusions of, II., 448.
Heartburn, 266.
Heart and Appendages, 457, Physio-
logy, 457, Diseases of, 838, IL,
636, Dilatation of, 841 to 844,
Sternalgia from, II, 553, Disease
of the Valves, 838 to 844, In-
flammation of, 838, Palpitation
of, 842, II., 721, Mental Influence
on, 842.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Hectic Fever, 586, Causes, 586, Treat-
ment, 587.

Hellebore, Encephalitis, 708, Hydro-
cephalus, 722, In Effusion on
the Brain, II., 407, In Dropsy,
II., 754.

Helminthia, Worms, 380, Tænia, 380,
Tricocephalus, 380, Ascarides,
381, Lumbricoides, 381, Dis-
eases connected with, 385,
Diagnosis, 381, Causes, 383,
II., 329, Pathology, 384, Con-
ditions of Worm Development,
385, Verminous Diarrhoea, 386,
Treatment, 386, Sympathetic
Effects of Worms, 382, Treat-
ment of Worms, 386.
Helonin, II., 729.
Hemicrania, II., 499, Treatment, II,


Hemiplegia, II., 659.
Hemispheres, Effusion on, II., 640, In-
flammation of, 697, In Insanity,
II., 406, II., 407.
Hemlock-Water-Drop- Wort, II.,
Hepar, In Ague, 507, In Croup, 778,
In Bronchitis, 791. 795, In Iritis,
II., 115, Ophthalmia, II., 155, In
Coryza, 425, In Quinsy, 748, In
Consumption, II., 244, In Scro-
fula, II., 272, Syphilis, II., 316,
Milk-Scall, II., 849.

tus, II., 867, H. Scrotalis, II.,


Herpetic Glossitis, 737.
Hesitation of Speech, 435.
Hippocrates, 39, His Materia Medica,
40, His Successors, 43.

Hippuric Acid, 11., 20.
Hip-Disease, 1., 261, I., 174.
Hip Joint Symptoms, I., 261.
History of Medicine, 33.
Hoarseness, 434, Symptoms, 434,
Treatment, 434, Puls., Arnica,
Cham., Mercur., Caustic., 435,
Sulph., Cinna., 435.
Hoffmann, 51.
Hollow Teeth, 230.
Home Sickness, II., 462.
Homœopathy, 105.
Homœopathic Method of Curing Dis-
ease, 106, confirmed by Allo-
pathic Authors, I., 660.
Homœopathic, Remedies only par-
tially, 375.

Hooping Cough, 438, Treatment, 439.
Hope, Influence of, I., 427.
Hordeolum, 11, 144, Treatment, IL,


Horses, Thread Worm in, II., 825.
Hot Drinks, 231, 232.
Hot Stage of Fever, 512.
Humeral Hernia, 11, 807.
Humid Scall, 11, 848.
Humid Asthma, 442.
Hunger, 213, 285.
Hunter, John, I., 431.
Huskiness of Voice, 434.

Hydatids, II, 821, of the Liver, II.,
823, of the Uterus, Spleen, II.,
824, Mesentery, I., 824.

Hepatic Colic, 314, Jaundice, 399, Hydarthrus, п., 175, п., 764.

Eruptions, II., 863.

Hepatitis, 921, Acute, 922. 923, Chro-
nic, 932, Treatment, 923.
Herculaneum and Pompeii, 44.
Hereditary Disease, Tendency to, 186,

Diatheses, 646, I., 171, In Gout,
II., 171, Psoric Disease, n., 187,
II., 663, Insanity, II., 414, Ef-
fects of Intemperance, 11., 445.
Hernia, Diaphragmatic, 337, Diagno-
sis, 338, Humeralis, II., 807.
Herpes, Dartre, II., 865, Metastasis of,

II., 187, Treatment, II., 868.

Hydrastis, in Stomatitis, 742, in Can-

cer, II., 285, inGonorrhoea, II.,

Hydrocyanic Acid, I., 407, in Apɔ-
plexy, H., 647.
Hydriodate of Potash, (Kali-Hydrio-
dicum,) 507. Ague, 507.
Hydriodate Potassa, in Ague, 507,
in Diphtheria, 767, in Bright's
Disease, II., 39, in Marasmus,
II., 263, in Syphilis, 11., 316,
Secondary, 11, 317, in Dropsy,
II., 758.

