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For closing up this point, The distances of places, the qualities of the soiles, the situations of the regions, the diuersities and goodnesse of the fruits, the seuerall sorts of beasts, the varietie of fowles, the difference betweene the Inhabitants of the mountaines and the plaines, and the riches of the Inland in comparison of the Seacoast, are iudicially set downe in the conclusion of this booke, whereunto for mine owne ease 1 referre you.

To come to the second generall head, which in the beginning 1 proposed, concerning the manners and dispositions of the Inhabitants: among other things, I finde them here noted to be very eloquent and well spoken, as the short Orations, interpreted by John Ortiz, which lived twelve yeeres among them, make sufficient proofe. And the author, which was a gentleman of Eluas in Portugall, emploied in all the action, whose name is not set downe, speaking of the Cacique of Tulla, saith, that aswell this Cacique, as the others, and all those which came to the Gouernour on their behalfe, deliuered their message or speech in so good order, that no Oratour could vtter the same more eloquently. But for all their faire and cunning speeches, they are not ouermuch to be trusted: for they be the greatest traitors of the world, as their manifold most craftie contriued and bloody treasons, here set down at large, doe euidently proue. They be also as vnconstant as the wethercock, and most readie to take all occasions of aduantages to doe mischiefe. They are great liars and dissemblers; for which faults often times they had their deserued paiments. And many times they gaue good testimonie of their great valour and resolution. To handle them gently, while gentle courses may be found to serue, it will be without comparison the best: but if gentle polishing will not serue, then we shall not want hammerours and rough masons enow, I meane our old soldiours trained vp in the Netherlands, to square and prepare them to our Preachers hands. To conclude, 1 trust by your Honours and Worships wise instructions to the noble Gouernour, the worthy experimented Lieutenant and Admirall, and other chiefe managers of the businesse, all things shall be so prudently carried, that the painfull Preachers shall be reuerenced and cherished, the valiant and forward soldiour respected, the diligent rewarded, the coward emboldened, the weake and sick relieued, the mutinous suppressed, the reputation of the Christians among the Saluages preserued, our most holy faith exalted, all Paganisme and Idolatrie by little and little vtterly extinguished. And here reposing and resting my selfe vpon this sweete hope, 1


cease, beseeching the Almightie to blesse this good work in
your hands to the honour and glorie of his most holy name,
to the inlargement of the dominions of his sacred Maies-
tie, and to the generall good of all the worthie Ad-
uenturers and vndertakers. From my lodging

in the Colledge of Westminster this 15.
of Aprill, 1609.

By one publikely and anciently deuoted to Gods seruice, and all yours in this so good action,

Richard Hakluyt.


A RELATION OF SVCH THINGS, AS DON FERDINANDO DE SOTO, the Adelantado of Florida passed in seeking to conquer the said Countrey: wherein is declared who he was, and what some of them were that went with him: and some particulars and diuersities of the Countrie, and whatsoeuer they saw and happened vnto them in the same.


Which declareth who Don Ferdinando de Soto was, and how he got the gouernment of Florida.


Aptaine Soto was the son of a Squire of Xerez of Badaioz. He went into the Spanish Indies, when Peter Arias of Auila was Gouernour of the West Indies: And there he was without any thing else of his owne, saue his sword and target and for his good qualities and valour, Peter Arias made him Captaine of a troope of horsemen, and by his commandement hee went with Fernando Pizarro to the conquest of Peru: where (as many persons of credit reported, which were there present) as well at the taking of Atabalipa, Lord of Peru, as at the assault of the citie of Cusco, and in all other places where they found resistance, wheresoeuer hee was present, hee passed all other Captaines and principall persons. For which cause, besides his part of the treasure of Atabalipa, he had a good share: whereby in time he gathered an hundred and foure-score thousand Duckets together, with that which fell to his part: which he brought into Spaine: whereof the Emperour borrowed a certaine part, which he repaied againe with 60000 Rials of plate in the rent of the silkes of Granada, and


all the rest was deliuered him in the Contractation house of Siuil. He tooke seruants, to wit, a Steward, a Gentleman Vsher, Pages, a Gentleman of the Horse, a Chamberlaine, Lakies, and al other officers that the house of a Noble ma requireth. From Siuil hee went to the Court, and in the Court, there accompanied him Iohn Danusco of Siuil, and Lewis Moscoso D'aluarado, Nunno de Touar, and Iohn Rodriguez Lobillo. Except lohn Danusco, all the rest came with him from Peru: and euery one of them brought fourteene or fifteene thousand Duckets: all of them went well and costly apparrelled. And although Soto of his owne nature was not liberall, yet because that was the first time that hee was to shew himselfe in the Court, he spent frankely, and went accompanied with those which I haue named, and with his seruants, and many other which resorted vnto him. Hee married with Donna Isabella de Bouadilla, daughter of Peter Arias of Auila, Earle of Punno en Rostro. The Emperour made him the Gouernor of the Isle of Cuba, and Adelantado or President of Florida; with a title of Marques of certaine part of the lands, that he should conquer.


How Cabeça de Vaca came to the Court, and gaue relation of the Countrie of Florida: And of the Companie that was assembled in Siuil to goe with Don Ferdinando de Soto.


Hen Don Ferdinando had obtained the gouernment, there came a Gentleman from the Indies to the Court, named Cabeça de Vaca, which had been with the Gouernor Pamphilo de Naruaez which died in Florida, who reported that Naruaez was cast away at sea with all the companie y' went with him. And how he with foure more escaped and arriued in Nueua Espanna: Also he brought a relation in writing of that which hee had seene in Florida; which said in some places: In such a place I haue seene this; and the rest which here I saw, 1 leaue to conferre of betweene his Maiestie and my selfe. Generally he reported the miserie of the Countrie, and the troubles which hee passed: and hee told some of his kinsfolke, which were desirous to goe into the Indies, and vrged him very much to tell them whether he had seene any rich country in Florida, that he might not tell them, because hee and another, whose name was Orantes, (who remained in Nueua Espanna with purpose to returne into


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