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father of a large family. Nay, we might even hint, his celestial opponent was himself no stranger to that athletic amusement. If it then had its origin, no admirer of this athletic science can wish for one more ancient, or more honourable. That the Patriarch's antagonist was a being of a superior order, and sent by Divine authority, no Christian has ever yet disputed. That it was a corporeal struggle, or, bona fide, a wrestling match, between them, is universally admitted. It cannot therefore be denied, that it is either of divine origin, or that a Being more than mortal has participated in it. It is true, many of the commentators dwell upon it as a spiritual, as well as a corporeal struggle. This we are very ready to admit; but we will at the same time contend, that instead of diminishing, it adds considerably to its splendour. An amusement from which so many inferences and conclusions have been drawn to promote the welfare of Christianity, cannot be either degrading or confined in its nature; but, on the contrary, noble and scientific.


"It is a common and received proverb, that A man is known by his works, and a tree by its fruits.' Here then is an amusement peculiarly chosen, not only by one of the best of men, but by one better and greater than any man :-and if to give strength and firmness, combined with quickness and elasticity, to the limbs ; discrimination and vigour to the body; coolness to the head, and perception to the mind-the whole forming an energetic combination of the whole power given to man! no exercise could have been selected tending more to exalt his character, and from which such typical illustrations could have been deduced for his spiritual advantage. Here then we take our stand.-Advocates for any other diversion, be it whatever it may! can you produce an origin either so ancient or so honourable? Men of common sense, what can you object to it? Poets and lovers, ye who deal in heroics, and invoke ideal heathen divinities! or ascribe to a mere mortal, like yourselves, the epithet angelic! or even angel itself! while any proof you could bring forward in support of your imaginary divinities (or even the propriety of using such expressions) would be disputed -nay, condemned! by thousands of welldisposed Christians:-in all that we have advanced respecting Wrestling, none but heathens or atheists will attempt to confute."

Mr Litt, we before observed, makes no great show of erudition; but there are good schools in the north: and our author seems to know the history of the ancient world just as intimately as Izaak Walton. The following passage VOL. XIV.

is quite in the classical vein of the Complete Angler.

"Having proved the existence of this amusement at so remote an era, it would be neither necessary nor important to trace the practise of this art through that period of time which intervenes from the time of Jacob, to the formation of the Grecian republics. The blindness and wilful transgressions of the Jews, and the barbarous ignorance of those nations whom God permitted to chastise them, render their exercises a matter of neither curiosity nor utility. But when Greece, emerging from obscurity and ignorance, began to take the lead in civilization, in military knowledge, and in the cultivation of learning and sciences, the utility of Public Games, not only to infuse a generous and martial spirit into the minds of the young men, but to improve their bodily strength, was too apparent to be neglected. Accordingly, we find these athletic exercises not only practised and encouraged in each particular state, but the highest honours and rewards bestowed on the victors at the Olympic, Nemean, and other games, where prizes were awarded, and contended for before the whole nation. It would be foreign to our purpose to quote the wrestling match of Hercules and Anteus, or anything bordering either on the fabulous or miraculous stories incidental to the times in which it is placed; but we may be allowed to observe, that these prizes were contended for, and often won, by men distinguished as much by their birth, patriotism, and valour, as by their skill in those exercises in which it was their pride to excel.

"The influence of these sports in advancing Greece, from a few petty states not equal in extent of territory to one half of England alone, into the most powerful kingdom at that time in the world, is universally acknowledged by all historians and commentators who have ever treated of the subject. And it is singular to remark, that while the fact is admitted by all modern legislators, few or none have recommended an imitation of them."

