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(STATUTES II.-1886-1887.)

Military Academy graduates. An act for the relief of graduates of the United States Military Acad-
emy, and to fix their pay. December 20, 1886....
Vice-Admiral S. C. Rowan, Rear-Admiral John L. Worden. An act for the retirement of certain of-
ficers of the Navy of the United States. December 20, 1886.
San Francisco, Cal., lands to. An act to relinquish the interest of the United States in certain lands
to the city and county of San Francisco and their grantees. December 20, 1886 .....
Twelfth Michigan Infantry. An act for the relief of certain soldiers of the the Twelfth Michigan
Volunteer Infantry dishonorably discharged under special orders ninety-two, War Depart-
ment, Adjutant-General's Office, dated March first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Decem-
ber 20, 1886....
William P. Chambliss. An act for the relief of William P. Chambliss. December 21, 1886...
Urgent deficiency appropriations. An act making an appropriation to supply a deficiency in the ap-
propriation for public printing and binding for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and eighty-seven, and for other purposes. December 22, 1886

Petty officers' pensions, Navy. An act amending sections forty-seven hundred and fifty-six and forty-
seven hundred and fifty-seven of the Revised Statutes, relating to pensions to certain disabled
persons who have served in the Navy or Marine Corps. December 23, 1886....
Public building, Springfield, Mass. An act providing for the erection of a public building at Spring-
field, Massachusetts. January 3, 1887

Duluth, Minn., inspectors of hulls and boilers. An act to amend section four thousand four hundred and fourteen of the Revised Statutes, relating to inspectors of hulls and boilers. January 3, 1887..... Postal notes. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to modify the postal money-order system, and for other purposes", approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three. January 3, 1887....

Free delivery extended. An act to extend the free-delivery system of the Post-Office Department, and
for other purposes. January 3, 1887....

Bridge, Saint Louis River, Minn. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Saint
Louis River at the most accessible point between the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin.
January 3, 1887 ....

Myron E. Dunlap. For the relief of Myron E. Dunlap. January 3, 1887...

Sitka, Alaska, claims. An act referring to the Court of Claims for adjudication the claims of John H. Kinkead, Samuel Sussman, and Charles O. Wood. January 17, 1887..... Cincinnati post-office. An act for the relief of the Greensburgh Limestone Company and others. January 17, 1887 Public building, Eastport, Me. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to sell and convey the United States custom-house and post-office property at Eastport, in the State of Maine, lately destroyed by fire, the proceeds thereof to be invested in the purchase of a new site for and to provide for the erection of a new public building at that place. January 17, 1887. Albion S. Keith. An act for the relief of Albion S. Keith. January 17, 1887.. Bonds of executors, District of Columbia. An act to amend the law relating to the bonds of executors in the District of Columbia. January 17, 1887....





















Right of way, Gila River Reservation. An act to grant the Maricopa and Phoenix Railway Company, of Arizona, the right of way through the Gila River Indian Reservation. January 17, 1887. Public building, Camden, N. J. An act for the erection of a public building at Camden, New Jersey. January 26, 1887 Tax-sales, District of Columbia. An act relating to sales for taxes in the District of Columbia. January 26, 1887..

Francis Denmead. An act for the relief of Francis Denmead. January 26, 1887.. Corcoran Art Gallery, District of Columbia. An act to exempt from taxation all property held by the trustees of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, and for other purposes. January 26, 1887...... Young Men's Christian Association, District of Columbia. An act to exempt the property of the Young Men's Christian Association of Washington, District of Columbia, from taxation. January 26, 1887 Protection from fire, etc., District of Columbia. An act for the further protection of property from fire, and safety of lives, in the District of Columbia. January 26, 1887... Insurance regulations, District of Columbia. An act to regulate insurance in the District of Columbia. January 26, 1887..

Sac and Fox and Iowa Indian Reservations. An act to amend the third section of an act entitled "An act to provide for the sale of the Sac and Fox and Iowa Indian Reservations, in the States of Nebraska and Kansas, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-five. January 26, 1887.... Real-estate agents, District of Columbia. An act to repeal parts of an act relating to tax on the business of real-estate agents in the District of Columbia, approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. January 26, 1887....

