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M. A. Published, in four large volumes, by E. LITTELL, 88, Chesnut
Street, Philadelphia-at Twelve Dollars, bound in cloth.

Meocate, March, 1826.

Jing up these synopses the utmost attention has been given in order to present
was practicable, at one glance, a comprehensive view of the subjects containe
book of Scripture. How necessary such a view is to the critical study of th
records, it is perhaps unnecessary to remark.

Such are the plan and object of the work now submitted to the candour of
lic. The author has prosecuted his labours under a deep sense of the respous
tached to such an undertaking; and though he dares not hope that he can':
have avoided mistake, yet he can with truth declare that he has anxiously end
not to mislead any one."

work was printed in England, something more
ts, in that country, reached a fifth edition.
work so extensive, and of such a nature as that
common fatriusick excellence. Nor have the
In executing this part of his work, the author has endeavoured to steer be
the recommendations of clergymen and theologi-extreme prolixity of some analysts of the Bille, and the too great brevity
proclaiming its merits. Any such review of it, and he ventures to hope, that this portion of his labours will be found pa
work, would be manifestly post horam; and useful in studying the doctrinal parts of the Scriptures.
crous respect for public opinion. Still we feel
"Throughout the work references have been made to such approved write
American edition, we ought not to be altogether best illustrated particular subjects: and critical notices of their works have b
the enterprising publisher who has stereotyped duced, partly derived from the author's knowledge of them, partly from the
own that his work has been well executed; and opinions of eminent biblical critics, and partly from the best critical journals
rous and respectable class of our readers, who sources:-the preference being invariably given to those, which are disting
a sight of an European copy to give them some the acknowledged talent and ability with which they are conducted. The lay
and contents of this work.-More than this, with of the Continent, and the sales by auction of several valuable divinity libra
also enabled the author to procure many critical works that would otherwise
we have to state that we have found, after a inaccessible.
Lamerican copy is, on the whole, superior to the "Of the works cited in the notes to the following pages, care has been taken
are fewer typographical errors, the engravings are the particular editions. They are all referred to as authorities, for the staten
entirely equal to the British, is unexceptionably tained in the text; many of them furnish details which the limits of the presen
covered with glazed muslin, handsomely coloured; would not admit; and some few give accounts and representations which t
ace, but a degree of durability, nearly equal to a bind-thought he had reason to reject. All these references, however, are introdus
American edition (12 dollars) is about one-third less convenience of those readers, who may have inclination and opportunity for
itions correspond with each other, page for page."
ting more minute inquiries.
work (which we have not read throughout, but have
think, fairly stated by the author, in the following extracts
on to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures,
blic, is designed as a comprehensive Manual of Sacred Literature,
rs of the most cuinent Biblical Critics, both British and Foreign. We regard the Indexes and Appendices of these volumes as greatly enhan
lames, of which the work now consists, will be found to comprise the value. They enable the reader to turn so readily to any article he may wish t
that he is not discouraged from seeking what he desires, by any difficulty in f
contains a Critical Inquiry into the Gentimeness, Authenticity, Un- Those who have been deeply versed in biblical studies and inquiries, will
ation, and Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures including, among find in these volumes much with which they are already familiar. Were it o
copious investigation of the testimonies from profane authors to the the work would certainly be less valuable than it is; for its avowed design i
orded in the Scriptures, particularly a new branch of evidence for their municate biblical and theological knowledge of the most useful kind. Erudit
is furnished by coins, medals, inscriptions, and ancient structures.-gians, however, will here find not a little, which, if not absolutely new in its s
by a full view of the arguments afforded by miracles and prophecy, is frequently presented under a new aspect; and much in a condensed for
of the Scriptures, and by a discussion of the internal evidence for probably they bad gleaned from the laborious perusal of many volumes. 1
furnished by the sublimity and excellence of the doctrines, and by the likewise find a reference to recent writers, of the highest authority in certain
oral precepts, revealed in the Bible;-the harmony subsisting between biblical criticism, by which their further researches will be facilitated.
preservation of the Scriptures to the present time; and their tendency But to the young biblical student, whether layman, clergyman, or candidat
present and eterual happiness of mankind, as evinced by an historical holy ministry, these volumes will prove an invaluable treasure. If carefully
eficial effects actually produced in every age and country by a cordial will furnish him at once with the most useful part of knowledge, on the su
Bible; together with a refutation of the very numerous objections which they relate; they will greatly aid him in the choice of other books for
urged against the Scriptures in recent deistical publications. An Ap-ry; and whenever information is desired, more particular and extensive 1
ume comprises a particular, examination of the miracles supposed to which the volumes impart, they will direct him to the authors which he may