Leaving the Hebrews and the Greeks without reluctance, we take a leap with Mr Litt of a few thousand years into the ring of Longwathby Mill, A. D. 1778. That village, on Christmas or New Year's Day, and Melmerby on Midsummer's Day, (both, we believe, in Cumberland,) were the scenes of two distinguished annual contests.Mr Litt, with that strange and undefined desire to extol past times at the expense of the present, which seems a principle in human nature, and makes "laudator temporis acti,"

every man observes→→→

* 4 U

"About forty-five years ago, or about the year 1778, back-hold Wrestling was more practised, and in higher estimation in that extent of country which comprises the borders of Cumberland, Westmoreland, Yorkshire, and Northumberland, than in any other place in England or Scotland. Since those days of our fathers, great indeed is the change effected in the habits, customs, and manners of all classes of people throughout England; and in no part of it more than in the north. The festivities of Christmas, the hilarities of sheep-shearing, and other seasons of mirth and jollity, are now but the mere shadow of what they were, even at the short dis tance of time we treat of. Though some dainties, neither much known nor wanted in those days, are now in common use, yet home brewed, that soul and cementer of good fellowship, so often spoken of in raptures by the aged, has nearly disappeared. At that time, if money was more scarce, ale was better and cheaper; and pastimes were not only more frequent, but enjoyed with much less care for to-morrow. Accordingly, on the borders of these counties, prizes of different descriptions were frequently given to wrestle for. Although a belt was the most usual prize, yet silver cups, leather breeches, and other things of considerable value, accompanied by a belt, were by no means uncommon."

The cock of the north at this era was ADAM DODD, who, in the opinion of many who were acquainted with him, had won more prizes than any other man, either remembered at this period, or who has since appeared in the ring. But Mr Litt, from the most authentic accounts he has been able to collect, thinks he yielded in that respect to WILLIAM RICHARDSON of Caldbeck, (now alive and hearty,) who has gained, it is said, 240 belts, and is, we think, better entitled than old Howard of Castle-Dacre himself, to the cognomen "Belted Will." Mr Litt's portrait of Adam is, in its way, quite as good as Milton's, of his great ancestor and namesake.

"Adam, though not termed a big one, was yet far above the middle-size of wrestlers. He was between five feet ten and five feet eleven inches high, and weighed near fourteen stones-belonging to that class in which we have elsewhere stated the most distinguished wrestlers and pugilists were to be found. He has been described to us as a clean and well-built man, but withal rather flattish bodied, and slender backed, for such a distinguished wrestler; this is said by some to have been the only thing that prevented him from being invincible. He was a straight stander, and easy to satisfy with a hold; but the moment it was taken, eager to be at work, and sel

dom desisted from the attack till the fall was over. He seldom had recourse to the buttock; striking was his forte; and his dexterity and method of parting, or what is often provincially called livering, (a contraction of delivering,) his man, was such, that he seldom either missed his object, or went to the ground. His favourite method was the outside, and he was partial to feinting with one foot, and striking with the other; however, on striking out, he often seconded the attack with the foot he feinted with; and we have heard it asserted he struck uncommonly high. In this his trade as a miller might be advantageous to him. From frequent practice in lifting and removing loads with his arms, in which the knee and foot are sometimes used as auxiliaries, he might have acquired more strength in the leg when striking out, and felt less incommoded when balancing and turning his man, than if he had been brought up to almost any other trade. It would be impossible for us, or any other person at this period, to enumerate the tithe of his victories. Suffice it to observe, he was the hero of his day; and at the great annual meetings at Longwathby and Melmerby, as well as at Alston, often threw, not only the most noted wrestlers of the neighbourhood, and the borders of Cumberland and Westmoreland, but all the dons from Yorkshire and Northumberland who came to try their prowess with him. It would be foolish to assert, or lead any person to suppose, he was not occasionally thrown; for that is a thing which, like "time and tide, happeneth to all men;" but we believe we shall not be contradicted, when we say he ranked the ably civil and peaceable man; and his very first on the list. He was a remarkconduct and character through life accorded with these two essential recommendations to respect and esteem-having never been called in question on any occasion. His death was occasioned by incautiously lying down to sleep upon the kiln when drying some oats, which brought on an illness that proved fatal a short time afterwards, whilst in the very prime of life. He died about the year 1782, leaving a widow then with child-having entered into the connubial state not long before his decease."

Then, too, flourished Toм JOHNSTON, now a powerful old man, in the employ of J. C. Curwen, Esq. of Workington-Hall. Tom, "like a true sportsman, still relishes the crack of the whip, and actually carried off the belt from the Cloffick at Workington, at one of the great meetings on Easter Tuesday, when nearly sixty years of age."

