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placed as to obstruct the free and convenient passage of said road, or affect the right and privileges of any person or persons at or near said place.


An ACT to authorize the Supervisors of the County of Steuben to raise money by tax for completing the fireproof Clerk's Office. Passed February 12, 1813.

E it exacted by the people of the state of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That it shall be the duty of the supervisors of the county of Steuben, at their annual meeting on the first Tuesday in October next, to levy and raise by tax on the freeholders and inhabitants of the said county, the sum of five hundred dollars, over and above the expences of collecting the same, which amount may be drawn from the treasury of said county upon the order of the commissioners appointed in a former act, passed the 20th day of March last, for erecting a fire-proof clerk's office; and the said commissioners shall account to the supervisors in the same manner as directed by the act for erecting the said building.

An ACT empowering the Board of Supervisors in the
County of St. Lawrence to raise nine hundred dollars
for the purpose therein mentioned.


Passed February 12, 1813. E it enacted by the people of the state of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the board of supervisors for the county of St. Lawrence be and they are hereby empowered, at any annual meeting, to raise the sum of nine hundred dollars by a tax on said county, in the same way and manner as the other taxes are levied and raised for defraying the contingent expences of said county, and that the same be paid into the treasury of said county, which money shall be drawn out and expended by order or under the direction of the board of supervisors, or such person or persons as they shall appoint, for the purpose of erecting a fire-proof building for an office for the clerk of said county, at such place as they shall think


in said county; and when such building shall be completed to the acceptance of the judges of the court of common pleas of said county, or a majority of them, the records and papers belonging to the office of the clerk of said county shall thereafter be kept in said office, under the care and direction of the clerk of said county and his successors in office.


An ACT authorizing Phinehas Bennet to erect a Dam across the Susquehannah river, in the Town of Unadilla. Passed February 12, 1813.

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E it enacted by the people of the state of New-York, represented in Senate and Assemcly, That it shall and may be lawful for Phinehas Bennet and his heirs to erect and maintain a rolling dam across the Susquehannah river, adjoining the farm of Reuben Bennet, in the town of Unadilla, in the county of Otsego, not exceeding thirty inches high from the bottom of the river in the most shallow part thereof, the lower side from the ridge not less than twelve feet wide; and further, it shall be lawful for the said Phinehas Bennet, his heirs and assigns, from and after the fifteenth day of June in each year, to set a plank or board on his said dam not more than one foot wide, to save the water, if he shall think it necessary, which said plank or board may remain so set up until the first day of March next thereafter in each year, and no longer: And provided nevertheless, That no obstructions shall be made to the passage of boats, rafts or arks in common rafting freshet with the same facility as at present; and should it be found expedient at any future time to improve the navigation of said river, the said Phinehas Bennet shall permit such improvement to be made by locks or otherwise: And provided also, That if the erection of said dam within the period hereby limited shall be found. productive of inconveniencies, either to the public or persons living in the vicinity thereof, the authority hereby granted to the said Phinehas Bennet shall and may be revoked by the court of common pleas of the county wherein said dam is situate: And provided al

so, That the said Phinehas Bennet shall make and kee in repair a good and sufficient lock through his said dam across said river for boats to pass through the sai lock, to be made at such time and in such manner as shall be ordered and directed by the court of common pleas of the county of Otsego, and permit boats to pass up and down said race through said lock free of costs any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided always, That this act shall be and remain in force during the term of ten years, and no longer.


An ACT to divide the Town of Thurman, in the County of Washington. Passed February 12, 1813. E it enacted by the people of the state of New


B York, represented in Senate and Assembly,

That from and after the first Monday in April next, all that part of the town of Thurman, beginning o the east side of the Hudson river, at the north-we corner of the town of Luzerne, thence eastwardly a long the north line of the town of Luzerne until strikes the west line of the town of Caldwell, thence northwardly along the said line to the Schroon river, thence up the said river following the center thereof to the south line of the town of Chester, thence westwardly along the south line of the town of Chester until it strikes the north branch of the Hudson river, thence down the said river to the place of beginning shall be and is hereby erected into a separate town by the name of Warrenburgh; and the first town meet ing shall be held at the house of Melinda Warren, in said town; and all the remaining part of the town of Thurman shall be and remain a separate town by the name of Athol; and the first town meeting shall be held at the house of Stephen Griffin, in said town of Athol.

II. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may be after the first Tuesday in May next, the supervisors and overseers of the poor of the said towns of Warrenburgh and Athol, on notice being first given

by the said supervisors, shall meet together and divide the poor and money belonging to the town of Thurman previous to the division thereof, agreeable to the last tax list, and that each of the said towns shall thereafter respectively maintain their own poor.

III. And be it further enacted, That the annual town meetings in each of the said towns of Warrenburgh and Athol shall be held on the first Tuesday in April in each and every year thereafter.


An ACT relative to the Albany and Delaware Turn-
Passed February 12, 1813.
E it enacted by the people of the state of New-


Bork, represented in and Assembly, That

it shall be lawful for the directors of the Albany and Delaware turnpike, instead of the toll gate nearest to the city of Albany which they are now authorized to J erect by law, to erect an half toll gate on the bridge across the Norman's Kill on the said turnpike, or within one quarter of a mile south thereof; and that the distances mentioned in the acts relating to the said turnpike shall be computed from the said half toll gate ( westward.

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e II. And be it further enacted, That the time for finishing the said turnpike shall, as to the first eight miles thereof from the city, be prolonged for the period of seven years from the passing of this act.


An ACT relative to the Flushing and Newtown Bridge and Road Company.


Passed February 17, 1813. E it enacted by the people of the state of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the proviso contained in the seventh section of the act, entitled "An act for building a bridge over Flushing creek, and constructing a road and establishing a turnpike between Flushing and Newtown, in the county of Queens," be and the same is hereby repealed.


An ACT to amend the act for incorporating the second Great Western Turnpike Road Company.



Passed February 17, 1813.

E it enacted by the people of the state of NewYork, represented in Senate and Assembly,That the time for completing the second great western turnpike road be and the same is hereby extended until the thirty-first day of December, in the year one thou sand eight hundred and fourteen; and that all the pow ers, rights and privileges heretofore granted to the president, directors and company of the second great western turnpike road be and the same are hereby confirmed.

II. And be it further enacted, That whenever the whole extent of the said turnpike road shall be com pleted, inspected and approved of, in the manner prescribed by law, it shall be lawful for the president and directors of the said company to erect one half tol gate thereon at such place as they shall deem prope provided such gate shall not be placed within the dis tance of four miles westerly from the present western most gate erected on the said road.


An ACT concerning the Oisego Free Road.


Passed February 17, 1813. E it enacted by the people of the state of Nen York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That Benjamin Gilbert, William Campbell and Samuel Grif fin be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to examine and make such alterations in the road laid out pursuant to the act to which this is an amendment, in all such places in the town of Middlefield, as they or a majority of them shall judge to be for the public good, and their decision in the premises shall be final and conclusive.

II. And be it further enacted, That the residue of the act hereby amended shall in all respects apply to the commissioners hereby appointed, and to the road to be altered by them.

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