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3.-RICHARD, Bishop.

rd, surnamed de Wiche, from a place in Worire where he was born, was educated at the ities of Oxford and Paris. He was as ree for his learning and diligence in preaching, as for integrity.


day is called, in Latin, dies Mandati, the day ommand, being the day on which our Lord the feet of his disciples, as recorded in the lesson. This practice was long kept up in asteries. After the ceremony, liberal donaFere made to the poor, of clothing and of noney; and refreshment was given them to e the severity of the fast. A relic of this is still preserved in the donations dispensed ames's on this day. See our last volume, 98.

ceremony instituted in commemoration of our T's washing the feet of the apostles is still pracy the Pope at Rome, and is thus described by ern writer:-There are thirteen instead of ; the one being the representative of the that once came to the table of twelve that St. ry was serving. The twelve were old priests, e one who performed the part of the angel, ery young. They were all dressed in loose gowns, and white caps on their heads, and woollen stockings, and were seated in a row the wall, under a canopy. When the Pope d and took his seat at the top of the room, the company of them knelt in their places, turnwards him; and on his hand being extended nediction, they all rose again and reseated them

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he splendid garments of the Pope were then off; and clad in a white linen robe which he on under the others, and wearing the bishop's


mitre instead of the tiara, he approached the p grims, took from an attendant Cardinal a silv bucket of water, knelt before the first of them, i mersed one foot in the water, put water over it wi his hand, and touched it with a square fringed clot kissed the leg, and gave the cloth, and a sort white flower, or feather, to the man; then went on the next. The whole ceremony was over, I thin in less than two minutes, so rapidly was this act humility gone through. From thence the Pope retur ed to his throne, put on his robes of white and silv again, and proceeded to the Sala di Tavola: the thirte Priests were seated in a row at the table, which w spread with a variety of dishes, and adorned with a pr fusion of flowers. The Pope gave the blessing, an walking along the side of the table opposite to the handed each of them bread, then plates, and, last cups of wine. They regularly all rose up to recei what he presented; and the Pope having gone throu the forms of service, and given them his parting b nediction, left them to finish their dinner in pea They carry away what they cannot eat, and recei a small present in money besides.'-(Rome in Nineteenth Century, vol. iii, p. 139.)

In the forenoon of this day, the effigy of our S viour is laid in the sepulchre in many of the church at Rome, and remains there till Saturday at mi day, when he is supposed to rise from the gray amidst the firing of cannon, blowing of trumpe and ringing of bells, which have been carefully ti up ever since the dawn of Holy Thursday, to prote them from satanic influence. During these two da and nights, hundreds, clad in deep mourning, a continually kneeling in silence the most profour and in devotion the most fervent, around the illum nated sepulchre of their crucified Redeemer, o which they weep in anguish of spirit.

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On this day (says Lady Morgan) the whole

population of Rome rolls on, in endless suc, to the Vatican. The portico, colonnades, and ales, both of the church and palace, assume of the court of a military despot. Every in the military costume is there gaudily exhiHalberdiers in coats of mail, and slate-copantaloons, which pass upon the faithful for ed steel armour; the Swiss in their antique s of buff and scarlet, and lamberkeens; the r troops in their modern uniforms; the guardia the Pope's voltigeurs, all feathers and feeblegold and glitter; generals of the British army, Els and subalterns of every possible yeomanry, aptains and admirals of the navy, and a host -descripts, laymen, and protestant clergymen, for the nonce' take shelter under any thing reing an uniform, that may serve as a passe-parwhere none are courteously received but such ar the livery of church or state militant;-all towards the portals of the Sistine Chapel, which, their double guards, resemble the mouth of a ry pass, dangerous to approach, and difficult rm. The ladies press with an imprudent imsity upon the guards, who, with bayonets fixed lbows squared, repress them with a resistance, as none but female assailants would dare to nter a second time. Thousands of tickets of ssion are shown aloft by upraised hands, and ■ded by high-raised voices; while the officer of ard, who can read and tear but one at a time, s the task of repulsion to the Swiss, who manfulcond their allez fous en' with a physical force, in one or two instances incapacitated the eager idates for further application. A few English ured by the minister, and all the princes and omatists resident at Rome, pioneered by their ds of honour, make their way without let or mo tion. One side of the space, separated from choir by a screen, is fitted up for them apart;

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the other is for the whole female congregation, wh are crushed in, like sheep in a fold. The men, if i uniform or full court dresses, are admitted to a tri bune within the choir; while the inferior crowd, le to shift for themselves, rush in with an impetuosit none can resist; for though none are admitted at al to the chapel without tickets, yet the number of ap plicants (almost exclusively foreign) is much to great for the limited capacity of the place. A scen of indescribable confusion ensues. The guards ge mingled with the multitude. English peers are over turned by Roman canons. Irish friars batter the ol armour of the mailed halberdiers with fists more for midable than the iron they attack... Italian pries tumble over tight-laced dandies; and the 'Via vi of the Roman guard, and the Fous ne restez pas iss of the Swiss, mingle with screams, supplications an reproofs, long after the solemn service of the churc has begun. The procession of the sacrament to th Paoline Chapel succeeds; its gates are thrown ope and its dusky walls appear illuminated with tho sands of tapers, twinkling in the rays of the noo day sun, through an atmosphere of smoke. Few a able to enter the illuminated chapel, or to behold th deposition of the sacrament; and many who are i formed of the programme of the day, by endeavou ing to catch at all the ceremonies, scarcely attain any. (Italy,' vol, ii, p. 297.)


This day commémorates the sufferings of Chris as a propitiation for our sins. Holy Friday, or tl Friday in Holy Week, was its more antient and g neral appellation; the name Good Friday is pec liar to the English church. It was observed as day of extraordinary devotion. Buns, with cross upon them, are usually eaten in London and son other places on this day, at breakfast.

On the morning of this day, at Rome, the Po

ter a long service, the crucifix over the altar, has been covered up all the week with a viopurple-coloured cloth (the mourning of crosses ardinals), is now uncovered. This is called Escovery of the Cross; and then, after much ony, it is laid on a napkin on a stand before ar; some chaunting next takes place, the Pope to the cross, kneels to it, prays or seems to over it, and goes away. The cardinals come one, and do the same: and this is called the tion of the Cross. ·

drama of the Tre Ore, or three hours of Christ's upon the cross, is performed in several of the hes at Rome, on this day, and generally lasts welve o'clock till three. The ingenious author Rome in the Nineteenth Century' witnessed this ony as it was performed in 1817, in the church Andrea della Tratte, and thus describes it:upper part of the church is arranged like a e, with painted trees, and pasteboard rocks and ets, representing Mount Calvary. A little way two Roman centurions, large as life, dressed litary uniforms, and mounted on pasteboard s, flourish their pasteboard swords. Higher

the mount, on three crucifixes, are nailed the es of Christ and the two thieves; so correctly ting life, or rather death, as to be taken for wax. Catholics say, Christ spoke seven times upon ross', and at every saying a dagger entered the

me seven sayings of Christ are as follow:

'Father! forgive them, for they know not what they do!'
(To the good thief.) To-day thou shalt be with me in Para-

(To the Virgin Mary,)

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S'Woman! behold thy son!'

and to the Apostle John.) Son! behold thy mother!'

'My God! my God! why hast thou abandoned me!'

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