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the titles to their property, but, in fact, to augment his own domains. Is it not incontestible, after enjoying an estate ten, twenty, or thirty years, that one ought to be admitted as the real proprietor? Dessalines was not ignorant of this: but had persuaded himself, that even his fellow-citizens had lost their titles in the late disturbances. He wished to avail himself of this to satisfy his cupidity. Some little farmers were hurried away from their dwellings, and sent, without regard to age or sex, to the plantations to which they formerly belonged. If any particular situation, or any view of the general interest, could authorise that measure which appears to have been adopted by preceding governments, at least it would have been but justice to have granted an indemnification to those against whom it was exercised.

"Conmmerce, the source of plenty and prosperity to states, languished in apathy under this ignorant man, the chief causes of which were the vexations and the horrors exercised upon strangers. Cargoes violently seized, bargains broken as soon as they were contracted, banished far from our ports the ships of all countries. The assassination of Thomas Thuat, an English merchant, who had long resided in this country, where he was respected on account of his blameless conduct and his virtues, excited general indignation; and why was he murdered? Thomas Thuat was rich; this was his sole crime. The Haytian merchants were not better treated. The advantages which it was affected to allow them, were only calculated upon the profits which it was expected to extract from them.

"Always swayed by his vicious disposition, the chief of the govern

ment, in his last tour, disorganized the army. His cruel avarice suggested to him the idea to transfer the troops of one corps to another, for the purpose of bringing them nearer to their native place, in order that they should require no subsistence, although he exacted from them the most assiduous service. The soldier was deprived of his pay, of his subsistence, and appeared every where almost naked; while the public treasure furnished, in profusion, annual stipends of 20,000 dollars to each of his mistresses, of which he kept twenty at least, to support their boundless extravagance, which was both a disgrace to the government and an insult to the general misery.

"The Jews were not more respected. A constitution was framed by order of the emperor, solely for the advancement of his private interests, dictated by caprice and ignorance, put into form by his secretaries, and published in the name of the generals of the army, who not only never approved or signed this misshapen and ridiculous document, but never had the least knowledge of it until it was published and promulgated. The regulating laws, formed without plan or combination, and rather with the intention of satisfying a passion than regulating the interests of the inhabitants, were always violated and troden under foot by the monarch himself. protecting statute shielded the people from the barbarity of the sovereign; his supreme pleasure sent a citizen to death, and none of his friends or relatives could tell why. No restraint, in fact, arrested the ferociousness of this tyger thirsting for the blood of his fellows; no representation had any effect upon his savage heart, not even the entreaties U u 4



of his amiable wife, whose excellent ment a man whose courage and virqualities we all admire.

tues we have long respected, and The ministers, whose duties were who, like us, has been the object defined by the constitution, if that of the insults of the tyrant. The act can be so named, could never people and the army, wliose voice exercise ii for the happiness of the we speak, proclaim general Henry people. Their plans and represen- Christophe, provisional chief of the tations were always laughed at, and government of Hayti, until the conrejected with disdain ; their zeal for stitution shall have definitively couthe public good in general, and that ferred on him that august title. of the army in particular, was always, (Signed) GERIN, of course, rendered ineffectual.

PETION, &c. &c. &c." “ Cultivation, that first branch of public and private wealth, was not encouraged, and the orders of the Address of Kosciusko to the Poles. chief only tended to diminish the number of unhappy planters. Was “ Brave Countrymen, it wise, in fact, to snatch from cul- “ The din of arms with wbich Potivation the hands which promoted land once niore resounds, summons it, for the purpose of unnecessarily Kosciusko to join you. They are augmenting the number of troops, not barbarians hungering for pillage, wbo were neither paid, cloathed, nor who now advance into your plains. subsisted, while the army was before They do not resemble those feroon a respectable footing?

cious men who came to divide your " Such crimes, such enormities, territory, and to insult your weaksuch vexations, could no longer re- ness, after having fatteved on your main uppunished. The people and misfortunes and your blood. On the army, tired of the odious yoke the contrary, you will, by their vawhich he imposed upon them, have lour and their triumphs, by that re-assumed their courage and their thunder-bearing eagle which hovers energy, and, by one great sponta- in their front, recognize the apneous effort, have broken it. Yes, proach of those unconquerable lewe have burst our chains. Soldiers, gions, whose victories bave rendered you will be paid and clothed. La. the four quarters of the world illusbourers, you will be protected. Pro- trious--who have in one campaiga prietors, you will be secured in the extinguished the united power of possession of your estates. A wise two vast empires and who have in

