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A PARAPHRASE AND COMMENTARY ON THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. By ARCHIBALD M LEAN. In two vols. Vol. I. London: Fullarton. THIS Constitutes, we believe, the second volume of the beautiful and cheap reprint of M'Lean's works now issuing from the press at Elgin. Those of our readers who are acquainted with the writings of this well-instructed minister of the truth, will not need our testimony on their behalf. To others, we say, if you desire to comprehend the scope and meaning of this Divine epistle, and to master the treasures of Divine knowledge it imparts, delay not to take in hand the Commentary of M'Lean. It is a noble specimen of Scriptural exposition. LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE ILLUSTRATED AND THE SOCIAL RELATIONS SUSTAINED BY CHRISTIANS AS MEMBERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH CONSIDERED. By J. W. MASSIE, D.D. London: Snow.

DR. MASSIE delivered a Series of Lectures, in many of our chief towns, in illustration of Herbert's splendid historical picture of "The Independents asserting Liberty of Conscience in the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1644." These Lectures were made the vehicle of much enlightened sentiment on the subject of liberty and persecution, the province of civil government, and the progress of society. The volume presents a rapid, but well-filled, outline of one of the most interesting and remarkable periods in the history of our land, with many vivid and skilfully-drawn portraits of the most earnest actors in that stern and stirring age.

A VOICE FROM HEAVEN CONCERNING THE DEAD WHO DIE IN THE LORD, with some Account of the late Mrs. Sands. By PHILIP CATER. London: Hamilton and Co.

AN affectionate memorial of the individual to whom it refers, which will, doubtless, be interesting to the relatives and friends of the departed.

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THIS treatise obtained the prize of £100, offered two years ago by the Sunday School Union of London, in concert with that of Manchester, for the best book of practical instruction for Sunday-school teachers. We cannot of course say how much of talent and wise counsel were put forth in the other competing but unsuccessful essays; but we may without contradiction affirm that Mrs. Davids' volume is deserving of continued and repeated study. Each topic is treated with care, the authoress entering with considerable minuteness into those details on which efficiency in school management so much depends. The merits of various theories and plans are fully and fairly discussed; yet the writer, so far from losing herself in theorizing, has composed a very admirable and trustworthy hand-book of practical directions for the teacher's guidance. It is a very excellent essay, on a topic more than ever important to the religious welfare of the rising race and the permanent prosperity of the Church of Christ.


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LESSONS ON THE TRAVELS AND VOYAGES OF ST. PAUL. For the use of Schools. By a LADY. London: Groombridge and Son.

A SYNOPSIS of the life and travels of the Apostle Paul, well suited to aid in conducting Bible classes, and promote an acquaintance with an important portion of divine truth.

C. S. Miall and S. Cockshaw, Printers, Horse-shoe-court, Ludgate-hill.

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Bisram Ghát is the sanctum sanctorum of Muttra. Here, it is said, Krishna rested, or took bisram (rest), after his conflict with Kans, the giant, for the destruction of whom he had become incarnate. In the centre of the area may be seen a small cupola, under which a golden image of the god is seated on a velvet throne, bedecked with gold and silver lace. Two triumphal arches are before, under the outermost of which every evening a large chandelier, or lamp with many branches, is lighted and heaved up and down, while showers of flowers are thrown over it and horrid music sounds. This is the chief bathing place. Thousands of turtle live here on grain given by pilgrims.






This address is referred to in the Periodical Accounts, vol. i. p. 520, in the following terms. "After the opportunity was over"-a designation service at Olney-"the missionaries, accompanied by Mr. Fuller, set off for London. There they met with their brethren from Bristol, and presently felt themselves to be of one heart and of one soul. It was expected that the ship would sail in a few days, but it being detained in harbour beyond the time, opportunity was afforded for a public meeting in London; and which was held at Mr. Booth's place of worship, on Friday, May 10. Brethren Thomas Thomas, Timothy Thomas, and Button engaged in prayer, and Mr. Booth addressed the missionaries at their own request, and in a very serious and suitable manner, on the interesting, honourable, and arduous nature of their undertaking. The London brethren were much interested in the work, and carried it very affectionately to the missionaries."

