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The 3rd clause of the 26th section of the school Act makes it the duty of the Municipal Council of each County "To appoint annually a local Superintendent of schools for the whole county, or for one or more townships in such county, as it shall judge expedient," &c., &c. .

By the supplementary Act of the present Session of the Legislature, 16th Victoria, chapter 23, the foregoing clause of the law has been modified, so far as it relates to the annual appointment of a local Superintendent, in the following terms:

"V. And be it enacted, That any person who has been, or may be, appointed local Superintendent of Schools shall continue in office, (unless he resigns, or is removed from office for neglect of duty, improper conduct, or incompetency,) until the first day of April of the year following that of his appointment, and during the pleasure of the Council appointing him:-Provided always, that no local Superintendent shall be a teacher or trustee of any common school during the period of his being in office."


This is one of the most important duties that each County Council has to perform. The value of the office of local Superintendent depends entirely upon the qualifications, abilities, and industry of the person appointed. We implore the members of County Councils not to allow themselves to be influenced by any personal or local consideration in appointing or continuing any person in the office of local Superintendent who is not a good scholar, in at least all the branches of an English education. appoint any person not thus qualified, however good a man he may be in other respects, is a burlesque upon the office itself, is a waste of public money, and is a great injury to the improvement and interests of the schools. It will be recollected that it is not only the duty of the local Superintendent to attend to financial and other matters of business that require judgment and knowledge, but to the examination of teachers and schools in English grammar, arithmetic, geography, history, algebra, mensuration, &c., &c., and to prepare and deliver public lectures on education in each school section. The local Superintendent should, therefore, not only be better educated than the school teachers generally under his inspection, including a knowledge of teaching, but he should be the best educated man within the limits of his charge, if such person can be obtained to perform the duties of the office. We sincerely hope that there will be no exceptions the ensuing year to the care and discretion which County Councils have generally exercised the last and present year in the selection and appointment of local Superintendents.




13 and 14 Vict. ch. 48 cited.

16th Victoria, chapter XXIII.

[10th November, 1852.]

Wther provision for the improvement of Com

HEREAS it is expedient to make some fur

mon Schools in Upper Canada, and to modify and extend some of the provisions of the Act thirteenth and fourteenth Victoria, chapter forty-eight, intituled, An Act for the better establishment and maintenance of Common Schools in Upper Canada; Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled, An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada, and it is hereby

Powers of City, Town and Village Trustees extended.

enacted by the authority of the game, That the Board of School Trustees in each City, Town and Incorporated Village, shall, in addition to the powers with which they are now legally invested, possess and exercise, as far as they shall judge expedient, in regard to each such City, Town and Incorporated Village, all the powers with which the Trustees of each School Section are or may be invested by law in regard to each such School Section.

No rate per capita shall be im posed upon children.

Trustees to provide Register and Visitors' Book.

Union with Gram

mar School.

Personal responsibility of Trus




II. And be it enacted, That no rate shall be imposed upon the inhabitants of any School Section according to the whole number of children, or of the number of children of legal school age, residing in such section: Provided, that the Trustees of each School Section shall see that each School under their charge is, at all times, duly provided with a Register and Visitors' Book, in the form prepared according to law: Provided, secondly, that the Trustees of each School Section shall have authority to take such steps as they may judge expedient to unite their schools with any public Grammar School, which shall be situated within or adjacent to the limits of their School Section: Provided, thirdly, that the Trustees of each School Section shall be personally responsible for the amount of any School moneys which shall be forfeited and lost to such School Section during the period of their continuance in office, in consequence of their neglect of duty; and the amount thus forfeited or lost shall be collected and applied in the manner provided by the fines on Trustees. ninth section of the said Act, thirteenth and fourteenth Victoria, chapter forty-eight, for the collection and application of the fines imposed by the said section: Provided, fourthly, Penalty on Trusthat the Trustees of each School Section, shall, each personally forfeit the sum of one pound five shillings for each and every week that they shall neglect, after the fifteenth of January in each year, to prepare and forward to their ocal Superintendent of Schools, their School Report, as required by law, for the year ending the thirty-first December immediately preceding; and which sum or sums thus forfeited, How applied. shall be sued for by such local Superintendent, and collected and applied in the manner provided by the proviso of this section, immediately preceding: Provided, fifthly, that no agreement between Trustees and a Teacher in School Section, made between the first of October and the second Wednesday in January, shall be valid or binding on either party after the second Wednesday in January, unless such agreement shall have been signed by the two Trustees of such School Section, whose period of office shall extend to one year beyond the second Wednesday of January, after the signing of such agreement.

