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Cervantes-that is to say upon the prejudice of caste exemplified in the case of a Catholic, and this Catholic a Spaniard, and this Spaniard a student, and this Student loving a Gipsy, and this Gipsy a dancing-girl, and this dancing-girl bearing the name Preciosa-we are not altogether prepared to be informed by Professor Longfellow that he is indebted for an "incident only" to the "beautiful Gitanilla of Cervantes."

Whether our author is original upon our second and third points-in the true incidents of his story, or in the manner and tone of their handling-will be more distinctly seen as we proceed.

It is to be regretted that "The Spanish Student" was not sub-entitled "A Dramatic Poem," rather than "A Play." The former title would have more fully conveyed the intention of the poet; for, of course, we shall not do Mr. Longfellow the injustice to suppose that his design has been, in any respect, a play, in the ordinary acceptation of the term. Whatever may be its merits in a merely poetical view, "The Spanish Student" could not be endured upon the stage.

Its plot runs thus:-Preciosa, the daughter of a Spanish gentleman, is stolen, while an infant, by Gipsies; brought up as his own daughter, and as a dancinggirl, by a Gipsy leader, Crusado; and by him betrothed to a young Gipsy, Bartolomé. At Madrid, Preciosa loves and is beloved by Victorian, a student of Alcalda, who resolves to marry her, notwithstand ing her caste, rumors involving her purity, the dissuasions of his friends, and his betrothal to an heiress of Madrid. Preciosa is also sought by the Count of Lara, a roué. She rejects him. He forces his way into her chamber, and is there seen by Victorian, who, misinterpreting some words overheard, doubts the fidelity of his mistress, and leaves her in anger, after challenging the Count of Lara. In the duel, the Count receives his life at the hands of Victorian; declares his ignorance of the understanding between Victorian and Preciosa; boasts of favors received from the latter; and, to make good his words, produces a ring which she gave him, he asserts, as a pledge of her love. This ring is a duplicate of one previously given the girl by Victorian, and known to have been so given, by the Count. Victorian mistakes it for his own, believes all that has been said, and abandons the field to his rival, who, immediately afterwards, while attempting to pro

cure access to the Gipsy, is assassinated by Bartolomé. Meantime, Victorian, wandering through the country, reaches Guadarrama. Here he receives a letter from Madrid, disclosing the treachery practised by Lara, and telling that Preciosa, rejecting his addresses, had been, through his instrumentality, hissed from the stage, and now again roamed with the Gipsies. He goes in search of her; finds her in a wood near 'Guadarrama; approaches her, disguising his voice; she recognizes him, pretending she does not, and unaware that he knows her innocence; a conversation of equivoque ensues; he sees his ring upon her finger; offers to purchase it; she refuses to part with it; a full éclaircissement takes place; at this juncture, a servant of Victorian's arrives with "news from court," giving the first intimation of the true parentage of Preciosa. The lovers set out, forthwith, for Madrid, to see the newly discovered father. On the route, Bartolomé dogs their steps; fires at Preciosa; misses her; the shot is returned; he falls; and "The Spanish Student" is concluded.


This plot, however, like that of "Tortesa," looks better in our naked digest than amidst the details which develop only to disfigure it. The reader of the play itself will be astonished, when he remembers the name of the author, at the inconsequence of the incidents at the utter want of skill-of art-manifested in their conception and introduction. dramatic writing, no principle is more clear than that nothing should be said or done which has not a tendency to develop the catastrophe, or the characters. But Mr. Longfellow's play abounds in events and conversations that have no ostensible purpose, and certainly answer no end. In what light, for example, since we cannot suppose this drama intended for the stage, are we to regard the second scene of the second act, where a long dialogue between an Archbishop and a Cardinal is wound up by a dance from Preciosa? The Pope thinks of abolishing public dances in Spain, and the priests in question have been delegated to examine, personally, the proprieties or improprieties of such exhibitions. With this view, Preciosa is summoned and required to give a specimen of her skill. Now this, in a mere spectacle, would do very well; for here all that is demanded is an occasion or an excuse for a dance; but what business has it in a pure drama? or in what regard does it further the end of a drama

tic poem, intended only to be read? In
the same manner, the whole of Scene the
eighth, in the same act, is occupied with
six lines of stage directions, as follows:
"The Theatre. The orchestra plays
the Cachuca. Sound of castanets behind
the scenes. The curtain rises and disco-
vers Preciosa in the attitude of com-
mencing the dance. The Cachuca.
mult. Hisses. Cries of Brava! and
Aguera! She falters and pauses. The
music stops.
General confusion. Preci-
osa faints."