The following notes of the address, which have recently come into the hands of the secretary, were from the pen of a deceased lady who was present. Their publication will afford both s pleasant retrospect of transactions which took place forty-eight years ago, and a useful study for those who are still in the field of labour.

Your engagement, my dear friends, issionaries who are already engaged in the work interesting, honourable, and arduous. of evangelizing the heathen-how would they Interesting to yourselves in the sacrifices participate in our most delightful sensations, you make in leaving your native country, could they witness the solemnities of this day your relatives, and your religious connexions-how will their hearts be gladdened if you -interesting in the influence your change of are preserved in safety and in health, by country may have on your future destinies, meeting you on the plains of Hindostan. If and on those of your families-interesting to you are rendered instrumental in opening the your relatives and friends, who part with you eyes of the blind and unstopping the ears of almost without a hope of seeing you again in the deaf, your mission will be very interesting this world-interesting to the religious socie- to the poor heathen, though they know it not ties with which you are connected-interest- yet. May I not say that your mission, if ing especially to the Society by whom you successful, will be interesting to the angelic are sent out, and to each of us who are pre-hosts? Yes; you will recollect who it was sent, and who are deeply concerned for the that said, "There is joy in heaven over one success of the cause in which you are engaged sinner that repenteth.' -interesting, highly interesting, to those mis

Your engagement, my brethren, is honour

able. You are not going to quit your own you must lay your foundations deep in Chriscountry to pursue those studies by which you tianity. Endeavour to increase in your acmay attain knowledge that may be useful quaintance with yourselves and with the merely in the present life, much less to obtain scriptures. Live much in the exercise of the spoils of oppression. It is honourable prayer. Your characters as missionaries must because you are governed by the dictates of be built on your character as Christians and conscience and influenced by a regard for the as ministers. The people among whom you happiness of your fellow men. You have not are going to reside may not understand all been induced by any persuasions to make the that you say respecting religion, but they will sacrifices you are about to make; your con- understand the import of your conduct. They duct has been, I doubt not, the effect of sub- know something of what is meant by virtue, mission to the authority of the great Christian and will be able to see whether you practice Legislator, who has said, "Go ye into all it. Be careful, then, that your whole deportthe world and preach the gospel to every ment is consistent with the professions you creature;" of conviction that to you these have made-that it is a life of consistent words are addressed, and that it is the duty of piety. each of you to dedicate yourselves in this Most of you who are now going out are in way to the service of God and of benevo- the conjugal state. Your wives have exlence to your fellow creatures, to promote pressed their readiness to accompany you, whose best interests you are willing to make and this not in consequence of over persuasuch large and such permanent sacrifices. sion, nor indeed of any persuasion that I am The cause in which you have embarked aware of, but influenced,, as we believe you is honourable-it is the cause of God, of are, by a sense of duty and benevolence. the infinitely compassionate God, who is Let these wives, who renounee their country not willing that any should perish, but that and their friends to accompany you in such a all should come to the knowledge of the mission, possess your first regards, enjoy your truth. It is the cause for which He who most tender attentions. was the brightness of the Father's glory and the express image of his person, left the realms of bliss, sojourned for a season among sinful men, and at last endured the painful and ignominious death of the cross. In the faithful discharge of your mission you will become fellow workers with God. You have reason to expect the gracious assistance of the Holy Spirit, and under his divine influence you will be the means of delivering men from the thraldom of Satan, and of bringing them into the glorious liberty of the sons of God; thus extending the Redeemer's kingdom, and causing him to see of the travail of his soul. This is an honour not conferred on angels, but upon those who are redeemed from among men, and are made the children of God. Oh, how great the honour, how blessed the privilege of making known to the sons of men salvation by the cross of Christ, and of bring ing forward the fulfilment of that prophecy which forms your encouragement-that all the kingdoms of the world shall become the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The engagement you have made is arduous. You know not yet the sacrifices you will be called upon to make; you know not yet the self-denial you will be called upon to practice. It is a cause in which confessors have suffered imprisonment and martyrs have bled; not that I wish you to seek for martyrdom or to court persecution in other forms, but it is necessary to your success that you should cultivate a proper spirit both as ministers and as missionaries. Permit me to propose for your imitation the spirit and the conduct of Him who is styled in scripture the Apostle and High Priest of our profession.

