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"AUSTIN, TEXAS, April 11, 1877.

"Editor Eclectic Teacher and Southwestern Journal of Education:

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"SIR-After considerable delay in arranging details, I have the honor to report-ready for duty. I am unable to furnish you copy in time for the May issue. I herewith hand you a letter from His Excellency, Governor R. B. Hubbard, for publication. I also hand you a circular letter, a copy of which I sent to each County Judge in the State, and to the Mayors of such cities as have control of their public schools. Having made up my mind to unite with you in this grand work, I shall zealously labor to popularize the theory of free universal education, under the authority and patronage of the State, and through the agency of the Journal and my official position, to keep Texas fully abreast with her sister States in the march of civilization-bearing aloft the banner of free government and free education.


"Very respectfully,


AUSTIN, April 9, 1877.

"Hon. O. N. Hollingsworth, Secretary of Education Board: 'SIR-I have examined the prospectus of the ECLECTIC TEACHER AND SOUTHWESTERN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, furnished me by you, and take pleasure in saying to you that the proposed object of thus establishing an educational and teachers' journal for the Southern and Southwestern States, commends itself to my judgment and most earnest support.

"While Texas cannot, under our Constitution and laws, establish an official organ, to be sustained by the public treasury, we can give aid and encouragement unofficially to those enterprises which do promise such rich blessings to our Southern schools and educational institutions generally. You are therefore authorized to transmit to this journal all authentic proceedings of the Education Board of Texas, and to avail yourself of the opportunity offered of acquainting our sister States with the efforts we are making toward establishing a wise and beneficent common school system, as well as toward securing the higher advantages of colleges and the university to the Commonwealth. I have the honor to be Your obedient servant, R, B. HUBBARD, Governor, and President of Education Board."



N. B-Questions are numbered consecutively. The answer has the same number as its question, found in the previous issue.


23. From tropical Asia, Africa and America. Pure India rubber, or caoutchouc, is nearly white. Composed of carbon and hydrogen. The dark color is due to the smoke which arises during the drying process. It exudes from incisions made in certain trees, and resembles somewhat particles of butter floating in milk. This liquid is spread out and dried and molded to suit the fancy. It is called rubber because first used by Europeans to erase pencil marks, and India because extensively used by the South American Indians. Gutta percha resembles India rubber, but is not elastic and is obtained from a different species of tree. -Montreal (Mont Real) means Regal Mountain, so named by James Cartier, in 1534, because of its royal appearance. -Cape Fear is so called because it is a dangerous coast.

24. The Caucasian. By using his intelligence to create artificial comforts where nature has not made natural provision.

25. The phoenix was a fabled Egyptian bird about the size of an eagle, with plumage partly red and partly golden. This bird is said to come from Arabia to Egypt every 500 years, at the death of its parents, bringing the body with him to the Temple of the Sun, where he buries it. According to others, when he finds himself near his end he prepares a nest of myrrh and precious herbs, in which he burns himself, but from his ashes he revives into the freshness of youth.

-The expression "open sesame" occurs in the story of "Ala Baba and the Forty Thieves" in the "Arabian Nights." It was the magic expression made by the robber chieftain.

26. It is a disputed question. Popular opinion assigns the authorship to Butler, claiming that the lines occur in "Hudibras," but they are not in any extant edition of that work. By some Goldsmith is supposed to be the author. The probabilities are that Sir John Mennis first used the lines in his "Musarum Delicae," published in 1817.

27. 1-It is impossible to study the higher mathematics, such as trigonometry, engineering, astronomy, etc., without a knowledge of the principles of algebra. 2. It presents an easier method of solving many arithmetical problems. 3. Many arithmetical solutions cannot be thoroughly comprehended without some knowledge of algebra. 4. The study is one of the best for disciplining the mind.

28. The trial divisor must contain three times the tens square, which is the same as 300 times the square of the root found. It must also contain three times the tens by the units, which is the same as thirty times the root found by the units.


GLASGOW, KY.-29. What countries in Europe, Asia and Africa are Republics? 30. Please give the chemical analysis of tobacco? L. M.

BERRY'S STATION, KY.-31. What is the difference between a veranda and a portico? What is a terrace, where is it found about a building, and of what use is it? H. M. E.

NASHVILLE, TENN.-32. Who was Froebel?


CYNTHIANA, KY.-33. Can a person tell where a vein of water is in the ground with a stick? Is there any scientific reason for thinking they can ? N. H. LEXINGTON, N. C.-34. When the upper figure is smaller than the corresponding figure in the subtrahend, why are we directed to borrow or take one from the next figure of the minuend, then subtract and add one or pay to the next place of the subtrahend? B. F. CENTREVILLE, KY.-35. Please give in the ECLECTIC a full explanation of the inversion of the divisor; also of 14 plus 3-5-24. Respectfully,


O. M.

Steele's Fourteen Weeks in Zoology. A. S. Barnes & Co., New York; price, $1 25. As we write the book lies open before us, tempting us to abandon the pen for a closer reading of the text. J. Dorman Steele is a teacher; moreover, a practical teacher, blessed with that great requisite, good common sense. He is not a theoretical, but a practical book maker. Hence it is that as fast as his works are issued from the press, they are taken up by the schools. Few text-book authors seem to have the ability to select from the mass of material before them only that which is essential and congenial. Steele is an exception to the general rule. We are not choked by technical terms the first time we open his books, but are charmed by finding the scientific names growing upon us gradually.

The book before us is the most profusely illustrated that we have ever seen. He describes the typical forms of all families, and each description is accompanied by an illustration. The presentation by outlines so successfully used in the "Fourteen Weeks" series is carried almost to perfection in the zoology. We know that teachers will rejoice at its appearance.

A Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene. By Joseph C. Hutchison, M.D. Clark & Maynard, publishers, New York.

A book of 265 pages, large, clear print, on heavy paper. It is about the right size for an ordinary text-book. The classification and arrangement of the subjects is above the average. A fine and very valuable feature of the work consists in the notes and summaries placed at the end of each chapter. The style of the book is attractive and the illustrations are finely executed. There is little danger of pupils becoming wearied in perusing the text. Were we to choose a textbook for ordinary schools, Hutchison would almost be without a rival. Teachers and school officers would do well to secure a copy of this work before selecting a text for their schools.

Essentials of English Grammar. By W. D. Whitney. Boston: Ginn & Heath, 260 pages.

To the making of grammars there is no end, and so far there has been but little improvement on "Gould Brown's Practical Grammar." We say but little improvement, to convey the idea that the original plan, the order of presenting the subject and the nomenclature are essentially the same that were in use more than twenty-five years since.

During the past five or six years there have appeared several works intended for beginners, having the title of "Language Lessons," "Lessons in Language, "etc. or some similar title. Most of the so-called "primary grammars" are well adapted for the purpose designed. But when the author writes the more advanced work of the series he falls into the groove and sends forth a rehash of former works.


Prof. Whitney's may be styled a new departure." It is a peculiar work from beginning to end, full of originality and a very superior text-book for students. While we consider this work a valuable contribution to text-book literature, we are constrained to say that there are certainly some far-fetched definitions. Through an effort to be precise there are found unmistakable signs of affectation; e. g., on pages 8 and 9 the author has used one hundred and ninety-four words, one-half page, in developing the idea of a sentence, and concludes with the following definition, namely, "A sentence is, in the sense thus explained, the expression of a judgment."

Certainly the language used by the author should be grammatical, especially so in a text-book on language.

We call attention to a few sentences that appear to us as bad English. On page 1 we read, "their forefathers came to that country from the northern shore of Germany about 1500 years ago, and drove out or destroyed the people who had lived in the country before, and who had spoken a very different language." We would like to know where those people lived when they were driven out, and what language they spoke at the time stated. On the same page is found, "and all the Germanic languages, along with most of the others in Europe, and a part of those of Asia," &c. Why "in" in one place and "of" in another, expressing the same relation? The first line in Section 5, page 2, reads, "The English also conquered and settled other countries." The author has not told us whether the English ever conquered a country before. On the other hand he says on the preceding page, "The English-speaking people of England were conquered."

Section 7, page 2, "The language first brought from Northern Germany to England was so different from ours that we should not understand it at all if we heard it spoken.". Does the word "heard" convey the thought intended? Section 11, page 4, "We should give it some different name, which would tell precisely what it was." Is the proper tense used? In the above quotations the italics are ours. The book is well worth the price, one dollar, to any teacher.

The monthlies are on hand with the usual amount of good things. The contents of any one number of either of the journals are worth more to an intelligent reader than the year's subscription. Below we give the title and address of the leading magazines in this country, and the club rates with the ECLECTIC. Popular Science Monthly. D. Appleton & Co., New York; $5.

Harper's Magazine. Harper Bros, New York; $4 25.

The Galaxy. Sheldon & Co., New York; $4 25.

Appleton's Journal. D. Appleton & Co., New York; $3 50.

The American Naturalist. H. O. Houghton & Co., Boston; $4 25.
National Repository. Methodist Book Concern, Cincinnati; $3 50.
Sanitarian. Postoffice Box 1959, New York.

Hall's Journal of Health. 137 Eighth st., New York.



'HE Central Kentucky Teachers' Association, embracing the counties of Anderson, Bath, Bourbon, Clark, Fayette, Fleming, Franklin, Harrison, Jessamine, Madison, Mason, Mercer, Menifee, Montgomery, Nicholas, Powell, Scott and Woodford, will meet in Maysville, June 1, at 2 P.M., and June 2, at 8 A.M.

2:00-Welcome Address


.By. Dr. G. W. Martin, of Maysville Response by the President.............. ..T. C. H. Vance, of Nicholas 2:30-3:00-Present Demands of Country Schools...............J. H. Carter, Fayette .Opened by Leslie Orear, of Montgomery .Miss Lizzie Addams, of Harrison


3:30-4:00-Music in Public Schools.......


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Opened by J. W. Clyde, of Bath
W. H. Campbell, of Nicholas

Miscellaneous business .....W. A. Oldham, of Fayette

9:00-9:30. Discussion..............................................................Opened by H. R. Blaisdell, of Mason 9:30-10:00-Wealth Is the Property of Labor.....Colonel R. D. Allen, Franklin

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Dr. Henderson will be present and address the Association at some time during the sessions. Music and select readings by Mr. Day and others, interspersed at suitable times. Teachers entertained free. All persons interested in the cause of education are invited to be present.

S. S. PUCKETT, Chairman Executive Committee.

W. S. JONES, Secretary.


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HERE will be found in all districts, some persons not friendly to instruction in music in the schools, and one or more that are bitterly opposed to it These persons should be handled with gloves; reasoned with and persuaded. As' among bad boys, if one is won to the teacher's cause, he will do much toward making the others behave; so by making an ally of one of the original opponents of music, the others may be weakened in their opposition. At any rate,let not the teacher who loves music and desires to have its refining influence in his school-let not such be afraid to approach the enemies of musical instruction, whether the hostility has its origin in penuriousness or prejudice. The blacksmith insructs his apprentice to keep close to the horse to avoid being hurt in the

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