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Trustees to assess for School Sites.

call a Special

III. And be it enacted, That the Trustees of each School Section shall have the same authority to assess and collect rates for the purpose of purchasing School Sites and the erection of School Houses, with which they are, or may be invested by law to assess and collect for other School purposes: Provided always, that they shall take no steps for Proviso-Must procuring a School Site on which to erect a new School House, or changing the site of a School Meeting therefor. House established, or that may be hereafter established, without calling a Special Meeting of the Freeholders and Householders of their Section to consider the matter; and if a majority of such Freeholders and Householders present at such Meeting, differ from a majority of the Trustees, as to the site of a School House, the question shall be disposed of in the manner prescribed by the eleventh section of the said Act, thirteenth and fourteenth Victoria, chapter forty-eight.

Mode of proceed


Children from

other Sections not to be reported

dent to continue

LocalSuperintenin office till April,

or longer.

IV. And be it enacted, That in the event of any person residing in one School Section, sending a child or children to the School of a neighbouring School Section, such child or children shall not be returned as attending any other than the School of the Section in which the parents or guardians of such child or children reside. V. And be it enacted, That any person who has been, or may be, appointed local Superintendent of Schools shall continue in office, (unless he resigns, or is removed from office for neglect of duty, improper conduct or incompetency,) until the first day of April of the year following that of his appointment, and during the pleasure of the Council appointing him: Provided always, that no local Superintendent shall be a Teacher or Trustee of any Common School during the period of his being in office: Provided, secondly, that no local Superintendent shall be required (unless he shall judge it expedient, and except with a view to the adjust

Shall not be a

Trustee or


Powers and obli

gations. Relating to visits.

ment of disputes, or unless specially required by the County Municipality,) to make more than two official visits to each School Section under his charge; one of which visits shall be made some time between the first of April and the first of October, and the other some time between the first of October and the first of April: Provided,

To Union Schools.

thirdly, that the local Superintendents of adjoining Townships shall have authority to determine the sum or sums which shall be payable from the School apportionment and assessment of each Township in support of Schools of Union School Sections, consisting of portions of such Townships; and they shall also determine the manner in which such sum or sums shall be paid: Provided, fourthly, that in the event of one person being local Superintendent of each of the Townships concerned, he shall act in behalf of such Townships; and in the event of the local Superintendents of Townships thus concerned not being able to agree as to the sum or sums to be paid to each such Township, the matter shall be referred the Warden of the County for final decision: To Special School Provided, fifthly, that each local Superintendent of Section Meetings. Schools shall have authority to appoint the time and place of a Special School Section Meeting, at any time and for any lawful purpose, should he deem it expedient to do so: Provided, sixthly, that each local Superintendent of Schools shall have authority within twenty days after any meeting for the election of Common School Trustees within the limits of his charge, to receive and investigate any complaint respecting the mode of conducting such election, and to confirm it, or set it aside, and appoint the time and place of a new election, as he shall judge right and proper: Provided, seventhly, that each local Superintendent shall have in ted certificates authority on due examination, (according to the to Teachers. programme authorized by law for the examination of Teachers,) to give any candidate a certificate of qualification to teach a School within the limits of the charge of such Superintenent, until the next ensuing meeting (and no longer) of the County Board of Public Instruction of which such local Superintendent is a member; but no such certificate of qualification shall be given a second time, or shall be valid if given a second time, to the same

To Investigating Election Complaints.

