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ing up he recognized a merchant from the village of Schönthal, where he had once lived. "Very well," he replied.

"I am very glad to see you," continued the merchant. "Please come to my room this evening, and take tea with me."

After a hearty supper, both chatted about many things they had seen and felt. At length the kind merchant surprised the student with the abrupt question:

"Tell me frankly, my friend, where will you get money from to prosecute your studies?"

Stilling smiling said: "I have a wealthy Father in Heaven. He will provide for me."

"How much money have you left?" "One rix dollar; that is all."

With that the merchant walked to

his trunk, saying: "Your wealthy
Father in heaven has different tenants,
who are ordered to pay larger or small
er sums they owe Him to
I hap-
pen to be one of them." Thereupon
he counted thirty-three dollars on the




you can

"This is all I can do just now. will find help from others. If ever refund this money, good; if not, good also." Stilling tried to thank his friend, but broke down weeping.

"Now I am rich again, and need no more;" he sobbed in broken accents as he grasped the merchant's hand in parting.



Hail, joyous Easter! Hail!
Thy dawning did prevail

Över the darkness of the silent night.
Thus Christ, when He arose,

Prevailed o'er all His foes,

And turned the gloom of Sheol into light.

Thy rising saw Him rise,

Nor bloody sacrifice,

[blocks in formation]

One of the advantages derived from a sojourn in foreign climes, arises from the fact that an opportunity is thus afforded of comparing our own people with those of other countries. Both have their faults as well as their good qualities. It is well to know what these are, so that we may correct the faults and bold fast to that which is

good. As this is a very wide subject, I will confine myself to the better and more interesting half, and briefly institute a comparison between the fair sex of Germany and America.

No sooner does one set foot upon Europe than he is struck by the healthy, vigorous appearance of the women. They have no fashionable grave-yard coughs, none of that rosy color upon their cheeks, which is the result of nervous weakness, if not of painting, and none of that pale-complexioned fairness, which is apt to remind one of a corpse rather than of a human being. The German girl, in particular, is characterized by physical strength and powers of endurance. From her youth up she is taught to do house-work and to make herself useful. In her opinion the American girls, who declare that they "won't cook and wash dishes for any men," are worse than heretics. At the same time her intel

Nor bearer of our guilt through deadly strife, lectual education is by no means ne

But, oh, the glad surprise

That filled both earth and skies,

He rose, our Saviour, by His precious life.

When Thy first beams of light
Dispelled the shades of night,

Radiant from Heaven descended unto earth
Two angels clothed in white.
A wondrous, wondrous sight,

Unequalled since the morning of His birth.

glected. It is astonishing to find how many young ladies in the cities can read two or three languages. Some of them know more of Shakespeare than many an American college graduate. Nevertheless, they are free from everything like pride or vanity. Almost without exception they are characterized by

might be deserved. The native good sense of my country-women should teach them to restrain the charming freedom of their home life, in order not to shock the conventional usages of European society. But I look upon the American

modesty, by a willingness to oblige others, and by a laudable simplicity of dress. This last is true, even of the nobility. The daughters of Prince Frederick Charles, whose beauty attracts considerable attention, are regular in their attendance at the Dom Church, in Ber-girl, taken all in all. as a proper subject lin, and often they are dressed in clothes, which, though costly, are so devoid of extras, that many an American city damsel would hesitate to appear in them.

The American girl, on the other hand, is noted for her beauty of person, her tasteful extravagance in dress, and the independence of her ways. The freedom, which she enjoys at home, leaves a visible impress upon her manners and her character. She does not hesitate to employ everything which tends to improve her external appearance. She is graceful in her movements and not afraid to bestow winning glances upon the opposite sex. She expects and receives an amount of attention, which sometimes amazes foreigners. Her countrymen accord to her the best seat in the concert-hall, in the street-car and upon the railway; whereas a German would hardly think of incommoding himself to favor the daughters of Eve.

