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"John Gurney the barrister---a splendid edition of his speeches in the Radical Corresponding Society, with a copy of Shiel's tragedy of The Apostate.' "Lord Sidmouth.--- Hibbert's Essay on Apparitions.'

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"Lord Bexley---the a Justified Sinner.'"

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Confessions of

"Mr. Holme Sumner, M. P.---an accurate Engraving of the Brixton Tread-mill; with the Tenth Report of the Surrey Lunatic Asylum."

"The Rev. George Croley ---The Carcase of the Euchanted Courser; with the clever pamphlet of 'A new way to hiss a young actress.' "---(Scarce and curious.)

"Mr. William Cobbett---a Gridiron, a roasting-bill, with a lithographic Engraving of Sir Francis Burdett's Letter." "The Editor of the 'John Bull'-Third instalment from the Ultra-Slavery Society, wrapped up in a Statement of the Mauritius Defalcation Account." "Robert Southey, Esq. P. L.- 'Political Retractions,' second edition; with Massinger's play of A New Way to Pay Old Debts.'"


nations heated in the highest degree. To accomplish this object, it was necessary to bewilder the understanding; and Mesmer, with his singular language, produced that effeet. To put a stop to the fit of public insanity was the grand difficulty; and it was proposed to have the secret purchased by the court. Mesmer fixed his claims at a very extravagant rate. However, he was offered fifty thousand crowns. By a singular chance, I was one day led into the midst of the somnabulists. Such was the enthusiasm of the numerous spectators, that in most of them I could observe a wild rolling of the eye, and a convulsed movement of the countenance. A stranger might have fancied himself amidst the unfortunate patients of Charenton. Surprised and shocked at seeing so many people almost in a state of delirium, I withdrew, full of reflections on the scene which I had just witnessed. It happened that about this time my husband was attacked with a pulmonary disorder, and he desired that he might be conveyed to Mesmer's house. Being introduced into the apartment occupied by M. Campan, I asked the worker of miracles what treatment he proposed to

"The Earl of Lauderdale---a new surtout." "Duke of Newcastle---Old-Castle's adopt; he very coolly replied, that to "Fool of Quality.'

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"Lord Leunox---A Pair of Patons." "Joseph Hayne---Foote's farce of the 'Lying Valet,' bound in sheep's skin.” "Lord Charles Somerset- the last Pamphlet on the Bullying (Bullion) Question.


"William Gifford, Esq. --Monody on the Death of Keats." "

"Hon. Mr. Manners Sutton---Thomson's Lectures on Infidelity:' and the Popular Drama of ' Married & Single." "Captain Medwin--A Portrait of the Swiss Giantess."

"The Editor of the Boston Gazette-Two hundred pounds of Hunt's Roasted Coru."

"Marsh, Stracey, and Graham---A Warning Voice, by Henry Fauntleroy, Gent.

"The Editor of the Morning Chronicle, ---Sixteen Leading articles from Mr. O'Connell."


AT the time when Mesmer made so much noise in Paris with his magnetism, M. Campan was his partisan, like almost every person who moved in high life. To be magnetized was then a fashion; nay, it was more, it was absolutely a rage. In the drawing-rooms nothing was talked of but the brilliant discovery. There was to be no more dying; people's heads were turned, and their imagi

ensure a speedy and perfect cure, it would be necessary to lay, in the bed of the invalid, at his left side, one of three things, namely, a young woman of brown complexion; a black hen; or an empty bottle. "Sir, (said I,) if the choice be a matter of indifference, pray try the empty bottle."

M. Campan's side grew worse; he experienced a difficulty of breathing, and a pain in his chest. All the magnetic remedies that were employed produced no effect. Perceiving his failure, Mesmer took advantage of the periods of my absence to bleed and blister the patient. I was not informed of what had been done, until after M. Campan's recovery. Mesmer was asked for a certificate to prove that the patient had been cured by means of magnetism only, and he gave it. Here was a trait of enthusiasm! Truth was no longer respected. When I next presented myself to the Queen, their Majesties asked what I thought of Mesmer's discovery. I informed them of what had taken place, earnestly exduct of the barefaced quack. pressing my indignation at the conIt was immediately determined to have nothing more to do with him.'-From the Private Journal of Madame Cumpan.


