Being Byzantine: Greek Identity Before the Ottomans, 1200-1420

Front Cover
Cambridge University Press, Oct 30, 2008 - History - 330 pages
In 1204, the Byzantine Empire was conquered by troops from western Europe ostensibly taking part in the Fourth Crusade. This was a hugely significant event for the subjects of the Empire, radically altering the Byzantines' self-image and weakening their state for the later conflict with the Ottoman Turks. Using the theory of ethnicity - a comparatively recent tool with regard to the pre-modern era - Gill Page provides fresh insight into the late Byzantine period, providing a corrective to nationalistic interpretations of the period of Frankish rule and more broadly to generally held assumptions of ethnic hostility in the period. A systematic analysis of texts in Greek from the period 1200-1420, from both ends of the social spectrum, is backed up by an in-depth study of Frankish rule in the Peloponnese to reveal the trends in the development of Byzantine identity under the impact of the Franks.

About the author (2008)

Gill Page studied Classics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, before beginning a career in museum education. After completing an MA in Medieval History at the University of Manchester, Dr Page went on to complete a doctorate at the University of Leeds.

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