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12 June

Capt. Fawcett, 1 Vet. Bn. Maj. in the 19 July, 1823

3 Dr Gds. Bt. Maj. Storey, Maj. by purch. vice

Martin, prom.

Lt. Mercer, Capt. by purch. do. Cor. Burnaby, Lt. by purch.

Chalmers, from h. p. 19 F. Cor.





by purch.



Lt. Mecham, from h. p. 19 Drs. Lt. vice Willey, exch. rec. diff. 19 do. Lt. Chalmer, Capt. by purch. vice E. Power, ret.


29 May

[merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

R. F. Shawe, Cor. by purch. do. Cor. Wood, Lt. by purch. vice Earl of Wiltshire, 35 F. 12 do. E. B. Beaumont, Cor. by purch. do. A.T. Cockburn, Cor. vice Ellis, prom. 22 May Capt. Bowers, Maj. by purch. vice Macalester, ret.

5 June Lt. Tomlinson, Capt. by purch. do. Cor. Nash, Lt. by purch. do.

Evered, from h. p. 12 Dr. Cor. by purch. vice St John, prom. Cape Corps

[blocks in formation]

Ceyl. R.

Lt. St Maur, Capt. by purch. více Storer, ret. 29 May

Ens. Timson, Lt. by purch. do. W. Gordon, Ens. by purch. 12 June Lt. Love, Adj. vice Monins, res. Adj. only 29 May Ens. Baldwin, from h. p. 90 F. Ens. by purch. vice Hill, 49 F. 12 June Lt. Goodall, Adj. vice Mackay, res. Adj. only do.

Cor. Lord A. Conyngham, from h. p, 22 Dr. Ens. vice Michell, 27 F. do. Capt. Graham, Maj. vice Halford, dead

Lt. Manners, Capt.

Ens. Macdonald, Lt.

[blocks in formation]

Capt. Hamill, from 2 W. I. R. Capt.
vice L'Estrange, exch. 19 do.
Lt.-Gen. Hon. Sir C. Colville, G.C.B.
&G.C.R. Col. vice Lt.-Gen. Mont-
gomerie, 30 F.
13 do.
Lt. Marshall, from h. p. 7 F. Lt. vice
Rowe, exch. rec. diff.
19 do.
2d Lt. Kellett, from Rifle Br. Ens.
vice Ramsden, exch.
Ens. Majendie, from 22 F. Lt. by
purch. vice M'Crohan, ret. 15 May
Paym. Heartszoak, from h. p. 2 Vet.
Bn. Paym. vice Fairfowl, dead

12 June Bt. Lt. Col. Churchill, from 18 F. Capt. vice Bolton, cancelled 22 May Cape Corps Cav. Lt. G. H. Earl of Beltast, from 7 Dr. Capt. by purch.

[blocks in formation]

R.Af.COL.C. Lt. Jobling, from h. p. 104 F. Lt. and

Adj. vice Binns, dead

Lieut. Swanzy




5 do.

to have permanent

[blocks in formation]

19 do.

Ens. Borthwick, Lt.


Edgar Bayly, Ens.




Ens. Forbes, Lt, by purch. vice prom.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed]

C.S. Knyvett, Ens. by purch. A. Dunbar, Ens. by purch. vice Ogle, 4 Dr. G. 15 do. J. F. Mills, do. by purch. vice Majendie, 89 F. 16 do. Ens. Michell, from 57 F. Ens. vice Wallace, h. p. 22 Dr. 12 June Lt.-Gen. Montgomerie, from 71 F. Col. vice Gen. Manners, dead 13 do. Bt. Maj. Nicolls, Maj. by purch. vice Fearon, prom. 24 Apr.

Lt. Farrington, Capt. by purch. do. Ens. Ward, Lt. by purch.



