THE SPIRIT OF THE PLAYS OF SHAKSPEARE, EXHIBITED IN A SERIES OF OUTLINE PLATES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE STORY OF EACH PLAY. DRAWN AND ENGRAVED BY FRANK HOWARD. WITH QUOTATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. VOL. IV. LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. CADELL, STRAND (BOOKSELLER TO THE ROYAL STREET. 1833 1 THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. 1. The shipwreck of Ægeon and Æmilia. 2. Antipholus taking leave of his father, going with Dromio to search for his brother. 3. The marriage of Antipholus of Ephesus with Adriana, at the desire of the Duke. 4. Ægeon arriving at Ephesus. 5. Antipholus of Syracuse accosted by Adriana and Luciana. 6. Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus at the door of the house, with Angelo and Balthazar. 7. Antipholus of Syracuse, and Luciana.--Luce laying claim to Dromio, in the kitchen, as her husband. 8. Antipholus of Ephesus, and Balthazar, with the Courtezan, at the Porcupine. 9. Angelo bringing the gold chain to Antipholus of Syracuse. --Dromio of Syracuse in the distance, bargaining for a passage in some vessel leaving Ephesus. 10. Angelo, arrested by a Merchant, claims the money for the chain of Antipholus of Ephesus.-Dromio of Syracuse, coming from the vessel, is sent by Antipholus to Adriana for money to pay the Goldsmith. 11. Dromio of Syracuse receiving the gold from Luciana. 12. Dromio of Syracuse brings the gold to Antipholus of Syracuse : they are met by the Courtezan, who claims the gold chain promised to her by Antipholus of Ephesus. 13. The Courtezan having persuaded Adriana and Luciana that Antipholus is mad, they obtain the aid of Pinch, a conjurer, to set him in his wits again. -They meet Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus; the former under the conduct of the officer by whom Angelo had arrested him. 14. Angelo and the Merchant meet Antipholus of Syracuse with the gold chain round his neck; Dromio of Syracuse is with him.Enter Adriana, Luciana, Courtezan, and others. 15. Antipholus of Ephesus, having gnawed his bonds in sunder, re leases Dromio. 16. The Duke, with Ægeon going to execution, passes the Priory; and while Adriana requests his authority to take her husband from the Priory, Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus, having escaped from Pinch, enter. 17. The Abbess brings in Antipholus and Dromio of Syracuse, TROILUS AND CRESSIDA. 1. Pandarus and Cressida watching the return of the Trojan chiefs from the field.-Æneas, Antenor, Hector, Paris, Helenus, and Troilus pass. 2. Cassandra raving. 3. Helen assisting to unarm Hector. 4. Troilus and Cressida. 5. The Grecian chiefs pass by Achilles and Patroclus with slight notice, when they are standing at the entrance of their tent.-Ulysses follows, watching the effect of his scheme to mortify Achilles' pride. 6. Thersites imitating Ajax. 7. Cressida given up to the Greeks in exchange for Antenor. 8. The contest between Ajax and Hector. 9. Achilles and Hector. 10. Troilus with Ulysses, watching.-Diomed and Cressida, with the sleeve given to her by Troilus. 11. Andromache, Cassandra, and Priam endeavouring to persuade Hector not to go to the field. |