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I subjoin, with much pleasure, the eloquent and philosophical reflections of Buffon on the same subject.

"Il faut distinguer deux genres de Perfectibilité, l'un stérile et qui se borne à l'éducation de l'individu, et l'autre fécond qui s'étend sur toute l'espèce, et qui s'étend autant qu'on le cultive par les institutions de la société. Aucun des animaux n'est susceptible de cette perfectibilité d'espèce; ils ne sont aujourd'hui que ce qu'ils ont été, que ce qu'ils seront toujours, et jamais rien de plus, parce que leur éducation étant purement individuelle, ils ne peuvent transmettre à leurs petits que ce qu'ils ont eux-mêmes reçu de leurs père et mère: Au lieu que l'homme reçoit l'éducation de tous les siècles, recueille toutes les institutions des autres hommes, et peut, par un sage emploi du temps, profiter de tous les instans de la durée de son espéce pour la perfectionner tous les jours de plus en plus. Aussi quel regret ne devons nous pas avoir à ces âges funestes où la barbarie a non seulement arrêté nos progrès, mais nous a fait reculer au point d'imperfection d'où nous étions partis! Sans ces malheureuses vicissitudes, l'espèce humaine eût marché, et marcheroit encore constamment vers cette perfection glorieuse, qui est le plus beau titre de sa supériorité, et qui seule peut faire son bonheur."*

From the want of abstraction various other defects might be traced. I formerly showed that imagination (understanding, by that term, creative imagination) implies abstraction; and, therefore, we must consider imagination, in this sense, as a faculty peculiar to a rational nature. This conclusion seems to be agreeable to fact; for, though the brutes discover marks of the faculty of conception, none of them exhibit proofs of their being able to form any new combinations. This, too, is what we should expect from their stationary condition contrasted with the progressive nature of man. To him imagination is the great stimulus to action and to improvement. To the brutes it could only be a source of discontent and misery.

To the want of imagination, combined with an incapacity to follow out connected processes of reasoning, we may also

* [Hist. Nat. tom. xiii. pp. 3, 4, first edition.]

ascribe that remarkable contrast which the condition of the brutes exhibits to ours, in being guided merely by present impulses without any regard to remote consequences. Cicero has stated this contrast very precisely and forcibly in the following words:" Sed inter hominem et belluam hoc maximè interest; quod hæc tantùm quantùm sensu movetur, ad id solum, quod adest, quodque præsens est, se accommodat, paullulum admodum sentiens præteritum aut futurum: Homo autem quòd rationis est particeps, per quam consequentia cernit, causas rerum videt, earumque prægressus et antecessiones non ignorat; similitudines comparat, et rebus præsentibus adjungit, atque annectit futuras; facilè totius vitæ cursum videt, ad camque degendam præparat res necessarias."1

As some authors ascribe reason to Brutes, so others have endeavoured to show that Man, in all his actions, is guided by instinct; and that reason is only an instinct of a particular kind. Mr. Smellie, in his Philosophy of Natural History, has laboured to support this paradoxical play upon words; but the idea is of a much earlier date than his [Smellie's] writings, being started long ago by Dr. Martin Lister, and perhaps by others before him.* "Man," says this last author, "is as very an animal as any quadruped of them all, and most of his actions are resolvable into instinct, notwithstanding the principles which custom and education have superinduced." That it is possible, by the aid of arbitrary definitions, to say plausible things in defence of this, or of any other opinion, I will not deny. But still every person of good sense must feel and acknowledge, that the words Reason and Instinct, in their ordinary acceptations, convey two meanings which are perfectly distinct; nor is it difficult to point out (as I have already attempted to show) some of their characteristical differences. In general, I believe, it may be remarked, that although the multitude often confound things which ought to be distinguished, yet there are very few cases indeed, if there be any, in which men of different ages and countries have agreed to dis

De Officiis, lib. i. c. iv.

* [As Ovid, (Rem. Am. 10,)—"Et quod nunc Ratio est, Impetus ante fuit."-Ed.]

tinguish things by different names, which have been afterwards found, by an accurate philosophical analysis, to be the same in reality. I shall leave, therefore, this verbal quibble, without any farther comment, to the candid consideration of my readers. More than enough has, I trust, been said in the first section of this chapter to expose its futility.1

I copy the following passage from the article Ame des Bêtes, in the second volume of a French work, entitled Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, (pub. lished at Paris in the year 1804.) The coincidence between the opinions of the author, (the illustrious Cuvier,) and those which I have stated in the preceding chapter and in other parts of these Elements, gives me a confidence in some of my conclusions which I should not otherwise have felt; and encourages me in the belief, that the Theory of Helvetius, which, not many years ago, was so prevalent in France, is now gradually giving way, among cautious and impar tial inquirers, to a philosophy less degrading to the dignity of human nature, and more favourable to human happi