Herpes Labialis, 11., 867, H. Circina- | Hydrocele, 11., 762.

[blocks in formation]

310, II., 654.

Hydropiper, in Gangrenopsis, II., 359.
Hydrothorax, 11., 747.

Hygiene, 75, in Phthisis, II., 231.
Hymen Imperforate, 11.,677.
Hyoscyamus, in Ague, 507, in Teeth-

ing, 228, Toothache, 254, in
Sleeplessness, 712, in Spasm of
the Eye-lids, II., 149, in Tooth-
ache, 235, in Brain Disease, II.,
407, Grief, &c., II., 428, Fever,
II., 429, Insanity, II., 435, De-
lirium Tremens, II., 454. Stra-
bismus, II., 559, Chorea, II., 563,
Vertigo, II., 580, Hysteria, II.,
592, Epilepsy, II, 611, Apo-
plexy, 11., 646, Palsy, II., 662,
Menorrhagia, II, 694.
Hyperæmia, 639.

Hyperemia of the Spleen, 938.
Artificially induced, 196.
Hypericum Perfoliatum, 11, 523.
Hypermetropia, 11., 137, Treatment,
II., 138.


Hypertrophy, 177, of the Testicle, II.,
807, of the Coats of the Sto-
mach, 873, Causes, 873.
the Heart, 838, of the Liver,
934, of the Spleen, 937, of
Adipose Tissue, I., 837.
Hypertrophy of the Heart, 11, 553.
Hyper-Sul.-soda, in Sarcina, 306.
Hypo-phosphates, Reason of their effi-
cacy, 943, of Potash, 944, of
Lime, in Phthisis, II., 253, 248.
Hypopion See II., 113.
Hypochondriasis, 11., 4+2.
Hypochondrium, Symptoms of, 921.
Hysterics, n., 589.

Sycosis, II., 325, Pain in hys
teric women, II., 520.


Icterus, from sudden Suppression of
the Biliary Secretion, 401,Diag-
nosis, 402, Causes, 402, Jaur-
dice, Treatment, 410,
acid, 410, Sanguinaria, 402
Aconite, 410, Mercury, 403,
Jaundice without Organic Dis
ease of the Liver, 405.
Ichthyosis, I., 860.
Ictodes Fætida, II., 588.
Ideality, 11., 402, IL, 404.
Ideas, II., 395.

Idiocy, 1, 464, Education of Idiots,
II., 467.
Idiopathic Typhoid Fever, 529, Di-
agnosis, 529, Treatment, 529.
Idiopathic Tetanus, 11, 532.
Idiosyncrasies, 186, (under Insanity,
II. 414, Artificially induced, 649.
See Gout, II., 171, Mercurial,
Gangrenopsis, II., 354, in Men-
tal Disease, II., 414.
Idiotism, II., 464. See Cretinism, IL,


Ignatia, in Ague, 507. 501, Teething.

239, in Urticaria, 615, in
Toothache, 229, Sleeplessness,
712, in Grief, II, 428, IL, 480,
Anger, I., 431, in Insanity, IL,
434, in Hemicrania, its Sphere
of Action, II., 502, in Tetanus,
II., 540, Chorea, II., 564, Coa-
vulsions, II., 587, Epilepsy, IL,
607, Apoplexy, II, 646, in
Chlorosis, II., 727, in Diabetes,
II., 815.

Пleus, 334, 340, Iliac Passion,334,340.
Illusions, II., 446.

Illusions of Sight, 11., 446.
Illusory Sounds, 11., 448.
Imagination, 11., 404.
Imbecility, 11., 464.
Impalpable Contagions, 589.
Impetigo, I.. 846, 11., 852.
Imponderables admitted to


Power,127,Typhoid Contagion,

Hysteritis, Metritis, II., 729.


Lysteria, 11, 589, Causes, II, 186, Impotence, п., 715, m., 717.

Improvement of the Materia Medica,


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