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20. EDMUND BURKE, D.D., DIED, ET. 78. amiable and valuable character, who was a f the county of Kildare, in Ireland, went in Quebec, where he officiated as a clergyman, e lectures on the higher branches of matheand philosophy, having been celebrated in versity of Paris for his attainments in those

Here he continued, till appointed by Lord ster to conciliate to the British Government ny powerful tribes of Indians about Lake r, the back part of the Ohio and Louisiana. the seven years that he spent among these , under the greatest privations, he was indee in converting, instructing, and attaching These services procured him a pension; nor e unrewarded for his advice and counsel the American war,-for the ministry used their ce with the See of Rome, which appointed shop of Sion, and Vicar Apostolic in Nova Dr. Burke enjoyed the friendship of the late of Kent, also of all the naval and military offiBritish America. He died at Halifax. ot no 11.-SAINT MARTIN.

was a native of Hungary, and for some time ed the life of a soldier; but afterwards took , and was made Bishop of Tours in France, in see he continued for twenty-six years. Martin bout the year 397, much lamented, and highly ned for his virtues.--For some lines on this ee our last volume, p. 271.

2. 1820. WILLIAM HAYLEY DIED, ÆT. 74, own for more than fifty years as the author of works both in prose and verse. He will long membered as the biographer of Milton, Cowper, Romney. As a poet his reputation seems latto have been on the decline. With the excepof his Triumphs of Temper,' none of his poetical ictions were calculated for popularity: yet his ys contain some very splendid, energetic, and

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nervous passages; and the notes appended to them
are replete with entertainment and literary informa-
tion. Lord Byron, in his English Bards and Scotch
Reviewers,' designates Mr. Hayley as rather an ele-
gant writer of notes and biography,' and recommends
him to convert his poetry into prose, which, he says,
may be easily done by taking away the final syllable
of each couplet. The noble satirist also notices
him in the following severe lines :-

In many marble-covered volumes view
HAYLEY in vain attempting something new:
Whether he spin his comedies in rhyme,

Or scrawl, as Wood and BARCLAY walk, 'gainst time,
His style in youth or age is still the same;
For ever feeble and for ever tame.

An edition of Mr. Hayley's Poems and Plays, in 6 vol. 8vo, appeared in the year 1784, a judicious selection from which might be acceptable to a numerous class of readers. Among the latest and most successful of Mr. Hayley's works, was the Life of Cowper,' now found in every library;-to this amiable poet our author was particularly attached, and had the satisfaction of procuring a pension for him. 13.-SAINT BRITIUS.

Britius, or Brice, succeeded St. Martin in the bishopric of Tours in the year 399. He died in 444. 17. SAINT HUGH.

Our saint was a native of Burgundy, or Gratianopolis, and made Bishop of Lincoln by Henry II. In this see he obtained great fame, not only for his extraordinary austerity of life and excellent economy, but for his rebuilding the cathedral from the foundation. Hugh died on this day, in the year 1200, of an ague. In 1220, he was canonized at Rome, and his remains were taken up October 7, 1282, and deposited in a silver shrine.

*17. 1820.



















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h, where he continued for nearly 30 years, pected by men of all nations and all reliis principal publications are, a Translaollikoffer's Sermons;' his 'Life of Cathad View of the Russian Empire,' 8vo, 5 vol.; anslation of Lucian,' with learned notes, in which he only completed a short time beed.

).—EDMUND, KING AND MARTYR. d, King of the East-Angles, having been by the Danes in 870, and unable to resist oically offered to surrender himself a priovided they would spare his subjects. The owever, having seized him, used their uteavours to induce Edmund to renounce his but, refusing to comply, they first beat him s, then scourged him with whips, and afterinding him to a stake, killed him with their

. 1820. EARL OF MALMSBURY DIED. ordship was the son of the celebrated author es, and the Three Treatises. He had been dor at several foreign courts; was created almsbury in 1788, and raised to an Earldom

His literary works are, an Introduction to ory of the Dutch Republic for the last ten Bvo, 1788; the Works of James Harris, Esq. Account of his Life and Character, by his ol. 4to, 1801.

ia was a Roman lady, who, refusing to reher religion, was thrown into a furnace of water, and scalded to death. Others say that s stifled in a bath, a punishment frequently , at that time, on female criminals of rank. fered martyrdom about the year 225. Cecilia rded as the patroness of music, and is repreby Raffaelle with a regal in her hand.-For

some beautiful lines on Music, by W. Strode, see our last volume, p. 273.


Clement I was born at Rome, and was one of the first bishops of that place: this see he held about sixteen years; from the year 64 or 65 to 81. He was remarkable for having written two Epistles, so excellent, and so highly esteemed, by the primitive Christians, that the first was for some time considered canonical. Clement was sentenced to work in the quarries, and afterwards, having an anchor fastened about his neck, was drowned in the sea.

23.-0. MART.

Old Martinmas-Day, an antient quarter-day.


Our saint was born at Alexandria, and received a liberal education. About the year 305, she was converted to Christianity, which she afterwards professed with the utmost intrepidity, openly reproving the pagans for offering sacrifices to their idols, and upbraiding the Emperor Maxentius, to his face, with the most flagrant acts of tyranny and oppression.


Andrew was the son of James, a fisherman at Bethsaida, and younger brother of Peter. He was condemned to be crucified on a cross of the form of an X; and, that his death might be more lingering, he was fastened with cords. The Order of the Thistle is described in T. T. for 1818, p. 283.-See also T.T. for 1820, p. 280, for some poetry on the subject. *-1820.-J. L. TALLIEN DIED,

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Of revolutionary notoriety, in a state of comparative penury. The arrest and destruction of Robespierre were owing to M. Tallien. He rushed to the tribune, expatiated on the crimes of the revolutionary government, drew forth a dagger, and, turning towards the bust of Brutus, swore that he would plunge it in the heart of the tyrant, if his colleagues










re desired to reply, but in vain. They t hear him, but passed on to the decree tenced him to the scaffold. During the s of the revolution, Tallien hazarded his o save that of the celebrated MADAME DE

-un enters Sagittarius at 49 m. after 7 in the of this month; and he rises and sets during period as in the following

un's Rising and Setting for every fifth Day. r1st, Sun rises 12 m. after 7.


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it is required to find mean from apparent he following quantities must be subtracted e hour as given by a good sun-dial: viz.

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