"Another celebrated hero, at the same period, was Thomas Lee, who, we are informed, is at this present time a publican

in Alston. Lee, we have been told, was from the borders of Northumberland, and was the unrivalled cock of the walk for many miles round him, both as a wrestler and pugilist. The fame of Adam Dodd continually ringing in his ears, inflamed him with an ardent desire to try conclusions with him. Accordingly, regarding minor conquests as beneath him, and believing himself nearly invincible, he set off in quest of Adam to a meeting of such celebrity as to insure the attendance of that hero. We have heard some assert, that it was at Longwathby, but we have undoubted authority for saying that it was at Great Salkeld that these heroes first met. However this may be, it is certain that they both fought and wrestled. The issue of the former contest was not unfavourable to Adam, although there are many who maintain that it was the only pugilistic contest in which he was ever engaged, and that it was only to prevent the imputation of being a coward that induced him to fight. In wrestling, Adam proved the master; and this, we are told, Lee is still willing to acknowledge, but entertains an opinion that he was the better man in the other respect. Be that as it may, there is no doubt that Lee was a very noted man, and superior to his opponent in strength and weight."

But the most celebrated wrestler, that the north, perhaps, ever produced, also flourished during this epoch-THE REVEREND ABRAHAM BROWN. Letno prim-mouthed puritan purfle up his potatoe-trap at this announcement-a Cumberland curate is not a bishop. That granted, every objection to his trying a fall is at once removed. No doubt, when elevated to the bench, his own good sense will point out to him the propriety of quitting the ring, and even of circumscribing his private practice. Some of our own Scottish ministers are strong-built pillars, and not easy to be pulled down; and we could mention several, by name, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen stoners, whom we would back for a trifle against either the medical or legal profession. Indeed, the greatest number of powerful men we ever saw enter a ring together, was at the Carlisle race-ground, and in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Anno Domini 1823.

"Bampton school, on the borders of Westmoreland, was perhaps the most celebrated seminary in England for turning out good wrestlers. It was usual at that period for those designed for the church, or any learned profession, to frequent school when grown up to manhood; and if

a young man was known to be a Bampton scholar, it was considered conclusive of his being a good wrestler. Among those educated at this instructive seminary, whose genius led them to acquire a competent knowledge of the bodily powers of man, before they were honoured with the charge of his more important requisites, was the reverend and celebrated Abraham Brown, whom we have before alluded to. This gentleman was the first of whom we have any authentic records of excelling as a buttocker. Having lost no time in perfecting himself in this manly exercise when a scholar, he fully maintained the character of a very first rate when acting in the more exalted situations of usher and schoolmaster in different places, and occasionally after he became a curate. When a very young man he acquired great renown in carrying away a silver cup of considerable value from Eamont Bridge, which divides the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and which was consequently in the very centre of the most noted wrestling country in England. After his establishment at Egremont, Mr Brown had no objection, in the spirit of good fellowship, to oblige any man who felt extremely anxious for a trial of skill with him, and in these casual turn-ups it is said he was never vanquished. Abraham being a man of considerable humour and good nature, palmed himself more than once as a friend of Parson Brown's, on men who, hearing of his celebrity, expressed a strong desire to try

a fall with him. On such occasions he pretended to be well acquainted with the Parson, and assured them, that if they could throw him easily, they would prove a match for Brown when they met with him. This of course caused a contest; and Master Abraham, after giving them full satisfaction, would advise them to go home, as he could assure them they were not able to vanquish the Parson. We have heard him assert, that when nineteen years of age, he did not weigh more than twelve stones, but a stranger to him in his younger days would have judged of him very differently. He could not be less than six feet high, and when at a proper age for entering the church, must have weighed fifteen stones

at least. This well-known character died

within the last twelve months; and it is but justice to his memory to observe, that though occasionally addicted to the bottle, public and private character, the regard he preserved through life, both in his

and esteem, not only of his parishioners in general, but of nearly all who were acquainted with him.”

Next to the above unconquered clergyman at this era, was supposed to stand JOHN TINIAN-he and his sons, and brother, make up a family

quite to the taste of our great Roman him by his breeches waistband upon one of the hooks in the ceiling!"