— constitution will shortly fix the rights one week levelled with the dust a and the duties of all.

throne raised by an age of successes, “ Until the moment shah arrive the great work of Frederick, shaded when we shall be able to establish it,we by all the laurels of his old generals. declare, that concord, brotherhood, Thus has it been willed by the desand friendly intercourse, being the tiny of Napoleon, who creates or foundations of our union, we will destroys kings, who overthrows hosnever lay down our arms before we tile armies with the rapidity of lightshall have struck down the tree of ning, and who can, by the force of our slavery and debasement, and his arm, and the conceptions of his placed at the bead of the goveȚi- genius, elevate those nations which


bend under the yoke of an atrocious policy. Poles, there are thousands among you who have followed the first general of Europe through the defiles of Italy. Your battalions are already united with the army of the brave. Now Napoleon marches to you. His eye observes you. He leads into the heart of Poland those Frenchmen, among whom we have found a second country; who have collected the wrecks of our own legions in their camps; who have treated us as brothers; who have covered our misfortunes with their laurels ;-those French generals, among whom your Kosciusko has ceased to consider himself proscribed; before whom he could raise, with a sentiment of consolation, and perhaps of pride, his head, which, though humbled by defeat, never has been dishonoured; and among whom he has been permitted to cherish the love of his country, and the hope of its future freedom.

"Dear countrymen, you who, banished from your paternal soil, have still remained Poles in a foreign land, and you who, on the contrary, though rendered foreigners in the midst of Poland, have still remained faithful to your country and your brethren, I summon you all to arise -the time of your deliverance is come! the great nation is beside you -Napoleon beholds you, Kosciusko calls to you. Look around you, and see how Europe, shaken to her ancient foundations, is hastening at the call of genius to re-construct the social edifice, and to immortalize the uineteenth century by new creations and new claims to future glory.Behold how the yoke of the tyrant of the seas, of the enemy of the repose of Europe, is breaking on every side. The people of all countries

are elevating themselves under the authority of governments constituted by law. Oppressed nations are every where advancing to their independence. Poles! what more is necessary to be said to animate you, to induce you to become again yourselves? Doubtless, you are still the children of the hero who delivered Europe from the Mussulman yoke; your hearts are still inflamed with that ardour which formerly made your enemies at once esteem and dread you. Though your territory has been divided, are you not still united by blood, by language, by misfortune, and by all that is dear among men? If Poland has been effaced from the political map, she still exists entire in the hearts of her children. If without the help of France, without any support but a consciousness of our own rights, and our valour, we were able to make fortune balance between us and the three empires which united to oppress us, what doubt can you have of triumphing, when the conqueror of the triple alliance has passed your trontiers-when the man of destiny directs his views towards you? Do not you observe the armies of your enemies tremble at his approach? Sec you not the shades of the heroes who died in combating for you, press around him, and implore his vengeance? Listen to their sighs; listen to the voice of your country, which calls upon you to restore her ancient glory and independence.Poles! escaped by a miracle from the steel of your assassins, aud the chains of your tyrants, I collected and carried with me the last sighs of my expiring country. Now, full of confidence, I breathe my last wishes among you. Soon shall I tread again on that dear paternal land which my



arm bas defended, which my blood that period of our hostile situation, has dyed, and which, when I behold Prussia still formed a barrier betweeu again, I shall salute with kisses, and us and the French, who tyrannized bathe with my tears. Unfortunate over various parts of Germany. But, friends, hom I was prevented from soon after, the fire of war

azed out following to the grave-dear, brave in Prussia also ; after various disascountrymen, whom I was compelled to ters and important losses on her part, leave under the yoke of an usurper,

our own dominions on the frontiers I have lived only in the hope of are now threatened by the flame. avenging you—I come to break your To Russians, accustomed to love chains. Sacred remains of my coun- the glory of their country, and to try, I salute you with a holy enthu- sacrifice every thing to it, it is unsiasm ; I rejoin you, never more to necessary to explain how unavoidpart. I shall shew myself worthy of able these events have made the the great man, whose arm is raised present war. Honour unsbeathed to protect us, aud' worthy of the our sword for the protection of our people, who answer to my call. I allies ; how much more justly must shall assist in emancipating my coun