A Fragment.

'Twas night-the dense and pitchy clouds of heaven had wrapped the earth in gloom-not a star twinkled through the musky clouds-the moon had withdrawn her shining-and darkness had cast her sceptre o'er a sleeping worldthe owl hooted his eerie song from the lone battlements of Cruikstane-the raven, foul bird of night, croaked his ominous elegy-the murmuring stream rushed by the lonely walls, hastening to join the Clyde-and a low wind moaned and whistled cheerily among the long grass, as it were the spirit of the storma flame of lightning burst from the sable clouds, and was swallowed in the surrounding gloom-a peal of thunder rolled, growling along, and died away on the Kilpatrick hills-flash came after flash-the thunder howled with an awful mutter. Peace, rest, ye troubled spirits!' exclaimed a voice from the ruins a gleam of light passed through the castle-by its glare, I saw a figure stand before me, pale as death--his eye-balls glazed like those of the hunted tiger his hair stood erect-methought I could discern a cold sweet on his haggard temples a thunder peal passed overthe ruined castle shook to its base-the owl screamed and fled-the fox howled on the neighbouring hill-a vision passed before me. "Dost thou know me?" it exclaimed, in a voice more terrible than the thunder itself---it gazed upon the felon---[ saw him tremble---he guashed his teeth---frantic and wild with horror, he stood speechless another flash of fire gleamed through the ruins---it was followed by an awful peal of thunder---another spectre passed. 'I am the ghost of Laurie,' it exclaimed in a solemn tone, and vanished---and was seen no longer. The morn now dawned from behind a watery cloud---its rays fell upon the felon---he drew a poinard from his breast, and plunged it in his heart---groaning he fell---and cursing God and mankind, expired.



THE following horrible relation is extracted from a work called "Letters of an American Farmer," 1787 :

"I was not long since invited to dine with a planter who lived three miles from- where I then resided. To avoid the heat of the sun, I struck into a sheltered path, leading through a plea sant wood, and was leisurely travelling

along, examining some plants which I had collected, when I heard a deep rough voice utter a few inarticulate monosyllables. Surprised at this, I looked around, and perceived, at about six rods distance, a cage suspended to the limb of a tree, all the branches of which were covered with birds of prey, fluttering about, and contending for a place upon the cage. By an involuntary movement, rather than any mental impulse, I fired at them, and they flew away, with a hideous noise, when, horrible to repeat, I perceived a negro suspended in the cage, and in that situation left to expire. 1 shudder when I recollect the miserable object he presented to my view; the birds had already picked out his eyes; his cheek bones were bare; his arms had been attacked in several places, and his body was covered with a multitude of wounds. From the edges of the hollow sockets of his eyes, and from the various lacerations, the blood slowly oozed, and tinged the ground beneath. No sooner were the birds gone, than swarms of flies covered the unfortunate wretch, eager to feed on his mangled flesh. I stood motionless, contemplating this living spectre, who still retained the power of hearing, and judging from the report of my gun that some one was near, begged me in his uncouth dialect to give him some water to allay his thirst. Trembling, I sought to relieve him as well as I could, and seeing a shell lying near, fixed to a pole, which had been used by the negroes for the same purpose, I filled it with water, and guided it to his quivering lips. Instinctively guessing at its approach by the noise it made in passing through the bars of the cage, he eagerly protruded his lips, and imbibed the moisture. ❝ Tanki you, tanki you," exclaimed he. "How long have you been hanging there?" I asked him. "Two days, and me no die; the birds, the birds? aah me!" Oppressed with the reflections excited by this dreadful spectacle, I mustered strength enough to leave the spot, though had my gun been provided with a ball, I certainly should first have put an end to his agonising torture. When I reached my friend's house, I heard the reason of this punishment; they told me that the slave had killed the overseer of the plantation, and that such severities were absolutely necessary'; adding the arguments usually employed to justify the system of slavery, with a repetition of which I shall not weary the reader."




