The Introduction to Luke-Acts: A Study of the Role of Lk 1, 1-4, 44 in the Composition of Luke's Two-volume Work

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Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1991 - Bibles - 256 pages
Il presente studio di Fearghus O'Fearghail analizza in maniera nuova la relazione tra i quattro capitoli iniziali del vangelo di Luca e il resto di Luca-Atti. Lo studio poi prende in esame il programma dell'opera lucana cosi come viene definito nei primi capitoli. The relationship between the four initial chapters of Luke's Gospel, or parts thereof, and the rest of Luke-Acts has been perceived in various ways and with varying consequences. The present study examines afresh this relationship, having first established the literary structure of Luke's two-volume work (chs. I and II). The study then discusses the scope and purpose of Luke's premium and the programme for his work set out there (ch. III). In ch. IV it analyses a number of ways in which the introductory narrative section 1,5-4,44 prepares the reader for the narrative proper that follows in 5,1ff. The final chapter discusses the vexed question of the literary form of Luke-Acts, taking account of the contributions of 1,1-4 and 1,5-4,44 in determining this form.