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H. B. No. 12

H. B. No. 73


H. B. No. 83





1 An Act making appropriation for the current expenses of
the Topeka Insane Asylum, for the fiscal years end-
ing June 30th, 1894, and June 30th, 1895...
An Act making an appropriation to repay Greeley county,
Kansas, for costs paid in criminal cases..

An Act to provide for the collection, arrangement and dis-
play of the products of the state of Kansas at the
world's Columbian exposition of 1893, and to provide
for the transfer of the property of the board of man-
agers Kansas world's Columbian exposition corpo-
ration, and to make an appropriation therefor, and
to pay certain expenses already incurred in prepar-
ing for said exhibit, and to declare the powers of
said corporation respecting said property.
An Act making appropriations for the Kansas State Agri-
cultural College..

An Act making appropriation for current expenses of the
Osawatomie Insane Asylum, for the fiscal years end-
ing June 30th, 1894, and June 30th, 1895...

6 An Act for the relief of Kansas State Normal School and
for the appropriation of certain money for its sup-

7 An Act making appropriation to the State Normal School
for current expenses for the fiscal years ending June
30, 1894, and June 30, 1895, and for the erection of
an additional wing and assembly-room...

8 An Act making appropriations for the current expense of
the Institution of the Deaf and Dumb, for the fiscal
years ending June 30, 1894 and 1895......







H. B. No. 137


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H. B. No. 166

9 An Act for the relief of the Kansas State Agricultural Col-
lege and for the appropriation of certain money for
its support.

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H. B. No. 185 10 An Act making appropriations for the current expenses of
the Institution for the Education of the Blind, for
the fiscal years ending June 30, 1894, and June 30,

H. B. No. 245

H. B. No. 280

H. B. No. 281

11 An Act making appropriation for the erection and equip-
ment of detached ward cottage at the Insane Asylum,
Osawatomie, for the fiscal years ending June 30th,
1894, and June 30th, 1895...


An Act making appropriations for miscellaneous expenses
of the University of Kansas for the fiscal years end-
ing June 30th, 1894, and June 30th, 1895.......
13 An Act making appropriations for the erection and equip-
ment of a physics and electrical engineering build-
ing, for the State University at Lawrence, Kas................
making appropriations for miscellaneous purposes,
making appropriations for the erection of an assem-
bly-room, heating and furnishing the same and pro-
viding for an electric-light plant, for the Institution
for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, at Olathe,

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S. B. No. 408 | 32 | An Act making appropriation for the state printer for the
fiscal years ending June 30, 1894, and June 30, 1895,
and regulating the expenditure thereof..

S. B. No. 417 33 An Act making appropriation for the executive and judici-
ary departments of the state for the fiscal years end-
ing June 30, 1894, and June 30, 1895; for deficiencies
for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1892 and 1893...
S. B. No. 436 34 An Act making appropriation for the legislative depart-

H. B. No. 103 35

H. B. No. 106


ment, including clerks, committee clerks and em-
ployés, mileage for members and delegates of both
houses, lieutenant governor and chaplain of both
houses, postage to members of both houses and lieu-
tenant governor in the amount of ten dollars each
and state capitol employés, and expenses to the gen-
eral session of the legislature of 1893....


An Act authorizing the city of Osawatomie, in Miami county,
to issue bonds to fund the city indebtedness.....
An Act to authorize Russell Springs township, in Logan
county, Kansas, to vote bonds to encourage and se-
cure the construction of a flouring mill in said town-
ship and county.....

H. B. No. 136 37 An Act to authorize Wa Keeney township, Trego county,
Kansas, to vote and issue bonds to aid and encour-
age the construction of a flouring mill.

H. B. No. 139 38 An Act to authorize the township of Baker, in Gove county,
Kansas, to vote bonds to aid in the erection, and sub-
scribe to the capital stock of a flouring mill in said
township and county.

H. B. No. 198 39 An Act to authorize the township board of Janesville town-
ship, Greenwood county, Kansas, to issue bonds for
the purpose of providing, either by building or buy-
ing, a township hall in said township..

H. B. No. 225 40 An Act to authorize Grainfield township, in Gove county,
Kansas, to vote five thousand dollars ($5,000) in
bonds to encourage and secure the construction of a
flour mill in said township and county.

