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fetched at auction are an indication of the appreciation the public has for them, as well as the fact that each new one announced is eagerly subsubscribed for by those who understand their beauty. Even the high publication prices asked for these volumes do not deter the real book-lover from the desire for ownership."

Mr. Andrews has just published a new volume -his fourteenth book- "Sextodecimos et Infra," which is, perhaps, the most beautifully illustrated of them all. Mr. North says: "Mr. Andrews does not hesitate to spend money lavishly on the illustrations of these books, and frequently issues them at cost, because in the progress of the work he becomes more and more interested in perfection, and insists upon it, rather than that he should make any money by their publication." The illustrations in "Sextodecimos, etc.," are all reproductions in the exact size, of bindings, frontispieces and title pages of the books described in the text. That the text itself will be found most fascinating, all readers of Mr. Andrews' previous books will understand, and it would be impossible to say too much of the beauty of the illustrations, many of which are in colors and gold. So well are these bindings reproduced that even the difference in the grain of the leather is made very apparent. The very title page of "Sextodecimos" is one of the most delightful imaginable; containing, as it does, a reproduction of the binding of "The London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1796," a little pocket calendar 22x14 inches in size. This beautiful bit of binding, which is reproduced in the original colors, might, Mr. Andrews says, "have been the property once in a time, of 'that historic dandy, Beau Brummel, or one of his companion fops and beaus of the time of George IV. This midget of a book is bound in red morocco, inlaid with blue and white leathers, and is interesting as a specimen in 'forma minima' of an English eighteenth century mosaic binding."

In the compass of a short review it is only possible to glance at one or two things out of the wealth of detail one would wish to linger over. Every illustration is a temptation to the booklover, but where all are so unusually perfect, it is only possible to call attention to one or two; for instance, to the silver binding on the "Rosengartlein," Cologne, 1651, a little prayer book bound in repousse silver, "wherein are planted beautiful morning and evening prayers." This is an almost perfect specimen of the silversmith's art in binding; the rose motive being followed not only in the binding, but on the gauffered edges as well, the harmony between the book and its binding being complete. There is also a beautiful crimson velvet binding embroidered with silver threads, which is attributed to the nuns of Little Giddings; but Mr. Andrews thinks this is without

sufficient warrant, the bindings in the British Museum positively known to have been done at Little Giddings being in leather or velvet, gold tooled, none being embroidered. This beautiful binding, however, is dainty enough to have come from the hands of Mary Collet herself. Just one or two extracts from the text must be chosen to show how thoroughly Mr. Andrews appeals to the true book-lover. For instance:

"The charm for a lover of books which lurks in even the purely descriptive portions of a bookseller's catalogue."

"It is one of those charming bits of book-making within and without that occur but rarely, and in comparison with which all the treasures of the mines of Golconda are but dross in the mind of the true bibliophile."

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BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ANDREWS BOOKS. A Choice Collection of Books from the Aldine Presses, in the Possession of with a Short Introductory Account of the Aldus Family, taken mostly from Horne's Introduction to Bibliography. New York: De Vinne Press. Privately printed. 1885. 8vo, pp. 23. Two illustrations, Bierstadt process. Edition 50 copies. Holland paper, numbered and signed. Not published for sale. Bierstadt copy sold for $27.

Roger Payne and His Art; a Short Account of His Life and Work as a Binder. By William Loring Andrews. New York: De Vinne Press. 1892. 8vo, pp. 36. Edition, 120 copies Holland paper, 10 Japan paper. Eleven illustrations, Bierstadt process, ten of which are in colors and gold. Subscription price, $5 and $10. Bierstadt copy (Holland paper), $30; Irving Browne copy (Holland paper), $25.

Jean Grolier de Servier, Viscount d'Aguisy; Some Account of His Life and of His Famous Library. By William Loring Andrews. New York: The De Vinne Press. 1892. Pot quarto, pp. 68. Fourteen illustrations, Bierstadt process, and electrotypes, eleven of which are in colors and gold. Edition, 140 copies hand-made paper, 10 Japan paper. Subscription price, $10 and $15. Bierstadt copy (Japan), $44. Cox copy (handmade paper), $27.

The Bradford Map. The City of New York at the Time of the Granting of the Montgomery Charter; a description thereof, compiled by Will1am Loring Andrews, to ac accompany a facsimile of an actual survey made by James Lyne and printed by William Bradford in 1731. New York: De Vinne Press. 1893. Pot quarto, pp. 115. Fifty illustrations, eleven of which are Bierstadt fullpage artotypes and thirty-nine electrotypes in the text. Edition, 142 copies plate paper, 10 Japan paper. Subscription price, $10 and $15. Bierstadt copy (Japan), presentation, $44. Cox copy (plate paper), $23.

