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and sixteen thousand, one hundred and thirty-four; of which number, seventyfour thousand seven hundred and thirty-two votes were duly given For the amended constitution adopted by the said convention, and forty-one thousand four hundred and two votes were duly given Against the said amended constitution. We do therefore Certify and Declare, that a majority of thirtythree thousand three hundred and thirty votes was given for the said constitution, and that the same is duly ratified and confirmed by the citizens of this


Given under our hands, at the Secretary's office, this sixteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentytwo, and in the forty-sixth year of the independence of the United States.

J. V. N. YATES, Secretary.

SIMEON DE WITT, Surveyor-General.
SAML. A. TALCOTT, Attorney-General.
JOHN SAVAGE, Comptroller.

B. KNOWER, Treasurer.



State of New-York,



AN ACT for the relief of the Collectors of the several Towns in the County of Allegany.

Passed January 16, 1823.

WHEREAS it has been represented to this legislature, that the Preamb supervisors of the county of Allegany, did in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, omit delivering their warrants and assessment rolls, to the collectors of the several towns in said county, properly annexed, signed and sealed by a majority of them, before the first day of November, as the law directs.-And whereas suits have been, and many more may be, brought against the several collectors, on account of the alleged illegality of said warrants: Therefore,


BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, re- certain was presented in Senate and Assembly, That all of the warrants, and rants, &c assessment rolls, made and delivered by the said supervisors, to any of the collectors of the several towns, in the said county of Allegany, before the tenth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, be, and the same are hereby confirmed and declared, as good and effectual in law, as though they had been annexed, signed, sealed, and delivered to the said collectors, before the first day of November, in each year, as the law directs: Provided, That this act shall have no effect on any Proviso suit heretofore commenced.

Town meet

tain towns


AN ACT to amend the Act, entitled An Act to erect a new Town from the north part of the Town of Bath, in the County of Steuben, and also to amend the Act, entitled In Act to divide the Towns of Wayne and Addison, in the County of Steuben, and to alter the name of the Town of Burt, in the County of Ontario, and for other purposes, passed April 16, 1822, and also to amend the Act, entitled An Act to divide the Town of Putnam, in the County of Washington, passed March 15, 1822.

Passed January 18, 1823.

I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, reings in cer presented in Senate and Assembly, That the freeholders and inhabitants of the towns of Urbana, Barrington, Tyrone und Cameron, in the county of Steuben, shall hold their first town meetings, on the first Tuesday of February next, at the places designated in the above recited acts, for the purposes expressed in the act aforesaid, and that the officers chosen at the aforesaid meetings, shall hold their respective offices until the first Tuesday of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, and that all future town meetings shall be held in the aforesaid towns, on the first Tuesday in March in every year thereafter, until otherwise provided for by law.

Parts of cer

11. And be it further enacted, That so much of the above entain acts re titled acts, as relates to the time of holding the first town meetings pealed in the towns aforesaid, is hereby repealed.

Town meet


III. And be it further enacted, That the freeholders and ining in Dres habitants of the town of Dresden, in the county of Washington, shall hold their first town meeting, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the house of Daty Allen, in said town of Dresden, as provided in the act, entitled "an act to divide the town of Putnam, in the county of Washington," passed March 15, 1822, and that the officers to be chosen at the said town meeting, shall hold their respective offices until the first Tuesday in March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, and that all future town meetings in the said town of Dresden, shall be held on the first Tuesday in March in every year thereafter, until otherwise provided for by Part of an act law, and that so much of the act, entitled "an act to divide the town of Putnam, in the county of Washington," aforesaid, as re-. lates to the time of holding the first town meeting in the said town of Dresden, therein called South Bay, be, and the same is hereby repealed.



Towns of Co
Dewango and
Cold Spring

AN ACT to divide the Town of Little Valley, in the County of

Passed January 20, 1823.

