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AUBRINGTON was the only child of the wealthy Sir Clement Aubrington, a baronet well known to the sporting gentry in the southern counties of Eng land; and equally respected by his numerous and happy tenantry, for the affability of his manners, and the unaffected generosity of his heart. But Aubrington his son, from being reared in the courts of refinement, had little taste for either thepleasures of the chace, or such sports as a country gentleman most delights to participate in; consequently, he was seldom seen at the abbey, the seat of his ancestors, and the beloved home of his respected parents: the latter having given up his capacious mansion in town, to his son, occasionally visited it, as he observed his boy had grown so neglectful of late, that he appeared to have forgotten he had still a father in existence, was he not at stated intervals to present himself to his wandering regards. It happened that Sir Clement having business of particular moment to transact, and which required his personal attendance in London, ordered his post-chariot, and with his usual activity arrived in square before his son had actually quitted the confines of his dressing


«Metbioks, man, you are a stranger here," said the baronet, addressing the attendant footman, " for 1 never recollect having seen you before: I hope," he added, your master has not transplanted the faithful props of his ancient house, to a less genial soil; if he has-"

"Oh, no, sir," replied the man, somewhat awed by his threatening aspect, and understanding the baronet in a literal sense; "oh, no; for your honour can see from this window, that the pillars have never been removed, otherwise the house must have fallen if they had."

Sir Clement smiled at the man's simplicity, and next enquired at what hour his son dined, and trusted it was near at hand, for, after the fatigues of his journey, he could sit down to the hospitable repast with an excellent appetite.

The servant looked all astonishment, and imagined he could not have rightly understood the baronet, till on the latter's repeating his question, he ventured to remind Sir Clement it was but just two o'clock, and that his master seldom breakfasted before that hour.

"By my faith, though," cried the baronet, "but Ned shall have no breakfast to-day; so inform your master, that his father requests the favour of his company to dinner, at three precisely."

The footman bowed as he retired; and Sir Clement, now left to muse on his own reflections, tortured his mind with a variety of conjectures respecting the pursuits and avocations of a son dear to him as his own life. To remove the the venerable steward of the household; suspicions he entertained, he sent for implicit confidence. Closely questioning a man in whom he could place the most him, he admitted, with considerable hesita tion, while the tear stole down his aged cheek, that Aubrington was, indeed, sacriticing his health, happiness, and character, at the shrine of false pleasures; seldom returning home before three or four in the morning, and he apprehended his nights were not always passed in nocturnal dissipation, but too frequently at the gaming-table. "Alas! sir," continued the faithful steward, "it is a painful, but called on me to discharge, for I love an imperative duty, which you have your son with the affection of a father; he is still the generous and noble-hearted individual, that would scorn the bare idea of dishonour, and revolt at the comhave I wished, Sir Clement, that you mission of premeditated vice; and often would fix your habitation within the precints of Mr. Edward's residence, for I do consider that your presence would act siderate follies as those to which his as a salutary check upon such incon

open nature, and unsuspecting youth, are at present addicted."

"No, no," said the baronet, with a thoughtful air, "I will never act the part guided boy; I know his disposition well, of a spy over the conduct of my misand cannot do him an injustice; I will pave the way to his heart, which is enabled to resist the solicitous counsel of possessed of too much sensibility to be viction to his mind; I shall have regained a doting parent; affection will plead cona son, and he possess an unalienable friend in the person of his father; let me see him then!"

The steward shook his head, as he re plied, that Aubrington was ill prepared morning conveyed home in a state in to meet his father, having been that which he was never before seen; “and I trust, sir," headded," from the contrition and shame he has since expressed, that he will not a second time compromise his name, fortune, and reason, at the shrine of a few designing individuals."



The steward paused, and Sir Clement became more particular in his interrogations and he learnt, with pain, that two or three individuals of high name, but indifferent character, had called that morning on Aubrington, claiming from him large debts of honour, which he had unconsciously contracted in a state of inebriation: in this pressing emergency, Aubrington had been obliged to have recourse to a noted usurer in the neighbourhood, and whose attendance was now hourly expected.