The bright side of this matter was well brought out by Dr. Thompson in the Thanksgiving address, which he delivered in the American Chapel at Berlin more than a year ago. "The position of Woman in the United States," said he, "marks the position of the nation in the scale of civilization. With a large practical equality of privilege, and a healthy measure of independence, Woman retains also her prerogative of sex in the homage accorded her by courtesy and honor. If, as Burke lamented, the age of chivalry died out in Europe with the decay of feudalism, it has revived with the new type of manhood in the new world. I am aware that the American girl' is a phenomenon, that puzzles and startles European society by her independent ways, quite as much as she dazzles it by her beauty of person, her grace of movement, her tasteful extravagance of dress. She has too much the reputation of being free, forward, 'fast; and I have sometimes blushed to feel that this

for Thanksgiving. She can be trusted to go out alone by daylight, without the whole family guard turning out to protect her against innocent young men, for through the very freedom, which is allowed her, she is trained to self-reliance and self-respect, and should any young man presume upon that freedom to be familiar, she would not need the family guard to aid her in repelling him in a way that would forbid him ever to return. And the statistics of married life show that on the score of social virtue, we have reason to be thankful that in our country the relation of the sexes in youth is based not upon suspicion and fear, but upon confidence and honor."

There is evidently too much of the police system in the European mode of training the young. From childhood up, the parents watch the behaviour of their daughter with the most anxious solicitude. They are constantly afraid lest the daughter, who has just reached sweet sixteen, might begin a conversation or engage in a flirtation with some prepossessing young man. Hence they curtail her freedom in numberless ways. She is seldom allowed to appear in society, unless in the company of her mother. In the evening no gentleman dare escort her home, unless he is an intimate friend of the family. If she takes a walk in the afternoon, unaccompanied by any one else, she must carry a music book, otherwise people might think she was out to see the sights or to show herself. She will never acknowledge that she has gentleman friends; she only has gentleman acquaintances. If a young gentleman takes a lady to church or to a public entertainment, the universal supposition is that they are engaged, and that the engagement in accordance with the general custom, will in no long time be announced through the press or by printed cards, if it has not been done already. Under such circumstances it is no wonder, that the average German girl is stiff and

extremes to which the idea of freedom and independence are often carried in America, I cannot help wishing for the strict discipline of German family life. Like the Parisians, we have journals, parties, evening entertainments for children. A German mother never dreams of treating her boys and girls like men and women. The wilful darling of many an American home is coaxed into obedience by the promise of candy, regardless of future dyspepsia; the Ger

shy in the company of strangers, and that she, at times, appears to lack independence of character. At a Sundayschool entertainment, which it was the writer's privilege to attend, young ladies and gentlemen, who had taught for years in the same school, hardly ventured to interchange a dozen sentences during the course of the evening. It is said that on one occasion the wife of the Imperial Crown Prince moved her chair towards a gentleman with whom she wished to converse. Some one af-man mother uses less agreeable, but terwards directed her attention to the impropriety of such an act. "Why, my mother, the Queen of England, would have done so," was her reply. This anecdote, even if untrue, points out a marked difference between English and German society.

more efficient means. She never commits the folly of bedecking her five-year old daughter with flounces and sashes half as heavy as herself, and of then showing her off in a circle of admiring friends, nor would she send her to a children's ball, there to carry on flirtations with an equally young prodigy of the other sex. The lessons, which the rising generation learn in childhood, are seldom forgotten in after years; the habits then formed are apt to follow them throughout life; and it would be contrary to the natural order of things, if the many young men and women, who have been spoiled by such careless training, did not plunge headlong into the giddy circles of fashion and worldly pleasure, and, growing weary of life, wish themselves out of existence. How often is it the case, that the ideals, which the young ladies of America form of society and of life, do not harmonize with the true state of things in the world, and thus prove the