I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, re

erected presented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the second

Monday in February next, all that part of the town of Little Valley, in the county of Cattaraugus, comprising townships number one, two, three and four, in the ninth range of the Holland Land Company's Land, shall be a separate town, by the name of Conewango, and that the first town meeting to be held therein, shall be held at the house of John Darling, in said town, on the second Tuesday in February next; and that all that part of the said town of Little Valley, comprising townships number one, two and three, in the eighth range of the said Holland Land Company's land, shall be a separate town by the name of Cold Spring, and that the first town meeting to be held therein, shall be held at the house of Henry Noble, in said town, on the second Tuesday in February next; and that from and after the said second Tuesday in February next, the annual town meetings shall be held in each of the said towns of Conewango and Cold Spring, on the first Tuesday in March in each year; and that all the remaining part of the town of Little Valley, shall be and remain a separate town, by the name of Little Valley, and that the first town meeting to be held therein, shall be held at the house of Enoch Chase.


H. And be it further enacted, That all money remaining in the Certain mo hands of the commissioners of common schools, for the town of nies to be d. Little Valley, on the first Monday in March next, shall be paid' over to the trustees of the several school districts, in the present town of Little Valley, entitled to it by law, the same as if this act had not been passed; and that all money remaining in the hands of the overseers of the poor for the town of Little Valley, on the first Monday in March nest, shall be divided between the towns of Little Valley, Conewango and Cold Spring, in proportion to the taxable property in the said towns respectively, according to the last assessment roll; and that the overseers of the poor for the several towns of Little, Valley, Conewango and Cold Spring, shall meet for that purpose at James Godard's in Little Valley, on the last Tuesday in March next.


AN ACT authorising the Trustees of the Corporation of the German Reformed Church, in the City of New-York, to mortgage certain Real Estate.

Passed January 20, 1823.

ed valid

BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, re- Certain mert presented in Senate and Assembly, That it shall and may be law-gages declar ful for the Trustees of the Corporation of the German Reformed Church, in the city of New-York, and their successors, to mort gage from time to time, six lots of ground, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate on the west side of Chrystie-street, between Pump and Bayard-street, in the tenth ward of said city, now belonging to the said corporation or trustees; and that any deed or deeds of conveyance by way of mortgage, by them or their successors made and executed, shall be valid and effectual, to vest in the mortgagee or mortgagees, and his, her or their legal repre sentatives, all the right, title and interest of the said corporation


and trustees in and to the premises so intended to be mortgaged, in the same manner and with the same effect as if such premises were owned by a natural person, and were duly mortgaged by him or her, according to law.

[blocks in formation]


AN ACT to amend the Act to authorize the Supervisors of the
County of Oswego, to raise money to build a Jail in said
County, passed March 12, 1819.

Passed January 20, 1823.

WHEREAS, in pursuance of the first section of the above recited act, a grant of land has been made by Benjamin Wright, as a site for a court house and jail, in the town of Richland, county of Oswego. And whereas, it is represented by the board of supervisors aforesaid, that the premises intended to have been conveyed, are erroneously described in the deed of conveyance from the said Wright: Therefore,

BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the supervisors of the county of Oswego be, and they are hereby authorized to receive and accept of and from Benjamin Wright, his heirs and assigns, a conveyance of such quantity of land, including thereon the court house and jail, now erected, as may by the aforesaid supervisors be deemed necessary, and that by the acceptance of such conveyance, the deed heretofore executed by the said Benjamin Wright to the said supervisors, shall be taken and deemed to be absolutely void and of no effect.

. The town of



AN ACT to amend the Act, entitled An Act to divide the Towns of Ridgeway and Gaines, in the County of Genesee, and for other purposes, passed April 17, 1822.

Passed January 21, 1823.

I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, reYates erect presented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the second day of February next, all that part of the town of Ridgeway, which is contained in the sixteenth township, in the third and fourth range of townships, be, and the same is hereby erected into a separate town, to be called by the name of Yates, and the next town meeting shall be held at Comfort Joy's, on the second Tuesday of February next.

The residue

name of

II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the second retains the Tuesday of February next, the remaining part of the town of Ridgeway shall be and remain a separate town, by the name of Ridgeway, and the next town meeting shall be held at Moor's tav-. ern, in said town.


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