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An inn on the road to Alcalá. BALTASAR asleep on a bench. Enter CHISPA. CHISPA. And here we are, half way to Alcalá, between cocks and midnight. Body o' me! what an inn this is! The light out and the landlord asleep! Holá! ancient Baltasar !

BALTASAR (waking). Here I am.

CHISPA. Yes, there you are, like a oneeyed alcalde in a town without inhabitants. Bring a light, and let me have supper.

BALTASAR. Where is your master? CHISPA Do not trouble yourself about him. We have stopped a moment to breathe our horses; and if he chooses to walk up and down in the open air, looking into the sky as one who hears it rain, that does not satisfy my hunger, you know. But be quick, for I am in a hurry, and every one stretches his legs according to the length

of his coverlet. What have we here? BALTASAR (setting a light on the table). Stewed rabbit.

CHISPA (eating). Conscience of Portalegre! stewed kitten, you mean!

BALTASAR. And a pitcher of Pedro Ximenes, with a roasted pear in it.

CHISPA (drinking). Ancient Baltasar, amigo! you know how to cry wine and sell vinegar. I tell you this is nothing but vino tinto of La Mancha, with a tang of

the swine-skin.

BALTASAR. I swear to you by Saint Simon and Judas, it is all as I say.

BALTASAR. Why does he go so often to Madrid? CHISPA. For the same reason that he eats no supper. He is in love. Were you ever in love, Baltasar?

BALTASAR. I was never out of it, good Chispa. It has been the torment of my life.

CHISPA. What! are you on fire, too, old hay-stack? Why, we shall never be able to put you out.

VICTORIAN (without). Chispa!

CHISPA. Go to bed, Pero Grullo, for the cocks are crowing.

VICTORIAN Ea! Chispa! Chispa!

CHISPA. Ea! Señor. Come with me, ancient Baltasar, and bring water for the horses. I will pay for the supper to-mor[Exeunt.


Now here the question occurs-what is accomplisbed?-how has the subject been forwarded? We did not need to learn that Victorian was in love-that was known before; and all that we glean is that a stupid imitation of Sancho Panza drinks, in the course of two minutes, (the time occupied in the perusal of the scene) a bottle of Vino Tinto by way of Pedro Ximenes, and devours a stewed kitten in place of a rabbit.

In the beginning of the play this Chispa is the valet of Victorian; subsequently we find him the servant of another; and near the dénouement, he returns to his ori

ginal master. No cause is assigned, and not even the shadow of an object is attained; the whole tergiversation being but another instance of the gross inconsequence which abounds in the play.

The author's deficiency of skill is especially evinced in the scene of the éclaircissement between Victorian and Preciosa. The former having been enthe latter, by means of a letter received at lightened respecting the true character of Guadarrama, from a friend at Madrid (how woefully inartistical is this!) resolves to go in search of her forthwith, and forthwith, also, discovers her in a wood close at hand. Whereupon he approaches, disguising his voice :-yes, we are required to believe that a lover may so disguise his voice from his mistress, as even to render his person in full view, irrecognizable! He approaches, and each knowCHISPA. And more noise than nuts. ing the other, a conversation ensues under BALTASAR. Ha! ha! ha! You must the hypothesis that each to the other is have your joke, Master Chispa. But shall unknown-a very unoriginal and of I not ask Don Victorian in to take a draught fit only for the gum-elastic imagination of course a very silly source of equivoque,

CHISPA, And I swear to you by Saint Peter and Saint Paul, that it is no such thing. Moreover, your supper is like the hidalgo's dinner-very little meat and a great deal of table-cloth.

BALTASAR. Ha! ha! ha!

of the Pedro Ximenes?

CHISPA. No; you might as well say, "Don't you want some?" to a dead man.

an infant. But what we especially complain of here, is that our poet should have

taken so many and so obvious pains to
bring about this position of equivoque,
when it was impossible that it could have
served any other purpose than that of in-
juring his intended effect! Read, for ex-
ample, this passage:

VICTORIAN. I never loved a maid;
For she I loved was then a maid no more.
PRECIOSA. How know you that?
VICTORIAN. A little bird in the air
Whispered the secret.