Similar stiffness is characteristic of Berlin tea-parties. During the early part of the evening the gentlemen stand on one side of the room, sometimes with their hats or caps in their hand; the ladies sit around a table on the other side. A gentleman must never sit upon a sofa as long as there are any ladies in the parlor. After the plays are over and the time for eating is at hand, he must offer his right arm to the lady, whom he escorts to the table; for she will certainly refuse his left arm. This custom was perhaps adopted for convenience' sake. A large proportion of the young men are soldiers; and as the sword is worn on the left, the lady naturally takes the other side. Most of these stiff rules, however, are the re-bane of their happiness, dooming them sult of the moral condition of the people to disappointment, robbing them of all taken as a whole. For in the large peace and contentment by making them European cities social circles must be dissatisfied with their condition and the scrutinizingly rigid for the sake of self- circumstances in which they are placed? protection. The conventional rules of How many of them there are, who are the best society always furnish a sort of unwilling to join in forming a home of index to the character of those, who are their own, unless they can live in all thus excluded. The sad state of things, the style and splendor of the paternal which travelers observe in some of the home! And the young men, repulsed large continental cities, is, of course, also by this state of affairs, live on in the enpartly produced by this rigid separa-joyment of single blessedness, until they tion of the sexes, until they reach the age of maturity. There is no surer way of ruining a boy than to suspect him of being a rascal; because if he is to have the name, he will also want the game of the thing. The same is true of human nature all the world over.

have crystalized into irretrievable bachelorhood. No wonder that so many American families who belong to the "upper ten thousand," are dying out and becoming extinct.

I can not close this article without clipping a paragraph from an English

Nevertheless, when I think of the Review:

"Young America, male and female alike, manifests little or no respect for its mother, or indeed for its father either. In Europe cases are, by no means, unknown in which the children rule the house; but in the United States the rising generation is so wonderfully in the ascendent, that the juvenile regime has become a custom of the country parents and grand-parents assuming towards their children and grand-children respectively quite a deferential attitude. In social gatherings of transAtlantic homes, European observers are often struck by the fact that young ladies and gentlemen are the most important figures, the parents seemingly conscious of their inferiority, occupying the background or the retired parts of the room. When, after a ball or an evening party, young gentlemen call the following morning to pay their respects to the young ladies, with whom they have danced on the previous evening, the visitors are entertained in the drawing-room bythe young ladies alone, it being considered, we believe, that the presence of the mother on such occasions would be felt an undue interference with the individuality and liberty of the daughter. In fact, elderly ladies are, or used to be, looked upon, to a great extent, as incumbrances. Some years ago we asked a very intelligent person of this class, who was then in London, but whose life had been passed chiefly in New York, which country she liked best, America or England. She expressed a preference for England: and on being asked the reason of her preference, said significantly: "Well, sir, in England an old woman hasn't to apologize for her existence."*


Beautiful Grandmamma.

Grandmamma sits in her quaint arm-chair;
Never was lady more sweet and fair;
And her brow its own calm story tells
Her gray locks ripple like silver shells,
Of a gentle life and a peaceful even,
A trust in God and a hope in heaven.
Little girl May sits rocking away
Two doll babies her kisses share,
In her own low seat like some winsome fay;
And another one lies by the side of her chair;
May is fair as the morning dew,
Cheeks of roses and ribbons of blue.
"Say, grandmamma," says the pretty elf,
When you were little, what did you play?
Tell me a story about yourself.
Was you good or naughty, the whole long


Was it hundreds and hundreds of years ago? And what makes your soft hair as white as snow?

"Did you have a mamma to hug and kiss?
And a dolly like this, and this, and this?
Did you have a pussy like my little Kate?
Did you go to bed when the clock struck
Did you have long curls and beads like mine,
And a new silk apron, with ribbon fine?"
Grandmamma smiled at the little maid,
And, laying aside her knitting, she said:
"Go to my desk, and a red box you'll see;
Carefully lift it, and bring it to me."
So May put her dollies away, and ran,
Saying, "I'll be careful as ever I can."
Then grandmamma opened the box, and lo!
A beautiful child, with throat like snow,
Lips just tinted like pink shells rare,
Eyes of hazel, and golden hair,
Hands all dimpled, and teeth like pearls,
Fairest and sweetest of little girls.

