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ever, no lucern Rhizobia were introduced, the presence of lime caused practically no difference.

"Complete manure did not, on the totals throughout, increase the number of nodules, although an increased growth of both stem and root was caused by its application."

Changes which take place in the soil as a result of plant growth and fertilization, J. G. MASCHHAUPT (Verslag. Landbouwk. Onderzoek. Rijkslandbouwproefstat. [Netherlands], 1912, No. 12, pp. 48–71, pls. 8).-Pot experiments to determine the effect of growth of plants (potatoes, wheat, and oats) and applications of sodium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, and ammonium nitrate on the rate of settling of the clay particles of a light sandy loam soil when shaken with water are reported, together with a theoretical discussion of the nature of the reaction involved.

The results showed that the clay of the uncropped soils settled most rapidly, that of the cropped soils and of those receiving sodium nitrate settling slowest. The ammonium sulphate soils settled somewhat quicker than those receiving ammonium nitrate.

Cropping with potatoes retarded the rate of settling considerably, and to a greater extent than cropping with wheat and oats. The rate of settling in the cropped ammonium sulphate soil was less marked than that of the uncropped soil.

Cause of harmful effects of fertilizing with mineral compounds on humus sandy soils, J. HUDIG (Verslag. Landbouwk. Onderzoek. Rijkslandbouwproefstat. [Netherlands], 1912, No. 12, pp. 83–138, figs. 3).—Previous investigations having shown that the so-called "oat sickness" of the soils of Drenthe and Groningen (E. S. R., 21, p. 115) was due to the continued use of alkaline or physiologically alkaline fertilizers, the author made further studies of the physiological effect of different organic extracts, sugar humus, and pyrogallol on oats grown on moor soil and on pure sand receiving a basal fertilizer to determine the nature of the "sickness." Attempts were made with unsuccessful results to isolate toxic compounds from the organic matter of the soils.

The results of these studies show that the harmful effect of the continued alkaline fertilization was due to the formation of unidentified humus compounds. These compounds exist principally in the alkali insoluble part of the organic matter.

When sugar humus was mixed with sand with addition of lime or soda and sodium nitrate, the sickness developed within a few years. Pyrogallol, with addition of alkali on sand, also produced the disease in a few years.

Tests with commercial fertilizers, W. H. LAWRENCE (Washington Sta. Bul. 7, spec. ser., pp. 106-113).-Experiments with various fertilizer combinations. lime, and manure on onions, potatoes, grains, and grasses are reported.

In case of the onions " no visible results of the influence of the fertilizers could be observed." In case of potatoes "all of the fertilizers, with the exception of potash in some cases, increased the yield, even doubling and trebling it. . . . The applications of barnyard manure alone increased the yield in most cases, and in combinations with lime gave slightly greater returns. Lime alone produced slightly better returns than the check plat. Very marked results were obtained, however, in the use of combinations of carriers of potash, nitrogen, and phosphoric acid with and without lime.” The results with grains and grasses were inconclusive.

Report on vegetation experiments carried out in 1912, H. G. SÖDERBAUM (Meddel. Centralanst. Försöksv. Jordbruksområdet, 1912, No. 71, pp. 19, figs. 2). This includes accounts of experiments with "nitrate phosphate," a by

product of the manufacture of synthetic nitric acid; with calcium nitrate and lime nitrogen; with radio-active fertilizers, particularly calcium-aluminum silicate; with sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate; and with granite meal. The nitrate phosphate, which contained 30 per cent of calcium, 30.5 per cent of phosphoric acid, 28.8 per cent of which was citrate-soluble, and 3.6 per cent of nitrogen, was fully as effective as a source of phosphoric acid as superphosphate. When thoroughly mixed with the soil the calcium nitrate was about as effective as sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate. The granulated lime nitrogen used was somewhat less effective. The results with the so-called radio-active catalytic fertilizers were inconclusive. The granite meal gave good results as a source of potash. This is attributed to the fact that the potash was largely in the form of mica, which Prianishnikov has shown to be more available than other silicates.

