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Inequality, Rousseau's treatise on,
i. 349; distinctions ought to be
the result of merit, 351.
Infancy, Johnson's, i. 13, 14, 382,

Infidels, Johnson thinks there are

but few, ii. 326.

Inn, the comfort attainable at a
good, ii. 35; Shenstone's lines
on, 36 n.

Innocent, the, must be protected,

though the guilty should escape,
iv. 180.

Innovation, the age is running mad
after, iv. 129.

Innys, Mr., bookseller, Johnson
leaves his representatives £200,
in gratitude for assistance re-
ceived by him, iv. 308-311.
Inquiry into the Rights of the
British Colonies, ii. 197.
Inquisition, The, Johnson amuses

himself by defending it, i. 370.
Insanity, dreaded by Johnson, i.

36; discussed, iii. 201, 202; ob-
servations on, by Dr. Arnold, 202.
Inscription, Boswell begs Johnson

to send him one for a picture
of Mary Queen of Scots, ii.
251, 261, 272; on Johnson's
watch, 70; Beauclerk's, on John-
son's portrait by Reynolds, iv.
123; Johnson's remark on its
being defaced iv. 124; on Gar-
rick's portrait by Reynolds, iv.


Instinct in birds, ii. 233.

Intentions, hell is paved with good,
ii. 327 n.

Interest, Lord Kames on the rate
of, iii. 340; Johnson says he
found it difficult to understand,

Internal evidence of the Christian
religion, iii. 296.

Interview of Johnson with the
King, ii. 50.

Intuition and sagacity, discussed,
iv. 246.

Invasion panic, the, as great in
France as in England, iii. 327.

"Inverted understanding," the gen-

tleman who had a most, iii. 372.
Ireland, once the seat of piety and
learning, i. 252; Johnson's love
for, and desire that its history
should be written, ii. 121; his
letters to O'Connor about, i. 251,
252,iii.146; Philosophical Survey
of the South of, by Dr. Thomas
Campbell, ii. 310; state of affairs
in, Johnson's indignation at, ii.
238; Johnson would not visit,
though he had a kindness for the
Irish, iii. 398; he warns the
Irish against the Union, 398;
once the school of the West, 473.
Irene, Johnson's tragedy of, i. 65,
70; unfinished sketch of, given
to Mr. Langton, 72; ready but
laid aside, 75; Johnson's effort,
to dispose of it, 110; brought
out by Garrick at Drury Lane,
145; il success of, 146, 147;
price paid for, 146; receipts
for three benefit nights, 147
n.; Johnson's dress for this
play, 148; Epilogue to, by Sir
W. Yonge, 146; Aaron Hill's
description of, 147.

Irish, and Gaelic languages the

same, ii. 153; affairs, Johnson
on, 400; Johnson says they
are a fair people, "they never
speak well of one another,"
284; peasantry, Johnson asked
to advocate their cause, iii. 478.
Islington, Johnson goes to stay at,
with the Vicar, iv. 198.
Italian, Johnson, at the age of
sixty-nine, proposes to study, iii.


Italy, a tour in, proposed by Mr.

Thrale to Johnson, iii. 17;
plan for Johnson's spending the
winter in, iv. 240; Johnson
wishes to visit, dreading the
winter in England, 246.

Ivy Lane Club, instituted, i. 141;
the surviving members meet,
iv. 181; described by Hawkins,
181 n., 182 n.

Jack of all trades, literary, de-
scribed, Boswell says in "a
small whole-length of Dr.
Priestley," iv. 169.
Jackson, Harry, one of Johnson's
schoolfellows, iii. 45; and early
friends, 164.

Mr. Richard, the all-knowing,
consulted on the proposed Tour
in Italy, iii. 71; commends the
remarks on trade in Johnson's
Journey, iii. 71.

Jacobitism, Johnson affected more
than he really had, i. 341, 342.
James, Dr., Johnson's schoolfellow
and friend, i. 116; Johnson
does not think much of his medi-
cines, iv. 265; his death, iii. 60;
Johnson learnt from him all he
knew of physic, iii. 74.
Jenkinson, the Right Hon. Charles,

Johnson's letter to, about Dodd,
iii. 176.

