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With the rapid growth of American cities many complex social and economic problems have arisen which demand patient and painstaking consideration. Upon their proper solution the future stability and progress of our great commonwealth depend. The new social relations engendered by the concentration of immense wealth in a number of commercial and industrial centers, by the supplanting of manual labor with machinery, and by the steady movement of the rural population towards the large cities offer the student of sociology a mass of data which must carefully be analyzed before any constructive study is possible.

It is desirable that this data be gathered at first hand in the cities themselves. While Social Settlements, or so-called Institutional Churches, should never be used merely as sociological laboratories, it is nevertheless true that social data can most satisfactorily be obtained by entering into their activities. Excellent opportunities are there afforded for that personal contact which is so essential to an intelligent understanding of "the common people", and of the social fabric of which they are an integral part.

The study of sociology has assumed a place among

the courses of study in our Universities practi the last ten years. In that time it has had growth that it now occupies an important p curriculum of nearly all institutions. TH ripe for Universities to make ample provisi dents desiring to carry on original investiga social lines in our thickly populated cities. tigations could easily be undertaken under th of the sociological department and supported ships given by beneficent individuals, or raise interested association.

It is to the credit of the University of Mi steps have already been taken in securing ar between it and Social Settlement work. Fo five years the Students' Christian Associati Arbor has raised, each year, money enough a scholarship for five months' residence at Chi The recipients of these scholarships by a committee of three professors of the A subject is assigned each student for investi study, the results of which are embodied in This is presented to the sociological departm certain amount of credit is allowed by the Uni the work done.


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in Detroit suggested raising money to establish a scholarship at the University for the residence of some student at Franklin Street Social Settlement. Shortly after this, an offer came to me to take up the Boys' Work in connection with the Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church of Detroit-a church which, for several years, has been gradually extending its influence along lines of social service.

After consultation with Professors Adams and Cooley, and acting upon their suggestion, a petition was presented to the Faculty for a leave of absence during the semester to carry on the work in Detroit. The petition was granted with the privilege of pursuing study under the direction of the sociological department, and of preparing a thesis, at the completion of my work, upon some phase of the "Boy Problem." Satisfactory arrangements were also made for residence at Franklin Street Social Settlement. Under such happy auspices I began work among the boys on February 10, 1902.

The question of public playgrounds was then engaging the attention of a few public spirited citizens, and seemed to offer a fruitful subject for investigation. But after several weeks' residence at the Settlement, and work among the boys, I was convinced that the playground question was not a very serious problem in Detroit. The problem of juvenile offenders seemed to offer a broader field for investigation. There appeared to be a need of more intelligent treatment of the boys and girls known as "our juvenile offenders."

The city of Detroit is, at present, in a very favorable position to take steps to prevent the growth of juvenile delinquency. The seemingly hopeless conditions which prevail in the congested districts of New York, Chicago, and other large cities need never be repeated here if proper preventive measures are taken. The seeds of the tenement and slum, where a great deal of juvenile


delinquency germinates, are already sown in D unless their growth is nipped in the bud we to reap a full crop of disease, pauperism and The rank growth of tenements and slum cessfully be prevented by providing better hou poor; by preserving ample open space; by playgrounds and placing them in charge of instructors; and by supplying public baths. ful attention should be given to the education children, and more intelligent treatment offenders in police courts and jails.


Within the past year a strong public sen been aroused to the need of better treatme juvenile offenders. A number of interested are exerting their influence in this direction, a prominent clubs of Detroit have taken the n consideration. The daily press, from time to presses the growing sentiment. The Nation ence of Corrections and Charities, held in this 28 to June 3, 1902, gave an added impetus to The conditions in Detroit, therefore, seem to establishment of some form of juvenile cou probation system.

The present study was undertaken altoge an unprejudiced and unbiased standpoint. A is made to apply scientific methods throughout in the nature of the case, it is impossible to entirely the personal equation of the writer. study seemed to demand criticism of existin methods no hesitancy has been felt in expressi

The method of investigation has largely of personal observation of the children brous the police courts and those confined in the o awaiting final disposition. This has involve visits to these places and interviews with jud officials and others interested. A somewhat lim

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