"Oh, the desiging creatures," cried Sir Clement, "would they not spare the honour of my only child, but they must also deprive him of his health; ab, Wilton," continued he, addressing the steward, there is not a doubt, but what the individuals in question infused aportion of some stupifying draught into his wine, so as to deprive my poor boy with better effect of his paternal property. But Edward must be reclaimed, or his father is undone! How shall I act; for I am aware the commands of parental authority would. miss the mark; no, rather let it be by the expression of friendship and affection, for all other means would fail to convince him of the errors of his past conduct."

In short, Sir Clement had so well concerted measures with his steward, that Aubrington had not the least idea he had been actually introduced to his father, disguised as the usurer, and with whom he had been so much pleased, as to request the favour of his company to breakfast on the following morning; for the usurer had told him his money was ever at his command, and for which he would neither receive interest or security.

Aubrington, on his return home, could think of little or nothing else: the usurer and his generosity occupied his sole thoughts. But who can express the shame and gratitude which alternately took possession of his mind, when, on taking up the papers given him to peruse, he beheld the signature of Sir Clement! The soul of Aubrington was inspired with the most enthusiastic sentiments, at the knowledge of the magnanimity of his father's conduct. In short, he hastened to throw himself at the feet of the rejoicing baronet, who, while his son vowed to renounce the errors of which he had been guilty, raised him with tears of affection, as he exclaimed, "that he should remember with feelings of heartfelt satisfaction that hour in which he had acted the part of a disinterested usurer, to reclaim a son in whom were centered the pride and future hope of his family.



To the Editor of The PORTFOLIO. SIR,-The following, I believe, is original, excepting the anecdote of the Cutler, and, if suitable to your excellent work, you are heartily welcome to it.I remain,

Your would-be Correspondent,
D. F.
Many are the opinions of the deriva-
tion of the word Charing. Some sup-
pose it to be corrupted from Chairing,
and it is described as a place where the
Members for Westminster were chaired
or carried away after their election in a
chair. Probably it might have been
Sharing Cross, from the Sharing or
Dividing of two roads. But it is most
probably derived from the French words
chere reyne (dear queen), from the fond-
ness of Edward the First to his wife Elea-
nor. Having now given my opinion as
to the derivation of the word Charing, I
shall proceed to give an account of the
Cross. When Eleanor died, Edward
erected a Cross at every place where the
body was rested on its way to interment,
and this being one of those places, a Cross
was likewise erected here, which occa-
sioned it to be called Charing Cross. It
remained till the Civil wars in the reign
of Charles the First, when being consi-
dered by the Fanatics as a monument of
superstition, they destroyed it, and the
present equestrian statue of Charles the
First erected in its stead. It was cast in
1633, at the expence of the Howard-
Arundel family. Soon after it was set
up the Parliament sold it at a low price
to a cutler in Holborn, who advertised
that he would melt it down, and make
handles for knives of it, and accordingly
caused knives with bronze handles to be
exposed for sale in his shop, by which he
soon made a fortune, the Republicans
who opposed the king being all desirous
of having part of his statue debased into
a knife handle. The cutler, however,
buried it under ground, and at the time
of the Restoration of Charles II. made a
present of it to that prince, who ordered
it to be re-erected upon a new pedestal,
in the place where it formerly stood,
which was accordingly done, in 1678.
As it is finely executed, it still continues
to be an ornament to the place.

Lucia, beauteous, gay, and young too,
Has many charms, but has a tongue too,
With which she still will prattle:
Thus, like the fascinating snake,
She bids us timely warning take,
By shaking of her ratile.


in a different sense of the word. Mine

To the Memory of Robert BurNS. Host was in the act of drawing a jug of


MUSE of Scotland, bow thine hea
Sorrowing o'er the verdant tomb,
Where reposing with the dead,

Robin waits the day of doom.

