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A. D. 1811. be and remain a separate town by the name of KingFirst town ston, and its first town-meeting shall be held at the court-house in said town on the third Tuesday of Awhere held pril instant.

meeting of


Corporate estate in

vested in



and Sau


II. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may Kingston be after the first Tuesday in May next, all the corporvesters of ate estate and interest remaining undivided, of whatthe poor of soever nature the same may be, of the freeholders and Kingston inhabitants of the town of Kingston, vested in the trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the said town or otherwise, shall be and hereby is declared to be vested in the overseers of the poor of the said re-. spective towns of Esopus, Kingston and Saugerties, who, after discharging the just debts of the said corporation, shall make an equal division of the residue, poor to be and of the poor maintained by the said town of Kingtween said ston, among the said towns, agreeably to the last tax. towns after list, and the proportion of cach town shall be thereaf debts. ter applied and appropriated for and towards the main

Said estate and the

divided be

payment of


interests of

tainance of the poor of such town; and that after such division, each of the said towns shall forever thereaf ter respectively support their own poor.

III. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may estate and be after the first day of May next, the supervisors of Kingston the said respective towns shall, by notice in writing, to be assign convene the overseers of the poor of the said respectees of said tive towns, and the trustees of the freeholders and com

ed by trus


A division

thereof to be made

monalty of the said town of Kingston; and the said trustees shall be and hereby are directed and required at such meeting, or as soon as may be thereafter, to make a full surrender, transfer, assignment and delivery of all the estate and interest vested in them or otherwise, in trust for the freeholders and inhabitants of the said town, to the supervisors and overseers of the poor of the said respective towns; and the said supervisors and overseers of the poor, or a majority of them, shall, as soon as may be after such surrender, transfer, assignment and delivery of the said corporate estate or interest, after paying or providing for the payment of the just debts of the said corporation, forthwith make a division of the residue in the proportion

of Kingston to account

as aforesaid; and the trustees of the freeholders and A. D. 1811. commonalty of the said town of Kingston shall be, and Trustees hereby are directed and required, fully to account to them for all the corporate estate and property where- for all the with they are or may hereafter be invested in their estate of corporate capacity.


said town.

in Hudson's


IV. And be it further enacted, That the right of free Right of. fishing in Hudson's river within the bounds of the said free fishing towns of Esopus, Kingston and Saugerties shall for. river to be ever hereafter be and remain free and in common to the freeholders and inhabitants of each of the said respective towns as heretofore.

made by


. valid.

V. And be it further enacted, That the division, distribution and assignment heretofore made by the trus- Certain astees of the freeholders and commonalty of the said signments town of Kingston of any part of the corporate estate trustees of and property in their hands among the freeholders and inhabitants of the said town, and to the consistories of the respective churches of Kingston, Raatsbaan and Klyn Esopus, and to the trustees of Kingston academy, shall be and hereby are declared to be firm and effectual forever.


An ACT to incorporate the Stockholders of the Columbian lead mine company. Passed April 5, 1811.


HEREAS John E. Ruckle, Jasper Ruckle,

White Matlack, Willet Hicks, Richard John- Prearable. son, William Palmer, Robert Gedney, William Lusk, Robert Boston, John Boston and Peter Bailey, in behalf of themselves and their associates, have by their petition set forth, that they are proprietors and owners of a lead mine in the township of New-Canaan, in the county of Columbia, in this state, and have requested that the legislature would pass an act incorporating the said petitioners and their associates for the purposes of enabling them to carry on the said mines to advantage: Therefore,

Columbia lead mine

of the state

I. BE it enacted by the people of the state of New-company York, rpresented in senate and Assembly, That John of N. York E. Ruckle, Jasper Ruckle, White Matlack, Willet ed


rate rights.

