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"From Indian guns," said Gardiner, in reply to the inquiring look of his companion; "not a rifle yet. It is no buffalo-hunt. There are no herds of buffalo so high up the country at this season of the year. It is, doubtless, the Kaya, the bold grizzly of the mountains, overtaken by the Blackfeet and fighting for his life."

They saw the indented toe-marks made by the unshod hoofs of the wild mountain-steed of the half-breed, who had apparently ridden with the same headlong speed, through the dark hours of the night, that had characterized their progress of the previous day.

They pushed on, and at noon had reached the eastern extremity of the pass.

They could see the broad rolling country of the upper Missouri, broken by the great waters of the Beaver, Sun, and Teton rivers, spread out before them.

Here they made a short halt, to recruit their tired horses, took refreshment, and in their conference decided to ride towards the camp of Kaya.

"We will go to him," said Wilson. "By heaven, no Carolinian ever forsook a friend in need. I spoke harshly to him last night, and I will now aid him, if they burn me at the stake. Let us on," he continued, spurring his jaded horse.

"Stop," said the stern New Englander. "This is no boy's play. Let us be men. We will fight for Kaya; but God gives to man discretion that he may use it The grass is high. We can approach these beasts, who have not the scent of the wild animals of the plains, and aid the mountaineer better by aiding him with judgment."

Gardiner had turned in his saddle to address his companion, and he sat upon

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They then rode on.

Again and again, they heard the dull reports of the fire-arms, which had first awakened their attention.

They spurred their tired horses; they were excited by an almost ungovernable curiosity; they drew near to the combatants.

As they approached a broad swale of the prairie, Gardiner halted-he dismounted. Hold the horses," he said.



I am a better frontiersman than you. Remember that you could never stalk an antelope-I can. You are now excited-I am calm. It is, therefore, better for you to remain here-for me to go on. Dismount, and thus take the weight from the back of your tired horse. Now cling hard to both the bridles: the ponies may get excited and try to break away from you.


I am observed, make for the fort. My papers are in the holster, and you know their value."

In a

"Go on," replied Wilson, who knew the peculiar character of his companion. "Go on, I will do as you tell me. horn," he added, as he cautiously followed the earnest northerner and led the two horses through the long grass. In a horn, old Yank. I would not see a hair of your head hurt for all the abolitionists that ever stood beneath the shadow of Bunker Hill monument."


It was no time for conversation. Making a motion to his companion, Gardiner bent down, and, hiding himself in the tangled grass, crawled slowly to the summit of the mound they had approached.

The scene before him was fearful as unexpected. A half score of mounted Indians occupied the plain below. They were circling near a small copse of cotton-wood, where lay, hidden from view, some object to which their attention was devoted.

At intervals, the dark forms of the Indians moved rapidly around the low cover, and, at such moments, a chorus of wild yells reached the attentive ears of the friends on the mound.

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The Trail, the Trace, and the Wagon-road.

Kaya has tired, and he has taken to the bush. I swear they dare not come within gun-shot of the cover," he cried exultantly.

"Hurrah for the gallant half-breed! It is he to a certainty."

"What shall we do?" said Wilson. "Shall we ride on ?"

"Not at all-by no means," replied Gardiner. "I will load the spare cylinder of my heavy Texan six-shooter for a reserve, and then discharge the pistol. It will cause these fellows to break up their party for a reconnoissance. In the mean time, the quick senses of Kaya will demonstrate to him the class of arm by the peculiar sound of the report. He will know that we are near him. He will make a break to us, or, the Indians being divided, we will make a rush through them to the cover. probably pass the night in that covert, We shall and, perhaps, to-morrow. reach it, they can only beat us by If we ever starving us out; and, by filling your saddle-pockets with dried meat, that


ground and became busy with Colt's will be guarded against." The New Englander seated himself upon the immortal fire-arm.

Soon rising, he ran down the hill,
dragging with him by their bridles the
he knelt over the weapon to replace the
two riding horses, and then discharged
discharged cylinder with a loaded one,
the loads in quick succession. While
about in wild confusion.
his comrade saw the Indians dashing

Gardiner had replaced the loads in
his revolver, and now joined his com-

Suddenly a wild shout shook the still-
ness of the autumn air. The next in-
Kaya dash out of the wood.
stant, they saw the gray horse of the
distance he seemed to approach them
In the

in waiting, The gray In a few mo

horse came gallantly on.
The half-dozen Indians
rode madly in pursuit.
ments they could discern the form of
the half-breed. He was hanging from




right. The form of the mountaineer was for an instant exposed. With a wild yell, the Blackfoot discharged an