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Oh, who is it?" cried winsome May, "How I wish she was here to-day! Wouldn't I love her like everything; Say, dear grandmamma, who can she be!" 'Darling," said grandma, "that child was



No doubt this is severe language, but in so far as it is deserved, we should to do better. It is the glory of Ameri- May looked long at the dimpled grace, cans, that they are always willing to learn and never afraid to imitate that which is good in other nationalities.

FLATTERY.-Nothing is so great an instance of ill-manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company, you please none; if you flatter only one or two, you affront the rest.

And then at the saint-like, fair old face; "How funny," she cried, with a smile and a kiss,

"To have such a dear little grandma as this! Still," she added, with a smiling zest. “I think, dear grandma, I like you best." So May climbed on the silken knee, And grandma told her her history; What plays she played, what toys she had, How at times she was naughty, or good, or


"But the best thing you did," said May, "don't you see?

*Westminster Review for Oct., 1874. Page Was to grow to a beautiful grandma for me."



The Old Emperor at Play with the his coming is welcomed with great glee.



Some have never seen an Emperor. A
thousand childish questions occur to
their inquisitive minds. Does he wear
a golden crown, and a purple robe, and
hold a sceptre in his hand, and sit on
a great, grand throne, as the kings do
How great
in their picture-books?
their surprise when they see him for
the first time, dressed precisely like
their own papa or uncle-with a black
of a royal sceptre, carelessly carrying a
hat, black coat, white vest, and instead
small cane in his hand. Or, if on rare

The German Emperor, William I., has for many years been in the habit of spending part of his summers at Ems, the celebrated watering-place in Europe. When there he demeans himself like one of his subjects, in a plain, unostentatious way. Ems is the most celebrated summer resort in Europe, and by reason of these royal visits, has great attractions for people of distinc-occasions he appears in military unition and for the votaries of fashion. Among the old forest trees and along

the shaded banks of a clear stream of


water near the city, it is no unusual
thing to see half the rulers of Europe
grouped together, engaged in social or
diplomatic conversation. Thus every
year the venerable head of the German
Empire makes his visit to Ems.
the harassing labors of the previous
winter, he seeks recreation here. Usu-
ally he is dressed in a plain black suit.
After spending certain hours of the day
at hard work with his prominent advi-
sors and ministers of state, whom he
has brought with him, he strolls about
like other people, now taking a drink
of water at the springs out of the same
cup other people use; then his tall erect
form can be seen moving along some
secluded walks, his large head adorned
with gray hair and beard, towering
high above the people whom he passes.
Many a one passing him feels proud
the balance of his life of having seen
one of the crowned heads of Europe.
Among the people of the village his
arrival is always greeted with joy. Per-
haps by some more on account of the
crowds of visitors his presence will
attract, and the consequent increase of
business, than from actual love for their

Although he often walks out unattended by his body-guard or servants, but few people feel free to approach him in conversation. In monarchical countries subjects are trained to treat their rulers with a distant respect. The children, however, who happen to fall in with the kind-hearted, fatherly monarch often treat him as they would their grandpapa. By many of these,

form, with his grand soldier's clothes tened to the breast of his coat, still his on, and a cluster of glittering stars fasface looks so amiable and kind that of mamma's warning not to go near or even the more timid children, in spite molest the great man, will shyly gather around him as he sits under some shade tree, and take hold of his hand. Most

likely he will paternally pat their chubby faces, or possibly even kiss them.

Sometimes the little folks do not recognize the Emperor as he meekly sits on a bench engaged in conversation. Perhaps the ball with which they are playing happens to roll right between his feet. Some people around them shake their heads by way of rebuke. in his conversation, beckons kindly to Not so William. He pauses a moment the boy in pursuit of the ball, or throws

it back to him.

[blocks in formation]

"Are you really King William ?" "Yes, I think so, my little man,” "And, pray, what was the kind reply. is your name? And what do you wish to do when you get to be a man?"

"My name is William, too," said the bright-eyed boy, "and I wish to become a soldier. But let me tell you, King William, I wish to be one of those with red straps on their coats, and white bushy feathers in their caps, so that I can bravely use my uniform."

"God bless you, my child," said the king smiling. And when you get to be a man, tell my son Fritz that you

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