Jennings, Henry Constantine, the
collector of antiques, his marble
statue of a dog, iii. 248 n.
Jenyns, Soame, a passage in Ho-
race applied to, iii. 288; his
Evidences of the Christian Re-
ligion, iii. 296; his inquiry into
the Origin of Evil, reviewed by
Johnson, 246; his attack on
Johnson after his death, 247;
Boswell's answer to it, 248; ac-
count of, 248 n.

Jervis, Elizabeth, Mrs. Porter,
afterwards Mrs. Johnson, i. 59-

Jodrell, Mr., a member of the

Essex Street Club, iv. 199.
John Bull, history of, by Swift,
ii. 221.

JOHNSON, SAMUEL,' his character

1 The leading events of his life
will be found in their natural se-
quence in the Contents to each
volume, as well as all the chief
points of his character, manners,
and habits, of which, therefore,
but few are repeated here.

and person described by Boswell,
iv.328-33; his abhorrence of affec-
tation, iii. 446; bow wow way of
speaking, ii. 300 n.; courage, ii.
277, 278 n.; candour and amia-
bility, iv. 131; his charity, iii.
241, iv. 207; conversation, i. 5-7,
iii. 292, iv. 63, 64, 112, 127;
dexterity at retort, 126; dread
of death, ii. 107, iii. 301; extra-
ordinary fertility of mind, i. 154,
iv. 134, 135; gesticulations, ii.
299; good humour, ii. 329; in-
sensibility to music and painting,
i. 288, 289, ii. 370; kindness to
servants, iv. 134; love of late
hours, iii. 225; laugh, ii. 244,
342; melancholy, i. 34, 234, 355,
iii. 27,201; his powerful memory,
iii. 435, 436; prejudices, iii. 437,
iv. 114; power of rapid com-
position, i. 142, 151, iii. 105 n.;
style of writing, i. 164, 166;
superstition (alleged), ii. 7, iv.
198; tenderness, i. 265, ii. 58;
iv. 236.

Johnson, Elizabeth, Johnson's wife,

i.59-63; Garrick's mimicry of her,
63; death of, 178-81; her praise
of the Rambler prized by John-
son, 157; buried at Bromley,
183; her wedding ring, 180;
Johnson, in Paris, bemoans her
loss, ii. 356.

Fisher, Johnson leaves a
legacy to his sons, iv. 309.

an Irishman, a well-known
horse-rider, i. 317.

[blocks in formation]

Johnson, Thomas, a poor relation,
whom Johnson assists, ii. 386;
and leaves a legacy to his daugh-
ter and grand-daughter, iv. 309.
William Samuel, LL.D., of
Connecticut, ii. 383.
Johnsoniana, or Bon Mots of Dr.
Johnson, published in 1776, iii.
21, 326 n.

Johnstone, Arthur, his Latin
poems, i. 365 n.; Johnson de-
sires to have a bust of him to
place in his room, iv. 192.
Jones, Philip, a fellow student with
whom Johnson played draughts,
iii. 30.

Miss, the "Chantress," i.

Jorden, Mr., Johnson's tutor at
college, i. 31, 32.

Jortin, his sermons elegant, iii.


Journal, a, is to a man what a mirror

is to a lady, iii. 245; Johnson re-
commends Boswell to keep one,
i. 344, ii. 326; but confesses he
could never succeed himself,
204; Boswell's diligence in keep-
ing his, i. 366; on keeping a,
iv. 120; at first there is a great
deal to be written, ibid.; Swift's
Journal, ibid. n.

of a Tour to the Hebrides,
Mrs. Thrale is so entertained
with, that she almost reads her-
self blind, ii. 345.
Journal des Savans, Johnson's and

Gibbons's opinion of the, ii. 55.
Journals, literary, discussed by
Johnson with George III., ii. 55.
Journey to the Western Islands,

Johnson publishes, ii. 259; Bos-
well receives, 270; commenda-
tions of, 281-3; attacks against,
285; sale of, 288 n.; 4,000
copies of, very quickly sold, iii.
326; presentation copies of, iii.
130, 136; Sir A. Dick on, 136,
137; commended by different
people for very different reasons,


Jubilee, the Shakesperian, at Strat-
ford, ii. 78.