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Printed for William Loring Andrews. New York: The De Vinne Press. 1894. Crown 8vo, pp. 32. Twenty-seven full-page illustrations, 13 of which are artotypes-four in color-and 14 electrotypes. Edition, 2 copies vellum, 10 Japan, 38 Holland paper Not published for sale. Bierstadt copy (presentation), $49.

A Stray Leaf from the Correspondence of Washington Irving and Charles Dickens. By William Loring Andrews. New York: De Vinne Press. 1894. Embellished with engravings on copper and zinc. Square 8vo, pp. 40. Seven illustrations, five electrotypes and two engravings on copper, by Edwin Doris French. Edition, 77 copies, all on Japan paper. Subscription price, $5. Bierstadt copy, $30; Cox copy, $31.

A Short Historical Sketch of the Art of Bookbinding. By William Loring Andrews. With a Description of the Prominent Styles by William Matthews. New York. 1895. Small square 8vo, pp. 51. Six illustrations, half tones. Edition, 50 copies Japan paper. Subscription price, $1. Bierstadt copy, $19.

The Old Booksellers of New York, and Other Papers. By William Loring Andrews. New York: The Gillis Press. 1895. Octavo, pp. 84, three illustrations, full-page engravings on copper, by E. D. French; also head and tail pieces and initial letters from designs by the same artist; edition 132 copies hand-made paper, 10 Japan paper. Subscription price, $7.50 and $20.

An Essay on the Portraiture of the American Revolutionary War: Being an Account of a Number of the Engraved Portraits Connected Therewith Remarkable for Their Rarity or Otherwise Interesting. By William Loring Andrews. To which is added an appendix containing lists of portraits of Revolutionary

characters to be found in various English and American publications of the 18th and the early part of the 19th century. Illustrated with reproductions by the photogravure process of 20 of the original engravings. N. Y. Printed by Gillis Bros. for the author and sold by Dodd, Mead & Co. 1896. Royal octavo, pp. 100, 20 illustrations, photogravures of original engravings. Edition, 185 copies on hand made paper, 15 Japan. Subscription price, $10 and $20. Bierstadt copy, handmade paper, $13.

The Journey of the Iconophiles Around New York in Search of the Historical and Picturesque. Printed at New York in the Year of Our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-seven and of the Discovery of the Island of Manhattan by Hendrik Hudson the Two Hundred and Eighty-eighth. The Gillis Press. Royal Octavo, pp. 47, one illustration, view of the Battery, New York, in 1793. full-page engraving on copper by E. D. French Edition, 87 copies, Japan paper, 6 hand-made paper. Subscription price, $4. Written to accompany the 12 views of New York City which compose the first series of the publications of the Society of the Iconophiles, the subscription price of which was $24.

A Prospect of the Colledges in Cambridge, in New England. Engraved by William Burgis in 1726. The Description Compiled by William Loring Andrews. New York: Published and for sale by Dodd, Mead & Co. 1897. The Gillis Press. Large octavo, pp. 38. 6 photogravure illustrations, one a folding plate. Edition, 115 copies hand-made paper, 25 copies Japan paper. Subscription price, $7.50 and $15.

New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York: A Chronologically Arranged Account of Engraved Views of the City from the First Picture Published in 1651, until the Year 1800. By William Loring Andrews. New York: Published and for sale by Dodd, Mead & Co. Anno Domini 1897. The Gillis Press. Octavo, pp. 142, 45 illustrations, viz., 3 photo-engravings in color, 31 photogravures on copper, 3 photogravures on gelatine in color, 7 headbands, 7 initial letters, 7 tailpieces and "Lines to the Reader" engraved on copper by E. D. French. Edition, 170 copies American hand-made paper, 30 Japan, with extra impressions of the engravings on copper by E. D. French. Subscription price, $15 and $50. Cox copy (Japan paper), $77.50. Irving Browne copy (hand-made paper), record price, $45. Has also brought $36 and $38 at recent auctions.

Fragments of American History: Illustrated Solely by the Works of Those of Our Own Engravers Who Flourished in the 18th Century. Privately printed for William Loring Andrews. New York: Gillis Press. 1898. Small octavo, pp. 69, 18 illustrations, 4 in colors, reproductions of the original engravings by various photo-reproductive processes, mostly photogravures. Edition, 80 copies American hand-made paper, 30 on Japan. Subscription price, $12.50 and $15. Cox copy (Japan), $21. Irving Browne copy (handmade), $18.