Police regulations, District of Columbia. An act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of
Columbia to make police regulations for the government of said District. January 26, 1887.
Nuevo Moctezuma. An act to provide for an American register for the steamer Nuevo Moctezuma,
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. January 26, 1887...

Public building, Los Angeles, Cal. An act providing for the erection of a public building at Los
Angeles, California. January 29, 1887..















Public building, Worcester, Mass. An act for the erection of a public building at Worcester, Massachusetts. January 29, 1887


Public building, Fort Scott, Kans. An act for the completion of a public building at Fort Scott,
Kansas. January 29, 1887..


Mexican war pensions. An act granting pensions to the soldiers and sailors of the Mexican war, and for other purposes. January 29, 1887


Right of way, San Antonio, Tex. An act to release unto the city of San Antonio, Texas, for its use

as a public thoroughfare, certain portions of the military reservation near said city. Janu-
ary 29, 1887..

Cavalry and Artillery School, Army. An act to provide a school of instruction for cavalry and light
artillery, and for the construction and completion of quarters, barracks, and stables at cer-
tain posts for the use of the Army of the United States. January 29, 1887 ...
Counting electoral vote. An act to fix the day for the meeting of the electors of President and Vice-
President, and to provide for and regulate the counting of the votes for President and Vice-
President, and the decision of questions arising thereon. February 3, 1887 ...
Bridge, Mississippi River. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge over the Mississippi
River at Saint Louis, Missouri. February 3, 1887...

Volunteer officers, muster. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the muster and

pay of certain officers and enlisted men of the volunteer forces," approved June third, eight-
een hundred and eighty-four. February 3, 1887 ...






Elon A. Marsh and Minard Lefever. An act for the relief of Elon A. Marsh and Minard Lefever.
February 3, 1887..


Public building, Wilmington, N. C. An act to provide for the erection of a public building at Wilmington, North Carolina. February 4, 1887.


Inter-State commerce. An act to regulate commerce. February 4, 1887

Patented designs. An act to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyright. February 4, 1887



Lands in severalty to Indians. An act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians
on the various reservations, and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States
and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes. February 8, 1897
New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Vicksburg Railroad Company. An act to declare a forfeiture of lands
granted to the New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Vicksburg Railroad Company, to confirm
title to certain lands, and for other purposes. February 8, 1887....
Immediate transportation, Bridgeport, Conn. An act to amend an act in relation to the immediate
transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes, approved June tenth, eighteen hun-
dred and eighty. February 9, 1887.




Public building, Jefferson, Tex. An act for the erection of a public building at Jefferson, Texas.
February 9, 1887 ...

Public building, Santa Fe, New Mex. An act for the completion of a public building at Santa Fé,
New Mexico. February 9, 1887



Public building, Charleston, S. C. An act for the erection of a public building at Charleston, South
Carolina. February 9, 1887...


Army appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year
ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eight-eight, and for other purposes. February
9, 1887.
Ferry, Missouri River. An act to authorize Frank W. Hunt to erect and maintain a ferry across the
Missouri River at the military reservation of Fort Buford, Dakota Territory. February 11,




Arms for militia. An act to amend section sixteen hundred and sixty-one of the Revised Statutes, making an annual appropriation to provide arms and equipments for the militia. February 12, 1887 Right of way, Indian Reservation, Montana and Dakota. An act granting to the Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company the right of way through the Indian reservations in Northern Montana and Northwestern Dakota. February 15, 1887 Public building, Owensborough, Ky. An act for the purchase of suitable grounds in the city of Owensborough, in the State of Kentucky, and the erection thereon of a public building for the post-office, United States collector's office, United States commissioner's office, and for the use of other United States officers in said city, and appropriating money for said purposes. February 16, 1887

Montana, ordnance account. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to adjust and settle the account for arms, ammunition, and accouterments between the Territory of Montana and the United States. February 17, 1887

Right of way, Fort Bliss Reservation. An act to grant the right of way through the Fort Bliss Military Reservation to the Rio Grande and El Paso Railroad Company February 17, 1887........ Robert Strachan. An act for the relief of Robert Strachan. February 17, 1887. Military post, Denver, Colo. An act making an appropriation for the establishment and erection of a military post near the city of Denver, in the State of Colorado. February 17, 1887.. Signal station, Point Jupiter, Fla. An act for the construction of a military telegraph line from Sanford, Florida, to Point Jupiter, Florida, and the establishment of a signal station. February 17, 1887