J. Foskett, Ens. by purch.
Surg. French, from 3 Dr. Surg. vice
Allardyce, h. p. 5 Gar. Bn. 29 May
Lt. J. Earl of Wiltshire, from 10 Dr.
Capt. by purch. vice Bt. Maj. Edge-
worth, ret.
12 June

Surg. Waring, from h. p. 5 Gar. Bn.
Surg. vice Walker, 3 Dr. 29 May
A. L. M'Leod, Ens. vice N. L. M-
Leod, canc.
12 Dec. 1822

Ens. Hill, from 52 F. Lt. by purch. vice Maxwell, prom. 12 June

Lt. Col. Daniell, Insp. F. O. of Rec. Dist. vice Lt.-Col. Brereton, exc.

19 do.

Lt. Pilkington, from h. p. 3 W. I. R.
Lt. vice Collins, ret. list. 29 May
Ens. Ramsden, from 77 F. 2d Lt. vice
Kellett, exch.
19 June
Lt. Robison. from 8 Dr. Capt. by
purch. vice Brooke, prom. in Cape


Capt. L'Estrange, from 66 F. Capt. vice Hamilton, exch.



Maj. Lord G. Lennox, from Cape Corps, Lt.-Col. of Inf. by purch. vice Col. Francklin of R. Art. ret. 12 June Maj. Fane, from 61 F. Lt.-Col. of Inf. by purch. vice Col. Griffiths of R. Art. ret. do. Maj. Oakes, from 1 Life Gds. Lt.-Col. of Inf. by purch. vice Lt.-Col. Buckner, of R. Art. ret. do. Maj. Martin, from 3 Dr. Gds. Lt.-Col. of Inf. by purch. vice M.-Gen. Lord Muskerry, of 38 F. ret. do.

Lt. Lord Fra. Conynghame, from 17 Dr. Capt. by purch. vice Maj. Hon. Robert Gardner, R. Art. Ordnance Department.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bt. Lt. Col. Allan, from 1 W. I. R. with Maj. Capadose, h. p. 56 F.

Maj. Norcliffe, from 17 Dr. rec. diff. between Inf.
and Cav. with Maj. Luard, h. p. 18 Dr.
Capt. Macnamara, from 1 W. I. R. with Bt. Maj.
Broke, h. p. 58 F.

Ferguson, from 9 Dr. rec. diff. with Capt. Lord Loughborough, h. p. 20 F.

Jones, from 52 F. with Capt. Douglas, h. p. Place, from 55 F. rec. diff. with Capt. Cane, h. p. 2 Gar. Bn.

Cradock, from 81 F. with Capt. Montagu, h. p. 64 F.

Earl of Belfast, from Cape Corps (Cav.) with Capt. Cox, h. p. 1 Dr.

Earl of Yarmouth, from Cape Corps, with Capt. Taylor, h. p. 22 Dr.

Lieut. Clarke, from 1 Dr. G. rec. diff. with Lieut. Lt. Hon. C. Westenra, h. p. 8 Dr.

Smith, from 4 Dr. with Lieut. Sir K. A. Jackson, Bt. 14 Dr.

Callaghan, from 15 Dr. rec. diff. with Lieut. Scott, h. p.

Carnie, from 6 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Macbean, h. p. 93 F.

Fraser, from 7 F. with Lieut. Stuart, 46 F. Marshall, from 10 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Majendie, h. p. 89 E.

Kent, from 14 F. with Lieut. Crawford, h. p. 60 F.

Everett, from 27 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Vandeleur, h. p. 85 F.

Monro, from 32 F. rec. diff. with Lieut.

Harrison, h. p. 65 F.

French, from 63 F. with Lieut. Conroy, h. p. 38 F.

Macdonald, from 89 F. with Lieut Macleod, h. p. 4 W. I. R.

Ens. Black, from 68 F. rec. diff. with Ens. Cogan, h. p. 19 F.

Warden, from 62 F. with Ens. Caldecott, h.p. Ass. Surg. Hickman, from R. Horse Gds. with Ass. Surg. Bett, h. p. 98 F.

Thompson, from 86 F. with Ass, Surg.

Hendrick, h. p. 12 F.

Resignations and Retirements.

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9 June, 1823

General Manners, Col. 30 F.
Major-General Latham, late of 7 Dr. Gds. Dub.
9 Apr.

