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mendously strong demand for a dose-book. I think that is one of the questions that this Association can take up. It might be well to have it appended to our National Formulary, which is a semi-official publication. I move that this matter be referred to the Section on Scientific Papers.

The motion was duly seconded and carried.

On motion of Mr. Eliel, the Association adjourned until Friday morning at 10 o'clock.


The session was opened at 10 o'clock, President Finlay in the chair. The Permanent Secretary read the minutes of the second session, which were on motion approved.

Mr. Kennedy presented the names of 72 candidates for membership, with the favorable recommendation from the Council. On motion the candidates were invited to join the Association.

Mr. Thompson, on behalf of the committee appointed to consider the President's address, presented the following report:

To the American Pharmaceutical Association:

PROFILE HOUSE, N. H., July 14, 1892.

Gentlemen: Your Committee to whom was referred the President's address to report on the recommendations therein contained, beg to submit the following recommendations in the order in which the several subjects occur in the address:

1. The suggestion that the delegates from this Association to the American Medical Association be selected from such of our members as are qualified for membership in the latter body, thereby affording them the opportunity of debate and voting on equal terms with other members of the American Medical Association, is a desirable step, and such members of our Association, when otherwise well qualified, ought to be preferred as delegates. But, your Committee are of the opinion that the interests and dignity of our Association on such occasions are best maintained, when we are represented by those members who are known and respected for their knowledge and skill in the science and art of pharmacy, and we deem it unwise to adopt a rule that would prevent their appointment because they were not members of an allied profession.

2. Mention was made by the President of the approaching International Pharmaceutical Congress, with a recommendation that a sum be appropriated to assist in defraying the expenses incidental to the Congress, where the Association is expected to be the host. Both the importance and necessity of providing the needed funds for the occasion must be apparent to all of us, and inasmuch as the subject is now before the Council, it is recommended that so much of the President's message as relates to the International Pharinaceutical Congress, be referred to that body.

3. The allusion of the President to those older members who have faithfully served the Association, aiding in its counsels and enriching its literature, to whom some tribute of our esteem is due, will meet the sympathy and approval of all. The details for the successful execution of the designs need time and care to complete them, and we would recommend that the subject be referred to a special committee of five, to develop and formulate a plan embodying the President's idea.

All of which is respectfully submitted.





On motion of Mr. Kennedy, the report was accepted and referred for publication.

The Association then adjourned to give way to the Section on Commercial Interests.


The Association did not transact any business preceding the second session of the Section on Commercial Interests.


President Finlay called the meeting to order at 10 o'clock. The Permanent Secretary read the minutes of the third and fourth sessions, which on motion were approved.

Mr. Kennedy presented the names of seventeen applicants for membership, with favorable recommendations from the Council. On motion, they were invited to join the Association.

Mr. Hopp presented the following, which, under the rules, lies over until the last session :

Amend Chapter VIII., Art. II., of the By-Laws, by striking out in the third line the words" and if the Association shall," and inserting in place thereof the following:

"Post the name of the person in some suitable place in the meeting hall near the beginning of a session; objection, if any, to be made in writing to the Secretary of the Council previous to the Association taking any action on the proposition. Near the close of 'the same, or at a subsequent session the Association may."

Also insert in line 4, after the word "member," the words "after which," so as to make the Article read as follows:

“ARTICLE II. Any two members of the Association may propose to the Council the name of any person eligible to membership, and, if approved, the Council shall recommend the person named to the Association, and post the name of the person in some suitable place in the meeting hall, near the beginning of a session; objection, if any, to be made in writing to the Secretary of the Council previous to the Association taking any action on the proposition. Near the close of the same or at a subsequent session, the Association may by vote invite said person to become a member, after which his membership shall be completed by his signing the Constitution and By-Laws, and paying the annual contribution for the current year."

The Association then adjourned, to give way to the Section on Scientific Papers.


Vice President Torbert called the Association to order at 3:45 o'clock. The minutes of the fifth session were read by the Permanent Secretary, and on motion were approved.

Mr. Sheppard presented the following amendments to the By-laws, which have to lie over until the final session of the Association :

Chapter VII., Article II., strike out the word "appointed," and insert in place thereof the word "elected."

Also Chapter VII., Article III., strike out the word "appointed," and insert "elected.".

Also Chapter IX., Article IV., in line 3 strike out the word "and;" also add to the article the words, "and receive propositions for amendments to the By-laws."

On motion, the Association now adjourned.


No business was transacted by the Association at the beginning of the third session of the Section on Scientific Papers.


President Finlay called the Association to order at 10 A. M. The minutes of the sixth and seventh sessions were read by the Permanent Secretary, and on motion approved.

Mr. Kennedy presented the names of 8 candidates for membership, who, being favorably recommended, were invited to join the Association.

PRESIDENT FINLAY: Before adjourning, I think that a Committee on Resolutions should be appointed for the purpose of making suitable expressions. I will appoint for that purpose Messrs. Alexander, Thompson and Ryan, who will report at the last session.

On motion, the Association adjourned, to give place to the Section on Pharmaceutical Education and Legislation.


Preceding the second session of the Section on Legislation and Education, no business was transacted by the Association.


President Finlay called the Association to order at 8:30 o'clock. The minutes of the eighth and ninth sessions were read by the Permanent Secretary, and on motion approved.

The Secretary of the Council read the minutes of that body, and on motion they were approved. The business transacted by the Council was as follows:

FIFTH SESSION OF THE COUNCIL.-PROFILE HOUSE, JULY 14. Present, 9 members. The applications and recommendations of 72 candidates for membership were examined, and ordered to be favorably reported to the Association.