Sextodecimos et Infra. William Loring Andrews. Published by Charles Scribner's Sons, Anno Domini 1899. New York: The Gillis Press. Small octavo, pp. 117, 26 illustrations in photogravure, 25 of which are of the same size as original, and 14 of which are in gold and colors. Edition 142 copies on English hand-made paper, 10 Japan paper. Subscription price, $10 and $20.



Three Hundred Notable Books Added Recently to the British Museum.

On Monday, the 20th of March, 1899, Dr. Richard Garnett resigned the office of Keeper of the Printed Books in the British Museum, which he had held since 1890, having previously been connected with the reading room of that institution for about forty years. His associates, many of whom were also fellow-members of Dr. Garnett in the Biographical Society, of which he is an exPresident, determined to prepare some sort of a testimonial in recognition of his long years of service. This finally took the form of an illustrated descriptive catalogue of 300 rare books added to the library during Dr. Garnett's Keepership, the volume being a distinctly valuable addition to bibliographical knowledge.

The editors of this book, one of whom, Alfred W. Pollard, is a British Museum man and the Secretary of the Bibliographical Society, had expected to prepare it at their leisure during the present year, but having decided to present an advance copy of the work to Dr. Garnett on the day his resignation took effect, the catalogue had to be written, printed, and illustrated within less than ten weeks. The book, however, which is beautifully printed by the Constables on handmade paper, shows no evidence of haste, and is remarkably attractive in all its details. The frontispiece is an etched portrait of Dr. Garnett by William Strong, and the book has a very striking, rubricated title page, with a monogram composed of Dr. Garnett's initials in its centre, which was designed by Laurence Housman. The monogram also appears in gold on the book's front cover, being remarkably effective on the faded green of its binding. The volume contains sixty illustrations, fac-similes of cuts, initials, title pages, capitals, colophons, etc.; 250 copies have been printed, 50 of which were for presentation, a list of the subscribers for the remaining copies being printed at the end of the volume.

Dr. Garnett's work in literature is too well known to need any reference here, and all who have come in contact with him at the British Museum have spoken in the highest terms of his scholarship and courtesy. The cost of preparing the volume is said to have been about $1,000, the editors giving their labor and the printers estimating their work at cost. It is thought that less than half a dozen copies have come to America, one having been presented to the Grolier Club and one to the American Secretary of the Biblio

graphical Society. The name of a well-known New York collector will be found in the list of subscribers, and a fourth copy is in the possession of the present writer.

Of course the 300 books described are but a small portion of the volumes added to the library of the British Museumduring Dr. Garnett's Keep ership.

The editors, in their preface, state "that a Keeper's purchases are dictated not only by opportunity and his own tastes, but by what his predecessors and the great benefactors of the museum have left for him to do. As this list will show, Dr. Garnett has been able to enhance the prestige of the museum collections, even when they were richest, and to bring at least one of the less flourishing sections, that of early Spanish books, to the level of the rest, the editor can wish no better fortune to the museum library than that future Keepers may attain as much success." The most valuable feature in the catalogue is not so much the transcripts of the title pages, interesting as these are, but the bibliographical knowledge contained in the notes, in smaller type, printed below each transcription.

The catalogue is divided into sections, taking up separately, and in due chronological order, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and miscellaneous books.

The English is the longest and most important, and contains the fullest and most interesting notes. Dr. Garnett has been able to add to the early printed books of the museum library five Caxtons, thirteen volumes printed by Wynkyn de Worde, and seven by Pynson. Among the Caxtons will be found "Curia Sapientiæ," a poem containing, descriptions of plants, fishes, birds, beasts, and a general survey of the arts and sciences. The book is without place, date, or name of printer, but is printed in Caxton type, 4, and is probably assigned to the year 1481. This copy is quite perfect, having the two blank leaves at the end, and came from the Maurice Johnson collection. The second Caxton is an edition of "Cato," the third edition printed by Caxton, and the first in folio, it having been a favorite schoolbook in the Middle Ages. "This edition is the first book in which Caxton used printed signatures, and the first English book containing wood-cut illustrations.' There is neither place, date, nor name of printer in this book, but it is in Caxton types 2 and 3, and was probably printed in 1481; only two other copies are known to exist. The third Caxton "Sex Epistole," is the earliest known separate publication of diplomatic correspondence. The book was probably printed in 1483, and the present copy is supposed to be unique. It was purchased from the Hecht-Heine Library, at Halbenstodt, in April, 1890. "The Doctrinal of Sapience," the fourth Caxton, is one of eleven known copies, the one in the library at Windsor Castle being on vellum. This was formerly the Ashburnham copy, and has two leaves in fac-simile. The last Caxton, "Profits of Tribulation," is in Caxton type 6, about 1490, and is one of five known copies, the present copy, which is perfect in all details, having been purchased at the third Ashburnham sale in 1898.

