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The Apiary Par-Excellence

Apiary of Wm. Babberger, Canon City, Colorado

From 25 to 45 colonies make up the apiary. One season he harvested 23,000 sections of No. honey from 25 colonies.

This photograph took second prize in our picture contest recently decided.


See "Far West

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1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hamilton, Illinois


THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE of this Journal is $1.00 a year, in the United States of America and Mexico; in Canada, $1.10; and in all other countries in the Postal Union, 25 cents a year extra for postage. Sample copy free.

THE WRAPPER-LABEL DATE indicates the end of the month to which your subscription is paid. For instance, " deci2' on your label shows that it is paid to the end of December, 1912.

SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPTS.-We do not send a receipt for money sent us to pay subscription, but change the date on your address-label, which shows that the money has been received and credited.

Advertising Rate, Per Agate Line, 15c.

14 lines make one inch. Nothing less than 4 lines accepted. DISCOUNTS:


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3 times 14C a line 9 times IIc a line (1 yr.) Ioc a line Reading Notices, 25 cents, count line. Goes to press the 25th of the preceding month.


Your Name and Address will be put on one side of the handle as shown in the cut, and on the other side a picture of a Queen-Bee, a Worker-Bee, and a Drone-Bee. The handle is celluloid, and so transparent, through which is seen your name. If you lose this Knife it can be returned to you, or it serves to identify you if you happen to be injured fatally, or rendered unconscious. The cut is the exact size; it is made of best steel. When ordering be sure to write exact name and address. Knife delivered within two weeks after we receive order.

Price, postpaid, $1.00; or with a year's subscription to the American Bee Journal-both for $1.80; or given FREE as a premium for sending us 3 New subscriptions at $1.00 each.

American Bee Journal, Hamilton, Illinois.

SURE, Old Combs are Valuable


We Extract 991 Percent of Wax

And then Pay you Highest Market Prices, or 2 cents additional in Trade


Southern Bee-Keepers! We need great quantities of Comb and Extracted Honey

I have a Large and Complete Stock of BEESUPPLIES at Cordele, Ga., and have erected a large Warehouse and filled it with New Bee Supplies at O'Brien, Fla., near Live Oak, the best shipping-point for all sections of Florida, Southeast Georgia and Southern Alabama.

Send all orders to CORDELE, GA., and state from which point you wish your Supplies shipped. J. J. WILDER.

WE HAVE THE GOODS At money-saving prices. We defy quantity, quality, and prices. Our Catalog will tell it all. Send list of Goods for quotations.

Fine Cockerels, Barred and White Plymouth Rocks, and White Wyandotte. $1.50.

H. S. DUBY, St. Anne, III.


I have moved from Jacksonvile, Ark. to Attalla, Ala., where I will continue to breed fine Bees and Queens, Three Band,

Golden Italians, and Carniolans All bred in separate yards. Untestedone, $1.00; six, $5.00; twelve, $9.00. Tested-one, $1.50; six, $8.00; twelve, $15.00. For Queens in larger quantity and Nuclei, write. Let us book your order now, so you will get your Queens when you want them. No disease of any kind. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed.

D. E. BROTHERS, Attalla, Ala.

Write us

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The Apiary Par-Excellence

Apiary of Wm. Babberger, Canon City, Colorado

From 25 to 45 colonies make up the apiary. One season he harvested 23,000 sections of No.

oney from 25 colonies.

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This photograph took second prize in our picture contest recently decided. See "Far West


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American Bee Journal

1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hamilton, Illinois


THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE of this Journal is $1.00 a year, in the United States of America and Mexico; in Canada, $1.10; and in all other countries in the Postal Union, 25 cents a year extra for postage. Sample copy free.

THE WRAPPER-LABEL DATE indicates the end of the month to which your subscription is paid. For instance, "dec12' on your label shows that it is paid to the end of December, 1912.

SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPTS.-We do not send a receipt for money sent us to pay subscription, but change the date on your address-label, which shows that the money has been received and credited.

Advertising Rate, Per Agate Line, 15c.

14 lines make one inch.

Nothing less than 4 lines accepted.


9 times IIc a line

3 times 14c a line


12 "(1 yr.) Ioc a line

Reading Notices, 25 cents, count line.
Goes to press the 25th of the preceding



Your Name and Address will be put on one side of the handle as shown in the cut, and on the other side a picture of a Queen-Bee, a Worker-Bee, and a Drone-Bee. The handle is celluloid, and so transparent, through which is seen your name. If you lose this Knife it can be returned to you, or it serves to identify you if you happen to be injured fatally, or rendered unconscious. The cut is the exact size; it is made of best steel. When ordering be sure to write exact name and address. Knife delivered within two weeks after we receive order.

Price, postpaid, $1.00; or with a year's subscription to the American" Bee Journal-both for $1.80; or given FREE as a premium for sending us 3 New subscriptions at $1.00 each.