Judge. Ought a judge to engage
in trade? ii. 313, 314.
Junius, Johnson attacks, in his
pamphlet on the Falkland Is-
lands, ii. 132; letters of, their
authorship discussed, iii. 370.
Juvenal, sat. x. 182 quoted, ii. 214,

215 n.; sat. iii. 230, discussed,
iii. 268; Johnson's imitations
of, i. 205; his tenth satire
quoted to Johnson by Dr.
Brocklesby, iv. 307.

Kames, Henry Home, Lord, i.
106 n.; his Elements of Criti-
cism "a pretty essay," 312, ii.
93; his Sketches of the History
of Man referred to, iii. 261; his
Historical Law Tracts quoted,
ii. 189; his misrepresentations,
iii. 339, 349, 350.
Kearney, Dr. John, Bishop of
Ossory, ii. 11.

Kearsley, Mr., the bookseller and
publisher of the Beauties of
Johnson, i. 161; and of a Life
of Johnson, which appeared im-
mediately after his death, 161;
his Life of Johnson quoted,
describing Johnson's peculiar
gait, iv. 32.

Keddlestone, Lord Scarsdale's seat,
visited, iii. 188.

Kelly, Mr. Hugh, the poetical
staymaker, ii. 62; author of a
Word to the Wise, iii. 148;
his vanity, iv. 315.
Kemble, John, account of, iv.
172 n.; gives Boswell the par-
ticulars of Mrs. Siddons's visit
to Johnson, 172, 173; Johnson
inquires whether he believed
himself to be the characters he
represented, 173; says that of
all plays he had felt most affected
by the last scene of the Stranger,


Kempis, Thomas à, sixty-three

editions of, in the King's Library,

in eight languages, iv. 203; the
world has opened its arms to
receive his book, iii. 244.
Ken, Bishop, his strict habit of
life, iii. 196.

Kennedy, Dr., Johnson writes a
fine dedication to the King for
his Astronomical Chronology, i.


Kennicott, Dr. Benjamin, his Col-
lations, ii. 126 n.

Mrs., talks to Johnson about
her brother, Mr. Chamberlayne,
iv. 212.
Kenrick, William, attacks John-

son's Shakespeare, ii. 19, 72.
Kettel Hall, Oxford, Johnson stays

at, about five weeks, i. 209, 227.
Kilda, St., Johnson proposes to
buy, ii. 147; Macaulay's history
of, and wonderful story about,

Killaloe, the Bishop of, his regard

for Johnson, iv. 66.
Killingley, Mrs., the landlady of
the Green Man at Ashbourne,
iil. 227.

King, Dr. William, brings John-

son the Oxford diploma of M.A.,
i. 218.

Kippis, Dr., at Mr. Hoole's with
Johnson, iv. 206; edits the first
five volumes of the Biographia
Britannica, iii. 200, 201 n.; hears
Johnson speak on mechanics, ii.


Kneller, Sir Godfrey, his character
as a justice of the peace exem-
plified, iii. 253.

Knight, Lady, her account of Mrs.
Williams, ii. 41.

Knolles, his History of the Turks
praised by Johnson and Byron,
i. 65.

Knotting, Johnson tried to learn,

but did not succeed, iii. 257, iv.

Knowledge, all, is of value, ii. 325.
Knowles, Mrs., the Quaker lady

who worked sutile pictures, iii.
117, 293; her conversion of Miss

Jane Harry, 304; her conver-
sation with Johnson described,
305 n.

Knox, Dr., master of Tunbridge
school, iv. 243; his successful
imitation of Johnson's style and
high estimation of Boswell as a
biographer, i. 168, 298.

Mr. John, bookseller, his com-
mendation of Johnson's Journey,
ii. 281.

Kristrom, Mr, a Swede, ii. 153.

Labefactation, the, of principles,

ii. 333.

Labour, Johnson thinks no man
loves labour for itself, ii. 100.
Laceration of mind consequent on
conversion from Popery to Pro-
testantism, ii. 107.