Ten of the thirteen books printed by Wynkyn de Worde, Garnett purchased from the Maurice Johnson Collection in 1898. The "Sarum Horæ" lacks 13 leaves, but is said to be one of twoknown copies, the other being in the library of Saulisbury Cathedral. The 17th century books in the English section are full of interest, and include Izaak Walton's "Prayer Book," folio, 1639, in which will be found interesting manuscript entries of the births and deaths in his family, including the following, which is a transcript from the epitaph on Ann Walton's tombstone: "Here lies buried so much as could die of Ann, the wife of Izaak Walton, who was a woman of remarkable prudence and of the primitive piety. Her great and generall knowledg being adorned with such trew Humilitie, and blessed with so much Christian meikness, as made her worthy of a more memorable monument. She dyed (alas! alas! that she is ded), April 17th, 1662."

"The Whole Book of Psalms," London, 1633, is in an extremely well preserved embroidered binding, and is said to have belonged to Mrs. Osborn, maid of honor to Queen Henrietta. The volume has a bookmark, with a picture of Charles I. and the inscription "From Prison Bring Your Captive King." With this volume is included the embroidered bag in which the book was carried to church.

Another very interesting volume in the same section is "The Little Gidding Harmony," with title in manuscript, and a long descriptive note on the flyleaf, under a book-plate of John Collet. This note states that the book was made and bound by Mrs. Mary Collet; was to be kept in the family as an heirloom, and that only two other copies had been compiled, one of which was given to Charles I. when he paid a visit to the monastery, and the second to Charles II. at the time of the Restoration. The museum copy is in the curious original binding of orange vellum, with white overlays.

The 18th and 19th century books in the English section are also most interesting, including, among other rarities, a volume of Blake's "Poetical Sketches," London, 1782; the first American edition of Burns, "Philadelphia," 1788; early Landors and Shelleys; "The Gownsman," one of the magazines conducted by Thackeray while at Cambridge; Emerson's "Nature," in the first edi

tion; "Sartor Resartus," in three books, reprinted for friends from Fraser's Magazine, London, 1834; the first edition in book form of Carlyle's great work, of which a few copies only were privately issued. There is also a first edition of Hawthorne's "Fanshaw," Boston, 1828, which is believed to be the only copy in England.

Here, too, will be found rare Stevensons, including the "Pentland Rising," "The Charity Bazaar," several of the Davos Platz books, and, rarest of them all, the Sydney "Father Damien." Among the Tennysons are "Enid and Nimue," London, 1857, the only surviving one of six trial copies, with Tennyson's autograph corrections, and a trial copy of the "Enoch Arden" volumes, with a title page reading "Idylls of the Hearth, London, 1864." Another interesting book is a copy of the first edition of Leigh Hunt's "The Religion of the Heart," with autograph additions and corrections in Hunt's writing and a slightly altered title, all having been prepared for a second edition.

Where so many interesting items are to be found, the temptation is strong to give innumerable quotations, but so much attention has been given to the English section (although but a taste of its many rarities has been offered) that it is only possible to state that the other sections are correspondingly rich, without specifying particular instances.

The catalogue having been printed for private circulation only among subscribers, it is, of course, entirely of an unofficial character. It contains pages viii, plus 184, including, besides the body of the book, a preface, index and list of subscribThe book is well bound in half morocco, was issued at LI IS., and is a volume its fortunate possessors are greatly to be envied their ownership, the very limited edition greatly circumscribing its circulation.



TWO RARE BOOKS MR. VANDERBILT OWNED. The newspapers that chronicled the death of Cornelius Vanderbilt gave no description of his library, though they told of his great love for books. Nevertheless Mr. Vanderbilt's collection should be classed among the precious things he died possessed of. The real bibliographical importance of the library is not known, but most collectors have long been aware that it contained many books of great rarity and value, among them a perfect and superb copy of the "Bay Psalm Book," the first book printed in the United States, and a fine copy of Eliot's Indian Bible of 1685. The latter was once in the possession of the famous theologian Jonathan Edwards, who was missionary to the Stockbridge Indians from 1751 to 1757 and President of the College of New Jersey in 1757-8. Later the Bible was owned by George Brinley, and when the third part of his collection was sold in New York in 1881 it was No. 6,684 in the catalogue and was purchased for Mr. Vanderbilt for $550. Its present value is, of course, much more.