Philippine guano, A. J. Cox (Philippine Jour. Sci., Sect. A, 7 (1912), No 3, pp. 195–199).-Analyses of a large number of samples from different parts of the islands are reported, showing a variation in nitrogen content from almost none to 8.81 per cent, and in phosphoric acid from very small amounts to 23.12 per cent. It is stated that the Philippine guanos "consist of the excreta of sea fowls and other birds, bats, and marine animals, with more or less bone and animal matter furnished by dead bodies, and are found in large quantities in some places, mainly on small islands and in numerous limestone caves. That from caves is usually bat excrement. Deposits of bat guano have been discovered on a great many of the islands, chief among which are Marinduque, Guimaras, Luzon, and Mindoro; and some of these have been located and recorded. The deposits in some of the caves are reported to consist of one or more thousands of tons. Probably as yet not over 1,000 tons of guano have been mined in the whole Archipelago. In a few instances considerable quantities of bat guano have been removed from church towers."

The peat bogs in Michigan: From an agricultural point of view, A. J. PATTEN (Jour. Amer. Peat Soc., 5 (1912), No. 2, pp. 65-69; Sci. Amer. Sup., 74 (1912), No. 1928, p. 383).—This article very briefly discusses peat as a direct fertilizer, as a filler for commercial fertilizers, as a stable litter, and as an agricultural soil. Its use for the first two purposes is condemned. As a litter it is very valuable. Reclaimed peat lands are often very valuable.

New observations on the behavior of nitrate in cultivated soil, II, J. VOCEL (Landw. Vers. Stat., 78 (1912), No. 3–4, pp. 265–301; abs. in Jour. Chem. Soc. [London], 102 (1912), No. 601, II, p. 1089; Chem. Zentbl., 1912, II, No. 26, pp. 2134, 2135; Internat. Inst. Agr. [Rome], Bul. Bur. Agr. Intel. and Plant Diseases, 3, (1912), No. 11, pp. 2379, 2380; Jour. Soc. Chem. Indus., 32 (1913), No. 2, p. 100).-Summarizing the results of studies of changes in the soil Litrates reported in this and a previous paper (E. S. R., 27, p. 626), the author maintains that the present conception to the effect that sodium nitrate remains unchanged in soil when uncultivated and protected from washing, is not correct. On the contrary, there are conditions under which a rapid and extensive decomposition of the nitric acid salts of the soil takes place, forming oxids of nitrogen of different kinds, and sometimes probably also nitrogen and ammonia. The processes are, therefore, accompanied by losses of nitrogen.

Such decomposition of nitrates takes place when there is a distribution of the salt in very shallow layers of soil and when a definite water content is maintained for some time. This water content lies between 15 and 20 per cent with average soils, but may be higher or lower according to special conditions. When the water content becomes so high that puddling of the soil results, there is no longer any decomposition of the nitrates.

The decomposition process is purely chemical and presents a typical surface reaction in which colloid-chemical processes probably play a rôle. Microorganisms are not concerned in the reaction.

The reaction is rapid and may reach its highest point in 3 or 4 days. After the reaction the soil is dry and powdery and settles slowly when washed with water. The reaction took place in all mineral soils used in the experiment irrespective of color and texture. The humus content alone, therefore, can hardly be the causative agent of the reaction.

Nitrate deposits, H. S. GALE (U. S. Geol. Survey Bul. 523, pp. 36, pls. 2, figs. 2; abs. in Amer. Fert., 37 (1912), No. 11, pp. 37-44, figs. 2).—The bulletin describes and discusses the origin of the principal nitrate deposits of the world, including also accounts of the known deposits in the United States, none of which is at present of commercial importance.

The nitrate deposits, W. S. MYERS (Commercial Fert., 5 (1912), No. 4, p. 26). It is stated that "there are probably, in round numbers, 1,000,000,000 tons of nitrate in the deposits of Chile, and, without doubt, large supplies also exist on lands now but incompletely prospected. The surveyed and certified tonnage opened up at the present time ready for extracting is fully 250,000,000 tons."

The ammonia production (Amer. Fert., 38 (1913), No. 1, p. 32).—It is stated that the ammonia production in the United States in 1912 calculated as ammonium sulphate was 155,000 short tons as compared with 127,000 tons in 1911. At the beginning of 1912 there were 4,624 by-product coke ovens in operation in the United States and 698 in process of construction. It is estimated that from 55,000 to 60,000 tons of ammonium sulphate was imported into the United States in 1912 and that the total consumption of this materal in that year was from 210,000 to 215,000 tons as against 221,633 tons in 1911.

Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in nature and in industry, A. KROCZER (Österr. Chem. Ztg., 15 (1912), Nos. 17, pp. 226–231; 18, pp. 245–247; abs. in Chem. Ztg., 36 (1912), No. 155, Rèpert., p. 691).—This is a review of progress in the knowledge of natural chemical fixation of nitrogen, symbiotic and nonsymbiotic fixation by micro-organisms, and technical fixation by electrical processes.

Potash from seaweed (Chem. Trade Jour., 51 (1912), No. 1335, p. 646).—Two attempts which are now being made in California to extract potash from seaweed on a commercial scale are briefly described.

Potash in Nebraska (Amer. Fert., 37 (1912), No. 11, p. 54).—A brief account is given of investigations by the U. S. Geological Survey showing that certain of the small shallow alkali lakes occurring in the sand hills of Nebraska contain considerable percentages of potash salts.

Potash in the Permian rocks of Texas, J. A. UDDEN (Amer. Fert., 37 (1912), No. 12, pp. 40, 41).-Analyses of water from a deep well (3,000 ft.) at Spur, Texas, showed the presence of considerable amounts of anhydrite and salt, and indicate that the general physical conditions prevailing during the formation of the sediments here were like those prevailing in the Stassfurt region when the salt beds were formed there."

Phonolite as a fertilizer from the standpoint of its mineralogical-petrographic nature and chemical properties, E. BLANCK (Fühling's Landw. Ztg., 61 (1912), No. 21, pp. 721-731).-The potash in the phonolite is stated to be largely in the form of leucite, with smaller amounts of nepheline and other silicates. The fertilizing action of the phonolite is due mainly to the nepheline and leucite and must necessarily be small as compared with potash salts.

Submarine formation of phosphates (Rev. Sci. [Paris], 50 (1912), II, No. 14, p. 433).-A discussion by Joleaud of the origin and formation of the phosphate deposits of Tunis is briefly reviewed.

The effects of calcium and magnesium carbonates on some biological transformations of nitrogen in soils, W. P. KELLEY (Univ. Cal. Pubs. Agr. Sci., 1 (1912), No. 3, pp. 39–49).-The author reviews investigations on the subject by others and reports a preliminary study of the effect of varying amounts of calcium and magnesium carbonates, alone and combined, on ammonification and nitrification of dried blood in two different sandy soils from California. The results show that "calcium carbonate stimulated the ammonification of dried blood to a limited extent but exercised a more noteworthy stimulating effect on nitrification. With magnesium carbonate a pronounced toxic effect was produced. In the ammonification of dried blood there was sustained a loss of about one-third as compared with the experiments without the use of carbonates, while in the nitrification experiments magnesium carbonate completely inhibited nitrate formation. It is also noteworthy that no evidence of antagonism between calcium and magnesium carbonates was observed."

Manganese as a fertilizer, M. X. SULLIVAN and W. O. ROBINSON (U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Soils Circ. 75, pp. 3).-The distribution of manganese in soils and its effect upon the growth of plants are briefly discussed.

Of the 26 American soils recently analyzed "all contain manganese (MnO) in proportions ranging from 0.01 to 0.51 per cent. The average content in these soils is 0.20 per cent, or about 8,000 lbs. in the acre-foot."

Experiments abroad with manganese salts as fertilizer are referred to. Manures, R. H. CARTER and S. J. M. AULD (Jour. Southeast. Agr. Col. Wye, 1911, No. 20, pp. 248-261).-Analyses of miscellaneous fertilizing materials, including wool dust, shoddy and shoddy waste, cloth waste, fur waste, hair waste, fish guano, quail guano, Peruvian guano, bone meal, rape dust, manila wastings, rag refuse, cotton-seed waste, and esparto grass dust, are reported and discussed. It is stated that many of these materials are used in large quantities by hop and fruit growers in Kent.

Analyses of commercial fertilizers, 1912 (New York State Sta. Bul. 354, pp. 363–482).—The report gives the guarantied composition and actual analyses of samples collected during the year by the commissioner of agriculture of New York.

Analyses of commercial fertilizers, B. L. HARTWELL ET AL. (Rhode Island Sta. Insp. Bul., 1912, Oct., pp. 8).-Guarantied and actual analyses and valuations of a part of the fertilizers inspected during 1912 are reported.