If you wish to be successful as missionaries

When you shall be able to address the natives in their own language, conscientiously endeavour to make them converts to Christ, and not to yourselves. Endeavour to bring their consciences into subjection to Christ, and tell them you do not wish them to believe what you say further than they find that it corresponds with the sacred scriptures. Tell them that your religion is the religion of the bible. Guard against being too highly elated if you should be successful preachers of the gospel. I know nothing that a man has more reason to dread on his own account than being a remarkably successful preacher. We are at all times too ready to sacrifice to our own net, and burn incense to our own drag, and while men are rejoicing in being eminently useful in the conversion of sinners, they sometimes pierce their own souls with many sorrows. Do not, on the other hand, despond if you should labour long before the word is blessed, and you see the fruit of your labours. Recollect, if there should be reason to recur to such a circumstance, the pious and for a long time unproductive labours of one of the first missionaries, David Brainerd; recollect the self-denying, and, in their earlier period, the discouraging labours of the Moravian brethren in Greenland. Trace the effects of perseverance in this labour of love, and remember that he that goeth forth with tears bearing precious seed, shall return at length laden with sheaves.

Permit me to add one word before I conclude. Carefully avoid all political interference with the governments under which you may reside. You are not sent to teach men what political system is the best, but you are the servants of Him whose kingdom is

not of this world. Carefully, then, abstain | proper manner towards their civil governfrom every thing which might tend to lessen ors, showing by your own example that your usefulness, and teach those who hear Christianity is a system highly beneficial to you to conduct themselves in a peaceable and | civil society.



Mr. Lewis, whose arrival in this city has already been announced, speaks cheerfully of his prospects. Writing on the 2nd of July, he says,—

I am now giving all my time and strength to Bengali, and I hope, judging from the pleasure with which I study it, and from the ease with which I have acquired the rudiments, that I shall soon master it.

ing. We greatly admire and love them all, and we esteem it no small privilege to be associated with men so truly affectionate and endowed with so much piety, and with such prolonged experience.

At present, the only assistance I am able We are at present well. Mrs. Lewis's to render to the brethren is in the way of health has been decidedly improved by the relieving them occasionally in English preach-change. Our little boy thrives very nicely.


The accounts which have reached us respecting this station have been of a mixed and perplexing character. Missionaries who have visited it believe that a very great number of the recent converts have been in truth turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God; but there are circumstances relating to Mr. Bareiro himself which are, to say the least, very questionable and suspicious in their aspect. Our most recent information is from Mr. Thomas, who says, under date of July 2nd,

Brother Parry has been into a part of the native Christians of eight villages, to take Barisal station, and met with about 200 of them under his charge, and is very anxious the native Christians, who are desirous of that somebody should take charge of the religious instruction. In a letter received others, but to enable him to do anything for yesterday he gives a list of twenty-three vil- the religious benefit of the people of those lages, containing about 200 families, and eight villages, he will be obliged immediately comprehending about 900 individuals, who to select men from among his converts to are said to have embraced the Christian labour there. This we shall encourage him name, and to be desirous of religious instruc- to do. tion. Of this number upwards of 200 have been baptized. He gives a very distressing account of the sufferings of the native Christiaus in some of the villages, where they have been plundered of all the property they had, and driven from their houses, by their land


Mr. Parry did not go so far as Barisal, having to appear in one of the local courts on behalf of the poor persecuted people, with a view to obtain justice for them. He has engaged to comply with the request of the

From other stations the intelligence is, on the whole, encouraging; and I begin to entertain the hope that the very painful events which have taken place at the Barisal station will ultimately, and probably at no distant period, turn out to the real advantage of the cause. It is a time of reproof and reproach, but it is also a sifting time; and although there is assuredly a good deal of chaff, I believe there is also a good deal of precious grain.


During the month of April Mr. Parry had the pleasure of receiving seven converts into the church under his charge on a confession of their faith in Christ by baptism.

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