Set thee humbly down in dust-
Let thy dewy tears be shed,
If thou art to merit just,

Where thy minstrel rests his head. Sweeter harp was never strung,

Than the rural harp of Burns, Sweeter strain was never sung,But the sound no more returns. Silent is the tuneful tongue,

Mouldering now that skilful hand. Which thy wild sweet numbers flung, Loudly o'er his native land. Scotland! be it still thy boast,

Never the dear claim resign, Let his mem'ry ne'er be lost,

Few can boast a bard like thine. Brightly may the hawthorn bloom; Verdant may the laurel grow, Sweetly at his grassy tomb,

Red-breasts warble soft and low. To the consecrated spot,

May selected sweets be brought, Cowslips, and Forget me not,

To adorn it should be sought. Let the weeping willow grow,

Let the purple heather bloom, And the trembling hair-bell show Her attachment to his tomb. From the sod which wraps his clay, May the earliest skylark soar, Up the bright cerulian way, Caroling at heaven's door.

All that's sweet, and bright, and fair,
All that's honest, true, and just,
Still delight to wander where

Rests the Scottish Virgil's dust.
Should my footsteps ever stray,
To the bonny banks of Ayr,
I will trill my choicest lay,

I will shed my warmest tear

O'er the sod which wraps his urn,But, alas! a poor return

For the pleasures 1 have felt, When his strains my bosom melt. Bloomsbury House.

T. D-r.

From the Literary Gazette.

I KNOW of no person to whom I can more appropriately address this communication than yourself, whose talents act as a very loadstone for drawing sparks of genius from the sconces of your readers. Happening lately, in company with some other travellers, to put up for the night at a village hovel, alias the Inn, with "dry lodgings for man and beast" on the sign board, we found ourselves packed in a large smoky room, in company with the whole houschold-men, women, and children; the assembly consisting of no fewer than fourteen persons.

On casting my eyes round the room, the idea suddenly struck me, that every one of the company was simultaneously employed in the act of drawing, yet each

ale from a cask that stood in a corner of the room, while myself was quietly drawing a bill on the' griddle placed across my knees by way of desk; Miss Molly was busily employed in drawing the curtains of the state bed, for the accommodation of as many of the travellers as chose to be flea-bitten; the Post-Boy was drawing the cork of a gin bottle with appropriate vigour; while the Scullion was still more vigorously employed in drawing the fire with her flannel petticoat; the Cook was drawing the bowels of a fat goose by the fire-side, and the Nurse was drawing little Tommy about the room in a go-cart; my fellow travellers were in the act of drawing lots which of them should benefit by the only spare bed, while an artist-like looking personage in the corner was drawing a sketch of the motley group around him; the Dragon in the corner was in the position of drawing his cutlass to brighten the blade, and Corporal Flanigan by his side was drawing the trigger of his piece to fry the lock; Mine Hostess was leisurely employed drawing her congou in the tea-pot; and lastly, the village Apothecary was drawing a jaw tooth from the sweet mouth of the Dairymaid. So, Mr. Editor, with your accustomed candour, I think you will allow my hotel pro tempore, the polite appellation of a drawing-room. I am, Sir, your constant reader, DICK DRAW-CAN-SIR.


Air.-"The Blue Bells of Scotland."

O! where, wat ye where,

Do the bonie blue bells blow?

O! where, wat ye where,

Do the wee white gowans grow?

It's nae on plains o' palm, nor on vallies o' the vine,

But on the hill o' heather, by the plantin' o' the pine.

Though green, ever green,
Grow Italia's myrtle groves,
Where at mornin' and e'en

The rich scented zephyr roves, Yet to me the birk and briar-bush hae pleasanter perfume

The thornie thistle's crimson crest-the heather's purple plume!

Though fragrant and fine,

Are the bloom of Iber's bowers,
Though the brightest sunshine

Gilds its groves of fruit and flowers,

Yet in their cloudier clime, the wild berries o' the brae, Than the orange, or the olive, wad I far far sooner hae.

[blocks in formation]


The Spirit of the Magazines.


(Concluded from page 141.)

