Beyond Leadership to Destiny-Jacob's Lifetime Journey with God |
First Words Why Jacob? Why You? | ix |
Chapter Two Your Personal Package | 27 |
Chapter Four The Birthright and the Blessing | 53 |
Chapter Six The Leaders Journey to Bethel | 79 |
Chapter Seven Bethel Postscript Finding Your | 91 |
Chapter Eight Career Concepts | 105 |
Chapter Ten Peniel Crisis Transformation | 127 |
Chapter Eleven Surviving Midlife and Finishing | 141 |
Chapter Fourteen When Leaders Grieve | 181 |
Chapter Sixteen Convergence | 201 |
Acknowledgments | 219 |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham altar asked became become Bible Bilhah birth birthright blessing of Jacob brother Bruce Wilkinson business leaders career chapter continental divide convergence daughter deeply descendants destiny developed dream Egypt Esau Esau's exile experience face father feel final flocks fulfill gave Genesis give God's grief grieve happened heart Integration Quotient Isaac Israel Jacob dreamed Jacob's blessing Jacob's experience Joseph journeying toward arriving knew Laban ladder land LEADER'S JOURNEY legacy lives Living Bible look Lord mother move nation never night Old Testament package Parker Palmer Peniel person Pharaoh power to bless Preston promised purpose Purpose Driven Questions for Reflection Rachel and Leah reality Rebekah relationship Response Praise rienced sacred Shechem shepherd someone sons story success Succoth survive things Thomas Merton tion took torture track wife wired woman womb worship woundedness wounds Zilpah