it be drawn for the defence of our try, and in establishing its future own safety! Before these events prosperity on stable bases. But if I could approach our frontiers, we shall find that the dear name of our took, at an early period, every country is with you now only an measure to be ready to meet them. empty sound, I shall then escape Having, in good time, ordered our from the common shame, and from army to move beyond the frontier, my own misfortunes, by burying my- we have now cominissioned our geself under the noble ruins of Poland. neral field marshal Kamenskoy to But it cannot be so. The glorious command it, and to act against the day of Poland redawns-fate has not enemy with all the forces intrusted condueted Napoleon and bis invin- to him. We are assured, that all cible troops to the banks of the Vis-, our faithful subjects will join us in tula without an object. We are fervent prayers to the Almighty, who under the ægis of that monarch, who directs the fate of states and the issue overcomes difficulties by prodigies. of battles, that he may take our righteThe re-establishment of Poland is a ous cause under his all-powerful prodeed too glorious not to bave been tection; that his victorious strength reserved by the Eternal Director of and blessing may direct the Russian all things for him to atcbieve. armies employed in repelling the ge

(Signed) “ KOSCIUSKO. neral foe of Europe. We are confiParis, Nov. 1, 1806."

dent that our faithful subjects of the

government on the frontier will, in Proclamation issued by the Emperor ly, redouble the proofs of their at

the present circumstances particularof Russia.

tachment, and their zeal for the « Alexander, Emperor, &c. common good; and that, unshaken “Our manifesto of the 30th of by fear or delusive promises, they August (see. vol. XLVIII. p. 798.)

will tread with firmness the same declared the situation of our affairs path in which, under the protection with the French government. At of the laws and of a mild government,


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they have hitherto enjoyed tranquillity and undisputed property, and shared in the universal prosperity of the whole empire. Lastly, we are confident that all the children of the land, relying on the help of God, on the valour of our troops, and on the known experience of their leader, will spare no sacrifice, no efforts, which patriotism and the safety of our country may demand.

St. Petersburgh, Nov. 28, 1806.

Proclamation of his Prussian Majesty to the Inhabitants of Silesia.

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"Brave Inhabitants of Silesia.

Among the mournful events which have taken place during the course of the present war, there is nothing that has so much filled with grief the heart of his majesty, as to see a considerable part of his provinces and faithful subjects oppressed by the weight of sufferings, which must be the inevitable consequence of a war, in which the enemy, by bis manner of making war, unusual in our time, entirely exhausts the country through which he passes, by forced requisitions of every kind, and by the large bodies of marauders who swarm round his disciplined armies, and who, incapable of sparing, treat the armed warrior and the unhappy peaceable inhabitant with the same cruelty, and every where leave behind them traces of the grossest barbarity, desarts, and ashes; even where, through fear of violence, the unarmed inhabitants have shewn the greatest submission in the reception of those destroying hordes.

"His majesty perceives that his faithful Silesian provinces are now

threatened with the same wretched fate.

"It sensibly grieves his majesty that he is prevented by the situation of affairs, which renders his presence necessary at other points, from hastening in person to the aid of his faithful Silesians, who have at all times, and under all circumstances, rewarded the paternal care of their monarch for the welfare and prosperity of their country, by the most unshaken attachment to the house of Prussia.

fortune, so liable to change, and not "The enemy boasts--favoured by less favoured by the treachery of base traitors-that he has already anuihilated the whole force of the Prussian monarchy.

"But he knows not that his majesty is at this moment at the head of a formidable army, which burns with eagerness to engage the oppressors of the country.

"He knows not, or appears not to wish to know, that the monarch of Prussia finds himself surrounded by a guard, which no force, no misfortunes, no talisman, can subdue- the unalterable love of his people.

"He knows not that every day thousands of volunteers offer themselves, with arms in their hands, to set bounds to his progress, and that the Silesians display no less activity and energy in defence of their king and country, than to defend their property from unexampled rapa city.

"He flatters himself with the doubts he is anxious to disseminate of the promised aid of Russia.

"But he deceives himself in his hopes; the most sacred and inviolate fulfilment of all treaties entered

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