H. B. No. 242 41 An Act to authorize Grinnell township, Gove county, Kan-


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sas, to vote five thousand (5,000) dollars in bonds to
encourage and secure the construction of a flour mill
at Grinnell in said township and county.


H. B. No. 292 42 An Act to legalize certain issues of bonds of the city of Ar-

gentine, in the county of Wyandotte.....

H. B. No. 312 43 An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of

Stevens county, Kansas, to issue bonds for the pur-
pose of funding certain outstanding warrants and
the accrued interest thereon.....

H. B. No. 324 44 An Act to authorize the townships of Lockport, Example,
Haskell, Arapahoe, Dudley and Ivanhoe in the county
of Haskell in the state of Kansas, or either of them,
to subscribe to the capital stock of the Montezuma,
Trinidad & Western Railway Company, and to issue
bonds in payment therefor..

H. B. No. 331 45 An Act to authorize the county of Haskell in the state of

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Kansas, to subscribe to the capital stock of the Mon-
tezuma, Trinidad & Western Railway Company, and
to issue bonds in payment therefor....
to legalize a certain issue of bonds authorized by the
mayor and councilmen of the city of Kansas City, Kas., 74
to authorize Hoosier township, Kingman county,
Kansas, to destroy certain bonds voted for a public
cemetery, and to pay purchasing price, costs of
maintenance and improvements out of general funds
of said township..



S. B. No. 253 | 48 | An Act authorizing the city of Chanute, Kas., to vote and is-
sue bonds for erecting waterworks for the use of
said city.

S. B. No. 335 49

S. B. No. 349 50

S. B. No. 350 51

An Act authorizing the city of Osawatomie, in Miami county,
to issue bonds to fund the city indebtedness....
An Act to authorize the city of Lawrence to issue bonds for
the purpose of purchasing or constructing gas or
electric-light works..

An Act to authorize the city of Lawrence to issue bonds for
the purpose of purchasing or constructing water-

S. B. No. 420 52 An Act to enable school district No. 87, situated in Ander-
son county, state of Kansas, to issue bonds for the
liquidation of indebtedness incurred in building a

S. B. No. 444 53 An Act authorizing the city of Girard to vote and issue bonds
for the purpose of repairing and extending the
waterworks of said city, and to improve the water
supply and to levy and collect a special tax to pay
the same...


S. B. No. 266 54 An Act to fix and establish the boundary line between the
counties of Marshall and Washington, in this state...


S. B. No. 44 55 An Act to provide for the construction of a bridge across the
Kansas river between Johnson and Wyandotte coun-
ties, at the Bonner Springs, in Wyandotte county,
Kansas, and authorizing the board of county com-
missioners of Wyandotte county to issue bonds in
payment therefor, and also authorizing the proper
officers of the township Monticello, Johnson county,
Kansas, to issue bonds in part payment therefor....

S. B. No. 63 56 An Act to repeal chapter 61 of Session Laws of 1891, being

S. B. No. 308

"An act concerning bridges in Barber county, Kan-
sas," approved March 6, 1891.

57 An Act relating to the erection of a bridge in Wyandotte
county, and amendatory of section 1 of chapter 67
of Session Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-
one, being an act entitled "An act to provide for the
erection of a bridge across the Kansas river in Wyan-
dotte county, Kansas, and authorizing the board of
county commissioners to issue bonds in payment


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S. B. No. 410 58 An Act to cede jurisdiction to the United States over certain
land, and for the purchase and condemnation thereof, 87


H. B. No. 335 59 An Act to change the name of Frank Lester Farnsworth to
Frank Lester Ward..

H. B. No. 356

H. B. No. 357

60 An Act changing the names of J. S. Faulkner, Laura Faulk-
ner, Lillie Faulkner, Mary Faulkner, Charles Faulk-
ner, and Joanna Faulkner.

61 An Act to repeal chapter 132, Session Laws of 1889, and to
legalize certain acts done relating to Davis county,
under the name of Geary county; also providing for
the restoration to said county of its original name
of Davis, by vote of the electors of said county...
An Act to change the name of William Brassfield..
An Act to change the names of certain persons..

S. B. No. 164


S. B. No. 240


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