Tuesday-Went to Capel Court immediately after breakfast--all in a bustle--Poyais Stock rising every minute,all buyers no sellers; the knowing ones laying bets that it will be up 10 per cent. this week; price already 2 per cent. higher. Two per cent.on my fifty is a thousand pounds profit. Wear an apron, indeed! A clever fellow has no occasion for any such appendage. Resolved to take time by the forelock, and make my fortune at once, now that my hand was fairly in. Met my neighbour Mr. Dry, and asked his opinion of South American Securities, when he observed they might be excellent things to purchase, but doubted whether they were so good as the Chinese Turnpike Bonds, which had been lately introduced into the market; and as it was whispered there was shortly to be a general election in China, which by the additional travelling would prodigiously increase the toll-money, he had no doubt prices would rise considerably. He recommended also to my attention the new Patagonian Loan, of which I had heard nothing, informing me that the agent whom they had sent over was nearly nine feet high, that the contract was drawn up on a sheet of foolscap, above two yards square, that the Scrip Receipts were nearly three feet long, and that of course the profits would be proportionably large. Made a Mem. to speak to Mr. Mordecai on the subject. Asked his opinion about the tunnel under the Thames, when he told me he doubted whether the scheme would hold water, and that to wait for your profits till a hole was burrowed under the river, must at all events be a great bore. Said the Thames would serve the contractors right if it gave them a good sousing, adding, that he would do the same if they got under his bed.

Wednesday.-Capel Court againgreater hubbub than ever-The Bears all frightened out of their wits, and the Bulls quite cock-a-hoop. Four per cent. on my fifty is two thousand pounds profit. Recommended by a friend to

not such an ass. No doubt they
will be up twenty per cent. before the
account, and twenty per cent. upon my
fifty will be ten thousand pounds. Went
upon the Royal Exchange, and saw the
great man said to be worth two millions,


higgling with a broker for an eight per cent. upon a bill of a hundred pounds. Looked up to him with suitable reverence, and thought him quite handsome enough for a great capitalist. Don't see why I should not ultimately be as rich as he is, and come to have a house myself in New Court, Swithin's Lane, since I have begun with a much better start than he did. On my return home met Mr. Alderman Dewlap, who saluted me with his usual condescension, "Good morning, Snooks;" but instead of taking off my hat, and bowing with my customary "Thank ye, Mr. Alderman," I was determined to let him see that times were altered; so egad! I gave him a familiar nod, and exclaimed, "How goes it, Dewlap?" Saw he was offended, but what do I care?

A fellow with ten thousand pounds in his pocket is not to have his hat perpetually in his hand, like the city Afterwards met my old Sir Walter. acquaintance Jerry Fayle, who I suppose had got some inkling of my successes, for he touched his hat as he accosted me and called me Sir, which I thought quite unnecessary, for after all I am still nothing more than a plain citizen. Thank God! I have no pride, though I am perfectly aware that a man with ten thousand pounds in his pocket is not to be addressed with the same familiarity as a common shopkeeper.-Jerry told me he had just been ruined, completely cleaned out by an unsuccessful speculation in the funds. Serve him right!— It requires some talent to make a hit in this manner. Such simpletons as he is, had much better stick to the shop, and work hard to support their wife and family, and so I told him. Thought he looked as if he wanted to borrow money, so pretended to see a friend, and bolted down Finch Lane.

Thursday.-Dreamt last night that I saw the Cacique of Poyais, a dignifiedlooking copper-coloured personage, with a bow and arrow in his hand, golden shoes, silver gloves, and a tall plume of peacock's feathers upon his head, who, after giving me an order for a pound of eight penny Muscovado sugar, and a quarter of eight shilling souchong, made me a grant of twenty thousand acres of land, the surface of which was so rich in gold and silver ore that it perfectly dazzled my eyes. A customer came into the shop while I was pondering upon my dream, and inquired whether I had any r ce, when I replied, "Yes, sir, a rise of "Psha!" five per cent. already." continued the gentleman, " I mean Carolina rice, Have you any ground? 66 yes, sir, "Ground!" I ejaculated,

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twenty thousand acres in Poyais!" when the stranger, thinking probably that 1 was crazy, walked out of the shop. Same day Mr. Deputy Dump's servant brought me back a bill, wherein I had put down to his master's account fifty thousand loaves of sugar. Ludicrous enough, but how can one attend to these paltry affairs when the money comes rolling in by thousands ?—Indeed I shall probably give up the shop altogether after this account.