Circuit court, North Carolina. An act to authorize terms of the circuit court of the United States
for the eastern judicial district of North Carolina at the city of Wilmington, in said district.
February 17, 1887

Harrison Dewey. An act directing the Secretary of War to amend the record of Harrison Dewey.
February 17, 1887

Arkansas, eastern judicial district. An act to amend section five hundred and thirty-three of the Re-
vised Statutes of the United States. February 17, 1887.

Public building, Chattanooga, Tenn. An act to amend an act entitled "An act for the erection of a

public building at Chattanooga, Tennessee," approved February twenty-fifth, eighteen
hundred and eighty-five. February 21, 1887

Bridge, Tradewater River, Ky. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Trade-
water River by the Ohio Valley Railway Company. February 21, 1887
Bridge, Mississippi River, Dubuque, Iowa. An act to authorize the construction of a high wagon

and foot-passenger bridge over the Mississippi River between the city of East Dubuque, in
the State of Illinois, and the city of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa. February 21, 1857.
Newport, R. I., Fort Greene. An act to authorize the city of Newport, Rhode Island, to use the site
of Fort Greene as a public park. February 23, 1887.
Seal Rocks, California. An act to grant certain Seal Rocks to the city and county of San Fra isco,
State of California, in trust for the people of the United States. February 23, 1887
Opium traffic. An act to provide for the execution of the provisions of article two of the treaty con-
cluded between the United States of America and the Emperor of China on the seventeenth
day of November, eighteen hundred and eighty, and proclaimed by the President of the
United States on the fifth day of October, eighteen hundred and eighty-one. February 23, 1887.
Gun-carriages, G. A. R., Somerville, Mass. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to deliver to the
Somerville Grand Army of the Republic, of Somerville, Massachusetts, four condemned gun-
carriages, to be used for monumental purposes. February 23, 1887.
Bridge, Bayou Barnard, Miss. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge over Bayou Bar-
nard, in the State of Mississippi. February 23, 1887..

Convict labor. An act to prohibit any officer, agent or servant of the Government of the United
States of America to hire or contract out the labor of prisoners incarcerated for violating the
laws of the Government of the United States of America. February 23, 1887
St. Mark's Church, District of Columbia. An act for the relief of Saint Mark's Protestant Episcopal
Church in the District of Columbia. February 23, 1887..

Immediate transportation. An act to amend section five of the act entitled "An act to amend the
statutes in relation to immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes,"
approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty. February 23, 1887
Bridge, Eastern Branch, District of Columbia. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge
across the Eastern Branch of the Potomac River at the foot of Pennsylvania avenue east.
February 23, 1887..

Young Woman's Christian Home. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Young Woman's Chris-
tian Home in Washington, District of Columbia. February 23, 1887...
Immediate transportation. An act to amend an act entitled an "Act to amend the Statutes in rela-

tion to the immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes," approved
June tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty. February 23, 1887...

Alley, Washington, D. C. An act directing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to execute a deed of quitclaim and release to a certain alley in Washington to Cornelia P. Randolph and others. February 23, 1887....

Importation of contract labor. An act to amend an act to prohibit the importation and immigration
of foreigners and aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor in the United States,
its Territories, and the District of Columbia. February 23, 1887
Ownership of imported merchandise. An act to amend section three thousand and fifty-eight of the
Revised Statues. February 23, 1887........






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National cemetery, Danville, Va. An act to provide for grading and paving the approaches to the
national cemetery near Danville, Virginia. February 23, 1887
Public building, Houston, Tex. An act authorizing the construction of a public building for a post-
office in the city of Houston, Texas. February 24, 1887




Public building, Huntsville, Ala. An act for the erection of a public building at Huntsville, Alabama. February 24, 1887



Public building, Augusta, Ga. An act for the erection of a public building at Augusta, Georgia.
February 24, 1887

Public building, Denver, Colo. An act to change the limit of appropriation for the public building
at Denver, Colorado. February 24, 1887...

