I, PANDARUS and CRESSIDA watching the return of the Trojan chiefs from the field. -ÆNEAS, ANTENOR, HECTOR, PARIS, HELENUS, and TROILUS pass. "CRESS. What sneaking fellow comes yonder? PAN. Where? yonder? that's Deiphobus: 'tis Troilus! there's a man, niece! Hem! brave Troilus! the prince of chivalry ! Look you how his sword is bloodied and his helm more hack'd than Hector's." Аст І. S. 2. II. CASSANDRA raving. "CASS. Cry, Trojans, cry! lend me ten thousand eyes, And I will fill them with prophetic tears. HECT. Peace, sister, peace! CASS. Virgins and boys, midage and wrinkled elders, Soft infancy, that nothing canst but cry, Add to my clamours! let us pay betimes Аст ІI. S. 2. III. HELEN assisting to unarm HECTOR. "PARIS. Sweet Helen, I must woo you To help unarm our Hector: his stubborn buckles, HELEN. 'Twill make us proud to be his servant, Paris; Yea, what he shall receive of us in duty, IV. Аст III. S. 1. TROILUS and CRESSIDA. "TRO. You have bereft me of all words, lady. PAN. What, billing again? Here's -In witness whereof the parties interchangeably- TRO. Why was my Cressid then so hard to win? Аст III. S. 2. |