"As a wrestler, boxer, runner, leaper, cudgel, and football player, he never met with an equal. It was no uncommon circumstance for Tinian to bear away all the three prizes,-viz. belt, hat, and gloves, from the neighbouring races; which feat he once performed at Penrith, where he was totally unknown, defeating in these different exercises the very best of the border heroes. He was about six feet high, and fourteen stone weight-an uncommonly powerful and muscular man, regarded as a desperado, and looked upon as the cock of the walk wherever he went. John Tinian is yet living, and some of his sons turned out promising chicks, though by no means equal to the old cock. His brother Job was equally well known. Job was no apology for a man-standing about six feet six inches high, and weighing accordingly! was remarkably in-knee'd, and had little of an Adonis about him at any time, but more especially when, as was frequently the case, he stripped off all his clothes, and exposed himself to his opponent in a state of nudity."

These heroes flourished " on the eastern side of Derwent," and "we must go westward as far as Gosforth, before we find another wrestler of such celebrity, as to entitle him to notice in

these memoirs."

"In that place, we find one of the most distinguished characters at that period between Derwent and Duddon, in the person of John Woodall, who was brought up as a husbandman, and succeeded his father as proprietor of a small estate in Gosforth. Woodall, though not the tallest, was, we believe, the strongest man we have yet noticed. His person was symmetry itself, he stood about five feet eleven inches high, weighed upwards of sixteen stones, and all who knew him agree in considering that he was the strongest man in the west of Cumberland. As a wrestler, Woodall was more indebted to strength than science; but he possessed the former requisite to such an uncommon degree, that he was considered no unequal opponent for the powerful and scientific curate of Egremont. At the King's Arms, in that place, Woodall exhibited a remarkable, and rather extraordinary specimen of his prodigious strength. Having been thrown for a prize by a shoemaker of the name of Carr, a well-known wrestler, the latter, flushed with his victory, began to ridicule Woodall on the circumstance. Woodall, though a very peaceable man, yet willing to turn the laugh against Carr, caught him up in his arms as if he had been an infant, and hung

These, and other mighty ones of the earth, having either resigned the reins, or loosened the loins of their empiry, or been grasped by "THE WRESTLER," rerum nova nascitur ordo, about the year 1800.

"Advancing forward to a more modern date, we will proceed to notice some of the most celebrated heroes at the close of the seventeenth century, or preceding the year 1800. In doing so, we must travel back to Alston and its vicinity, and introduce to the notice of our readers the very best Wrestler of his weight Cumberland, or even the United Kingdom, ever produced, in the person of JAMES, alias JEMMY FAWCETT. Anxious to do ample justice to the professional character of every Wrestler whose name is to be found in our pages, without detracting from the merited renown of others, we are compelled to acknowledge Jemmy must have been the most wonderful Wrestler, either of his own, succinct, or authentic account. Jemmy, or any other time of which we have any though yet living, is perfectly unknown to us, therefore we cannot speak positively as to his weight, which we have heard some call ten, and others ten stone seven pounds; but admitting he weighed eleven stones, the eleven-stone man who could bear away the prize for seven successive years from the most noted place of meeting, and from the acknowledged best Wrestlers in Cumberland and Westmoreland, must have been a Nonpareil indeed! Yet that Jemmy Fawcett was the victor at Longwathby, the most noted annual resort, not only for the most celebrated border Wrestlers, but from Alston and twenty miles round, on every Midsummer-day, does not admit of the least dispute. If Jack Randall, the pugilist, is entitled to the appellation of Nonpareil, by beating men of his own weight, and one or two a single stone heavier; what would he have been called if he could have added to the list of heroes he has vanquished the names of Cribb, Neate, and Spring? Yet, granting he had done so, he would then scarcely have had as well-merited a claim to the appellation as Fawcett, who has thrown scores of heavier men than any of the three!! This single fact more establishes the superiority, as a science, of Wrestling, over Pugilism, than volumes filled with arguments on the subject could possibly do. It likewise equally exposes the folly of those who call back-holds a mere trial of strength. Fawcett, as we have before said, weighed under, or about eleven stones, and was about five feet seven inches high, and continued wrestling occasionally till he was nearly fifty years of