THE annexed is an autograph of " King James to Prince Charles and the Duke of Buckingham, congratulating their safe arrival at Madrid."

"My sweete boyes, I hoape before this tyme ye are fullie satisfyed with my diligent caire in wrytting unto you upon all occasions; but I have bettir cause to querrel you, that ye shoulde ever have bene in doubte of my oftenfwritting unto you, especiallie as long as ye saw no poste nor creature was comd from me but Michell Androw; and yett by Carlele, in quhose companie he pairted from me, I wrotte my first Lettre unto you. And I wonder also quhy ye showlde aske me the quæstion if ye showlde sende me any more jointe letres or not; alace sweet hairtis, it is all my comforte in youre absence, that ye wrytte jointlie unto me, besydes the greate ease it is, both to me and you; and ye neede not doubte but I will be wairie enough in not acquainting my Counsell with any secreate in your Letres. But I hawe bene trowbled with Hammilton, quho being present by chawnce at my ressav. ing both of youare first and seconde paquette out of Madrid, wold needs peere over my showlder quhen I was reading thaime, ofring ever to helpe me to reade any harde wordis, and, in good faith, he is in this busienesse, as in all things else, as variable and uncertaine as the Moone. But the newis of youre gloriouse reception thaire, makes me afrayed that ye will both miskenne your olde Dade hearafter; but in earniste my babie ye muste be as spairing as ye can in yeore spending thaire, far youre officers are allreaddie putte to the height of thaire speede with provyding the fyve thowsande powndis by exchainge, and now youre tilting stuffe quiche thaye knowe not how to provyde will come to three more; and God knowis how my eoffers are alreaddie drained. I knowe no remedie, excepte ye procure the speedie payment of that hundreth and fiftie thowsande powndis, quhiche was once promeised to be advaunced, qubiche my sweete Gosseppe, that now is turnd Spaniarde with his golden keye, will be fittest to laboure in, quho shall have a fine shippe to goe thither with all speede, for bringing him hoame to his dear dade. But I praye you, my babie, take heade of being hurte if ye runne at tilte. As for Steenie, I hoape thow will come bakke before that tyme, for I hoape my babie will be readdie to come awaye before the horses can be thaire wel restid, and


all things readdie for running at tilte
qubiche muste be my babies pairting
blow if he can have laasar to parforme
thaire. I praye you in the meanetyme
keepe your selfis in use of dawncing
privatlie, thogh ye showlde quhissell and
sing one to another like Jakke and Tom,
for faulte of bettir musike. As for the
maine bussienesse, I hoape the Dispen-
sation will come speedilie and well, if
other wayes ye muste putte that King
bravelie to it, as I wrotte in my last unto
you, for the Archduchessis ambassadoure
heere sayes that my sonnis going thaire
in this fashion hath obleished that King
in honoure to bestowe his sister upon
him, quhither the Dispensation come or
not; and that thaire are nombers of
catholike Romanes and protestants
maried in the worlde withowt the Popes
dispensation. This the Baron de Bois-
chot saide to my selfe.
I sende you
according to youre desyre a lettre of
thankes to that King, quhiche, my sweete
Steenie, thou shall deliver unto him in my
name with all the best complements
thow can, and quhane thow wants,
Cartele can best instructe thae in thait
airt. - Ellis's Letters on English


"IN size the Esquimaux dog is about the height of the Newfoundland breed, but broad, like a mastiff in every part, except the nose; the hair of the coat is in summer, as well as in winter, long, but during the cold seas on, a soft downy under-covering is found, which does not appear in warm weather. I found by several experiments that three of my dogs could draw me on a sledge, weighing a 100lbs. at the rate of one mile in a proof of the six minutes; and as strength of a well-grown dog, my leader drew 196lbs. singly, and to the same Whoever distance, in eight minutes. has had the patience to read this account, will laugh at my introducing my team so frequently in a professed account of Esquimaux dogs generally, but I can only offer as my excuse, the merits of my poor animals, with which I have often, with one or two persons besides myself, on the sledge, returned home from the Fury, a distance of nearly a mile, in pitchy darkness, and amidst clouds of snow-drift, entirely under the care of those trusty servants, who, with their noses down to the snow, have gallopped on board, entirely directed by their sense of smelling. Had they erred or been at all restive, no human means could have brought us on board until the return of clear weather,



Argument for a week, laughter for a month, and a jest for ever.-SHAKESPEARE.

