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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by

TICKNOR, REED, and Fields,

in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.

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TROY, N. Y., August 6, 1852.

THE Institute assembled at the Hall of the Athenæum Building, and at 10 o'clock, A. M., was called to order, by the President, Mr. G. F. THAYER, of Boston.

The Institute received a cordial welcome to the city of Troy, from the Mayor, the Hon. George Gould, who, in a neat, concise, and pertinent speech, alluded to the purposes, duties, and position of the Teacher.

The President of the Institute responded in suitable terms, making a happy allusion to the siege of ancient Troy, which was taken and sacked by the passengers of a wooden horse, and expressed a wish that modern Troy, taken though it was by the passengers of the iron horse, might be reserved for a happier fate.

He was answered impromptu by the Mayor, "Non 'timeo Danaos et dona ferentes." "

Reports of the Censors and the Treasurer were read and accepted.

The Introductory Lecture was delivered by Rev. JohnPierpont, of Medford, Mass., on "The True Idea of Utility, as the point at which Teachers should aim.”

Voted, That a Committee of seven be appointed by the Chair, to nominate a list of Officers of the Institute, for the ensuing year; and the following gentlemen were appointed on the Committee: Messrs. Kingsbury of Providence, Philbrick of Boston, Baker of Gloucester, Greenleaf of Brooklyn, N. Y., Russell of Lowell, Ritchie of Roxbury, and King of Lynn.

Voted, To accept the invitation of the Board of Instructors of the Rensselaer Institute, to attend the annual examination of the pupils.

Voted, To accept the invitation of the Troy Young Men's Association, "to use the Library, and Reading Room of the Association, during our stay in Troy."

Adjourned to half-past 2 o'clock, P. M.

The Institute assembled at the hour appointed, and listened to a discussion of the morning Lecture by Mr. Greenleaf, of Bradford, and the lecturer, Rev. Mr. Pierpont.


At three o'clock, a Lecture on ·Self Reliance" was delivered by Mr. Wm. H. Wells, of Newburyport, Mass.

At the close of the foregoing Lecture, a discussion of its topics called forth the views of Messrs. Greenleaf of Bradford, Greenleaf of Brooklyn, Ritchie of Roxbury, Russell of Lowell, and Hedges of Newark, N. J.

The Report of the Committee on "Phonetics," appointed at Keene, Aug. 1851, was read by Dr. Stone, of Boston, and was received; the motion to adopt the report being laid on the table to await the conclusion of the Lecture of Dr. Stone, on the same subject.

At five o'clock, the Lecture of Dr. Stone was delivered. After some discussion relative to the adoption of the report of the Committee on "Phonetics," the Institute


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