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ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, July 9, 1890.

The first session of this Department was called to order at 3 o'clock P. M., in the People's Church; President Herbert Griggs, of Denver, Colorado, in the chair.

The musical program was opened with organ solos by Samuel A. Baldwin, of St. Paul; followed by "The Butterfly Song," given by selected pupils from the public schools of St. Paul.

President Griggs then delivered the President's address.

"Music as a Factor in Education" was the subject of the first paper, by Margaret Morris, of Cincinnati, Ohio. A song, "The Shaking Quakers," was then given by selected pupils from the schools of St. Paul.

C. H. Congdon, director of music in the public schools of St. Paul, regretted that he had not been able to prepare a paper on "Intelligent Singing by the Masses," as announced on the program. Instead, he gave, with classes from the St. Paul public schools, examples of sight-singing, using test exercises written by John W. Tufts, of Boston, which were entirely new to the pupils. N. Coe Stewart, of Cleveland, Ohio, opened the discussion of the subject, and gave tests to the pupils.

On motion of Mr. Wescott, of Chicago, the time was extended, and Mr. Congdon proceeded; closing the session with "The Swing Song" and "Holy, Holy, Holy," by John W. Tufts, sung by pupils from the sixth, seventh and eighth grades.

The Department then adjourned.


The Department was called to order at 2:30 P. M., in the House of Hope church; President Griggs in the chair.

Two pupils from the public schools of St. Paul rendered a duet; and other selections were given by St. Paul vocalists.

The subject of the first paper was, "Music as a Regular and Required Branch of Grade Work," by Aaron Gove, of Denver, Colorado.

The paper was discussed by N. Coe Stewart, of Cleveland, Ohio, and by others.

In the absence of M. L. Bartlett, of Des Moines, Iowa, who was to speak on the "Union of Tonic Sol-Fa with the Staff Notation," and of B. C. Gregory, of Trenton, New Jersey, who was to have given a paper on “Value of the Union of the Tonic Sol-Fa with the Staff Notation," Robert H. Beggs of Denver, Colorado, read a paper on the subject of "Notation."

Discussion followed by H. E. Holt, C. H. Congdon, N. Coe Stewart, N. L. Glover, O. S. Cook, President Griggs, and others.

The President announced the following Committee on Nominations: O.S. Cook, of Illinois; C. H. Congdon, of Minnesota; and Emma B. Mitchell, of Colorado.

On motion of N. Coe Stewart, a vote of thanks was extended to the assisting artists.

O. S. Cook, on behalf of the Committee on Nominations, made the following report, which was adopted:

President Herbert Griggs, Denver, Colorado.
Vice-President N. L. Glover, Akron, Ohio.

Secretary Frank E. Morse, Auburndale, Massachusetts.

The Department then adjourned.

FRANK E. MORSE, Secretary.




Music as a study is becoming more and more an important factor in the course of study in the public schools. Until within a few years, it was considered of little worth as compared with other studies. Truly, as I remember it, it was of little worth-merely a pleasant pastime, good to add a little cheerfulness to the daily routine of school-work, and when there was little else to do. How easily I can recall our first music-master coming into the room with his fiddle-box under his arm. How anxiously I watched his every movement, hoping to see him lay it on my desk and open it. When he would take out his bow, tighten up the hair and resin it, take out the fiddle, pick the strings and tune it, I would think what a wonderful man he was. How tickled I was when he broke a string! That was the joy of it!

But when he pointed his bow at me; told me to "Stand, sir," and asked, "What are those two flats there for, sir?" or "If a whole note has four beats in 4-4 time, how many beats will a dotted eighth-note have in 3-2 time?" or when he would stand me on the floor for trying to sing bass like the big boys (I was about ten years of age), or rap me on the head with his bow for not singing "louder," which caused me to weep, and which I verily believe was the primary cause of my present baldness: that was the sorrow of it. How he used to stamp his foot, wiggle his head, scrape that fiddle, and count and sing, and sing and count! How we filled our little lungs with bad air, grew red in the face, and emitted sounds that for loudness and harshness would exceed anything that the size of our bodies would warrant !

Such was the style of teaching music in the public schools years ago.

About a year and a half ago, it was my privilege to visit many schools in different parts of the country, and in many of them vestiges of the same old methods of teaching prevailed. Improved? Yes, to some extent. Were the results obtained better? Yes, in proportion to the improvement in method of teaching. Were the results obtained by the improved methods of teaching as good in proportion as the results obtained in improved methods of teaching in other branches of study? Most emphatically, no. Why? One reason, I think, is in the wrong conception of the object of the study of music. Many principals and teachers seem to lose sight of the fact that the study of music, if properly taught, is eminently educational, intellectually, physically, and morally. Put an exercise on the blackboard, have the pupils sing it at sight;

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