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Agreeably to order,

The Senate proceeded to the third reading and consideration of Senate bill No. 351, entitled "An act making an appropriation to the North Pennsylvania General Hospital and Sanitorium, located at Austin, Pennsylvania.”

And said bill having been read at length the third time and agreed to,

On the question,

Shall the bill pass finally?

The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz:


Messrs. Bolard, Brown, Calpin, Catlin, Crawford, Cumings, Danner, Dewalt, Fisher, Fox, Gerberich, Gransback, Hackett, Hall, Heidelbaugh, Herbst, Hill, Keyser, Manbeck, Matson, McNichol, Phillips, Quail, Roberts, Scott, Shepard, Sproul, Stewart, Stineman, Stober, Thomas, Thomson, Vare, White, Woods (Allegheny) and Zern-36.



Two-thirds of all the Senators having voted "aye" the question was determined in the affirmative.

Ordered, That the Clerk present said bill to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

Agreeably to order,

The Senate proceeded to the third reading and consideration of Senate bill No. 352, entitled "An act making an appropriation to the Monongahela Memorial Hospital Association, of Monongahela city, Pennsylvania."

And said bill having been read at length the third time and agreed to,

On the question,

Shall the bill pass finally?

The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz:


Messrs. Bolard, Brown, Calpin, Catlin, Crawford, Cumings, Danner. Dewalt, Fisher, Fox, Gerberich, Godcharles, Gransback, Hackett, Hall, Heidelbaugh, Herbst, Hill, Keyser, Manbeck, Matson, MeNichol, Phillips, Quail, Roberts, Scott, Shepard, Sproul, Stewart,


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