It struck the Kaya. He struggled to a sitting posture, threw up his short gun like a lance, and, without putting it to his face, returned a bullet for the arrow, which had evidently severely wounded him.

the saddle. Twice they saw him change
his position, twice they saw the smoke
and heard the report of the Indian
Admirable!" cried
Gardiner, human nature alike in set-
tlement and on prairie. So long as the
fools only use the European fire-arm,
so long Kaya is safe. They cannot
shoot with accuracy with the gun, yet
they will not use their arrows. Hurra
for progress, even in the wilderness.
Kaya will reach us yet." As he spoke,
the gray horse wheeled in his course,
and dashed at the nearest Indian.
There was a mad rally; men and
horses seemed overturned; shots were
heard, and then Kaya once more gal-
loped towards them."

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"Good!" cried Wilson. "he has changed horses in the mêlée. He has struck down the Indian from the fine black horse, and is now riding him."

The Indian faltered, caught wildly at the air, his head settled forward, he lost the motion of his horse, jolted heavily in the saddle, clutched at the mane of his animal, and then fell to the ground. His companions halted, and the brave mountaineer galloped up to his former comrades. He was a terrible spectacle. His white hunting-shirt was stained with gore. His blood-shot, haggard eyes stared on the excited men who had come to seek him. An arrow had transfixed his shoulder, and

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"White man versus Indian," said Gardiner. "He has certainly struck some great chief; see, he is only followed by three warriors-two have stopped by the fallen brave; but now be ready. Do not shoot unless the Indian is coming straight towards you, and as there are only three of them, the nearer the better."

Kaya seemed to know, as if by instinct, where the friends lay, and rode to them as directly as the crow flies. Suddenly a tall warrior wheeled his horse almost across that of the mountaineer. The half-tamed animal which Kaya bestrode, swerved short to the

stood up as from a quiver behind his right arm. His strongly marked features, streaked with bright vermilion, were blackened by gunpowder, and his dark lips, drawn away from teeth white as ivory, gave a ghastly character to the awful meaning of his smile. "The Piegans are short of a chief," he said. "There are more dead Blackfeet on the bottom lands than there are moons in They looked in the face of a half-breed of the north and dropped like leaves in the first frost."

the year.

He then staggered down from the fierce horse he bestrode, and, throwing the end of the lariat* rope to Gardiner,

*Long line of hair rope, by which the Indian horse is ridden and secured.

his arm.
"Do not imitate me," he
said, and turned in his saddle. The
Blackfoot warrior nearest them instant-
ly wheeled from the line, and swung
out of sight behind his horse. The
crack of the rifle was heard, and the
gallant dark steed of the Indian stum-
bled, and then fell forward, shot
through the shoulders. Instantly re-
newing the charge, Gardiner again
raised the efficient weapon. Covering
horse and man as they rode straight
towards him, he brought the second In-
dian to the ground.

knelt and reloaded his gun, and then
discharged it at the group of Blackfeet.
They divided, and at last the Indians
fairly broke
for the bottom-lands,
leaving the body of the slain chief
on the ground. Kaya as suddenly
mounted his horse, and, with a stifled
yell, started in mad pursuit. He drew
up and dismounted at the side of
the fallen chief, with one quick stroke
of his knife tore the scalp from his
head, again mounted and dashed on
after the braves, from whom he had
apparently fled a few moments be-


He seems maddened by his wounds," said Gardiner. "But now is our time." The pack-animals were soon collected and driven headlong toward the thicket. The sagacity of the Indians, but for a moment at fault, soon detected the full number of their foes, and, with the fierce war-whoop of the northern tribes, they dashed towards them.

"The thicket," cried Gardiner, "the thicket; drive up, drive up, don't stop to shoot! The cover is our only safety! Hurra for the gallant Kaya, here he comes again! He has driven the first party out of our path."

As he spoke, the half-breed again appeared in sight around the corner of the wood.

Gardiner threw his short rifle across

The thicket was but a few paces in front when the half-breed again passed them like a spectre of death, and the next moment was wheeling among the discomfited Indians. "Turn no more," cried Gardiner; "Kaya will engage them."

They reached the cover, drove the sluggish animals toward an indentation of the swampy ground, and, as the Indian ponies stopped, and with their natural sagacity pawed the moist earth, they once more shook hands together and dismounted.

The silence was broken by a call from Wilson. "The gray mule scents something here to the right," he said. "We are approached from the river."

At once Gardiner assisted the halfbreed to his feet.

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