American Bee Journal, Hamilton, Illinois.

SURE, Old Combs are Valuable


We Extract 991 Percent of Wax

And then Pay you Highest Market Prices, or 2 cents additional in Trade


Southern Bee-Keepers! We need great quantities of Comb and Extracted Honey

I have a Large and Complete Stock of BEESUPPLIES at Cordele, Ga., and have erected a large Warehouse and filled it with New Bee Supplies at O'Brien, Fla., near Live Oak, the best shipping-point for all sections of Florida, Southeast Georgia and Southern Alabama.

Send all orders to CORDELE, GA., and state from which point you wish your Supplies shipped. J. J. WILDER.

WE HAVE THE GOODS At money-saving prices. We defy quantity, quality, and prices. Our Catalog will tell it all. Send list of Goods for quotations.

Fine Cockerels, Barred and White Plymouth Rocks, and White Wyandotte. $1.50.

H. S. DUBY, St. Anne, III.


I have moved from Jacksonvile, Ark. to Attalla, Ala., where I will continue to breed fine Bees and Queens, Three Band,

Golden Italians, and Carniolans All bred in separate yards. Untestedone, $1.00; six, $5.00; twelve, $9.00. Tested-one, $1.50; six, $8.00; twelve, $15.00. For Queens in larger quantity and Nuclei, write. Let us book your order now, so you will get your Queens when you want them. No disease of any kind. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed.

D. E. BROTHERS, Attalla, Ala.

Write us

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"Pearce Method of Bee-Keeping .50 "Hand's 20th Century Bee-Keep

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20 Copies "Honey as a HealthFood".


[blocks in formation]

White Sweet Clover Seed

I have a good supply of this seed, unhulled, which I can supply at the following prices just as soon as the orders come in:

By mail, 1 pound, postage paid, 30

cts.; 2 pounds, 50 cts.


6 Queens for $4.50;

3 for $2.75; 1 for $1.00

For a number of years we have been sending out to bee-keepers exceptionally fine Untested Italian Queens, purely mated, and all right in every respected. Here is what a few of those who received our Queens have to say about them:


Gentlemen:-Last October I purchased three queens of you for my experiments with different queens, and wish to ask you if queens of this season will be of this stock? One of the Queens is the most remarkable queen I ever owned for prolificness. which she transmits to all her daughters.

Riddle, Oreg., July 4, 1912.



Gentlemen:-The queen you sent me came in good condition. She was one of the best I have ever bought. I have her introduced and she is doing business as if to the manor born I want another of those beautiful queens as soon as I can possibly get it for making up my fair exhibit. Please send a fine one. Such queens certainly advertise your business.

Darlington, Wis., July 31, 1912.



Gentlemen:-I bought a queen of you about 35 years ago, and from her I italianized 1150 colonies of the finest beauties of unusual good qualities. I lived near Milton Center, Ohio, at the time. Yours truly,

Portales, New Mexico, July 10, 1912.


We usually begin mailing Queens in May, and continue thereafter on the plan of "first come first served." The price of one of our Untested Queens alone is $1.00, or with the old American Bee Journal for one year, both for $1.60. Three Queens (without Bee Journal) would be $2.75, or six for $4.50. Full instructions for introducing are sent with each Queen, being printed on the underside of the address card on the mailing-cage. You cannot do better than to get one or more of our fine Standard-bred Queens.



By express or freight, f. o. b. Sand- The Ideal Hive-Tool Free as a Premium

point, Idaho, at these prices: 5 pounds

for 80 cts.; 10 pounds, $1.50; 25 pounds, $3.50; or 100 pounds, $13.00.

Both as a honey-plant and soil-restorer sweet clover is hard to beat. Every bee-keeper should not only sow it himself, but should encourage others to grow it.

Special Bee-Literature Offers

Ask for my circular containing special offers of bee-literature. And if you want any bee-papers or other magazines, send me your list and I can quote you a price that will save you some money, I am sure. Address,

George W. York, Publisher and Subscription Agent, 302 S. Boyer Ave., Bonner Co.,

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Price, postpaid, 35 cents; or with the American Bee Journal one year-both for $1.15; or mailed FREE as a premium for sending us one new subscription at $1.00.

This is a special tool invented by a Minnesota bee-keeper, adapted for prying up supers, and for general hive and other work around the apiary. Made of malleable iron, 81⁄2 inches long. The middle part is 1 1-16 inches wide, and 7-32 thick. The smaller end is 18 inches long, 1⁄2 inch wide, and 7-32 thick, ending like a screwdriver. The larger end is wedge-shaped, having a fairly sharp, semicircular edge, making it almost perfect for prying up hive-covers, supers, etc., as it does not mar the wood. Dr. C. C. Miller, who has used this tool since 1903, says: "I think as much of the tool as ever."

American Bee Journal, Hamilton, Illinois.

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