To Special and li

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How election of Trustees in Vil

lages shall take


VI. And be it enacted, That in any Village in Upper Canada, which shall become incorporated according to law, an election of a Board of School Trustees for such Village shall take place as soon as convenient in the manner provided and authorized for incorporated Villages in the twenty-fifth section of the said Act, thirteenth and fourteenth Victoria, chapter forty-eight: Provided always, that the time of the first election of such Board of School Trustees, shall be fixed by the Reeve of such Village, or in case of his neglecting to do so for one month, by any two Freeholders in such Village, on giving six days' notice in at least three public places in such Village: Provided also, that all elections of School Trustees that have taken place in Villages which have been incorporated since one thousand eight hundred and fifty, shall be and are hereby confirmed. and the acts of Boards of School Trustees so elected in such Villages are hereby made as valid as if such Boards had been elected for Villages incorporated before one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and in all cases the Chairman shall be elected by the Trustees from their own body, and shall have a right to vote at all times, and also, a second or casting vote in cases of an equality of votes.

Former elections


Vote of Chairman of the Board.

City, Town and Village Electors to make a decla


VII. And be it enacted, That in case of the right of any person to vote at an election of a Trustee or Trustees in any City, Town, or incorporated Village, be objected to, the Returning Officer presiding a such election shall require the person whose right of voting is thus objected to, to make the following declaration: "I do declare and affirm that I have been rated on the assessmentroll of this City (Town or Village, as the case may be) as a Freeholder (or Householder, as the case may be) and that I have paid


False declaration to be a misdemeanor.

a tax in this ward, (or Village, as the case may be,) within the last twelve months, and that I am legally qualified to vote at this election." And the person making such declaration shall be permitted to vote: Provided always, that any person who shall, on the complaint of any person, be convicted of wilfully making a false declaration of his right to vote, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and punishable by fine and imprisonment in the manner provided for similar cases in the seventh section of the said Act, thirteenth and fourteenth Victoria, chapter forty-eight.

VIII. And be it enacted, That such of the provisions of the Act thirteenth and fourteenth Victoria, chapter forty-eight, as are contrary to the provisions of this Act, shall be and are hereby repealed.

Provision of 13th and 14th Vict.

ch. 48, contrary

to this Act re


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The Growth and Prospects of Canada-Two Lectures by the
Rev. A. Lillie-in a pamphlet, pp. 48........
Back Valumes of the Journal of Education, nearly stitched, can
be supplied postage free, at, per volume,

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0 0 71



Maps on enamelled card, size 6 inches by 4, suitable for prizes, 20 in a set, 2s. 6d. per dozen or 3d. each. A large assortment of School Maps in sheets, and coloured. Size, 14 inches by 12,-20 inches by 16,-24 inches by 20, &c.-at 6d., 74d., 18., and 1s. 3d. each.-Prints, Object, and Tablet Lessons, Atlases and Maps, in great variety. Selections carefully made, when requested to do so, by parties sending an order.

N. B.-Any of the foregoing can be sent by post or at moderate rates by Expresses which run regularly between Toronto and London, U. C., and Toronto and Montreal, stopping at the intermediate towns on the route. Persons sending for articles are required to enclose the amount required to pay for them, and also to state the mode of conveyance to be adopted. Postage stamps received for small sums.

The Stock of Maps, Charts, Prints, Diagrams, Illustrations, Apparatus, &c., is now very complete. See the Descriptive Catalogue published in the Journal of Education for January, April, September, and October of this year, and in the hands of each local Superintendent and County Clerk.

WANTED, a MALE TEACHER, holding a Second Class Certi

ficate, for School Section, No. 4, in Uxbridge. Salary about £50 per annum. Apply to Mr. David Forsyth, Stouffville Post Office.


Benjamin Paine, Delaware, County of Middlesex, C. W.

WANTED A SCHOOL, by a young man whose present en

gagement terminates in January. He has a second class certificate from the Board of Instruction for the United Counties of York, Ontario and Peel, and can produce a certificate from the Trustees of the School he is at present teaching. Apply (post-paid) by letter, to A. E., Buttonville, P. O., Mark ham, stating salary.