0 Yes! 0 Yes! 0 Yes! Readers of the Portfolio! we greet you well. "May you live a thousand years!"

IN this season of Festivals, Presents, Almanacks, Friendship's Offerings, "Forget me Nots," "Remember me," and good wishes, we present our homage of gratitude.

Heretofore we have been like a bashful maiden, extremely coy in what we had to say; but now we shall speak out openly, the blush shall no longer suffuse our cheeks; we will take the character of the age-that of bronze.

We purpose giving in our future numbers a leading article.-An article, gentle reader, in which the Editor will be" at HOME" with you; that will give an original feature to the work.-In which you will have the high and exalted privilege of listening to his own opinions of "men and things." Politics and religion of course will be excluded. In this paper the Editor will accompany you to your fireside, and in familiar conversation will endeavour to make himself so delightfully pleasing and interesting, that your happy family will, we trust, properly appreciate his exertions for your amusement; being entirely foreign to a work of this kind.

We with great pleasure direct attention to the 100 weeks this work has been before the public. To enumerate the many productions on which we have founded our stability, would be needless it only remains for us to say that the high estimation we are held in by the Public, places us far above our contemporaries. We will take care our excellent Miscellany shall live for ever!


"WHEN Hatuey, a black prince, (says Dr.Robertson in his History of America) was fastened to the stake, a Franciscan Friar, labouring to convert him, promised him immediate admittance into the joys of heaven, if he would embrace the Christian faith. "Are there any Spaniards, says he, after some pause, in that region of bliss which you describe.""Yes, replied the monk, but only such as are worthy and good." "The best of them, rejoined the indignant prince, have neither worth nor goodness, and I will rot go to a place, where I may meet with one of that accursed race!"


A CERTAIN nobleman in Portugal had a physician who was put into the Inquisition, under suspicion of Judaism. Hearing this, he wrote to one of the inquisitors, to inform him that the Doctor was a good Christian; and he desired that he might be set at liberty. The inquisitors returned a polite answer, that they could not oblige his lordship, for the prisoner had been tortured, and had confessed he was a Jew. The count was excessively angry; he feigned sickness; and sent to desire the Inquisitorial judge to visit him. He waited ou him: as soon as he arrived, the count ordered him to sit down, and write a confession that he was a Jew. The holy father refused; the count rung for a servant, and on his appearing, ordered him to call sufficient help to take a red-hot helmet then in the fire, and put it upon the head of the father inquisitor. His reverence hearing this resolute order, flew like lightning to the escrutoir, took the pen, wrote the confession, and signed a solemn declaration that he was a Jew. The count then reproached him with his injustice and barbarity: “my physician, said he, hath confessed himself a Jew, as you have, with this difference, pain forced the confession from him; it was nothing but the fear of it that extorted it from you.


"WE found (says Capt. Lyons, in his journal, p. 131) on the 3rd, that the party who had been adrift, had killed two large walrusses, which they had carried home during the early part of the night. No one therefore came to the ships, all remaining in the boats to gormandise. We found the men lying under their deerskins, and clouds of steam rising from their naked bodies. From Kooilttiuk, I learnt a new Esquimaux luxury : he had eaten until he was drunk, and every moment fell asleep, with a flushed and burning face, and his mouth open: by his side sat Arnalooa, who was attending her cooking pot, and at short intervals awakened her spouse, in order to cram as much as was possible, of a large piece of half-boiled flesh, into his mouth, with the assistance of her fore finger, and having filled it quite full, cut off the morsel close to his lips; this he slowly chewed, and as soon as a small vacancy became perceptible, this was filled again by a


Jump of raw blubber. During this operation, the happy man moved no part of him but his jaws, not even opening his eyes; but his extreme satisfaction was occasionally shewn by a most expressive grunt, whenever he enjoyed sufficient room for the passage of sound. The drippings of the savoury repast had so plentifully covered his face and neck, that I had no hesitation in determining, that a man may look more like a beast by over-eating, than by drinking to excess. The women having laid all their better halves to sleep, and not having neglected themselves, had now nothing to do, but to talk and beg as usual."