"On ne peut donc nier qu'il n'y ait dans les bêtes, perception, mémoire, jugement et habitude; et l'habitude elle-même n'est autre chose qu'un jugement devenu si facile pour avoir été répété, que nous nous y conformons en action avant de nous étre aperçus que nous l'avons fait en esprit. Il nous paroit même qu'on aperçoit dans les bêtes les mêmes facultés que dans les enfans; seulement l'enfant perfectionne son état, et il le perfectionne à mesure qu'il apprend à parler, c'est-à-dire à mesure qu'il forme de ses sensations

particulières des idées générales, et qu'il apprend à exprimer des idées abstraites par des signes convenus. Ce n'est aussi que de cette époque que date en lui le souvenir distinct des faits. La mémoire historique a la même origine et le même instrument que le raisonnement; cet instrument, c'est le langage abstrait.


Pourquoi l'animal n'est-il point susceptible du même perfectionnement que l'enfant ? pourquoi n'a t-il jamais ni langage abstrait, ni réflexion, ni mémoire détaillée des faits, ni suite de raisonnemens compliqués, ni transmission d'expériences acquises? ou, ce qui revient au même, pourquoi chaque individu voit-il son intelligence renfermée dans des bornes si étroites, et pourquoi est-il forcé de parcourir précisément le même cercle que les individus de la même espèce qui l'ont devancé? Nous verrons à l'article Animal que les grandes différences qui distinguent les espèces, suffisent bien pour expliquer les différences de leurs facultés; mais en est-il qui puisse rendre raison de l'énorme distance qui existe, quant à l'intelligence, entre l'homme et le plus parfait des animaux, tandis qu'il y en a si peu dans l'organisation?"—Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, Art. Ame des Bétes. See Note I.




Some Account of JAMES MITCHELL, a boy born Deaf and Blind. From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. VII. Part First.1

THE Memoir which I am about to submit to the consideration of the Royal Society, relates to the melancholy history of a boy who was born blind and deaf; and who, of consequence, has derived all his knowledge of things external from the senses of Touch, of Taste, and of Smell.

It is now considerably more than a year since I first heard of this case from my very ingenious friend, Mr. Wardrop.

1 The connexion of the following Appendix with the preceding chapter may not at first be apparent to a superficial reader; but will at once be acknowledged by all who are able to perceive how strongly the minute details which it contains bear on some of the most interesting questions which relate to the characteristical endowments of the human mind. Solitary as Mitchell is in the midst of society, and confined in his intercourse with the material world within the narrowest conceivable limits, what a contrast does he exhibit to the most sagacious of the lower animals, though surrounded with all the arts of civilized man, and in the fullest posses

sion of all the powers of external perception! Even in his childish occupations and pastimes, we may discern the rudiments of a rational and improvable nature; more particularly in that steck of knowledge, scanty as it is, which he has been led to acquire by the impulse of his own spontaneous and eager curiosity. Some of the occupations here described I might almost dignify by the name of experiments.

The attentive inquirer will discover in this memoir proofs of his possessing various other faculties and principles not to be found in any of the lower animals; a sense of the ludicrous, for instance, or, at least, a susceptibility of

surgeon in London; a gentleman whose scientific attainments and professional skill it is unnecessary for me to mention to this audience. The information which he then communicated to me was extremely general; but more than sufficient to excite all my curiosity. "I have at present," says he, "a patient under my care, whose case is, I believe, unique. It is a boy fourteen years old, who was born blind and deaf, and of course dumb. His senses of touch and smell have a wonderful degree of acuteness; for by these alone he has acquired a very accurate knowledge of external things, and is able to know readily his old acquaintances from strangers. The powers of his mind are vigorous. He is evidently capable of reflexion and reasoning, and is warmly attached to his parents. He has a most delicate palate, and partakes only of the most simple food. I have couched one of his eyes successfully; and he is much amused with the visible world, though he mistrusts information gained by that avenue. One day I got him a new and gaudy suit of clothes, which delighted him beyond description. It was the most interesting scene of sensual gratification I ever beheld."


The first idea which struck me on receiving this intelligence was, that so extraordinary a combination of circumstances might perhaps afford a favourable opportunity of verifying or of correcting, in an unequivocal manner, some of those details in Cheselden's celebrated narrative, about which considerable doubts have been lately entertained, in consequence of their dis

the emotion of laughter; an emotion of
which Milton has justly said-

« . . .
To brutes denied."

Smiles from reason flow,

But, above all, a capacity of carrying on intercourse with other rational beings by means of conventional signs. How far the culture of his intellectual powers might have been carried by the improvement and extension of these rudiments of language, it is difficult to conjecture.

The substance of this Appendix might,

I am sensible, have been introduced here in an abridged form; but as the value of the particulars contained in it depends entirely upon their authenticity and accuracy, it appeared to me more proper to reprint it literally as it was at first written. The reader will thus be enabled to judge for himself of the evidence on which every fact rests, which I have thought it of importance to record.

1 This letter was dated October 4,


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