TABLE 1.-Total population, school population, and adult male population-Continued. a The estimates of the total and the school population for 1891 are made on the basis of the porcentages of 1890, as no new determinations of these quantities will be made until 1900. b In 1890 (U. S. Census). POPULATION AND SCHOOL POPULATION. Although the census of 1890 has gathered the material for determining the number of children of each year of age in the several States, the results have not been published at the date of preparation of this report. A preliminary census bulletin has been issued, however, giving for each State the number of persons 5 to 18 years of age in 1890; this age has been considered by the Census Office for several decades past as the "school age," and has been, therefore, adopted in this report as furnishing the only enumeration of children that is uniform in all the States as regards the ages included, and extending from 1870 to the present time. The number of persons of each individual year of age was not published in the census reports until 1880. The figures in column 3 of the preceding table are based on those of the census bulletin referred to, but have been reduced in most cases to the date 1891, as have also been those of the total population in column 2. The total population of the United States for the year under consideration (1890-'91 for most of the States) is found to have been 63,521,196. This table has the defect of the original census table (of 1880) upon which it is based. The tendency of parents or other persons who give information to census enumerators is, through ignorance or negligence, to give children's ages roughly or by guesswork, in even numbers rather than odd, and especially in round numbers. Hence we find more children of 6 years of age than either 5 or 7, and so with 8,10, 12, etc., the number of 10 years of age being particularly large.1 The summaries of the number of children from 6 to 10, 10 to 14, and 14 to 18 years, in the foregoing table, give approximately the number of children of age suitable for primary, grammar, and secondary instruction, respectively. This defect is so magnified in the ages of older people in the census of 1880, that 188,752 are given as 59 years old, 427,937 as 60, and 148,731 as 61. TABLE 2.-School enrollment and its relation to the number of children 5 to 18 years of age. 1870-71 ΤΟ 1890-91. ters, excluding duplicates. State or Territory. 1879-80. 1889-90. 1890-91. Whole number of children enrolled on the school regis Gain or loss the last year Number of pupils enrolled for every 100 1870-71. increase or 1870-71. 1879-80. 1889-90. 1890-91. reported. children 5 to 18 years of age. Absolute Percent of 7,561,582 2,743, 344 3, 300, 660 146, 120 1, 242, 811 1, 371, 975 4,033, 828 288, 546 9,867, 505 12, 722, 581 12,966, 061 I... h342,994 Per cent. I.... 2.72 61.45 65.50 68.61 68.95 2, 930, 345 3, 112, 622 3, 138, 064 I... α32,073 I.... 1.03 77.95 75.17 70.44 70.00 1,785, 486 1,815, 724 I... α68,480 I.... 3,92 30.51 50.74 59.22 59.47 2,293, 579 2, 409, 153 I...a148,625 I.... 6.57 34.17 46.43 60.14 62.44 5,015, 217 5,047, 083 I... a39,560 Ι.... 79 76.87 75.84 76.46 76.05 515, 677 556, 037 I... α54, 256 Ι....10.81 54.77 64.96 70.01 72.33 a Aggregate increase for one year, not the increase over 1889-90, which will not be known until the reports for 1890-91 are all in. c Number of pupils attending two weeks or more. d Includes only pupils of legal school age (5 to 20). 824, 614 937,310 1,020, 522 1,026, 667 I... 6,145 I.... .60 76,35 74.37 69.53 68.52 Western Division North Atlantic Division: Maine .... New Hampshire c Massachusetts.. Rhode Island.... Connecticut New York.. New Jersey Delaware Maryland. Florida Pennsylvania.... South Atlantic Division: District of Columbia.. Virginia..... West Virginia. North Carolina South Carolina. Georgia.. b Estimated. 20,058 27,823 31,434 f31, 434 D.. 115, 683 162, 431 15, 157 26,439 184, 251 189,214 Ι... 38,386 I... 131, 088 220,736 342, 269 342, 720 Ι... 76, 999 142, 850 193,064 198,376 Ι... b115,000 252,612 322, 533 330,719 Ι... 66,056 134, 072 201, 260 209,559 1... 49,578 236,533 381,298 14,000 39, 315 92, 472 04,019 Ι... 1,547 I... 1.67 21.21 44.46 71.10 69.65 TABLE 2.-School enrollment and its relation to the number of children 5 to 18 years of age-Continued State or Territory. 0 1 Whole number of children enrolled on the school regis- Gain or loss the last year Number of pupils enrolled for every 100 1870-71. 1879-80. 1889-90. 1890-91. Absolute increase or decrease. Per cent of increase or 1870-71. 1879-80. 1889-90. 1890-01. decrease. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ters, excluding duplicates. reported. children 5 to 18 years of age. Kentucky Tennessee Alabama... Mississippi a178, 457 a276,000 399, 660 426, 487 I... 26,827 I.... 6.71 65.64 68.99 6140,000 300, 217 447,950 483,337 Ι... 35,387 I... 7.90 32.00 58.21 74.06 78.29 141, 312 179, 490 301, 615 c301,615 I... 31,411 I....11.62 40.36 42.60 55.83 c55.83 117,000 236, 654 334, 158 327,855 D.. 6,303 D... 1.89 40.60 61.29 70.62 68.38 Louisiana... 57,639 77,642 120, 253 130,709 I... 10,456 I.... 8.69 24.78 25.87 31.58 33.73 Texas...... 63, 504 b220,000 466, 872 516,079 I... 49,207 I....10.54 21.00 42.40 59.50 63.52 Arkansas. 69,927 81,972 223, 071 c223, 071 I... 1,640 Ι.... .74 40.29 30.81 55.41 c55.41 North Central Division: Ohio... 719,372 729, 499 797,439 d754, 869 D.. 42,570 D... 5.34 84.04 76.69 76.54 d71.97 Indiana 450,057 511, 283 512, 955 c512,955 D.. 10, 192 D... 1.95 78.64 82.39 79 21 c79.21 Illinois 672,787 704,041 778, 319 799,058 Ι... 20,739 I... 2.66 81.01 74.61 71.97 72.86 Michigan... 202, 466 362, 556 427,032 446, 024 Ι... 18,992 I.. 4.45 79.66 -78.08 73.44 75.29 Wisconsin 255,285 299, 457 351,723 359, 257 Ι... 7,534 I. 2.14 73.92 73.78 69.77 69.60 Minnesota. 113, 983 180, 248 280, 960 c280,960 I... 7,146 I.... 2.61 75.92 75.87 74.59 c74.59 Iowa.. 341,938 426,057 493,267 503, 755 I... 10,488 I. 2.13 84.44 83.52 85.51 86.33 Missouri.. 330,070 482, 986 620,314 639,729 I... 19,415 I.. 3.13 56.03 68.85 74, 43 75.15 North Dakota Nebraska...... 23,265 92,549 240, 300 247,320 Ι... 7,020 I.... 2.92 58.79 68.48 75.36 74.23 Kansas 89,777 231, 434 399, 322 389, 570 D.. 9,752 D... 2.44 74.22 73.23 88.56 87.66 Western Division: Montana... 6450 4,270 16,980 Wyoming. Utah Nevada.... Washington Oregon California 1,657 2,907 7,052 4,357 22, 119 65, 490 c65, 490 61,320 4,755 18,315 22,599 4,212 7,989 c7,989 16,992 24, 326 37,279 46, 794 Ι... 9,515 Ι....25.52 53.36 50.61 55.26 65.25 3, 106 65,000 21,000 a Highest number enrolled. Estimated. c In 1889-90. d Incomplete reports. |