The Forest City Killer: A Serial Murderer, a Cold-Case Sleuth, and a Search for Justice

Front Cover
ECW Press, Oct 4, 2019 - True Crime - 328 pages

Dig deep into the unsolved murder of Jackie English and join the hunt for a serial killer

Fifty years ago, a serial killer prowled the quiet city of London, Ontario, marking it as his hunting grounds. As young women and boys were abducted, raped, and murdered, residents of the area held their loved ones closer and closer, terrified of the monster — or monsters — stalking the streets. Homicide detective Dennis Alsop began hunting the killer in the 1960s, and he didn’t stop searching until his death 40 years later. For decades, detectives, actual and armchair, and the victims’ families and friends continued to ask questions: Who was the Forest City Killer? Was there more than one person, or did a depraved individual commit all of these crimes on his own?

Combing through the files Detective Alsop left behind, researcher Vanessa Brown reopens the cases, revealing previously unpublished witness statements, details of evidence, and astonishing revelations. And through her investigation, Vanessa posits the unthinkable: is it possible that the Forest City Killer is still alive and, like the notorious Golden State Killer, a simple DNA test could bring him to justice?



A Note on the Text
The Murder of Jacqueline Dunleavy
The Murders of Frankie Jensen Scott Leishman and Helga
Bruce Stapylton
The Attack on Betty Harrison
Part IV
The Disappearance of Georgia Jackson
The Trial of David Bodemer
The Residents of 133 Elmwood
The Murder of Donna Awcock
David Bodemers First Confession

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About the author (2019)

Vanessa Brown has lived her entire life in London, Ontario. Her previous books include The Grand Old Lady: A History of Hotel London and London: 150 Cultural Moments, which was honored by the Ontario Heritage Trust. She is married to Canadian poet Jason Dickson, and together they own Brown & Dickson Booksellers.

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