Colonel Sir W. Smith, Bt. W. Essex Mil.
Lieut.-Colonel Stopford, h. p. 60 F. Pisa, 13 May
Captain Adamson, ret. list, 1 Vet. Bn. Vauxhall

Raleigh, h. p. 20 F.
Chapman, W. Kent Militia

Lieut. Gilbert. 20 F.

Colabah, Bomay F.
Vickers, h. p. 3 F.

Millar, h. p. 5 F. near Thurso,
Harding, h. p. 24 F.

15 May 9 Feb.

17 Jan.

9 May

27 do.

30 Oct. 1822

Brierley, h. p. 57 F. Oldham, 28 Apr. 1823
M'Adam, h. p. 58 F. Maybole, 26 Feb.
Colin Campbell, h. p. 74 F. Halifax, N. S.

19 Apr. 15 do. Agostini, h. p. Corsican, Ran. Corsica, do. Cornet Clarke, h. p. 23 Dr. 17 Aug. 1822 Ensign Vanderzee, 30 F. Sccunderabad, Madras, 18 Dec. 1822

Wirth, h. p. Brunswick Inf. Brunswick,

Watt, Cape Corps, Graham's Town, Cape of Good Hope, 18 Mar. 1823 M'Phail, ret. list, 10 Vet. Bn. London, 19 June O'Hara, h. p. 55 F. O'Harabrook, County Antrim, 23 Jan. Paymaster Capt. Biddulph, 25 F. Southampton, 26 Apr. Heacock, 77 F. Edinburgh, 30 May 9 Apr. Wingate, h. p. Lothian Fenc. Cav. do. Browne, h. p. Frazer'. Fenc. Inf. 4 June 22 Mar.

Quarter-Master Scott, h. p. 21 Dr.

Chaplain Nixon, h. p. 103 F. Dublin,
Surgeon Little, h. p. 36 F.
Assistant Surgeon Dr Burke, h. p. 37 F. Ireland,

Hospital Assistant Sutherland, Fort George, N.I

Mar. 2.

4 Jue


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3 son.

31. At the Parsonage Feston, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev. Francis Noel, of a daughter.

June 2. At Edinburgh, the Lady of William L. White, Esq. advocate, of a son.

- At Lorn Manse, Mrs Balfour, of a son. -The Lady of Dr Maclean, Esq. of Brunswick Square, London, of a daughter.

3. At Woolwich Common, the Lady of Capt. H. W. Gordon, Royal Artillery, of a daughter. At Broughton Park House, Mrs Yule, of a


4. At Newington, Mrs M'Candlish, of a daugh

[blocks in formation]


16. At No. 41, Northumberland Street, Mrs Bridges, of a daughter.

18. At No. 134, George Street, Mrs Robert Cadell, of a daughter.

-In Drummond Place, Edinburgh, the Lady of A. Scott Broomfield, Esq. of a daughter.

19. At Munster House, Ireland, Lady Jane Lawrence Peel, of a son and heir.

- At Teviot Bank, the Lady of the Hon. George Elliott, of a daughter.

21. At Polkemmet, the Lady of William Baillie of Polkemmet, Esq. of a son.

-At 7, Royal Circus, Mrs Carlyle Bell, of a

[blocks in formation]

Dec. 20, 1822. At Calcutta, Captain William Kennedy, Assistant Military Auditor-General, to Charlotte, second daughter of Lieut.-General Sir Robert Blair, K.C.B.

Jan. 15. At Quilon, in the East Indies, Captain Charles F. Grice, of the Hon. Company's marines, and master attendant at Quilon, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late James Arnot, Esq. Arbikie, Forfarshire.

May 14. At New York, Mr M. Drury, of Philadelphia, to Miss S. Steel, of Edinburgh.

June 2. At Liverpool, the Rev. Dr Barr, of Port-Glasgow, to Sarah Jane, daughter of Mr Matthew Steele, of the former place.

-At Weedingshall, Duncan Stewart, Esq. surgeon, Borrowstounness, to Miss Margaret Smith.

3. At London, Alex. Howden, Esq. of Torrington Square, to Christian, daughter of Richard Gairdner, Esq. of Stoke Hall, Essex.

-At Gilmour Place, Mr John Donald, merchant, Glasgow, to Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr Robert Kerr, merchant, Edinburgh.