Mr. Vanderbilt's "Bay Psalm Book" is one of the four perfect copies that are known, only six others being in existence, all of them imperfect. Of the other perfect copies the Lenox Library has one, the Bodleian Library, Oxford, England, another and the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I., the third. The Brown copy of this metrical version of the Psalms, which Stephen Day printed in Cambridge, Mass., in 1640, is perhaps the most important of the four, as it once belonged to Richard Mather, one of the compilers, but the Vanderbilt copy ranks second among the four. At one time it was in the New England Library of the Rev. Thomas Prince, pastor of the old South Church in Boston, and the first American to collect books. There it should have remained, for Prince left his library to the church, but the careless, not to say dishonest, trustees, who allowed a number of Prince's best books to pass into other hands, made an exchange with Edward A. Crowninshield of Boston, and the "Bay Psalm Book" came to Henry Stevens after Crowninshield's death.

The book was in the original vellum binding. Stevens offered it to the British Museum for £150 but after a stupid delay on the part of the keeper of the printed books Stevens withdrew the book and had Francis Bedford bind it in dark brown crushed levant morocco. In 1868 he took it to the United States and sold it to the more appreciative Brinley for 150 guineas. At the first Brinley sale, in 1879, the book, No. 847 in the catalogue, was secured for Mr. Vanderbilt for $1,200-about one-third of its present value. As Stevens remarked in 1886 in his "Recollections of James Lenox," the British Museum still lacks the first book printed in New England. In 1899 it is still among the books it would like to have. But it might have had it forty years ago for £150. Now the same volume could not be secured for $4,000.


"Don't get discouraged, my boy," said the publisher, patronizingly; "there will always be a demand for good literature." "I was afraid the demand for it was dying out," replied the highbrowed youth. "Not a bit of it-not a bit of it. There will never be a time when magazines are so crowded with advertisements that they won't have space for a few stories and poems and things."


"Why, you naughty boy, what made you tear up your new picture-book?" "Well - boo-hoo why does it say on it 'indestructible picture book'?"


It was generally known that Mr. Daly had a remarkable dramatic library, and so he had. His general library was even more so. In fact, he had an ideal library, well-nigh filling all the rooms of his residence from the basement to the top floor; room after room was filled with treasures in literature, all arranged with care, and each class had its own place in this wonderful library, which, possibly for its unusual variety, easily ranks it as being the grandest this country has ever seen. Rest with Mr. Daly was unknown; he was a thorough worker, and a hard worker, too, at that, from early morning till late at night. Everything he undertook was done with a thoroughness never excelled, excepting with remarkably busy men.

Mr. Daly knew his books well, read them and loved them for their contents and associations. His library was a representative one of everything that was good and of value, and selected with the care and judgment that with Mr. Daly were characteristic of the man.

In a brief paper, as this necessarily is, much cannot be written of Mr. Daly's library save a panoramic view of some of its principal contents. The Douai Bible, in forty-two folio volumes, with eight thousand prints, each volume containing specially prepared title pages, on each of which was a different water color by Eugene Grivaz, the noted French aquarellist, representing some Bible scene in that particular volume; this Bible was the monument of Mr. Daly's library.

Mr. Daly always believed that magazines represented the growth and true history of the country they belonged to, and his library, therefore, contained complete sets of Harper's, Century and Scribner's Magazines, Harper's Weekly, as well as a complete file of the N. Y. Herald, excepting the first 12 volumes; also the London Graphic, Illustrated London News, Black and White, Dramatic News, Punch, and some of the principal illustrated papers of France and Germany.

"Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," originally in four volumes and extended to 25 volumes by the insertion of over 2,000 portraits and autograph titles of all of the leaders of the rebellion, cost Mr. Daly $5,000, and is particularly rich in autograph letters of all of the great Generals of both sides. The letters written by General Grant are numerous, interesting, and of great value. The frontispiece of each volume represents the great Generals on each side.

At this time, when anything pertaining to New York is so eagerly sought for, this was anticipated by Mr. Daly in the numerous volumes of various sizes which he collected and called "Old New York," and containing a magnificent collection of prints of New York and vicinity from the earliest period to about the year 1850. To-day this could

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