Analyses of commercial fertilizers, R. N. BRACKETT ET AL. (South Carolina Sta. Bul. 171, pp. 68).-The bulletin reports analyses and valuations of 1,689 samples of fertilizers examined during the season of 1911-12. Explanations of fertilizer terms and provisions of the state fertilizer law, the taking of samples by farmers, and valuation of fertilizers are given.

Fertilizer inspection, 1912, A. MCGILL (Lab. Inland Rev. Dept. Canada Bul. 242, pp. 37).-Analyses of 323 samples of fertilizers collected in Canada during April and May, 1912, are reported. "Of this number 287 samples meet the guarantied value of the brands which they represent, and for which they are sold." One hundred and eight of the brands examined were imported.


The progress of agricultural bacteriology, I, II, F. LÖHNIS (Ztschr. Gärungsphysiol., 1 (1912), Nos. 1, pp. 68-74; 4, pp. 340-370).—Of some 1,200 investigations in agricultural bacteriology published since the appearance of 86470°-No. 6-13-3

the author's Handbook of Agricultural Bacteriology in 1910 (E. S. R., 23, p. 720), he has selected those considered most valuable in this connection as the basis of discussion in these two articles. The topics are treated in much the same order as in the handbook, giving in very condensed form a digest of the results and views presented by various authors, including a discussion of the presence and activity of bacteria in food stuffs, milk products, manures, and soils. An extensive bibliography is appended.

On the fungi of the soil, ELIZABETH DALE (Ann. Mycol., 10 (1912), No. 5, pp. 452–477, pls. 6).—A study is reported of the fungus flora of two soils taken from adjacent plats on the Royal Agricultural Society's farm at Woburn. The soil is light and sandy. Twenty genera of fungi were obtained from the samples of soil, and the species are described at some length. Attention is called to the striking resemblance to the fungus flora of North American soils as described by Jensen (E. S. R., 27, p. 728), many of the genera and species being the same as those determined by the author.

The influence of medium on some of the lower fungi, L. RAYBAUD (Rev. Gén. Bot., 24 (1912), No. 286, pp. 392-402).-The results are given of the author's investigations on the effect of light, pressure, vapor tension, osmotic strength of solutions, transpiration, and nutrient media on the growth and sporulation of Phycomyces nitens and Rhizopus nigricans.

Studies on Azotobacter.-I, Morphology and cytology, A. PRAZMOWSKI (Bul. Internat. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, Cl. Sci. Math. et Nat., Ser. B, 1912, No. 3, pp. 87-174, pls. 3).-The author gives an account of the present state of knowledge concerning the life and activities of A. chroococcum; of some investigations and the methods followed; and of the general and special morphology and the general and special cytology of this organism. A bibliography is appended.

Cytological and experimental studies in Citrus, I. Osawa (Jour. Col. Agr. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 4 (1912), No. 2, pp. 83-116, pls. 5, fig. 1).-The author has investigated the development of pollen grains and embryo sacs in Citrus in general, and studied the irregularities and anomalies occurring in the varieties Unshu and Washington Navel. Among the conclusions given are the following: In C. trifoliata, fertilization appears to take place about 4 weeks after pollination. The primary endosperm nucleus may divide immediately after fertilization, and earlier than the oospore nucleus. The first nuclear division of the oospore appears to take place 3 or 4 weeks after fertilization.

In a study of the fruits the author found that the so-called "navel" at the top of the Washington Navel orange is due to the multiplication of loculi and carpels, and to the protrusion of these new carpels beyond the top of the fruit. In studying the pollen grains he found that in the variety Unshu they are mostly irregularly shaped and sterile. Disintegration of the pollen cells in the Washington Navel orange occurs as early as the sporogenous stage, and no pollen grains are found in the anthers at the time of flowering.

Disintegration of the embryo sacs sometimes takes place in the varieties studied. As normal embryo sacs are produced in Unshu and Washington Navel they may produce a few seeds if pollinated with good pollen grains from fertile species of Citrus. The small number of seeds in many cases is evidently due to the frequent disintegration of the embryo sacs. Seedless fruits in Citrus are produced, chiefly owing to the lack of fertility of pollen grains and partially to the frequent disintegration of the embryo sacs.

Cytological investigations on the formation of starch and plastids in plants, A. GUILLIERMOND (Arch. Anat. Micros., 14 (1912), No. 3, pp. 309–428, pls. 6, figs. 11). A report is given on the method of formation of starch and the origin of plastids in plants.

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