-At the Manse of Corington, Walter Somerville, Esq. surgeon in Carnwath, to Janet, only daughter of the Rev. William Watson, minister of Biggar.

5. At Parson's Green, John Gardiner Kinnear, Esq. banker, to Mary, eldest daughter of Alex. Smith, Esq. banker.

-At Halleaths, Robert Maclauchlan, Esq. of Maclauchlan, to Helen Catherine, daughter of the late W. A. Carruthers, Esq. of Dormont.

6. At Edinburgh, Mr George Rule, Commercial Bank, to Miss Sawers, daughter of Mr William Sawers, merchant, Edinburgh.

7. At Forglen House, Joseph Murray, Esq. younger of Ayton, to Grace, youngest daughter of Sir George Abercromby of Birkenbog, Bart.

9. At Edinburgh, Robert Brunton, Esq. merchant, Leith, to Jane, daughter of the late Mr William Jack, merchant, Edinburgh.

11. At Kelso, George Pott, Esq. Penchrist, to Jane, daughter of Mr William Elliot, architect.

12. At Gayfield Square, Mr James Peter Mitchell, brewer, to Charlotte, eldest daughter of Kincaid Mackenzie, Esq.

13. At Granshaws, Joseph Stephenson, Esq. surgeon, Dunse, to Isabella, second daughter of Mr Bertram, Cranshaws.

At Berwick, George A. Gray, Esq. of Middle-Ord, to Isabella, daughter of John Morrison, Esq. banker, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

14. At London, John M'Neile, Esq. of Ballycastle, Ireland, to Charlotte Lavinia, youngest daughter of Major-General Sir Thomas Dallas, K.C.B.

17. At Edinburgh, Josiah Nisbet, Esq. of the Madras civil service, to Rachel, second daughter of Sir John Marjoribanks of Lees, Bart. M.P.

-At Edinburgh, Mr Maurice Lothian,, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Charles Black, Esq. London Street.

18. At Leith, Mr James Luke, Muircambus. to Janet, daughter of Mr Robert Simson, King's Kettle, Fifeshire.

23. At Gorgie Mains, Capt. Robert Thomson, to Marshall, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Milne, Founder, Edinburgh.

24. At Clayton, Major John Falconer Briggs, younger of Strathairly, to Miss Walker, only daughter of the late Col. P. Walker of Clayton, in the service of the Hon. East India Company. At Liverpool, Mr James Glover, writingmaster, to Mary, eldest daughter of the Rev. Alex. Macgowan, minister of Dalry, Kirkcudbrightshire.

26. At Boggs, East Lothian, William Somner, Esq. of Skedsbush, to Margaret Harriet, eldest daughter of Mr Charles Howden.

-At Cheltenham, the Rev. John Netherton Harward, eldest son of the Rev. J. Harward, of Hartlebury, Worcestershire, to Harriet, daughter of Richard Butler, Esq. of West Hall near Cheltenham.

27. At Lochmill, Linlithgow, Mr Alex. Henderson, Linlithgow, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Kilgour, paper-manufacturer there. 30. At Gladswood, near Melrose, George G. Hill, Esq. Gower Street, Bedford Square, London, to Isabella, eldest daughter of John Anderson, Esq. of Gladswood.


Dec. 31. 1822. At Bombay, the Rev. Geo. Martin, M. A. one of the Chaplains to the Hon. East India Company, at that station, and brother-inlaw to the Duke of Atholl.

Jan. 20. 1823. At Trichinopoly, of the cholera morbus, which attacked him while under medical treatment for acute rheumatism, Mungo Park, M.D. eldest son of the celebrated African traveller.

Mar. 30. At Castries, St Lucia, Mr James Fleming Loudon, son of Morehead Loudoun, Esq. Glasgow.

April 30. At St John's, Newfoundland, Mr Donald H. M'Caman, formerly of the Island of Islay.

May 19. At Halifax, Nova Scotia, Lieut.-Colonel P.Waterhouse, Major of the 81st regiment. June 1. At Culross, the Rev. Walter Macalpine, first minister of that parish, in the 82d year of his age, and 54th year of his ministry.