TORONTO: Printed and Published by THOMAS HUGH BENTLEY. TERMS: For a single copy, 5s. per annum; not less than 8 copies, 4s. 41d. each, or $7 for the 8; not less than 12 copies, 4s. 2d. each, or $10 for the 12; 20 copies and upwards, 3s, 9d. each. Back Vols. neatly stitched supplied on the same terms. AI J subscriptions to commence with the January number, and payinent in advance must in all cases accompany the order. Single numbers, 74d. each.

All cominunications to be addressed to Mr. J. GEORGE Holgins,
Education Office, Toronto,

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Upper Canada, 24.

Literature, Library Catalogue of,123. Act, New School, U. C., 54, 81, 88. Appointments in Normal and Model Schools, U. C., 56.

Advantages of a system of Schools, 17.

Addresses to Rev. Dr. Ryerson, 38, 52. 59, 70.
Do to Mr J. H. Sangster, 53.
Arctic Expeditions, 63, 173.
Animal and Vegetable Matter, 68.

Apportionment to Common Schools for 1853, 38, 40, 90, 144.

Do to Public Libraries, 72 169.

Average attendance basis 144.

Application to Study, by Dr. Chalmers 151.

Arts, Useful, the Magnetic in, 158.

Arts useful, Catalogue of Libraries, books on the 119.

America, Education in, 185.

American Provinces, Statistics of B.N. 159.
Arago, Obituary notice of 161.

Animals, Skeletons of, to procure, 174.

Absentee Land-holders, 38, 83.

Auditing School Accounts 38, 143.

Agriculture, Catalogue of Library books on, 118. Ancient Literature, Library Catalogue of, 124. American and Canadian Schools, Expense of contrasted, 28.

Athol U.C., School Progress in, 10.

Appelate Jurisdiction of the N. Y. State, SuperinAuthority of the Teacher, 181.

tendent, 50.

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Dublin University 30.


Discipline in Schools, 7, 17, 21.
Dartmouth College 63.

Denominational Schools, Evils of 65.

Dictionaries for Public Libraries U.C. 121.
Discontent and Ignorance 181

Domestic Life, Works relating to, 132.
Decimal Coinage, the, 159.

Diligence, the Reward of 13.

Done what is here Well Done, 162.

Debts, American State Debts 74.
Dull Children 166.

Designs, Transferring, 174.



Education, National in Upper Canada 8. Educational Wants in the State of New York 24.

Education in Upper Canada, American opinions of, 24.

Municipal Appropriations for Public Libraries


Education in Upper Canada, Necessity for increase 72.

The Supplementary School Act, U.C. 88. Educational Institutions of a Country one inter est 152.

First Apportionment of the Legislative Library Grant in U. C. 168.

First Years' Culture of the Normal School Grounds, 170.

University College, Toronto, 172.

Review of the year 1858' 182.

Parliamentary Report on the L. C. system of
Education, 184.

Education, State, without a State Fund 1.
Education, Past and Present 33.

Education, Influence of Detective 71

Education, Value of a Free People, 86, 157.
Education in U.C., 8,23,39, 55.

Education, Rules for Home Education, 166.
Education of Farmers, 175, and labor 181.
Educational Intelligence, Various, 14, 29, 45, 61,
75, 157.

Essentials in Common Schools, 21.

Elections, Free Schools, in U. C, 1853, 26.] Expense of Canadian and American Schools compared 26.

Elgin, Lord, on Personal Responsibility 41.
Edinburgh Review and American Education 179.
Europe, Popular Education, in, 44.
England, the greatness of 22.

England, Education in 33, 47, 77, 172.
English Travellers on the Continent, 185.
English Literature, Works on, for Libraries in U.
C. 120.

Eminence, Poor Boy raised to, 164.j
Errors in Teaching, 178.

Eclipses in 1858, 79.

Earth Mensuration of the, 174.

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