A. D. 1811 Hicks, Richard Johnson, William Palmer, Robert Gedney, William Lusk, Robert Boston, John Boston and Peter Bailey, and all others who are or shall become subscribers and associates for the purposes of this act, shall, and they are hereby, together with their assigns and successors, established and made a body corporate and politic for the purpose of conducting the operations of a lead mine, and manufacturing in all its various branches, lead, or any other metal the said lead ore may be found to contain, and also for manufacturing red lead, white lead, painters colors, oils, spirits of Their style turpentine and varnishes within the said county of Coand corpo- lumbia, and for no other purpose whatever, by the name of "the Columbian lead mine company of the state of New-York," and are hereby ordained, constituted and declared to be, for and during the term of twentyone years, a body politic and corporate in fact and in name, and by that name they and their successors shall be and are hereby made able in law to purchase, take, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy to them and their successors any lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, of whatsoever kind the same may be, and the same to sell, demise, grant and dispose of, also to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, answer and be answered unto in any court of record, or elsewhere; and the said corporation shall and may have and use a common seal, and may alter the same at their will and pleasure, and by such seal for the Restriction time being their proceedings, deeds and transactions mount of re shall and may be certified and established: Provided, al estate. That the whole real estate of the said corporation, exclusive of their mines and buildings, shall at no time exceed in value the sum of twenty thousand dollars. A share to II. And be it further enacted, That a share in said be $25 and not to ex- company shall be twenty-five dollars, and the number ceed 2000. of shares shall not exceed two thousand; and subscriptions for the said shares shall be received at such times and in such manner as the directors hereinafter named shall direct, and that the whole amount of the stock of the said company shall never exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars.

as to a

A. D. 1811.

to be annu.


III. And be it further enacted, That the stock, property and affairs of the said corporation shall be managed and conducted by thirteen directors, one of whom 13 directors shall be president, who shall hold their offices for one ally chosen. year, which directors shall be stockholders and citizens of this state, and shall be elected on the second Tuesday in November in every year, at such place within this state as a majority of the directors (who shall upon all occasions constitute a board for the transaction of business) for the time being shall appoint, and public notice shall be given by the said directors of the time and place of holding such election for at least thirty days, in one of the newspapers printed in the city of NewYork and in the city of Hudson; and the said election Election, shall be held and made by such of the stockholders of how conthe said company as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by proxy, which proxies shall always be stockholders; and that the said election shall be by ballot, and that any stockholder, if he holds not more than ten shares, shall be entitled to one vote for every share which he holds; if he holds more than ten shares, but Votes, how not more than thirty, then he shall be entitled to one ad- apportionditional vote for every five shares he holds over ten shares; and if he holds more than thirty shares, then he shall be entitled to one additional vote for every ten shares which he holds over and above the said thirty shares; and the said election shall be decided by a plurality of votes received at every such election; and the A president said directors shall, by plurality of votes, elect one of the electtheir number to be their president; and the election for directors shall be held on the second Tuesday in November annually, and John E. Ruckle, Jasper Ruckle, White Matlack, Willet Hicks, Richard Johnson, William Palmer, Robert Gedney, William Lusk, Robert Boston and Peter Bailey, shall be the first directors of the said company, and shall continue in office until the second Tuesday of November next.



dent and di

IV. And be it further enacted, That the said pres- Powers of ident and directors for the time being, or a major part the presi of them, shall have power and authority from time to time to appoint and employ a treasurer, secretary, and such other officers, miners, artificers and servants as they


A. D. 1811.

may think proper for the transacting of the business and concerns of the said company, and to pay them such wages and compensation for their services as they shall think fit, and to displace and discharge them at pleasure, and also to make and establish such by-laws, rules and regulations as they shall think expedient for the better management of the concerns, officers, artificers and servants of the said corporation: Provided alProviso. ways, That such by-laws, rules, and regulations be not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United States or of this state, and to establish or alter such by-laws, rules and regulations at pleasure, and to Dividends declare and make dividends of the profits arising to the said corporation by such business as they may lawfully follow and transact among the stockholders at least once in every year, and at such times and in such portions as to them shall seem meet, giving fifteen days notice of the same in two of the newspapers as aforesaid.

to be made.


solved by

elect direc

V. And be it further enacted, That if it should happen en not dis- that an election of directors should not take place in any neglect to year on the day herein for that purpose mentioned, the tors on the said corporation shall not for that reason be dissolved, day appoint but such election may thereafter be held on such convenient day as may for that purpose be fixed on by the directors, they causing such public notice thereof to be given as herein before required, for an election on the days hereby designed for that purpose.

ed by this


ject to ex

VI. And be it further enacted, That the books of Books sub the said company contaming their accounts shall, at all amination. reasonable times, be open for the inspection of any the stockholders of the said company who shall desire to examine the same, and on the first day of May yearly, and every year, a statement of the accounts of the said company shall be made by order of the directors, which counts to be said statement shall be open at all reasonable times for the inspection of any of the stockholders who shall desire to examine the s


of the

aunually made.

in the office

VII. And be it further enacted, That in case of Vacancies the death, resignati ceremoval out of this state of any of director one or more of the directors of the said company, before the expiration of the term for which such director

how Elled

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