-At Arniston Place, Henrietta Chisholme, youngest daughter of Geo. Lang, Esq.

-At Edinburgh, Mrs MacAllan, spouse of Mr James MacAllan, writer to the signet, and daughter of Mr Robert Ainslie, writer to the signet.

2. At Ettrick Bank, Matilda, only daughter of William Ogilvie, Esq. younger of Chesters.

-At Paris, Marshal Davoust, Prince of Eckmuhl, after a long and painful pulmonary consumption.

-At Peterhead, James Trail, Esq. surgeon. 3. At Edinburgh, Mrs Faulkner, late of the Theatre-Royal.

-At Musselburgh, Louisa, wife of J. H. Home, Esq. of Longformacus, and fourth daughter of the late Captain David Ramsay, Royal Navy.

-At Northam, Suffolk, Miss Mary Foulis, youngest daughter of the late Sir James Foulis of Colington, Bart.

4. At Edinburgh, Robert Hill, son of the late Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Hill, of the East India Company's Service.

-At Kinghorn, Mrs Helen Wallace, wife of Lieut. Evan Macpherson, Aberdeenshire Militia. -At Perth, John Hay, eldest son of James Paterson, Esq. of Carpow.

5. At Abington Hall, Staffordshire, Janet, the infant daughter of William Hay, Esq. of Drummelzier.

-At Aberdeen, Mr Robert Troup, merchant. 6. In Merrion Square, Dublin, the venerable Judge Fletcher.

At Farme, Miss Margaret Farie, sister of James Farie, Esq. of Farme, and on the 8th inst. his daughter, Miss Farie.

7. In Dublin Street, Mrs James Hunter.

8. At Fort William, Mr John Wallace, rector of the Academy there.

-At Aberdeen, Mr James Mowat, merchant and manufacturer.

-At Ayr, David Scott, Esq. banker.

- At Gibraltar, John Macdonald Buchanan, Esq. of Drummakill.

At Aberdeen, Captain Robert Christie, late

of the 88th regiment.

9. In Curzon Street, Mayfair, General Robert Manners, Colonel of the 30th regiment.

- At Dryden, the seat of Sir Charles Macdonald Lockhart, Bart, Mr James Borthwick, aged 81, whose ancestors had been for upwards of 300 years upon the estate.

- At Dalserf House, Thomas Paterson, Esq. late Paymaster of the 22d regiment of foot.

10. At Ayr, Captain Bedford Stewart, late of the Irish revenue service.

At Leith, Mr Cundell, late cashier of the Leith Banking Company.

-At Stirling, Colin Dawson, Esq. writer. - In York Place, Thomas, eldest son of Dr Gillespie.

- At Leith, Mrs Anne Clark, relict of Mr John Rogers, soap-manufacturer, Fisherrow.

-At the Manse of Dumbarney, Mr Alex. Anderson, son of Mr John Anderson, Newburgh, Fife. 12. At Waterford, Lieut.-General William Doyle.

13. At Theobalds, Hatfield, Herts, the Marquis of Salisbury.

14. At Edinburgh, Mary Ross, third daughter of Mr George Stedman, Solicitor Supreme Courts.

14. At Lopness, in Orkney, Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr William Strang.

At Dunbar, Lieut.-Colonel John Clark, Royal Marines.

At her house, in Upper Grosvenor Street, London, the Countess de Dunstanville.

-At her house, in Nicolson Square, Mrs Julia Hope, wife of Mr Thomas Manners, writer to the signet, and depute-clerk of session.

15. At Edinburgh, Dr John Thomson, R. N. -At Manse of Durris, the Rev. William Strachan, minister of that parish, in the 79th year of his age, and 52d of his ministry.

-At Warriston Crescent, Agnes, wife of Mr A. Plimer, of the Stamp-office.

16. At his house, Caltonhill, Archibald Elliott, Esq. architect.

At 101, Prince's Street, Isabella, daughter of the Rev. James Grant, minister of Laggan. - At Old Hall, near Warre, Thomas Cleghorn, Esq.

Mr Robert Ogle, of the firm of Ogle, Duncan, & Co. booksellers, London.