On motion of Mr. Sheppard the name of Maxwell Abernethy, of Jersey City, and on



motion of Mr. Torbert that of C. F. L. Hohenthal, of New York City, were placed upon the roll of life members old style. Both had joined in 1865, and had waived their rights under the old Constitution.

SIXTH SESSION.-PROFILE HOUSE, JULY 16, 9 A. M. Present, 10 members.

The applications of 17 candidates for membership were examined and ordered to be reported to the Association with favorable recommendation.

A communication from Chas. Rice, relating to the Report on the Progress of Pharmacy, was received and ordered to be filed, no action being required.

The report of the Committee on International Pharmaceutical Congress, referred to the Council, was taken up in the regular order of the recommendations made by the Committee, and the following action had thereon:

Resolved, 1. That the governments of the different countries, the Pharmaceutical Societies and Examining Boards, the Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical Departments of Universities, also Pharmacopœial Committees or Commissions, be each invited to send three delegates to the Seventh International Pharmaceutical Congress.

2. That special invitations be also sent to teachers, authors, leaders of the pharmaceu tical profession, and pharmacists generally, to be present.

3. That in order to defray the expenses attendant upon the Congress, members from the United States, and members of the American Pharmaceutical Association residing in other countries who may take part in this Congress be each required to pay the sum of five dollars, their admission as members to be conditioned upon their consent to this assessment; but that no assessment be made upon other members or visitors.

SEVENTH SESSION-PROFILE HOUSE, JULY 16, I: 30 P. M. Present, 8 members. On motion of J. M. Maisch, it was decided that the next annual meeting of the Association commence on the third Tuesday in August, 1893.

Further action was taken on the recommendations relating to the International Pharmaceutical Congress, as follows:

Resolved, 4, That the date of opening the Seventh International Pharmaceutical Congress be fixed for the fourth Tuesday of August, 1893.

5. That the proceedings of the Congress be in the English language, and that three interpreters and translators be employed to act as interpreters at the sittings, and to translate letters, papers, and proceedings into German, French and Spanish respectively, and that the Proceedings be published in German, French, Spanish and English.

6. That the Committee on International Pharmaceutical Congress be enlarged by the appointment of at least fifteen additional members.

7. That an appropriation of one thousand dollars out of the treasury of the American Pharmaceutical Association be placed at the disposal of the Committee, to be expended in defraying the necessary expenses involved, subject to the approval of the Council.

8. That in all matters upon which the Association may not at this meeting adopt specific rules or instructions, the enlarged Committee on the Seventh International Pharmaceutical Congress be given authority to act according to its best judgment, observing as far as practicable the precedents established by previous International Pharmaceutical Congresses.

On motion of Mr. Sheppard, a Committee, consisting of the Chairman of the Council and Mr. Maisch, was appointed to present to the Council on Monday morning additional names to be placed on the Committee called for in the sixth resolution.

The names of two candidates for membership were favorably passed upon, and directed to be presented to the Association.

EIGHTH SESSION.-PROFILE HOUSE, JULY 18, 9 A. M. (Present, 9 members.)

The propositions of six candidates for membership were examined and directed to be favorably reported to the Association.

A communication from Chas. Rice relating to the completion of the Report on the Progress of Pharmacy was read and referred to the Committee on Publication. (See page 37.)

On motion of Mr. Conrath, seconded by Mr. Maisch, it was resolved that Mr. E. B. Heimstreet, of Janesville, Wis., be reinstated a member of the Association, for the reason that he was irregularly dropped, and that his dues be remitted for the years that he has not received the Proceedings of the Association.

NINTH SESSION.-PROFILE HOUSE, JULY 18, 6 P. M. Present, 10 members. Thirteen propositions for membership were examined and ordered to be favorably reported to the Association.

The Treasurer stated that a member had requested to be furnished with a certificate of membership in lieu of the Proceedings. A motion by Mr. Whelpley that in all such cases the usual method of procedure be adhered to, was adopted.

The special Committee for nominating additional members of the Committee on International Pharmaceutical Congress presented the following names, all of whom were duly elected:

N. Gray Bartlett, Chicago, Ill.
C. L. Diehl, Louisville, Ky.
C. T. P. Fennel, Cincinnati, O.
J. M. Good, St. Louis, Mo.
J. N. Hurty, Indianapolis, Ind.
J. Kochan, Denver, Col.
E. Kremers, Madison, Wis.
A. L. Metz, New Orleans, La.
Chas. Mohr, Mobile, Ala.
E. L. Patch, Boston, Mass.

A. B. Prescott, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Chas. Rice, New York, N. Y.
H. H. Rusby, New York, N. Y.
Wm. Saunders, Ottawa, Can.
L. E. Sayre, Lawrence, Kan.
Wm. Searby, San Francisco, Cal.
Wm. Simon, Baltimore, Md.
Wm. Simpson, Raleigh, N. Car.
Wm. S. Thompson, Washington, D. C.

On motion of Mr. Sheppard it was ordered that the names of members reported to be in arrears for three years or more, in case payment should not be made by the time the Proceedings are being printed, be dropped from the roll, and that the list be published in the next volume of Proceedings.

The Council then adjourned sine die.

The Council, through its Secretary, presented the names of thirteen candidates for membership, and it was stated that the total number admitted at this meeting exceeded four hundred, one-third of whom had already completed their membership. On motion of Mr. Kennedy the candidates were invited to become members.

The Permanent Secretary stated that several reports which should have been presented at the second session, could now be disposed of.

Mr. Torbert asked unanimous consent for the Nominating Committee to present the report on the selection of a Local Secretary. No objection being made, Mr. Whelpley thereupon read the following report: "The Nominating Committee presents the name of C. S. N. Hallberg, of Chicago, for Local Secretary."

MR. HALLBERG: Mr. President, and members of the American Pharmaceutical Asso

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