Lade, Sir John, Johnson's verses
on his coming of age, iv. 316.
Ladies, "timorous, but not cau-
tious," i. 405; Johnson very
agreeable to, iv. 34; Burke's
saying that Johnson's ladies were
Johnsons in petticoats, i. 170 n.
Laird, Boswell becomes a, iv. 110.
Lamps, Johnson's delight at ar-

riving within the focus of, iii. 44.
Land and trade compared, ii. 103,

iv. 111.

Landlords, Scotch, Johnson's notion
of their dignity, i. 325; and
tenants, relations of, iv. 110,

Langley, Rev. Mr., master of the

school at Ashbourne, iii. 170.
Langton, Bennet, Johnson's much
valued friend, i. 188, 189; at
Trinity College, Oxford, 253;
"his mind as exalted as his
stature," 263; one of the original
members of the Club, ii. 2;
marries Jane Lady Rothes, 133;
Johnson congratulates, on the
birth of a son, 143, 271; an
enthusiast about Greek, 343;
his manner of living not quite
to Johnson's taste, iii. 161,
"earth does not bear a


worthier man," 190; Johnson
and Boswell dine with, and are
reconciled after a quarrel, 338;
Johnson accuses him of ruining
himself without pleasure, 347:
and is full of anxiety about his
affairs, 358, 359; writes to Bos-
well on Beauclerk's death, and
describes Johnson's reception at
a great party, 411, 412; John-
son reproaches him with neglect-
ing him, iv. 261 asked by
Johnson to tell him his faults,
204; comical scene, 205; John-
son's tender saying to him when
dying, 313; Johnson leaves him
his Polyglot Bible, 309; his
letter from Johnson's death bed,
321 n.; his Johnsoniana, iii.
427-51; his story of Johnson
and the porter, iv. 32; Johnson's
letters to, i. 226, 253, 262-5, 282,
ii. 31, 33, 59, 133, 143, 261, 328,
342, iii. 157, 160, 360, iv. 81, 93,
94, 170, 271.
Langton, old Mr., described by
Johnson, ii. 231; Johnson's
enthusiastic description of, ii.
23, iii. 446.

- Peregrine, Bennet Langton's
uncle, his wonderful economy,
ii. 33.

little Miss Jenny, John-
son's godchild, iii. 238; his
letter to her in large hand,
written in his last illness, iv.

the Misses, Johnson's kind
remembrance of, in his illness,
iv. 193.

Language, Origin and Progress of,
by Lord Monboddo, i. 145;
Johnson's Journey commended
for the way in which it treats
of language, iii. 170; the origin
of, discussed, iv. 144; an author's,
a characteristical part of his com-
position, and should not be mo-
dernized, 231.

Languages, Greek and Latin, essen-
tial to a good education, i. 363

every language, however narrow
and incommodious, should be
preserved in a version of some
known book, ii. 44; to know a
language, we must know the
people, their notions and man-
ners, ii. 87; Leibnitz on, re-
ferred to, 153; observations on
the Irish and Gaelic, 154 n;
poets preserve languages, be-
cause poetry cannot be trans-
lated, iii. 84.
Lansdowne, the Marquis of, John-
son saw a good deal of, at one
time, iv. 131.
Lapouchin, Madame, the severity
of her punishment, iii. 339.
Larks, “Madam, it would give you
very little concern if all your re-
lations were spitted like those
larks, and dressed for Presto's
supper," iv. 256.

Late hours, Johnson's love of, iii.

225 n.

Latin, how Johnson obtained his

accurate knowledge of, i. 19;
and Greek, essential to a good
education, i. 363; Johnson finds
fault with Boswell's, ii. 36; and
Boswell defends himself, 38-40.
La Trobe, Mr., a Moravian es-
teemed by Johnson, iv. 315.
Latiner, the country parson who
was a very good preacher, but
no Latiner, iv. 126.

Laud, Archbishop, his Diary
quoted, ii. 202.

Lauder, William, impudently as-
sails Milton, and deceives John-
son by forgeries, i. 174.
Laugh, Johnson's violent, about
the testator, ii. 243; Johnson


laughs like a rhinoceros," 342.
Laughers, a man should pass part
of his time with the, iv. 125.
Laughter," Johnson gives you a
forcible hug, and shakes laughter
out of you, whether you will or
no," ii. 218.

Law, the practice of, defended by
Johnson, ii. 61; reports, the

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