At Ballancrieff House, the Hon. Clara Mary Murray, second daughter of the Right Hon. Lord Elibank.

-At his house, Royal Exchange, Mr James Kirkwood, junior.

18. At Sorrento, in the Bay of Naples, Ronald, second son of John Crauford, Esq. of Auche


- Mr Thomas Sheriff, late ship-master, Dunbar.

- At Wimbledon, near London, Samuel Charters Somerville, Esq. W. S. Edinburgh, second son of the Rev. Dr Somerville, Jedburgh.

- At Colzium, James Davidson, Esq. writer to the signet.

-At St Andrews, Mrs Isabella Stormonth, relict of Mr James Mowat, late Rector of the Grammar School there.

-At London, William Gordon, Esq. of Campbelton, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright.

19. At London, at the advanced age of 81, Mr William Coombe, the author of "The Diaboliad," the Tour of Dr Syntax," and many other works.

At his house, Leith Walk, Charles Fraser, of Williamston, Esq.

-At Versailles, in France, Isabella, wife of Major-General John Murray.

20. At his house, Canongate, Mr William Burton, merchant.

-At Rothie House, James Leslie, Esq. of Ro thie.

21. At New York, William Blackie, Esq. late merchant in Glasgow.

25. At Edinburgh, Elizabeth, wife of Mr James M'Innes, S.S.C. Prince's Street.

-At Catherine Bank, Mrs Margaret Spalding, wife of the Rev. Dr Ireland, North Leith.

- At her house, in Seymour Place, London, the Dutchess Dowager of Cardigan.

25. At Louth Hall, in the county of Louth, after a short indisposition, occasioned by the bursting of a blood-vessel, Thomas Lord Baron Louth, in the 60th year of his age.

28. At Edinburgh, Miss Margaret Craigie, youngest daughter of the late John Craigie, Esq. of Quebec.

29. At Porterfield Cottage, near Edinburgh, in the 72d year of his age, Dr William Farquharson, physician in Edinburgh, a man eminent in his profession, warm and steady in his friendships, and of much urbanity of manners.

30. At Stamford, Lincolnshire, Octavius Graham Gilchrist, Esq. a distinguished literary character, at the early age of 45 years.

Mr Alexander Lesslie, of Conduit Street, London.

Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. Edinburgh.

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We have lately received a very delightful book, from a very delightful friend, and, being anxious that the world should become as happy, and as well informed, as ourselves, we lose no time in requesting the numerous individuals of which it is composed, men, women, and dandies, the "interme diate link," to order each and all of them, his, her, and its copy. Everybody knows something now-a-days of the Garden of Plants, or at least ought so, to do; for it has been ascertained, that even "Tims" has bearded the Douglas in his den; that is, has stood within a few paces of the Menagerie without any fear of being driven to atoms by the tuft of the lion's tail. But in an establishment of such great extent, and unrivalled excellence, it may well be imagined, that many things worthy of notice escape the observation, and many more the comprehension, of travellers; and hence the value of a clear and satisfactory history of the rise, progress, and completion of the King's Garden, and of the splendid collections in every branch

of natural history which it now contains. Such a work is, in fact, from the nature of things, an exposition of the state of the most important physical sciences during the successive and connected periods of which it treats, and thus, at the same time that it enlight ens us regarding the practical management and present state of a most regal institution, it explains and illustrates the progress of human intellect in many of the most delightful branches of knowledge.

The person who writes this work in English is M. Royer, a French gentleman, who holds a situation in the office of administration of the Museum. He is well known for the wonderful skill which he has attained in speaking and writing our language, without having resided in Britain, and for his great civility and kindness to those foreigners who visit the Museum and its environs, for the purposes of amusement or information; and he is universally esteemed for the intelligence and integrity of his character. He has resided constantly in

History and Description of the Museum of Natural History and Royal Botanic Garden of Paris. Translated from the French of M. Deleuze, assistant Botanist. By A. A. Royer. 2 vols. 8vo. with 17 plates. Price 21s. Sold by G. B. Sowerby, 33, King Street, Covent Garden, London.

This work has been composed, by authority of the French government, from materials furnished by the Professors and Administrators of the Museum. Q


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