Friday. The rise continuing, and it being now certain that I must realize a handsome property, I communicated the whole affair to my wife, who had hitherto known nothing of the transaction; when she rated me soundly for deciding upon any measure without first consulting her, but admitted that it had been a most clever and fortunate speculation, and instantly stipulated for four things, first, that we should do no more washing at home-second, that she should wear white gowns upon the week day-third, that we should never have hashed mutton for dinner-and fourth, that we should give Mr. Davison, our lodger, notice to quit immediately, as she was determined to have as grand a party as Mrs. Tibb's, and we should of course want the firstfloor for the purpose; to all which propositions I willingly yielded my consent. Mrs. Snooks was decidedly of opinion, that I should wait till there was thirty per cent. profit, which would be fifteen thousand pounds gain, and which, added to the money deposited with the broker, would constitute a very handsome independence; and she informed me she had always set her heart upon a countryhouse at Homerton, with a white front, green door, and brass plate, having our name engraved in large capitals. She is certainly a woman of taste,-indeed, she has a right to be so, since her connexions are of the first respectability, and her uncle's wife's sister would have been Lady Mayoress, had not her husband died of a surfeit at a Grocers' Hall dinner, only one week before the ninth of November; but for my own part, I must say I particularly hate Homerton. Finding her, however, inflexible, I withdrew my opposition, not by any means out of defer. ence to her opinion, for every man should be the master in his own house, but because I think people of property and respectability should never be seen wrangling and jangling like vulgar folks. Upon the same principle, I abandoned the idea of our setting up a gig, like Mr. Mordecai's, and yielded to her wish of having a one-horse chariot, like Mr. Lancet the apothecary, which she ob

served was truly keeping a carriage; and she resolved that her first visit should be to Mrs. Tibbs, on purpose to mortify her.

She herself now laughed heartily at the idea of my ever again putting on a white apron, and though she admitted Alderman Dewlap to be one of our best customers, she thought I had treated him quite right, since her family was as good as his any day in the year, and people whose heads are a little up in the world, have no occasion to keep their nose to the grindstone. This day we mutually agreed that, in order to distinguish ourselves from a herd of poor relations in very grovelling situations, it was absolutely necessary to change our name; and as our money was made in the city, I proposed to take the addition of ville, observing that Snooksville had a very familyish sound; but my wife thought that a termination in veal of any sort would only suggest the idea of a butcher. In confirmation of this, she reminded me that cousin Tom, who had been to Calais in the steam-boat, had there seen a large building, called the Hotel de Veal, because, as he was credibly informed, all the calves were slaughtered therein. I then hinted that we might append to my patronymic appellation the word scrip, which was the foundation of our fortune, and would form the very pleasing com. pound of Snookscrip; but as Mrs. S. thought that the founder of our prosperity ought to take precedence, it was finally agreed that we should be thenceforth called Scripsnooks, which, as she shrewdly remarked, was no change of the initial letter, and would consequently require no alteration in the marks upon our linen.

Saturday-Found Capel Court this morning in what is technically called a panic-Poyais Scrip falling one per cent. every five minutes---all sellers and no buyers: the knowing ones, who had been laying bets that it would be up ten per cent. this week, proving to have been secret sellers, and banging the market without mercy; while the Bulls were running about in great consternation, seeking in vain for purchasers. All my imaginary profits having disappeared in about half an hour, I determined at all events not to sacritice the money I had deposited with Mr. Mordecai, and scampered to his office in great perturbation of mind, that he might sell my Scrip at any price he could get. Not finding him at the counting-house, I hurried back in a profuse perspiration to the Stock Exchange, and after repeating this process five or six times without catching a

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