Page images

Year, To rule the varied, 192

to year, From, 55

Years, Ah! happy, 18
- following years, 211
Moments make the, 175
Of many, 211
of peace, 14
steal fire, 211
The man of, 192
The vale of, 211
Yellow, All looks, 211
As all looks, 49
Bright and, 65
Jack, 211

- leaf, Days in the, 34
leaf, The, 155
- Primrose, A, 141
Yesterday come back, 211
Families of, 52

The word of Cæsar, 20 Yesterdays have lighted fools, 174 Yore, We have been glad of, 63 Yorick, Poor, 211

York, By this sun of, 39
You and me, Like, 40

have displaced the mirth, 39
write with ease, 2

Young barbarians, 11
chickens, Like, 31

- Die, 211

England, 211, 212

- fellows, 211

- idea, Teach the, 212 - Ireland, 212

man, 212

man married, A, 111

man's fancy, In the spring a, 111

Young men, 211
So, 193

Younger, Made youth, 212
Youth, Crabbed age and, 3
delight, Gives his, 24
Had been friends in, 61
Home-keeping, 213
it sheltered, In, 201
- In the lexicon of, 50
is vain, 61

May-morn of his, 213
of frolics, 212
- of nations, 213
- on the prow, 119

ornament to (bashfulness), 11
Splendour to, 23
The aspiring, 52

The fiery vehemence of, 184]
The rose of, 212
Thoughtless, 212

to fortune. unknown, 212
younger, Made, 212

Youthful poets dream, As, 158

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With their Signification and Translation into English.

[Abbreviations:-(Lat.) Latin—(Fr.) French—(It.) Italian—(Gr.) Greek.]

[blocks in formation]

Ab origine (Lat.), from the beginning.

Ab ovo (Lat.), from the egg; from the beginning.
Absente reo (Lat.), the person accused being absent.

Ab urbe condita (Lat.), from the founding of the city-i.e.,

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compte (Fr.), on account; in part payment.

Ad aperturam (Lat.), at the opening; as the book opens.

Ad captandum vulgus (Lat.), to catch the rabble.

Ad eundem (Lat.), to the same degree-gradum being un


Ad extremum (Lat.), to the extreme.

Ad finem (Lat.), to the end.

Ad Græcas Calendas (Lat.), at the Greek Calends; never,

as the Greeks had no Calends.

Ad infinitum (Lat.), to infinity.

[blocks in formation]

Ad nauseam (Lat.), to disgust.

Ad referendum (Lat.), to be further considered.
Ad rem (Lat.), to the point; to the purpose.

[blocks in formation]

'Affaire d'honneur (Fr.), an affair of honor.

Affaire du cœur (Fr.),

an affair of the heart.

A fortiori (Lat.), with stronger reason. in the country.

A la campagne (Fr.),

A la Française (Fr.), after the French mode.
A l'Anglaise (Fr.), after the English mode.

A la mode (Fr.), according to the custom; in fashion.
Alere flammam (Lat.), to feed the flame.

Al fresco (It.), in the open air; cool.

Allez-vous en (Fr.), away with you.

Allons (Fr.), let us go; come on.

Alma mater (Lat.), fostering mother; a name applied to any University by those who have studied in it.

Alto rilievo (It.), in high relief.

Alter ego (Lat.), another self.

Alter idem (Lat.), another precisely similar.

Alumnus, alumni (Lat.), a graduate; graduates.

Amende honorable (Fr.),

A mensa et thoro (Lat.),

satisfactory apology; reparation.

from bed and board.

Amor patria (Lat.), love of country.

Amour propre (Fr.), self-love; vanity.

Ancien régime (Fr.), ancient order of things.
Anglice (Lat.), in English.

Anno ætatis suæ (Lat.), in the year of his or her age.
Anno Christi (Lat.), in the year of Christ.

Anno Domini (Lat.), in the year of our Lord.
Anno mundi (Lat.), in the year of the world.
Annus mirabilis (Lat.), the wonderful year.
Ante meridiem (Lat.), before noon.

A outrance (Fr.), to the utmost; to the death.
Aperçu (Fr.), survey; sketch.

Aplomb (Fr.), in a perpendicular line; firmly.

A posteriori (Lat.), from experiment or observation.

A priori (Lat.), theoretically; without experiment or obser


A propos (Fr.), to the point; seasonably.

Aqua vitæ (Lat.), water of life; brandy; alcohol.

Argumentum ad hominem (Lat.), a plain, simple demonstra


Argumentum ad ignorantia (Lat.), an argument founded on an opponent's ignorance of facts.

Argumentum baculinum (Lat.), the argument of the cudgel;
an appeal to force.
Arrière-pensée (Fr.),
Ars est celare artem
Ars longa, vita brevis

Audi alteram (Lat.),

after-thought; mental reservation.
true art is to conceal art.
(Lat.), art is long, life is short.


hear the other side.

Au fait (Fr.), well instructed; expert.

Au fond (Fr.), at the bottom.

Au pis aller (Fr.), at the worst.

Aura popularis (Lat.), the gale of popular favor.

Aurea mediocritas (Lat.), the golden mean.

Au reste (Fr.), as for the rest.

Au revoir (Fr.),

adieu till we meet again.

Aut amat aut odit mulier (Lat.), a woman either loves or


Aut Cæsar aut nullus (Lat.), either Cæsar or nobody.

Auto da fe (Port.), an act of faith, a name in Sp. and Port. given to the burning of Jews and heretics on account of their religious tenets.

Au troisième (Fr.), on the third floor.

Aut vincere aut mori (Lat.), either to conquer or die.
Aux armes (Fr.), to arms.

Avant-coureur (Fr.), a forerunner; the usual Eng. form is avant-courier.

Avant-propos (Fr.), preliminary matter; preface.
Avec permission (Fr.), by consent.

Avé, Maria (Lat.), Hail, Mary; a prayer to the Virgin.
A verbis ad verbera (Lat.), from words to blows.

A vinculo matrimonii (Lat.), from the tie of marriage.
A volonté (Fr.), at pleasure.

A vôtre santé (Fr.), to your health.


Bas bleu (Fr.), a blue-stocking; a literary woman.

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Basso rilievo (It.), in low relief.

Beau ideal (Fr.), an imaginary standard of perfection.
Beau monde (Fr.), the fashionable world.

Beaux esprits (Fr.), gay spirits; men of wit.

Beaux yeux (Fr.), handsome eyes; attractive looks.

Bel esprit (Fr.), a brilliant mind; a person of wit or genius. Bella! horrida bella! (Lat.), wars! horrid wars!

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