"The poor neglected dogs were more to be pitied than their masters, for no one fed them, and 1 verily believe that they had not made half a dozen meals during the winter; yet were they worked as much, and thrashed as continually, as if they enjoyed abundance of food, and were in a condition to bear any thing."



To employ the surplus of Capital which has accumulated in our Happy times of Peace, ingenious Projectors have presented plenty of Proposals for various Patriotic purposes, there has been no lack of specious schemes for promoting the Comfort, and refining the Pleasures of Society; but a Coalition of all the plausible plans which this prolific Age of Projects has produced, will not contribute half so much to the Health and Happiness of the Inhabitants of Little London as the forming of an

"EARLY HOUR COMPANY," with an inestimable Capital of LONG LIFE,


nated, is supported by, and is now merely a place of Rendezvous for the Directors of " The Late Hour Company.”

People are wont to Admire most what they Understand least,-can any thing be more Barbarous than the foolish Fashion of Singing in a Foreign Tongue, which not One in Ten of those Amateurs who Sing, and not One in a Hundred of those who Hear, (as they pretend with mighty delight), can understand One word in Ten of? Is not this one of the most ridiculous and unreasonable affections that honest John Bull's Arbiters of Fashion have ever insisted upon that worthy person's submitting to ?-however, imperative Fashion, from whose Decree there is no Appeal, has pronounced it to be extremely GENTEEL to Sing Italian Songs and to be seen at the Opera!

It is presumed that the Reader has met with many Members of " the Late Hour Company" whom he has clearly perceived to be under the entire and absolute control of that indefinite but Alpowerful little Adjective "GENTEEL" -to which i ndeed All-ruinous would have been perhaps as proper an addition, for what do we not see the Votaries of Fashion daily and nightly sacrifice, to appear "GENTEEL!!!"

As this Grand National Concern will so greatly benefit all who contribute thereto, and will not injure even those who do not (save only and except the Faculty of Physic,-Nurses, and Undertakers, Coal-Merchants and Tallow Chandlers), there appears to be no obstacle to its Immediate Establishment, especially if the Directors and Leaders of "the Late Hour Company" can be led to consider the superior advantages of this salutary scheme.

Those who patronise "the Early and an ample and neyer-failing Dividend of Hour Company" at its commencement,


and All its Attendant Pleasures.

Of these, there is undeniable Security that the Shareholders will enjoy full Cent. per Cent. more of, than

"The Late Hour Company" ever had, or ever can afford.

"THE EARLY HOUR COMPANY" will not only be entirely exempted from All those heavy Fines of Nervous and Bilious Disorders, &c. and those dreadful Drawbacks of Gout, Palsy, &c. which are so often levied on the Members, and exhaust the finances of "The Late Hour Company," but will have an opportunity of participating in many Pleasures which "The Late Hour Company" are entirely debarred from.

The introduction of the Italian Opera, it has been shrewdly suspected, origi

will immediately receive "A BONUS," which will infinitely overpay any imagi nary loss that they may apprehend from leaving "the Late Hour Company,” in the reflection of how great a Benefit their setting each a good example will confer on all Ranks and Degrees of his Majesty's Liege subjects. -The Great and the Wealthy have thereby an opportunity of rendering more service both to Themselves and to Society, than by any other Scheme which has been suggested to them,-and how instantaneously, how easily, and how universally they may effect it! by merely now and then saying a Single Word!! and gently hinting that it is "GENTEEL" to leave all places of Amusement, in such good hours that they may close their own Doors "Before Eleven o'Clock at Night!!!"

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