ught by the Egyptian magicians, and of the contradictions which are vantageously consult. Supposing a theological student to possess the origina
exist in the Scriptures, whether historical or chronological;-contra-Sacred Scriptures with the usual helps for studying them, Cruden's Concord:
prophecies and their accomplishments;-contradictions in morality; one good English commentator, we have no hesitation in giving it as our j
dictions between the sacred writers themselves, and between sacred that the next money which he expends for books, would better be laid out in
or cering contradictions to philosophy and the nature of things. chase of these volumes than of any other with which we are acquainted.
is followed by a table of the chief prophecies relative to the Messiah, Mr. Horne's work abounds, as it ought to do, with quotations from writer
and New Testament, and by an examination of the pretensions of the nence. His own style is easy and perspicuous; his sentiments, so far as we h
of the Old and New Testament.
able to collect them, are pious and evangelical, but not peculiarly Calvinistici
in two parts, treats, first, on Sacred Criticism; including an Histori-a minister in the established church of England, and his attachment to it is a
Account of the Original Languages of Scripture, and of the Cognate or yet he is not bigotted or sectarian. He appears as ready to bestow merited
an account (with numerous fac-siratles) of the principal Manu-writers of other communions, as on those of his own. He states that it was
and New Testaments, together with a bibliographical and critical Want of such assistance as, in this work, he has endeavoured to furnish, which
printed editions; and of the divisions and marks of distinction oc-him (and principally with a view to his own improvement) on making the
cripts and printed editions of Scriptures; together with a history of and researches, the result of which he has bere given to the world. We she
modern Versions of the Scriptures, and their application to the criticism deemed ourselves fortunate to have met with such a publication in our early y
a of the sacred volume, illustrated with facsimile specimens of the we therefore feel it to be a duty to recommend it to our younger clerical bre
executed at the Serampore press. In this part of the work, the history terms of no equivocal import.
English version of the Bible is particularly considered, and the litera-
venerable translators is satisfactorily vindicated against the cavils of
The benefit to be derived from Jewish and Rabbinical authors is
the genuineness of the celebrated Jewish historian's account of Jesus
nd and established. These discussions are followed by dissertatious,
Readings occurring in the Scriptures, with a digest of the chief eriti
eighing and applying them:-On the Quotations from the Old Testa-
with New Tables of the Quotations at length, in Hebrew, Greek, and
types cast expressly for the purpose; showing, first, their relative
the Hebrew and with the Septuagint; and secondly, whether they are)
as literally fulfilled; prophecies typically or spiritually applied; pro-
odated; or simple allusions to the Old Testament:-On the Poetry of
construction, nature, and genius; different species of Hebrew poetry;
for better understanding the productions of the Hebrew poets:-aod
of the Scriptures, including remarks on the principles on which they
Part of the Second Volume is appropriated to the Interpretation of the
prehending an investigation of the different senses of Scripture, literal,
This work we bring forward with confidence to the notice of our readers, as
cal, with criteria for ascertaining and determining them;--the signi
and phrases, with general rules for investigating them; emphatick best introduction to the critical study of the Holy Scriptures, in the whole co
the investigation of emphases, and particularly of the Greek article; English literature. It is a comprehensive digest of the labours of the most
means for ascertaining the sense of Scripture, the analogy of lan-writers, both foreign and domestic, on subjects of Biblical criticism. It has en
of Scripture, or parallel passages, with rules for ascertaining and attention of the author for a considerable number of years, and is replete with
cholia and glossaries; the subject matter, context, scope, historical his industry; nor is this the only qualification for the undertaking which is dis
the execution of the work: it exhibits a sound judgment and considerable at
nd Christian Writers, both fathers and commentators.
ions are followed by the application of the preceding principles, for is altogether an invaluable work, and cannot fail of procuring for the author t
sense of Scripture, to the historical interpretation of the Sacred Wri- commendation of every liberal scholar. To the Biblical student it may be
pretation of the figurative language of Scripture, comprehending the commended, as affording him more assistance in the pursuit of his proper o
erpretation of tropes and figures; together with an examination of the knowledge of the Scriptures, than any other publication whatever, and as ent
taphor, allegories, parables, proverbs, and other figurative modes of place in his library, whether it be large or small, among the books which he w
in the Bible; the spiritual or mystical interpretation of the Scrip- regret having purchased.
relation of prophecy, including general rules for ascertaining the
ic writings, ofservations on the accomplishment of prophecy in
ally of the predictions relative to the Messiah;-the interpretation
rinal and moral parts of Scripture, of the promises and threatenings
and the inferential and practical reading of the Sacred Writings.
dis to this volume comprises (among other articles) bibliographical
of the principal grammars and lexicons, of the Hebrew, Greek, and
of the most remarkable editions of the Septuagint Greek Ver
ament, of the principal writers on the criticism and interpretation
and a select list of the chief commentators and expositors of the Bible.
III. Will be found a sketch or summary of biblical geography and



