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do whatever you like.' His Lordship continued to get weaker; and on the 17th he was bled twice in the morning, and at two o'clock in the afternoon. The bleeding at both times was followed by fainting fits, and he would have fallen down more than cnce, had I not

In order to prevent such an

caught him in my arms. accident, I took care not to let his Lordship stir without supporting him. On this day my master said to me twice, 'I cannot sleep, and you well know I have not been able to sleep for more than a week: I know,' added his Lordship, that a man can only be a certain time without sleep, and then he must go mad, without any one being able to save him; and I would ten times sooner shoot myself than be mad, for I am not afraid of dying,-I am more fit to die than people think.' I do not, however, believe that his Lordship had any apprehension of his fate till the day after, the 18th, when he said, 'I fear you and Tita will be ill by sitting up constantly night and day.' I answered,' We shall never leave your Lordship till you are better.' As my master had a slight fit of delirium on the 16th, I took care to remove the pistols and stiletto, which had hitherto been kept at his bedside in the night. On the 18th his Lordship addressed me frequently, and seemed to be very much dissatisfied with his medical treatment. I then said, 'Do allow me to send for Dr. Thomas; to which he answered, Do so, but be quick. I am sorry I did not let you do so before, as I am sure they have mistaken my disease. Write yourself, for I know they would not


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like to see other doctors here.' I did not lose a moment in obeying my master's orders; and on informing Dr. Bruno and Mr. Millingen of it, they said it was very right, as they now began to be afraid themselves. On returning to my master's room, his first words were, Have you sent ?'-'I have, my Lord,' was my answer; upon which he said, 'You have done right, for I should like to know what is the matter with me.' Although his Lordship did not appear to think his dissolution was so near, I could perceive he was getting weaker every hour, and he even began to have occasional fits of delirium. He afterwards said, I now begin to think I am seriously ill; and, in case I should be taken off suddenly, I wish to give you several directions, which I hope you will be particular in seeing executed.' I answered I would, in case such an event came to pass; but expressed a hope that he would live many years to execute them much better himself than I could. To this my master replied, 'No, it is now nearly over;' and then added, I must tell you all without losing a moment!' I then said,Shall I go, my Lord, and fetch pen, ink, and paper?'- Oh, my God! no, you will lose too much time, and I have it not to spare, for my time is now short,' said his Lordship; and imme diately after,Now, pay attention!' His Lordship commenced by saying, 'You will be provided for.' I begged him, however, to proceed with things of more consequence. He then continued, 'Oh, my poor dear child-my dear Ada! My God! could I but have

seen her! Give her Give her my blessing-and my dear sister Augusta and her children;-and you will go to Lady Byron, and say tell her every thing;-you are friends with her.' His Lordship appeared to be greatly affected at this moment. Here my master's voice failed him, so that I could only catch a word at intervals; but he kept muttering something very seriously for some time, and would often raise his voice and say, 'Fletcher, now if you do not execute every order which I have given you, I will torment you hereafter if possible.' Here I told his Lordship, in a state of the greatest perplexity, that I had not understood a word of what he said; to which he replied, 'Oh, my God! then all is

Can it be possible you have

lost, for it is now too late! not understood me?'- No, my Lord,' said I; 'but I pray you to try and inform me once more.'-' How can I?' rejoined my master; it is now too late, and all is over!'-I said, 'Not our will, but God's be done!'and he answered, 'Yes, not mine be done--but I will try' His Lordship did indeed make several efforts to speak, but could only repeat two or three words at a time-such as, My wife! my child! my sister!—you know all-you must say all-you know my wishes:' the rest was quite unintelligible. A consultation was now held (about noon), when it was determined to administer some Peruvian bark and wine. My master had now been nine days without any sustenance whatever, except what I have already mentioned. With the exception of a few words which can only interest those to whom they

were addressed, and which, if required, I shall communicate to themselves, it was impossible to understand any thing his Lordship said after taking the bark. He expressed a wish to sleep. I at one time asked whether I should call Mr. Parry; to which he replied, 'Yes, you may call him.' Mr. Parry desired him to compose himself. He shed tears, and apparently sunk into a slumber. Mr. Parry went away, expecting to find him refreshed on his return-but it was the commencement of the lethargy preceding his death. The last words I heard my master utter were at six o'clock on the evening of the 18th, when he said, 'I must sleep now;' upon which he laid down never to rise again!-for he did not move hand or foot during the following twentyfour hours. His Lordship appeared, however, to be in a state of suffocation at intervals, and had a frequent rattling in the throat on these occasions I called Tita to assist me in raising his head, and I thought he seemed to get quite stiff. The rattling and choaking in the throat took place every half-hour; and we continued to raise his head whenever the fit came on, till six o'clock in the evening of the 19th, when I saw my master open his eyes and then shut them, but without showing any symptom of pain, or moving hand or foot. Oh! my God!' I exclaimed, I fear his Lordship is gone!' The doctors then felt his pulse, and said, 'You are right-he is gone!'"

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The Editor thinks it right to add here, from "The Examiner," Dr. Bruno's Answer to Mr. Fletcher's State


"Mr. Fletcher has omitted to state, that on the second day of Lord Byron's illness, his physician, Dr. Bruno, seeing the sudorific medicines had no effect, proposed blood-letting, and that his Lordship refused to allow it, and caused Mr. Millingen to be sent for, in order to consult with his physician, and see if the rheumatic fever could not be cured without the loss of blood.

"Mr. Millingen approved of the medicines previously prescribed by Dr. Bruno, and was not opposed to the opinion that bleeding was necessary; but he said to his Lordship that it might be deferred till the next day. He held this language for three successive days, while the other physician (Dr. Bruno) every day threatened Lord Byron that he would die by his obstinacy in not allowing himself to be bled. His Lordship always answered, You wish to get the reputation of curing my disease, that is why you tell me it is so serious; but I will not permit you to bleed me.'

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"After the first consultation with Mr. Millingen, the domestic Fletcher asked Dr. Bruno how his Lordship's complaint was going on? The physician replied that, if he would allow the bleeding, he would be cured in a few days. But the surgeon, Mr. Millingen, assured Lord Byron, from day to day, that it could wait till to

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