age;-a sufficient proof that he, though a slender man, and open to all comers, did not consider Wrestling as a dangerous amusement. Among the list of the many powerful men he threw, several entitled to be classed as first-raters might be produced. Nor was his superiority over such men, to be attributed either to accident, or confined to the circumstance of one trial only. We contend that Fawcett must have been, and zas, able to throw many fourteen-stone men entitled to rank as first-raters; or to come to the mark at once,-men ranking as high, professionally, as any of the three Pugilists alluded to:-yet could Randall, although supposed to be the very best Pugilist ever remembered, beat any of them? The circumstance of Fawcett being able to throw fourteen-stone men, may be said to form one exception to our remark, that the most superior Wrestlers and Pugilists will be found between thirteen and fourteen stone weight; we answer, not exactly so. We do not think Fawcett could have thrown Adam Dodd, Thomas Nicholson, William Richardson, or some others we could select, in a number of trials; on the contrary, we are sure the odds would have been against him for a single fall ;-but we contend these selected Wrestlers ranked higher

in that exercise, than Cribb, Neate, or Spring ever did as Pugilists; we would compare them to James Belcher, or the Game Chicken, when in their prime; and we presume no pugilistic amateur will say the latter Pugilists were not considered superior to any of the present time, though some of them undoubtedly rank as firstraters. We must therefore conclude, that

there is either more science in back-hold Wrestling, than in Pugilism, or that Fawcett is much more entitled to the appellation of Nonpareil than Randall. Jemmy was partial to getting his left side into action and striking from that position. It is not consistent with the limited nature of this work to dwell longer on the merits of this truly celebrated Wrestler, any further than to remark, that Swaledale, in Yorkshire, was the scene of his latest exploits, and in which place we believe he is still living."

And here Mr Litt pronounces a well-deserved eulogy on our poor friend JOHN BARROW, whom he justly calls, "the most renowned wrestler in Westmoreland at this period." He was not a Cumberland man, as Mr Litt has heard and he lived at Bowness, Windermere. "He was," says Mr Litt, "considered by many a match for any man in the kingdom; and to him it is said Richardson of Caldbeck, (whom, henceforth, let the nations call Belted Will,') was indebted for his favourite method of striking inside." We add,

that he stood upwards of six feet-was, we should think, fourteen stone good, of prodigious strength, not wanting in activity, good-tempered and brave.

"This champion, at a considerably subsequent period to his celebrity as a Wrestler, was unfortunately drowned by the upsetting of a boat on Windermere Lake. It was rather remarkable that Barrow, the only person lost by the accident, was an excellent swimmer, and the only person in the boat who could swim. The accident happening at a place of no considerable depth, his foot either stuck fast in the mud, or getting entangled in some excrescence attached to the bottom, he never rose to the surface of the water, and consequently perished before he could be relieved."


This account is inaccurate. Barrow could not swim, and the accident happened in deep water. He and some others were trying a new boat, which he had built, the sheet of the main-sail was belayed, and the party were both rowing and sailing. A flaw of wind struck her, and the oars to leeward being in the water, the boat upset, did not sink; and two servant-girls, and poor John disappeared. The boat who had seen the accident, rowed from Bell-grange, and saved the lives of the This we ourselves saw. other men. The body was not found for some days. So much about the untimely fate of a great wrestler, and a good man!

Passing over John and Joseph Tinian, in the vicinity of Holm Cultram, the Halls of Alston, who were long and the adjacent country; the brothers the Dons of Ellenborough, Gilcrux, Allison of Cockermouth, and the Reverend Osborne Littleton of Buttermere, "who, previous to his entry into orders, was the best Wrestler within many iniles of Whitehaven ;" we shall, with Mr Litt, attend to the arrival of the Westmoreland militia, in that town, towards the close of the seventeenth century.

"In this regiment were several celebrated Wrestlers, among whom we will particularize the two whose names became most 'familiar in men's mouths' during the time the regiment remained at Whitehaven. These were PHILIF STEPHENSON and THOMAS MADGE. Philip was a strongbuilt muscular man, about five feet nine inches high, and must have weighed upwards of fourteen stones. His fame as a Wrestler ran before him,-his officers were ready to back him to any amount against any man in the kingdom,-and in fact, during his residence here as a soldier, he certainly was the most prominent hero on

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