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Resolved. That the thanks of the Senate be tendered to E. W. Smiley, Chief Clerk; John M. Rhey, Journal Clerk; J. Allen Leeds, Reading Clerk; Henry Bender, Message Clerk; W. Harry Baker, Assistant Clerk and William F. Vaughan, Executive Clerk, for the able manner in which they attended to the duties of their respective offices and the uniform courtesy manifested by them towards all the Senators.

On motion of Mr. Sisson,

The following resolution was twice read, considered and agreed to, viz:

Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate are due and are hereby tendered to Rev. J. Wesley Hill, Chaplain of the Senate.

On motion of Mr. Lee,

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The following resolution was twice read, considered and agreed to, viz:

Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate be tendered to Herman P. Miller, Senate Librarian, and Oliver P. Molter, Sergeant-at-Arms, and all other officers and employees of the Senate for the manner in which they have attended to their respective duties.

On motion of Mr. Keyser,

The following resolution was twice read, considered and agreed to, viz:

Resolved, That the Senate do now proceed to the election of a President pro tempore.


Agreeably to order,

The Senate proceeded to the election of a President pro tempore of the Senate.


Mr. Grady nominated John M. Scott.

Mr. Wentz nominated William C. Heinle.

The Senate then proceeded to the election of a President pro tempore, the Clerks acting as tellers.

The vote being taken, resulted as follows:

For John M. Scott-Messrs. Berkelbach, Budke, Crawford, Cumings, Drury. Emery, Fisher, Flinn, Focht, Fox, Grady, Gransback, Heidelbaugh, Heinle, Keyser, McKee, Magee, Matson, Muehlbronner, Quail, Rice, Sisson, Snyder, Sproul, Stineman, Stober, Vare, Vaughan, Washburn, Weiss, Weller, Williams and Woods-33.

For William C. Heinle-Messrs. Boyd, Haines, Herbst, Higgins, Lee, Miller, Neely, Scott, Stiles and Wentz-10,

141 Sen. Jour,

John M. Scott having received a majority of votes, was declared elected.

The President pro tempore-elect was conducted to the chair by Messrs. Grady and Heinle, and after making his acknowledgments for the honor conferred, the oath of office was duly administered to him by Hon. J. P. S. Gobin, President of the Senate.

The President pro tempore announced the appointment of Messrs. Grady, Quail, Muchlbronner and Matson as members on the part of the Senate on the Charleston Exposition Commission.

He also announced the appointment of Messrs. Scott, Heidelbaugh and Sproul as members of the committee on the part of the Senate to investigate and report on the condition of the insane of the State.

He also announced the appointment of Messrs. Fox, Sisson, Woods and Stiles as members on the part of the Senate on the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

He also announced the appointment of Messrs. Snyder, Keyser and Haines as the committee to prepare a system of rules for the government of the Senate at its next session.

He also announced the appointment of Mr. Keyser as a member on the part of the Senate of the Commission to locate and build the Homoeopathic State Hospital for the Insane.

The committee of the House of Representatives, Messrs. Koontz and Hoy being introduced, informed the Senate that the House would be ready to adjourn sine die at 12 M. to-day.

On motion of Mr. Grady,

The following preamble and resolution were twice read, considered and agreed to, viz:

Whereas, Captain P. D. Bricker, Chief Clerk in the Auditor General's Office is about to retire, therefor in recognition of the courtesies extended at all times to the members of the Senate and House throughout the period of his connection with said department,

Resolved (if the House of Representatives concur), That recognition be given for his faithful services and the aid extended to the members of the Legislature in furnishing required data and information concerning the revenues of the Commonwealth, and

Resolved, That the desk, chair and revolving case used by him while Chief Clerk be presented to him and that the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings be authorized to forward the same to him.

Ordered, That the Clerk present the same to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

The Clerk of the House being introduced, presented the following extract from the Journal of the House, which was read as follows,

In the House of Representatives,

June 27, 1901.

Resolved (if the Senate concur), That a committee of three be appointed to wait upon the Governor in connection with the committee of the Senate, should the Senate appoint such committee, and inform him that the General Assembly will be ready to adjourn sine die at 12 o'clock M.

The foregoing resolution having been read, considered and concurred in.

Ordered, That the Clerk inform the House of Representatives accordingly.

The clerk of the House of Representatives being introduced, informed that the House of Representatives has concurred in the resolution from the Senate as follows, viz:

In the State Senate,
June 27, 1901.

Resolved (if the House of Representatives concur), That the Chief Clerk of the Senate and House of Representatives be directed to have the copy of the Journals of the two houses of this session prepared and placed in the hands of the Superintendent of Public Printing within thirty days after the close of the session, the Superintendent of Public Printing is hereby directed to have the said Journals printed, bound and delivered to the Chief Clerks of the Senate and House of Representatives within ninety days after receipt of the copy therefor.

He also informed that the House of Representatives has concurred in the resolution from the Senate as follows, viz:

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Resolved (if the House of Representatives concur), That a committee of three be appointed to wait upon the Governor in conjunction with a similar committee. (if the House shall appoint such committee) and inform him that the General Assembly will be ready to adjourn sine die this day at 12 o'clock noon, and have appointed Senators Grady, Flinn and Miller as such committee.

With the information that the House of Representatives have concurred in the resolution and have appointed Messrs. McConnell, Edwards and Manning as such committee.

He also informed that the House of Representatives has concurred in the resolution from the Senate as follows, viz:

In the State Senate,

June 27, 1901.

Whereas, Captain P. D. Bricker, Chief Clerk in the Auditor General's office, is about to retire, therefore, in recognition of the cour

tesies extended at all times to the members of the Senate and House throughout the period of his connection with said department,

Resolved (if the House of Representatives concur), That recognition be given for his faithful services and the aid extended to the members of the Legislature in furnishing required data and information concerning the revenues of the Commonwealth, and

Resolved. That the desk, chair and revolving case used by him when Chief Clerk be presented to him and that the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings be authorized to forward the same to him.

Messrs. Grady, Flinn and Miller, the committee appointed to wait upon His Excellency, the Governor, and inform him that the General Assembly will be ready to adjourn sine die at 12 o'clock noon to-day, being introduced, informed the Senate that it had discharged the duty imposed upon it.

Messrs. Cumings and Wentz, the committee appointed to notify the House of Representatives that the Senate will be ready to adjourn sine die at 12 o'clock noon to-day, being introduced, informed the Senate that it had performed the duty imposed upon it.

The hour of 12 o'clock M. having arrived,

The President adjourned the Senate sine die.


Journal Clerk.



Mr. Weller raised the point of order that the motion to reconsider
was out of order, first, because it was not made on the day that the
vote was taken on the bill, or on the succeeding day; second, the
motion was not made by a Senator that voted with the prevailing

The Chair decided that the point of order was not well taken.

Will the Senate agree to the motion?

Mr. Flinn raised the point of order that the bill not having been
noted on the calendar, it would not be in order to proceed to its con-

The Chair decided that no rules having been adopted for the use
of the Senate up to this time, and the bill having been printed as
amended by the Committee on Municipal Affairs and placed on the
desks of the members, a motion to proceed to its consideration was
in order.

The following resolution was twice read, viz:

Resolved, That the Committee on Elections be discharged from
the further consideration of "An act to regulate the nomination of
public officers, providing for and regulating the holding of primary
elections and punishing certain offenses in regard to such primary
elections," and the bill be placed upon the calendar.

On the question,

Will the Senate agree to the resolution?

A motion was made by Mr. Focht,

To amend the same by adding to the end thereof the following:
"Also that the committee be discharged from all business in its
hands including the Drury case."


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