PRECIOSA. There take back your gold!
Your hand is cold like a deceiver's hand!
There is no blessing in its charity!
Make her your wife, for you have been

And you shall mend your fortunes mending


VICTORIAN. HOW like an angel's speaks the tongue of woman, When pleading in another's cause her own!

Now here it is clear that if we under

stood Preciosa to be really ignorant of
Victorian's identity, the " pleading in
another's cause her own," would create
a favorable impression upon the reader,
or spectator.
But the advice," Make
her your wife," &c. takes an interested
and selfish turn when we remember that
she knows to whom she speaks.

Again, when Victorian says,

That is a pretty ring upon your finger.
Pray give it me!

And when she replies:

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we are inclined to think her only an artful coquette, knowing, as we do, the extent of her knowledge; on the other hand, we should have applauded her constancy (as the author intended) had she been represented ignorant of Victorian's presence. The effect upon the audience, in a word, would be pleasant in place of disagree. able were the case altered as we suggest, while the effect upon Victorian would remain altogether untouched.

A still more remarkable instance of deficiency in the dramatic tact is to be found in the mode of bringing about the discovery of Preciosa's parentage. In the very moment of the éclaircissement between the lovers, Chispa arrives almost as a matter of course, and settles the point

in a sentence:

The Count of the Calés is not your father,
But your true father has returned to Spain
Laden with wealth. You are no more a

Now here are three points :-first, the ex-
treme baldness, platitude, and indepen-
dence of the incident narrated by Chispa.
The opportune return of the father (we
are tempted to say the excessively oppor-
tune) stands by itself-has no relation to
any other event in the play-does not
appear to arise, in the way of result, from
any incident or incidents that have arisen
before. It has the air of a happy chance,
of a God-send, of an ultra-accident, in-
vented by the play-wright by way of com-
promise for his lack of invention. Nec
Deus intersit, &c.-but here the God has
interposed, and the knot is laughably un-
worthy of the God.

The second point concerns the return of the father laden with wealth." The

lover has abandoned his mistress in her poverty, and, while yet the words of his proffered reconciliation hang upon his lips, comes his own servant with the news that the mistress' father has returned “laden with wealth." Now, so far as regards the audience, who are behind the scenes and know the fidelity of the lover -so far as regards the audience, all is right; but the poet had no business to place his heroine in the sad predicament of being forced, provided she is not a fool, to suspect both the ignorance and the disinterestedness of the hero.

The third point has reference to the words-"You are now no more a Gipsey." The thesis of this drama, as we have already said, is love disregarding the prejudices of caste, and in the development of this thesis, the powers of the dramatist have been engaged, or should have been engaged, during the whole of the three Acts of the play. The interest excited lies in our admiration of the sacrifice, and of the love that could make it; but this interest immediately and disagrecably subsides when we find that the sacrifice has been made to no purpose.

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You are no more a Gipsy" dissolves the charm, and obliterates the whole impression which the author has been at so much labor to convey. Our romantic sense of the hero's chivalry declines into a complacent satisfaction with his fate. We drop our enthusiasm, with the enthusiast, and jovially shake by the hand the mere man of good luck. But is not

Good news from Court; Good news! the latter feeling the more comfortable of

Beltran Cruzado,

the two? Perhaps so; but "comforta

ble" is not exactly the word Mr. Longfellow might wish applied to the end of his drama, and then why be at the trouble of building up an effect through a hundred and eighty pages, merely to knock it down at the end of the hundred and eighty-first?

We have already given, at some length, our conceptions of the nature of plotand of that of "The Spanish Student," it seems almost superfluous to speak at all. It has nothing of construction about it. Indeed there is scarcely a single incident which has any necessary dependence upon any one other. Not only might we take away two-thirds of the whole without ruin-but without detriment-indeed with a positive benefit to the mass. And, even as regards the mere order of arrangement, we might with a very decided chance of improvement, put the scenes in a bag, give them a shake or two by way of shuffle, and tumble them out. The whole mode of collocation-not to speak of the feebleness of the incidents in themselves --evinces, on the part of the author, an utter and radical want of the adapting or constructive power which the drama so imperatively demands.