udes an outline of the Historical and Physical Geography of the Holy
reats on the political and military affairs of the Jews, and other nations
ationed in the Scriptures.

discusses the sacred antiquities of the Jews, arranged under the heads
Sacred Persons, Sacred Times and Seasons, and the Corruptions of
the Jews, their idolatry and various sects, together with a description
and religious state in the time of Jesus Christ.

From the Christian Observer. November, 1819.

much to assert of these volumes, that they constitute the most important th
It is saying much-yet as far as our knowledge of Biblical works extend
publication of their kind, which has appeared in this or any other country
years. No well-assorted theological library can be long without it:
those students in divinity, whose pecuniary resources are too limited to admi
to expenditure, would do well, even on the score of economy, to include these
in the list of their library. We say even on the score of economy, because M
has contrived to condense and concentrate in these volumes, the real inform
many quartos and folios; and what is of not less importance, he has furnished
merous and minute references to his authorities as must be of very extensive!
those who desire to obtain more detailed information.
This outline is very inadequate to give the reader an idea of the copious 2
pected treasures which await him.

From the Eclectic Review. January, 1819.

We are greatly pleased with the serious spirit which pervades these volum
rit which, we regret to say, has not always distinguished the labours of Biblic
Too many of them have treated the literature of the Scriptures as a subject of
tion, apart from its real utility in sisting the understanding to apprehend t
and import of Revelation, for the purpose of applying its truths and influen
heart. To how great advantage, compared with some other wri
the present author appear.

From the English Wesleyan Methodist Magazine.

To the library of every lover of the Holy Scriptures, who has the leisure
it, this elaborate work will form a most valuable addition; but to the Biblical
and to young Ministers, it is at once indispensable and invaluable; no single
any of the four main branches of Biblical Study which are here so copiously
having, we believe, ever issued from the press, which comprehends so much
tion in itself, or points out, by references so ample, where that information m
tained without which the Scriptures can neither be fully understood, nor es
Almost every author of note has been consulted by the industry of the Author
most important contributions of the learning, research, and observation of oth
be here found collected, and arranged with a sober and temperate judgment, a
the guidance of the light of evangelical truth. The last is an important circu
and renders the work safe as well as instructive.

cusses the domestic antiquities, or the private life, manners, cus-
&e of the Jews, and other natious incidentally mentioned or allud- "In recommending, in the strongest manner, this very important work to th
study of young Ministers, we feel ourselves discharging an important duty, no!
DEX to this Third Volume contains (besides chronological and other to the praiseworthy labours of the author himself, but to those on whom the
eights, and measures,) a Geographical Index of the principal places the Church of Christ, as to future years, principally reposes.
ible, especially in the New Testament; including an abstract of pro-"The work before us is certainly one of the most valuable ever published,
from the time of Solomon to the captivity, illustrative of the His-in such attainments; and the Christian world owes to its excellent and inde
referred to in the prophetic writings, and presenting historical author is best thanks. For ourselves, we think it an indispensable addition
Chaldee. Median, and Persian empires.
brary of every young Minister; and it will be more creditable to him to we
atains copious cri-
button to do
ntents. In draw-

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Clark & Raser, Printers, Philadelphia,

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