Chinese indemnity, Rock Springs, Wyo. An act to indemnify certain subjects of the Chinese Empire for losses sustained by the violence of a mob at Rock Springs, in the Territory of Wyoming, in September, 1885. February 24, 1887

Right of way, Indian Territory. An act to authorize the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Company to construct and operate a railway through the Indian Territory, and for other purposes. February 24, 1887

Right of way, Naval Academy grounds. An act granting the right of way to the Annapolis and Baltimore Short Line Railroad Company across the Government farm connected with the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. February 25, 1887.

Public building, Troy, N. Y. An act to increase the appropriation for the erection of a public build-
ing at Troy, New York. February 25, 1887

Public building, Brooklyn, N. Y. An act to increase the appropriation for the public building at
Brooklyn, New York. February 25, 1887 ...
Michigan, United States courts. An act to provide for holding terms of the circuit and district courts
of the United States for the eastern district of Michigan at Bay City, in said district. Feb-
ruary 28, 1887...
Washington Monument. An act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to permit
the temporary occupation of streets by a railway for the purpose of transporting material to
fill about the base of the Washington Monument. February 28, 1887
Missouri, United States courts. An act to amend the act dividing the State of Missouri into two judi-
cial districts, and to divide the eastern and western districts thereof into divisions, establish
district and circuit courts of the United States therein, and provide for the times and places
for holding such courts, and for other purposes. February 28, 1887.
Steam-engines, District of Columbia. An act to regulate steam-engineering in the District of Colum-
bia. February 28, 1887

Arkansas, United States courts. To provide for holding terms of United States courts at Texarkana,
Arkansas, and for other purposes. February 28, 1887.

New Mexico, supreme court. An act to provide for an additional associate justice of the supreme
court of the Territory of New Mexico. February 28, 1887........
Tampa, Fla. An act to make Tampa, Florida, a port of entry. February 28, 1887...
Edmond G. Fechét. An act to correct the record of Captain Edmond G. Fechét. February 28, 1887.
Right of way, Great Kanawha River, W. Va. An act granting to the Kanawha and Ohio Rail-

road Company the right to lay its track through United States lock and dam property in the
Great Kanawha Valley, State of West Virginia. February 28, 1887
Miami and Sandusky (Ohio) collection districts. An act to define the boundaries of the collection dis-
tricts of Miami and Sandusky, in the State of Ohio. February 28, 1887....
Vicksburg, Miss., United States courts. An act to provide for holding terms of United States courts
at Vicksburg, Mississippi. February 28, 1887...
National Cemetery, Richmond." An act to authorize the construction of a graveled road to the Rich-

mond National Cemetery, near Richmond, Virginia. February 28, 1887.....
Foreign executors, etc., District of Columbia. An act to enable foreign executors and administrators
to sue in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. February 28, 1887....
Dakota, ordnance account. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to credit the Territory of Da-
kota with certain sums for ordnance and ordnance stores issued to said Territory, and for
other purposes. February 28, 1887 ....

Bridge, Tennessee River. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Tennessee
River at or near Chattanooga, Tennessee. February 28, 1887
Right of way, Whipple Barracks. An act granting the right of way to the Prescott and Arizona
Central Railway Company across the Whipple Barracks Military Reservation, in Arizona.
February 28, 1887.

Right of way, Fort Meade. An act to authorize the Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad
to build its road across the Fort Meade Military Reservation. February 28, 1887
House of Representatives, stable. An act for the construction of a building for stable and carpenter
shop for the accommodation of the offices of the House of Representatives. February 28,

Adjutant-General's Department, Army. An act to effect a rearrangement of grades of office in the
Adjutant-General's Department of the Army. February 28, 1887....

Mackerel. An act relating to the importing and landing of mackerel caught during the spawning
season. February 28, 1887

Hospital Corps, Army. An act to organize the Hospital Corps of the Army of the United States, to define its duty and fix its pay. March 1, 1887... Military Academy appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. March 1, 1887..

Pension appropriations. An act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pensions of the United States for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and for other purposes. March 1, 1887.....

Agricultural experiment stations. An act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several States under the provisions of an act approved July second eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the acts supplementary thereto. March 2, 1887.......































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