Of the unoriginality of the thesis we have already spoken; and now, to the unoriginality of the events by which the thesis is developed, we need do little more than allude. What, indeed, could we say of such incidents as the child stolen by gipsies -as her education as a danseuse as her betrothal to a Gipsy—as her preference for a gentleman-as the rumors against her purity-as her persecution by a roué-as the inruption of the roué into her chamber--as the consequent misunderstanding between her and her lover as the duel- -as the defeat of the roué-as the receipt of his life from the hero-as his boasts of success with the girl-as the ruse of the duplicate ringas the field, in consequence, abandoned by the lover-as the assassination of Lara while scaling the girl's bed-chamber-as the disconsolate peregrination of Victorian-as the equivoque scene with Preciosa-as the offering to purchase the ring and the refusal to part with it-as the "news from court" telling of the Gipsy's true parentage-what could we say of all these ridiculous things, except that we have met them, each and all, some two or three hundred times before, and that they have formed, in a greater or less degree, the staple material of every Hop O'My Thumb tragedy since the flood?

There is not an incident, from the first page of "The Spanish Student" to the last and most satisfactory, which we would not undertake to find bodily, at ten minutes' notice, in some one of the thousand and one comedies of intrigue attributed to Calderon and Lope de Vega.

But if our poet is grossly unoriginal in his subject, and in the events which evolve it, may he not be original in his handling or tone? We really grieve to say that he is not, unless, indeed, we grant him the meed of originality for the peculiar manner in which he has jumbled together the quaint and stilted tone of the old English dramatists with the dégagée air of Cervantes. But this is a point upon which, through want of space, we must necessarily permit the reader to judge altogether for himself. We quote, however a passage from the Second Scene of the First Act, by way of showing how very easy a matter it is to make a man discourse Sancho Panza:

CHISPA. Abernuncio Satanas! and a plague upon all lovers who ramble about at night, drinking the elements, instead of sleeping quietly in their beds. Every dead man to his cemetery, say I; and every friar to his monastery. Now, here's my master Victorian, yesterday a cow-keeper and to-day a gentleman; yesterday a student and to-day a lover; and I must be up later than the nightingale, for as the abbot sings he may soon be married, for then shall all so must the sacristan respond. God grant this serenading cease. Ay, marry, marry, marry! Mother, what does marry mean? It means to spin, to bear children, and to weep, my daughter! And, of a truth, there is something more in matrimony than the wedding-ring. And now, gent!emen, Pax vobiscum! as the ass said to the cabbages!"

And, we might add, as an ass only should say.

In fact throughout "The Spanish Student," as well as throughout other compositions of its author, there runs a very obvious vein of imitation. We are perpetually reminded of something we have seen before-some old acquaintance in manner or matter; and even where the similarity cannot be said to amount to plagiarism, it is still injurious to the poet in the good opinion of him who reads.

Among the minor defects of the play, we may mention the frequent allusion to book incidents not generally known, and requiring each a Note by way of explanation. The drama demands that everything be so instantaneous'y evident that he who

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"Like thee I am a captive, and, like thee, I have a gentle gaoler."

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Here like thee" (although grammatical of course) does not convey the idea. Mr. L. does not mean that the speaker is like the bird itself, but that his condition resembles it. The true reading would thus be:

As thou I am a captive, and, as thou,
I have a gentle gaoler:

That is to say, as thou art, and as thou hast.

Upon the whole, we regret that Professor Longfellow has written this work, and feel especially vexed that he has committed himself by its republication. Only when regarded as a mere poem, can it be said to have merit of any kind. For, in fact, it is only when we separate the poem from the drama, that the passages we have commended as beautiful can be understood to have beauty. We are not too sure, indeed, that a "dramatic poem" is not a flat contradiction in terms. At all events a man of true genius, (and such Mr. L. unquestionably is,) has no business with these hybrid and paradoxical compositions. Let a poem be a poem only; let a play be a play and nothing more. As for "The Spanish Student," its thesis is unoriginal; its incidents are antique; its plot is no plot; its characters have no character in short, it is little better than a play upon words, to style it A Play" at all.





Earth, I have seen thy face,

And looked upon it so,

That what before was barren of all grace, Did with delight o'erflow.


So generous was my glance,

So kingly and so free,

O, mother Earth, thy wo-worn countenance

Lit up for love of me.


I looked as doth the sun

Who leaps up, and, behold,

The dark and shaggy hill-tops, one by one, Beneath his gaze turn gold.

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